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November 02, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-02

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"To Show That You're Really Fair, Bend Over
Backward Just A Bit More"

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Pianist Talks on

Seventy-First Year


orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Citizens Show Responsibility
In InternationAl Sphere

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(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a transcript of an interview with Van Clibu.rn
recorded Monday night).
FLAXMAN: First of all I would like to ask you something I've
wanted to ask you for a long time and that is: Not so long ago,
not so many years ago, you were a person who was known and loved
by his family and friends and all of a sudden, literally, you're loved
by the world-your music is appreciated all over and you've been
well .received in several countries and everybody knows you. What
does it feel like
CLIBURN: Well, it's a very responsible feeling and yet it makes
you realize the great power of music.
FLAXMAN: Do you feel that it is a way of helping the world
situation through things other than politics?
CLIBURN: I certainly do. Of Course, I'm not the first one to hold
this thought. If we go back to Greek civilization and read the writings

REASING awareness and commitment on
e part of some citizens-University stu-
and faculty-to responsible action in the
national sphere is reflected in the organi-
i of a group on campus to investigate and
aps serve in a United Nations Civil Service.
tial impetus for an explosive local re-
se was supplied in speeches on campus
residential candidate Sen. John Kennedy
Rep. Chester Bowles. In his talk, Kennedy
I how many in the audience would be in-
ted in serving in Africa-an essentially
maningful question, except that it received
usiastic response.
wles was a little more specific, outlining,
in for a United Nations Civil Service. If
underdeveloped country in Africa, he
ed, could ask the UN for-for instance-a
red mathematics teachers who speak
ch, the African country could pay the
lard salary for mathematics instructors
the UN could make up the difference,
ng the job worth while economically. An-
ng support indicates that perhaps inter-
young people would be willing to aug-
the technical, medical and educational
trees of young countries even at a slight
idual deficit.
A PRESS release Oct. 5, Kennedy cited
.. the possibility of utilizing the services
-urrent Choie
URING an election campaign, comment
and criticism drawn from both con-
us and unconscious impressions are rife.
'pecially interesting in view of the fact
t one candidate compares and contrasts
program with the New Deal is this un-
entional movie preview, which appeared
a local newspaper: COMING-SURPRISE

of the very best of our trained and qualified
young people to give of from three to five
years of their lives to the cause of world peace
by forming themselves into a Youth Peace
Corps, going to the places that really need them
and doing the sort of jobs that need to be done.
"Such an example of young Americans help-
ing young nations to pioneer new fields of the
world's underdeveloped frontiers would, in my
opinion, be not only a great assistance to such
nations . , but the greatest possible growing
experience for the new generation of American
leadership . . . Such service would be consid-
ered service in the national interest. Might it
not make the normal military obligation un-
ORGANIZATION seems to be the recognized
need of the University group. To date,
they have gathered some 500 signatures to
petitions endorsing the concept of the UN
Civil Service. They have sent letters to almost
200 other colleges, asking for expressions of
support, establishing contact with others sim-
ilarly committed and encouraging the organi-'
zation of other groups.
Tomorrow the International Center will
sponsor a meeting for those interested in the
proposition, at 4:15 p.m., Aud. A. Angell
The students and faculty members conven-
ing wish to emphasize that the concern with
aid to underdeveloped nations through the
sending of technicians, doctors, teachers,
engineers, scientists and so on is neither a
partisan concern nor missionary work.
Owing to the molasses mechanics of federal
administration of funds, the viability of the
idea is under some question. But the sincerity,
courage and commitment of citizens willing to
explore and act in the area of international
concern are to be highly commended-as they
have been, as they will continue to be.
Editorial Director

