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November 03, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-03

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Schlesinger Charges
Nixon Dodges Issues
Harvard Professor Says Kennedy
Succeeds in Focusing on Problems
It is to Sen. John Kennedy's credit that he has succeeded in
defining the "central issue" of the campaign despite the obscurantism
of Richard Nixon, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., of Harvard University said
last night.
Schlesinger, a professor of history and advisor to Sen. Kennedy,
told a responsive audience in Rackham amphitheatre that the central
issue is this: "What is the present situation of the United States and
what, if anything, should be done about it?"
In their answers to these questions, the two candidates show
sharply contrasting viewpoints, Prof. Schlesinger said. Nixon replies
that everything is splendid, that
we should build on existing ten-
. g, ,v t sdencies, and that anyone who
questions our position gives aid
* T and comfort to Khrushchev. Sen.
Id eKennedy, in contrast, believes that
.to D e y "our present situation is perilous,
T P TCI that we are falling behind."
1C x nSchlesinger asked how "any
To~hfy Arie~tinan ...",1....,

The Student Government Coun-
cil last night defeated a motion
calling for Council support of a
Political Issues Club - sponsored
election day demonstration for
civil rights.
The demonstration will include
a march to the Democratic and
Republican Headquarters with
speeches there calling for a speedy
implementation of both parties'
platform planks on civil rights and
expressing the demonstrators'
sympathy with efforts of Southern
students against segregation.
The motion introduced by Lynn
Bartlett, '63, and Roger Season-
wein, '61, asked Council coopera-
tion in publicizing the event and
in encouraging student support.
It was defeated by a ten to
four roll-call vote with Executive
Vice-President Nancy Adams, '61;
Administrative Vice - President
James Hadley, '61; Treasurer Per
Hanson, '62; Panhellenic Presi-
dent Barbara Greenberg, '61; In-
terfraternity Council President Jon
Trost, '61; League President Sue
Kennedy, '61A&D; Union Presi-
dent Perry Morton, '61; Inter-
Quadrangle President Dan Rose-
mergy, '61Ed.; Arthur Rosenbaum,
'62; and William Warnock, '61-
BAd., opposing the motion.
Bartlett, Seasonwein, Ronald
Bassey, '61BAd., and Michigan
Daily Editor Thomas Hayden, '61,
supported it.
Seasonwein called on Council
members professing themselves
sympathetic to the sit-in move-
ment to grant Council support to
the motion on the grounds that
it is a "fair, just and equitable
means for Northern students to
express sympathy."
Endorse Five
For Council
The Hectorlan Society, in an
open letter to University affiliates
announced today its support of
five candidates for the Student
Government Council.
The Hectorians, the fraternity
presidents honorary, held inter-
views open to all candidates last
"We looked at their experience,
platform, and ability to view the
current issues objectively and with
a sense of realism," David Carpen-
ter, '61BAd., Hectorian president
Consider Philosophy
"The candidate's philosophy on
student government and his inter-
est in SGC was also considered."
The candidates endorsed by the
Hectorians are Bruce Leitman,
'63; Richard Wohl, '62; Fred Riec-
ker, '63, Dennis Shafer, '63, and
Mary V*heeler, '61.
Discuss Qualifications
"We think that Miss Wheeler
possesses sufficient experience and
a philosophy to cope with the is-
sues, and Shafer has great poten-
tial as an SGC member. Noh has
uable for insight into problems.
Riecker, who has worked with SOC
has great analytical powers to get
to the bottom of issues. Leitman
represents a balance between a
conservative and an original

