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November 01, 1960 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-01

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)efeat by Badgers Hard To Forget

--Daily-David Giltrow
SCORES . ON GROUND-Ron Miller (90), Wisconsin's star quarterback, scores the Badgers' first
touchdown in last Saturday's game against Michigan. Merritt Norvenl (44) leads Miller's interference
as Bennie McRae (43) and Bill Stine (79) come up too late to make the stop.
injuries Hamper Wisconsi
After Victory over Michigan

By The Associated Press
MADISON - Milt Bruhn, the
Wisconsin football coach, yester-
day set out to find a replacement
for end Pat Richter, who suffered
a broken collarbone last week in
the victory against Michigan.
Bruhn said the replacement
probably will come from a list of
four candidates: Elmars Ezerins,
Ron Staley, Bill Kellogg and Earl
The other half of the Badgers'
top passing combination, Ron
Miller, was hobbling on sprained
ankles and it was not known if
he would be available for the
homecoming game against North-
western this weekend. If he can't
see action, the quarterbacking
load probably will fall on sopho-
more John Fabry, who did a fine
job in the fourth quarter last
A bright spot in the Wisconsin
picture is the fact that Jim Bak-
ken, who kicked the winning goal
against the Wolverines, seemed
to be improving from a twisted
knee and was punting today, for
the first time in two weeks.

IOWA CITY - Three Iowas
guards and two tackles were on
the injured list yesterday as the
Hawkeyes went through a light
indoor drill for their meeting with
Minnesota Saturday.
Tackle Charlie Lee re-injured
an ankle and Chester Williams'
hurt an elbow.
* * *
MINNEAPOLIS - Minnesota,
with its first string backfield re-
united, drove through a 'long,
h a r d - hitting drill yesterday,
against Iowa defensive and offen-
sive patterns.
It was the toughest Monday
session of the season for the
Gophers, bracing them for Satur-
day's battle of the unbeatens that
may settle the Big Ten and na-
tional title.
Halfback Dave Mulholland, lim-
ited to defensive work the past
two weeks because of an injury,
and quarterback Sandy Stephens
rejoined Bill Munsey and fullback
Rog Hagberg in the first string
Stephens was held out of the

Kenses State -game except
punting assignments.


' C *
..EVANSTON - Northwestern
may have to play Wisconsin Satur-
day without halfback Al Faunce
and second team guard Chuck
Urbanic. Both were injured in the
Indiana game.
Faunce, who started against In-
diana, has a hip injury and Ur-
banic has a sprained knee.
* * **
LAFAYETiTE - Prudue had a
shortage of left ends yesterday
as it started practice for Michi-
gan State's invasion Saturday.
Veteran Jack Elwell suffered a
severe knee bruise in the Boiler-
makers' 14-12 loss to Illinois and
may not be able to go against
the Spartans. His alternate, Joe
Harris, was benched by a knee in-
jury a week earlier.
Coach Jack Mollenkopf moved
junior James Kubinski to the
starting position and promoted
sophomores Ray 'Schultz and Don
Ragsdale, a converted halfback,
to the second and third units.
* C *
University's football squad con-'
centrated yesterday on polishing
execution of the wing-T offense
unveiled in losing to Northwestern
CHAMPAIGN - Illinois will re-
gain one, possibly two, topflight
players for its football game with
Michigan, coach Pete Elliott said
Quarterback Mel: Meyers, who
missed the Purdue game last week
with- a knee injury, reported for
practices and'resumed his job as
alternate for Johnny Easterbrook.
Guard Gary Brown, who missed
the last two games, will test his
ailing knee sometime this week.
If it holds up he can offer reserve
action at right guard.

The Michigan Union presents
football- movies
3 R-S Union
7:30 P.M. Wednesday, Nov. 2,


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