Student Papers In- Unique Position

The Loud Stillness

E PHRASE, "silent generation" isn't too
ld as cliches go. We first heard it used
four or five years ago and we can remem-
is having had a great vogue about two
s back when the Columbia Broadcasting
eu attempted to probe the phenomena
the phrase nominally describes, .to probe
depth, in two half-hour television docu-
ary programs.
r is an apolitical generation, the an-
cer told us, born into a world whose
lems we had no part in making and
lied that we shall presently be its in-
ors. We are confused, he told us con-
ngly, and unwilling to grapple with the
ing issues of our times. Overwhelmed
hat surrounds us, we withdraw into a shell
revel in our dreams of achieving job
ity, family happiness and residential com-
And in this dream plan there is little
ision made for what lies outside the in-
ual shell. If the business of running
rld must go on, he told us.we prefer to
it to others-to any others.
E PHRASE, as far as we can judge from
ersonal experience, is used rather infre-
ftly these days. We must, in fact, confess
until our attention was drawn to the
ion and flare-up that have lately charac-
ed the relationship between Dr. Buell
agher, President of the City College, New
:, and the. editor of one of its six news-
rs, Mr. Peter Steinberg (The SUN, Oct.
we had hardly become aware of its quiet
hat made us aware, paradoxically, was the
and loud noise that was coming from
York City. It was the sound of a young
calling the president of his college a
lerer and asking the general faculty of
school to support him by condemning the
dent's stand. "Silent generation?" we
ght; "who's kidding who?"
id with this thought pleasantly fading in
mind, we let our imagination drift back
"ornell, away from the masonry clutter
ae city and up to our peaceful hilltop. We
iur musings drift over the campus. It must
been late afternoon because the paths
Editorial Staff
City Editor Editorial Director
T ONER .... ....Personnel Director
MAS WITECKI .... .......Sports Editor
NETH McELDOWNEY ..* Associate City Editor
HLEEN MOORE .... Associate Editorial Director
OLD APPLEBAUM ,.,.., Associate sports Editor
AEL UILLM AN ........ Associate 8Sorts Editor

were rather uncluttered and the buildings
seemed quiet and all was serene; and in the
midst of all this happy peace, our stomach
gave a slight twitch and we recognized some-
thing that had been staring us in the face
for a long time.
Cornell was too damned peaceful, too damned
quiet. There was just a little too much con-
tentment with the world here to make life
seem real. And our thought back to City
THE SPIRIT that has made itself evident
in the conflict between Dr. Gallagher and
Mr. Steinberg simply does not seem to exist
here at Cornell. The inquisitive drive that leads
this City College editor to deal with leftist
ideas, to deal with the unpopular and the
"dangerous," and that has brought him into
conflict with a liberal and distinguished edu-
cator simply does not make itself felt here.
A politician comes to campus to campaign
for another politician with whose views a good
number of the audience disagree. Some hecklers
make their presence known as hecklers are
wont to do in the healthiest of democracies.
For their pains, they are labelled "boors." Their
crimes? They became excited over something
that will affect their lives for year to come
And it simply isn't tweedy to get excited, to
become involved.
A basic change is contemplated in the cur-
riculum of the Arts School. Discussion, there-
fore, promptly shifts from the substance of
the courses to be given to the manner in which
grades will be assigned, The greatest interest
naturally accrues to symptoms, not causes.
A performance by a popular singing group
in Syracuse outdraws the average campus
The attitude of the average student here at
Cornell, if we generalize, (and we realize the
dangers inherent in generalization) can be
made to fit the mold that the announcer of
that television program we mentioned earlier
cast for us.
A GREAT MANY of us have come here with
a vapid approach to the educational exper-
ience. We come, we tell ourselves, to sit at
the feet of the masters who, during our four
year stay will initiate us into the learned
mysteries; and at the end of that time we
will leave this community armed with certifi-
cates of education, commonly called B.A. And
such as this approach is, we take care to
intersperse it with cocktails. (Please note: I
am not against cocktails)
When we compare this to the attitude that
Mr. Steinberg has shown and that we can
confirm exists among ma'ny students at the
City College, when we compare it to the
attitude that added so notably to Harvard's
fame during the thirties and that most surely
is to be found today among students in schools
across the nation-an attitude of almost em-