thoughtful American could share
Nixon's optimism in asserting that
"American prestige is at an all-
time high and Russian prestige is
at an all-time low."
Either Nixon believes the rosy
picture he has painted, "in which
case he convicts himself of irre-
sponsible ignorance," or he does
not believe it," in which case he
convicts himself of an alarming
contempt for American intelli-
gence," Prof. Schlesinger stated.
Schlesinger claimed that the
record shows that the vice-presi-
dent was not a decision maker
and was not aware of decisions
once they had been made. Nixon
was never "one of the men in the
inside room making decisions, on
those rare days when decisions
were made. He was the barker in
front of the tent."
Moreover, Nixon shows a shallow
appreciation of the sources of
national strength, Schlesinger im-
plied, as illustrated by two recent
comments: his boast to Khrush-
chew that while Russia was ahead
in rocket thrust, the U'S. was
ahead in color television; and his
observation that those who had
lost faith in America were for-
getting which nation had built the
largest shopping center on earth.
"Do we really want this sage
for our president?" Schlesinger
Generosi ty
J. Biemiller, AFL-CIO legisla-
tive director returning to his
desk yesterday after a month's
speech-making for Sen. John F.
Kennedy, found a letter from
Vice-President Richard M. Nix-
"Dear fellow campaigner,"
Nixon's letter said, "as our cam-
paign goes into the final drive,
I want you to know how very
much I appreciate your warm
support and hard work in my
The letter, predicting "one of
the closest presidential races in
the history of the United
States," asked redoubled efforts
in his behalf and ended "with
my warm personal regards,
Dick Nixon."
Biemiller said: "Certainly I'm
going to continue campaigning
with increasing vigor-but for
the other guy."

SGC AltersI
Student Government Council
last night made some adjustments
in its motion to obtain member-
ship selection information from
fraternities and sororities and then
put off final consideration of the
motion until its Nov. 16 meeting.
The Council widened the scope
of the information it will request.
If the motion is passed, fraterni-
ties and sororities will have to
submit ". ...all rules, regulations
and explicit or implied agreements
of the organization which direct-
ly or indirectly affect the selec-
tion of members."
This replaces the phrase asking
for "provisions in the group's Con-
stitution pertaining to membership
Present Motion
Presenting the motion which
was the vehicle for these changes,
Arthur Rosenbaum, '62, argued,
"It is evident to me that consti-
tutions alone are not enough to
determine organizational discrim-
ination." Rules and by-laws are
needed, he added, but in the area
of secret documents, such as rit-
uals, the Council has to exercise
good faith and lay the responsibil-
ity to present the relevant docu-
ments on the fraternities and
SGC President John R. Feld-
kamp, '61, said that, if organiza-
tions must lie to conceal viola-
tions of the regulations, despite
the Council's good faith, thir
further contribution to the Uni-
versity will be "quite question-
William Warnock, '6BAd., said
documents do not necessarily con-
tain all membership selection
rules. He also said secret rituals
are unlikely to contain discrim-
inatory qualifications, that these,
if they exist, will be in other
Suggests Addition
Warnock s~ggested addition of
"implied" to Rosenbaum's amend-
ment in order to leave no room
for misinterpretation of Council
intentions. "Implied," Warnock
said, means "written and unwrit-
ten . . . . covert and overt ex-
pressions in regard to discrim-
Panhellenic Association Presi-
dent Barbara Greenberg, '61, said
when organizations as "honest
with themselves and us." they will
submit rituals if these are relevant
membership selection information.
Roger Seasonwein, '61, said that
"questionable" statements of fra-
ternity or sorority membership
(or associated) policy are not nee-
cessarily "incriminating evid nee."
He counseled SGC not Lo be
abrupt, and that it should take the
documents in the spirit in which
they would be given.
Discuss Action
Feldkamp said any Council ac-I
tion on discrimination should take
into account the feeling of the
local chapters. "We're mostly con-
cerned with the locals' operation{
in line with the regulation."
The Council also adopted an
amendment to the constitutions
motion which would place the in-
formation requested in a file of
the Vice-President for Student
Affairs. The Vice-President, if the
motion is passed, will take the]
files available to bonafide Uni-
versity organizations requestingl
them-in the student area this is1
taken to mean the Council and
the Committee on Membership1
Selection in Student organizations.

