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November 02, 1960 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-02

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THEMICHIGANDAILY_____________ ________


Wadsworth Confer

i Disarmament Issues,


Algerians Enter Seventh
Year of War with France

Arms Plan
Before UN

By The Associated Press,
The Algerian war went into its
seventh year yesterday with the
beginnings of a campaign by the
Arab world to force Western Eu-
rope and the United States to
choose up sides against France.
President Qamal Abdel Nasser
of the United Arab Republic told
a celebration in Cairo that he
will support the Algerian revolu-
tCon "with all the resources we
Praises Rebels
Such expressions are regularly'
demanded of Arab politicians, but
this time Nasser added praise to
the Algerians for pinning down
a half million French soldiers "to
Cong9o Leader
Set To OPPose
Western Congolese leaders warned
the United Nations yesterday
they will not accept African-Asian
efforts to patch up their dispute
with the Communist ex-premier,
Patrice Lumumba.
The warning was served by Col.
Joseph Mobutu, the Army chief,
and President Joseph Kasavubu,
who was theoretically neutralized
by Mobutu's Sept. 14 coup d'etat.
Kasavubu met for more than
an hour with Rajeshwar Dayal of
India, head of the UN Congo
mission, and Mobutu conferred
with Brig. Indar Rikhye of the
UN Congo task force.

give France and the NATO coun-
tries a good lesson."
"The death of a million Alger-
ians is not only the fault of
France, but also of the countries
which support France," Nasser
said. "France cannot continue the
battle without the support of
these countries. France spends
daily two million pounds ($5.6
million) brought from the so-call-
ed free world which contributes
to the killing and annihilation of
the Algerian people."
(Independent estimates II st
,more than 150,000 killed. The mil-
itary operation costs France about
$2 million a day.)
Supports Proposal
In Tunis, seat of the rebel gov-
ernment, Ferhat Abbas, president
of the Algerian regime, told a
rally of 250,000 that he supports
a proposal by Tunisian President
Habib Bourguiba for a union of
Algeria and Tunisia to end the
war. This would make the rebel-
lion an international conflic be-
tween two states rather than the
internal fight France insists it is.
Other speakers at the rally bit-
terly assailed the United States
for supporting France, a North
Atlantic Treaty (NATO) ally.
Abbas recently returned from
Peiping and Moscow, where he
was promised aid by the Commu-
nists. So far the Russians are be-
lieved to have sent only relief
supplies, but Abbas has threat-
ened to ask them for military aid.
In Libya, which borders on Al-
geria, the Labor weekly Al Talia
urged Arab governments to im-
pose economic boycotts on West-
ern countries as the best way to
help the rebels.

Proposes Creation
Of New Committee
States Ambassador James J.
Wadsworth conferred yesterday
with the Soviet Union's Valerian
A. Zorin on disarmament.
There was no indication of
progress on breaking the East-
West deadlock over resuming ne-
They met for 17 minutes in a
conference room after a session!
of the Vnited Nations political
committee where Canada propos-
ed creation of a small special
committee of non-nuclear na-
tions to help break the deadlock.
Wadsworth asked for the meet-
ing with the Soviet deputy for-
eign minister last week, but had
to cancel it because of illness.
To Sound Out
One obvious United States aim
was to sound out the Soviet dele-
gation on whether it intends to
carry out its threat to quit the
UN disarmament debate unless
Soviet proposals are accepted as
a basis for new negotiations.
Howard Green, Canadian for-
eign secretary, submitted a reso-
lution to the committee with a
declaration it aims at resumption
of serious disarmament negotia-
tions at the earliest possible mo-f
Just before Green spoke the!
Cuban delegate, Ambassador Man-
uel Bisbe, lauded the Soviet Un-
ion as the only major power of-
fering concessions on disarma-
ment. Bisbe accused the United
States and its allies of merely
"playing with the hopes of the
peoples of the world" for total
Political Campaign
Bisbe injected the United States
political campaign into the de-
bate, saying the UN should not
be the arena for argument overj
"the deteroriation of United States
prestige," as discussed by Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon and
Sen. John F. Kennedy.
"If the Soviet Union is not the
greatest power in the world," Bis-
be added, "it is one of the great-
He declared that the Soviet
Union was leading the world in
the fields of intercontinental mis-
siles and outer space programs,
but despite this advantage was
the only major power showing any
flexibility on disarmament.
Partial Plan
He said the Soviet Union is en-
tirely justified in calling for li-
quidation of United States bases
on foreign territories as part cf
any disarmament plan.
He declared it is "completely
inadmissible" that the Western
powers should ignore the issue of
foreign bases in making disarma-
ment proposals.
"Does the West really want dis-
Armament or is a game being
played?" he asked.

. . definite decision
Ike To Join
WASHINGTON (P)-Presidenti
Dwight D. Eisenhower made it1
definite yesterday that he will
campaign for the Nixon-Lodge'
ticket Friday in Cleveland and
The White House had reported
Monday that Eisenhower prob-
ably would visit those cities late t
this week.
The President's definite deci-
sion to go to the two cities, an-
nounced late yesterday, under-l
scores the importance which Vice-1
President Richard M. Nixon, the
Republican presidential candidate,
places on winning such large
electoral vote states as Ohio and
The White House announced
that Eisenhower will leave Wash-
ington by plane at 10:05 a.m.!
EST, Friday and arrive at the
Cleveland Hopkins Airport at
11:30 a.m. EST.
From thereThe will travel by
helicopter to the Lakefront Mu-
nicipal Airport and then by mo-
torcade to public square in tre
heart of the downtown area and

U.S. Experts
Set Mission
WASHINGTON (P) - Two.top
United States officials yesterday
planned to go to Bonn in the
wake of a letter from President
Dwight D. Eisenhower urging big-
ger German contributions to
backward nations and to free
world defense.
The administration announced
that Secretary of the Treasury
Robert B. Anderson and Under-
secretary of State Douglas Dillon
would visit Chancellor Konrad
Adenauer during the latter part
of this month for talks on "mat-
ters of mutual interest, with the
primary emphasis on the problem
of aiding the less developed coun-
tries of the world."
Declines Comment
While the White House offi-
cially declined comment on Ei-
senhower's letter, it was authori-
tatively reported that the Presi-
dent had written Adenauer sev-
eral weeks ago.
Eisenhower was said to have
urged the German chief to step
up West Germany's part in aid-
ing less developed countries and
increasing her share in the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization de-
fense burden.
Contrary to some reports from
Bonn, Eisenhower's letter was de-
scribed as not having made any
threat to cut back United States
troop strength in Germany if the
Germans do not step up their ef-
State Department press officer
Lincoln White said "the United
States plans to meet its NATO
commitments including the main-
tenance of United States forces
in Europe." He said there should
be no inference from the an-
nouncement of the Anderson-Dil-
Ion trip "that there is any inten-
tion to reduce" United States
forces there.
May Cut Expenses
However the State Department
spokesman left open the possibil-
ity that the United States repre-
sentatives might do some talking
with the Germans about possible
ways of cutting down United
States expenses there.
The Place to go,
after the concert, theater,
or show





The Michigan Union presents
football movies

address a rally.
After the tlk, the President
will go to the Sheraton-Cleveland
hotel for lunch, a rest and prob-
ably informal talks with GOP
candidates and party leaders.


FRIDAY, Nov. 4, 1960

Y F *


314 East Liberty


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