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This the sec-
ond of three articles on freedom
of the student press.)
Daily Staff Writer
THE FACT THAT a student
newspaper enjoys several pri-
vileges at metropolitan daily does
not renders it especially vulner-
able to attack from student and
administrative governing bodies.
In "What Do We Mean by Free-
dom of the Press?" Chicago
Maroon editor Neal Johnson says:
... the school paper has some
peculiar advantages. It has a
ready made audience with no
real fear of competition. Just
about everybody reads the
campus paper. It has an in-
tellectual audience . . . It has
some truly remarkable re-
sources. It has at tradition of
intellectual curiosity and in-
In addition a college newspaper
is generally free of financial
worries. Appropriations may come
from a specif Ic fund or be de-
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Fri., Nov. 18. Corn-
nunieations for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than November 8.
International student and Family Ex-
change: Open Wednesday, 7:30-9 p.m.
and Thursday, 9:30-11 a.m. Every week
at the Madelon Pound House, 1024 Hill
St., basement.
Coats and sweaters for men and wom-
en. Infants equipment and clothing.
These are available for all Foreign
Students and familes needing the
above items,
Seniors: College of L.S.& A., and
Schools of Business Amrinistratin,
Education, Music, and Publicealth:
Tentative lists of seniors for February
grandation have been posted on the
bulletin board in the first floor lobby,
Admin. Bldg. Any changes therefrom
should be requested of the Recorder
at Office of Registration and Records,
window number A, 1513 Admin. Bldg.
Applications for Fellowships and Schol-
arships in the Graduate Schol for 1960-
62 are now available. Applications for
renewal should also be filed atthis
time. Competition closes February 1
1961. Applications and information may
be obtained in the Graduate School
Offices, Rackham Building. Only stu-
dents who intend to enroll in the
Horace H., Rakham School of Graduate
Sudies for 1961-62 may apply.
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Nominees
sre invited to a coffee hour, Wed., Nov.
2, at 41:15 in the West Conference Room,
Rackharn Building. Campusrepresent-
tires and members of the Regional Se-
lectiori Committee will speak briefly,
and answer questions concerning the
criteria for selection, the nature and
purpose of the interviews, the choice of
schools, and the kind of information
and credentials submitted by each can-
didate which will most clearly Idi-
cate to the Foundationhis or her
qualifications for a fellowship,

ducted from student fees. Thus,
although most papers take ad-
vertising, they need not make
advertiser opinion a criterion for
editorial policy.
* * *
variably taken into account when-
ever school authorities seek jus-
tification for censoring a student
publication. The advantages the
paper enjoys, they argue, create
a unique responsibilitiy to be ac-
curate, objective and unbiased.
Although these standards are
certainly not objectionable applied
to news coverage, editors protest
loudly when they are asked to
be objective and unbiased on the
editorial page.
Since an editorial by definition
expresses the opinion of the writer
it must necessarily be subjective,
the degree of subjectivity depend-
ing upon the nature of the topic.
The campus newspaper usually
does not feel compelled to take
pro-con stands unless members of
its staff can conscientiously take
opposing sides.
protested the execution of Caryl
Chessman. for example, they ex-
pressed strong moral convictions,
Since no one on the staff felt
Inclined to write an editorial in
favor of the execution, it would
have been almost impossible to
compel someone to take such a
stand against his convictions,
As long as editorials are signed
by the individual staff writers,
or approved by the entire editorial
board, the staffs feel they have
assumed sufficient responsibility
for their opinions. Contrary views
may then be expressed in letters
to the editor.
* * ~*
THIS ATTITUDE gives rise to
charges that the staffs have "in-
bred philosophies" and stifle dis-
senting opinion.
Such accusations were levelled
at the senior editorial board of the
Daily Califorian, the student
newspaper of the University of
California at Berkeley, two weeks
ago by the Executive Committee
of the Associated Students of the
University of California.
The committee objected to Daily
Cal support of Michael Tigar, a
candidate for representative-a t-
large in the student government.
They protested that since all
students support the newspaper
financially, the editors are un-
justified in throwing the weight
of their influence to one particu-
lar candidate.
* * *
THE COMMITTEE resorted to'
an article in its bylaws giving
it "final authority with respect
to the supervision and direction
of its (the Daily Cal's) affairs,
policies, and conduct."
An amendment to the bylaws
was moved stating that positions
on the senior staff would hence-
forth be open to application from
any undergraduate. The Daily Cal
editor objected that the amend-
ment was "completely unaccept-
able to the staff and principles of
journalism because it destroys the
principle of editorial positions
based on journalistic competence
and previous Daily Cal exper-