... Socialist candidate
Says Society
Must 'Junk'
"The capitalistic system can
not cope with modern society,"
Robert Himmel, the Socialist
Workers' Party gubernatorial can-
didate, said last night.
"The time has come for the
system to be Junked," he told the
Democratic Socialist Club.
"Both Kennedy and Nixon,"
Himmel said, "know that if we
lower our war spending, our econ-
omy would collapse. This is why
we continue to have military bases
around the world.
Greatest Danger
"It is the UnitedStates and
not the Soviet Union that creates
the greatest war danger. War pro-
duction actually harms the Soviet
economy; therefore the Russians
have no internal compulsion to
war as does the US.
"The only solutions can come
from outside the existing social
framework, and neither the Re-
publican or Democratic Party is
able to work outside the political
framework through which they
were created.
"The Socialist Workers' Party
offers the only alternative.
Set Example
"We could set an example for
world peace and disarmament.
"In the unlikely event that the
Socialist Workers' Party could
succeed in electing a presidential
candidate, our immediate problem'
would be to pass legislation. No
matter how sweeping our victory,
we could not, in a single election,
gain control of the Senate.
"Consequently we would have
to by-pass the legislative bodies
by setting up a congress consist-
ing of representatives of unions,
Negroes, students, and all other'
progressive groups as the legal
representatives of the American
TV Debate
Set for Kling
NEW YORK Mf-The National
Broadcasting Co. says James J.
Kilpatrick, an editor of the Rich-
mond, Va. News-Leader, hasa
agreed to a televised debate with1
integration leader Martin Luther
King, Jr.
Their subject, on a Sat., Nov. 26,
NBC-TV debate "The Nation's Fu-
ture" from 9:30-10 p.m. (EST),J
will be "Are Sit-In Strikes Jus-
tifiable?" The program will orig-I
inate in New York,

For Avc

Campaign Issues: Disarmament

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of articles of U~ni-
versity faculty comment on the
election issues.)
Talk of the "clean bomb" and
limited testing, which dominated
the presidential campaign of 1956,
has lain dormant this year, as a
part of the disarmament issue.
Although foreign policy and
American prestige have been dis-
cussed to a great extent, candi-
dates have been wary of reveal-
ing in detail their views on the
difficult and crucial problems of
disarmament and arms control.
The statements of both candi-
dates berated the Russians for
their lack of cooperation. Nixon
has said he would give the So-
viet Union until Feb. 1, 1961 to
show some sign of progress to-
ward an agreement. After that,
the United States should wait for
"a reasonable period" for an
agreement to be signed before be-
ginning tests again.
Would Give Chance
+ Kennedy would give the So-
viets one more chance to come
to an agreement on an inspected
nuclear test ban, before continu-
ing underground testing.
Prof. Harold Jacobson of the
political science department be-
lieves the main problem centers
on the risk involved in disarma-
ment agreements. Neither of the
presidential candidates have given
a public statement on the crucial
issue of risk, but Prof. Jacobson
is not sure that this is a sub-
ject that can be publicly discuss-
Control has been agreed upon
by both the Russians and the
West-the only question is the de-
gree of control.
Test Effects
Prof. Henry Gomberg, director
of the Phoenix project, says that
the major effect of continued
testing will be to scare more peo-
ple. The concern over what would
be left of a country's economy
rather than survival of the spe-
cies is the main question that
must be considered.
Agreement will be reached be-
tween the Soviets and the United
States when it is politically ex-
pedient for both sides, he says.
The candidates, he feels, are
not for disarmament or arms re-
strictions. They both agree on
armed preparedness and hopes for
unilateral agreement are very
slight with either man as presi-
Prof. Jacobson sees no immedi-
ate change in the present im-
passe between Russia and the
West. So much depends on the at-
titudes of the Soviet Union, he
points out.
Each side has to compare what
it can gain from a disarmament
agreement with what it may lose
by the other evading the con-
Prof. Janowitz feels the past
four years have produced prog-
ress in the field of arms control
in talking with the Soviet Union,
although the chances of coming
to a definite agreement are lim-|
ited, he admits.

Modern Machine Aids Study of Ancient Language

A small box about the size of
a portable typewriter is being used
at the University to allow the
Latin student to follow his own
learning schedule and to lighten
the load of the language teacher.
A modified version of the orig-
inal teaching machine designed by
Prof. B. F. Skinner of. Harvard,
the apparatus is very easy to
operate. There are two open win-
dows on the face of/ the machine.
In one appears a sentence in
Latin, related to the assigned
reading material, and below it,
a question concerning the sen-
tence. The student is then requir-
ed to write the answer on the

diately reinforced by the correct
answer. This is much more effec-
tive, Hamson said, than waiting a
week for a homework assignment
to be returned and then just no-
ticing the grade and not the cor-
Also, the student can see the
sentence with the first question
only. For the following questions
he must rely on memory. At the
end of a sequence of questions, the
sentence appears again to rein-
force the memory skills.
"This is not a testing machine,"
Hamson emphasized. "It is a
teaching machine."
Important Feature
One of the most important fea-

s ff f .f ..

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