body, it is not free-no matter
how much independence its con-
stitution guarantees-to say what
it wants to about that organiza-
If the Executive Committee's
argument-that it is not fair for
a monopolistic mass medium to
take sides in campus politics-is
sound, a University professor feels
it is equally true that the paper,
in suppressing 'Its opinion, would
be shirking the responsibility of
the "fourth estate" to criticize
the government,
t .
IN SOME OTHER instances
where the administration or stu-
dent government is displeased
with the stand taken by a college
newspaper, no one waits for the
students to resign. Officials take
the matter into their own hands
and dismiss the offending parties.
At Roosevelt University in Chi-
cago last year, the Dean of Stu-
dents removed from office the
editor of the school newspaper,
The Torch, and appointed a trans-
fer student with no previous news-
paper to her post.
The ousting of the editor was os-
tensibly due to poor grades, but
many students and one college
trustee believed it was the result
of a stand she had taken against
a project supported by the univer-
sity president.
IN OTHER CASES, the current
controversy over the Observation
Post at City College of New York,
administrators have resorted to
personal attacks on the beliefs
of the editors.
In an eighteen page statement
entitled "On Freedom, Power, and
Responsibility" CCNY president
Buell G. Gallagher accused the
editors of the Observation Post of
being "Marxist oriented." He cites
as proof their enthusiastic support
of the communist-sponsored Vien'
na Youth Festival and their con-
tention that life at CCNY is an
example of class struggle.
is objecting not to the belief in
communist ideology held by these
students, but to their advocacy of
it in a mass medium which he
claims they "captured." By "cap-
tured," Gallagher means taking
over an organization by having
enough people present at meetings
to outvote the weaker and apa-
thetic opposition.
Supporters of the editors say
that if "Marxist" students repre-
sent a majority group on campus,
the are obviously justified in ex-
pressing their views. If they do
not represent a majority, the fact
that the true majority permitted
a minority to take over in the
fashion it did merely indicates
that the majority is not particu-
larly concerned with having its
views expressed.
Left Divides
Japanese student association
Zengakuren, which was the driv-
ing force behind most of the
violent demonstrations and bloody

of Aristotle when he was writing
about catharsis, he felt that music
with its waves and sopnd vibra-
tions was sufficient - even in
illness - and this new process
that they have developed in hos-
pitals of musical therapy is cer-
tainly evidence of this fact,
When you think .of the thera-
putic value of music, it has no
bounds, it has no lulls other than
within its complex structure. It
has no prejudices. It is a univer-
sal language, true, but it goes
even deeper than that. It goes and
penetrates the psyche of man.
And music, with its great beauty
and power is-properly channeled
a key to the superconscious and
brings in a theme of the eternal
which all of us need.
Humanity today is the very
same humanity. That is one of
the never changing things in life.
Outside of the cliches of death
and taxes, we know that humanity
will always be the same, with al-
ways the same wants, the same
desires, the same sorrows and
pleasures, unhappinesses as' well
as happinesses. Young people are
children to be brought up with the
feeling that all of life is going
to be rosy because all of life is
not going to be rosy. Life, the
older you get, is filled with more
responsibilities and many times
more hardships and heartaches
which you have to overcome.
To g into life with anything
more than the basic, real, realistic
structure that It is - no life is
glamourous, every life Is cold, hard
realism and it is only within the
realm of the realistic, wherein you
know how life is, that you seek
this satisfaction held in music
whether you are an artist or
whether you are a musician. We
need both. The music of the ages,
and the kind of music that will
remain after all of us are dead
is the kind of music, and the kind
of art, to which we must look to
bring in the supernatural.
FLAXMAN: Do you feel that
man being unchanging, that the
emotions of man being unchang-
ing, is a reason for music lasting?
CLIBURN: You see, one of the
great hazards today In modern-
day civlization with its very won-
derful methods of transportation,
it makes life to be so very quick
and people are kept on a fast
schedule, certainly not like it used
to be. And to be conversational,
which is an art that is slowly
expiring. This is one of the rea-
sons why young people today have
brought in this idea - we call it
popular music, as a matter of
expediency. We're very Reader's
Digest conscious - it's a wonder-
ful magazine, don't get me wrong
-- we want something that is
really light, something that we
really don't have to spend much
consentration listening to. That's
why the serious arts are the things
that are so important.
FLAXMAN: Well, do you feel
that American composers are re-
flecting this pace, this different
pace, this emotional constitution,
of our American life?
CLIBURN: Why yes I do. I
played the opus 26, the Sontata
by Samuel Barber on my pro-
gram tonight. I think he is a
very wonderful American com-
poser. I think his music expresses
our modern way of life.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This letter ap-
peared Oct. 2 In the Daily North-
To the Editor:
r EEND of, the, election cam-
paign is less than one m nth
away. The Socialist Labor party,
a minority political party which
was organized in 1876 and has
participated in all presidential
elections since 1892, has been
denied the use of the public-
owned airways for its presiden-
tial and vice-presidential candi-
dates due to the amendment of
Sec. 315 of the Federal Commun- '
ications act.
By denying time to our can-
didates, and other recognized po-
litical parties, we m.ay question.
whether or not this is -only a
beginning. As has been said,."we
would do well to remember that
suppression once sanctioned has
epidemic qualities, and that all
of us are minorities in one frame-
work or another!"
* **
has opposed the amending of Sec.
315 on constitutional grounds,
charging it would further curtail
the freedom of speech guaranteed
by the First amendment, suppress-
ing completely the voices of all
minority party candidates for
President and Vice-President over
the air waves.
The main arguments, of those
who advocated the suspension of
equal opportunities Is that it
would permit the broadcasters to
give the major party candidates
free time for debate and extended
debate which, they claim,. would'
result in a better informed and
enlightened electorate. The argu-
ment is fallacious; there can be
no debate between men who re-
present and uphold the same so-.
cial philosophy in every essential
TRYING TO compare this great
bore to the Lincoln-Douglas d-
bate is ridiculous, Lincoln and
Douglas debated an issue that was
fundamental-chattle slavery-a
outmoded social institution that
was a bottleneck to progress. Now
if the SLP's candidate for pre-
sident, Eric Hass, had, debated
either Mr. Nixon or Mr. Kennedy,
that would have been a great de-
bate! It would have focused public
attention on the great issue of our
ageocialism or ;capitalism.
Such a debate would have ex-
posed the reality of mass poverty
and insecurity, as well as the
capitalist cause of persistent
poverty at :a time when the ma-+
terial conditions exist to eliminate
poverty altogether, 'and have
brought into the spotlight where
the mass of Americans could ex-
amine it, a program for 'recon-
structing our social institutionsin
accord with our technological and
econoIical development.
.-Louis Fisher
Illinois State Secretary
Socialist Labor Party

Help forUN Service?

To the Editor:
rVy THOSE interested in pro-
moting the flow of skills and
people around the world: recall
that the coming spring topic of
the campus Challenge group is
Underdeveloped Nations.,
Shouldn't it be possible that out
of -dozens of lectures and seminars
over four months time might come
a plan, or plans, for action? These
could be printed and widely dis-
* * *
would be, to show in detail how
universities, governments, and
other institutions can forward the
desires of tfained people to put
their talents at the service of
human welfare, be it anywhere in

comment intelligently, fairly, and
perceptively. The overall result
should convey an impression-an
evaluation- of the overall pro-
gram or work under review. One
must judge the effect desired-in
view of the artist and audience--
and then compare the effect
achieved. Details, but significant
details, should be noted.
Now, to comment on the Daily
review of the Monday Van Cli,
burn. At best it was cool; at worst
it was critical. .The central idear
seems to be that the program was
overly romantic. One must as-
sume then, since Chopin didn't
write before 1800, that an all-
Chopin program would be overly
romantic-or an all-Liszt, or an
all-Brahms. Enough said.

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