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November 01, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-11-01

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OfExecutives, Engineers
ti' <YzxGoverninenit
Halts Plane
y >
For Search
Permits Necessary.
For Visits Abroad
a ~HAVANA (k) -- Fidel Castro's
government yesterday tightened
its control over Cubans seeking to
flee this troubled island by ex-
tending its blacklist of persons.
banned f r o m seeking refuge
Informed sources said the list
now includes many types of pro-
fessional men needed in Castro's
planned economy-engineers, pe-
troleum specialists, all government
employes and Cuban executives
of the many newly nationalized
United States and Cuban busi-
r<.$ Need Permit

Germ' War
WASHINGTON (P)-In order to
strengthen its defenses against
germ warfare, the Army is tri-
pling the supplies of antibiotic
wonder drugs which it keeps
available for quick use by troops.
Col. W. D. Tigertt of the Army's
Walter Reed Hospital disclosed
this in a report to the 67th annual
convention of the Association of
Military Surgeons of the United
Hesreported also the Army is
experimenting with several prom-
ising live vaccines against diseas-
es which might be used in any
such warfare. These include a
Russian-developed vaccine against
rabbit fever in humans and a
vaccine against Venezuelan equine
encephalomyelitis which also can
infect man.
Increased stockpiling of antibi-,
otics, Tigertt said, is motivated
by evidence that "practically all
diseases due to bacteria and
rickettsia, as well as to certain
of the viruses, can be 'controlled
readily after their onset by the
early use of adequate quantities
of antibiotics given by mouth."
Tigertt made no statement that
the Army's action is prompted by
any evidence of an increased
threat of germ warfare. He did
say Army doctors recognize "there
is an enemy capability of un-
known magnitude to induce illness
in varying numbers of personnel
through exposure to biological
He said that currently, the sup-
ply requirements for antibiotic
drugs "are being raised to 25
grams per soldier.
"Adequate stockpiles of these
drugs are attainable and con-
stitute the best single move that
can be made to significantly re-
duce the impact of bacterial and
rickettsial diseases regardless of
how the outbreaks may be in-

(A)-Katanga's President Moise
Tshombe drew two slaps in swift
succession from the United Na-
tions yesterday.,
The UN Congo command re-
jected Tshombe's demand for
withdrawal of two UN representa-
tives from Katanga. Then it flew
back into that secessionist prov-
ince an exiled Baluba politician,
Jason Sendwe, who is an old foe
of the president.
Rajeshwar Dayal of India, the{
Calls Nixon
Lyndon B. Johnson struck hard
at Vice-President Richard M.A
Nixon in two Western Missouri1
appearances yesterday, calling
him a "dangerous man" and de-
scribing him as jumping around
like a cat on a hot tin roof." I
The Democratic vice presiden-l
tial nominee applied the "danger-
ous man" label to the Republican
presidential candidate in a speech
at St. Joseph, Mo., and in re-
marks prepared for a Democratic
rally here last night continued
his personal attack.
"We should not underestimate
Mr. Nixon," Johnson said. "He has
considerable talents for creating
illusions and for giving plausible
explanations for the most in-
plausible facts.
"However, I think that Mr. Nix-
on is now beyond his depth. The
Republican record of the past
eightyears is more than even he
can explain away . . . it was him
sweating through his make-up
.. this campaign has been go-
ing badly for Mr. Nixon and he
is having a very difficult time. He
has been jumping around like a
cat on a hot tin roof."

Rejects Tshombe's Demands

chief UN representative, an-
nounced in Leopoldville that "it
is not for Tshombe or any of
his associates to' dictate to the
United Nations wliat personnel it
should maintain there."
Refuses Discussion
More and more, the UN com-
mand has been refusing to dis-
cuss various demands which Con-
golese leaders have been trying to
impose.,on It
Tshombe has sought the recall
of Ian Berendsen, special UN
representative in Katanga, and
Col. Henry Byrnes of Ireland's UN
Dayal wired Tshombe that the
UN entered Katanga "in pursu-
ance of the general and specific.
resolutions of the Security Coun-
No Question
"Consequently there can be no
question of the accreditation of
UN personnel to the provincial
authorities," Dayal's cable said.
The statement pointed out that
the United Nations refused to
recognize Katanga as a separate
political entity.

Jason Sendwe is accused b
Tshombe of "crimes against Ka
tanga" in the post-independenc
turmoil and has been threatene
with arrest if he ever returned t
this copper-rich province. Th(
two were boyhood friends. The
have feuded bitterly since Tshorr
be seized power and proclaime
the province independent,
Returns after Exile
After three months of exile 1
Leopoldville, Sendwe came bac
quietly on a UN mission of pacif:
cation among his warlike Balub
followers in northern Katanga.
He was one of about 30 in
party landed by plane at Ka
mina, a UN base 250 miles nortlh
west of Elisabethville. He ,is. du
to work a week among triba
chiefs and headmen in the Nort
to' reduce an outbreak of murde
looting and arson.
"No apparent precautions wer
taken to prevent disturbances'
clerk at the base said in a tele
phone interview. "It looked like a
everyday arrival."

--AP Wirephoto
KENNEDY CARAVAN - Presidential candidate Sen. John F. Kennedy addresses a noonday crowd
in front of the Citizens for Kennedy Headquarters in downtown Philadelphia. The Democratic
hopeful later stated that he is ready to face both candidate Richard M. Nixon and President Dwight
D. Eisenhower in a fifth televised degate if the two Republicans are willing.
Kennedy Offers o Face Ike, NiXOn
4 -

F. Kennedy yesterday said he
wouldn't mind if President Dwight
D. Eisenhower joined Vice-Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon in a fifth
television debate.
Kennedy issued this new chal-
lenge to a screaming rally of stu-
dents at Temple University.
He said he had heard that Nix-
on was afraid to go to New York
alone this week and was bringing
President Eisenhower with him.
Urges Debate
Kennedy said he had been try-
ing to get Nixon to debate with
him a fifth time for the past two
weeks. Then, he said:
"I now offer to let President
Eisenhower come with him on the
fifth debate. Then we can see.'
Kennedy added: "What Mr.
Nixon does not understand is that
President Eisenhower is not a can-
didate in this election. Mr. Nixon
To See Pope
LONDON (W - The Archbishop
of Canterbury will visit Pope John
XXIII at the Vatican next month.
It will be the first such meeting
since the Church of England split
from Rome four centuries ago.
Announcement of the forth-
coming visit was issued yesterday
-All Saints Day-by Dr. Geoffrey
Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury,
and spiritual leader of the Church'
of England. His meeting with the'
head of the Roman Catholic
Church is planned during a stop-,
over in Rome Dec. 1-3 on the way
home from a Middle Eastern tour.
The announcement from the
73-year-old Archbishop's residence,
Lambeth Palace, described the
Vatican meeting as "a visit of
Although the announcement
did not mention it, one likely top-
ic of conversation is the Ecumeni-
cal Council called by the Pope-
probably for 1962-as a step to-
ward bringing the various Chris-
tian churches closer together.
The Eastern Orthodox Church
is considered more open to unity
appeals from the Vatican than the
Western Protestant churches. Be-
fore Dr. Fisher visits the Pope, he
plans to meet with Orthodox
Prelates in Jerusalem and Istan-

and I face the

voters alone nextI

Cites Excuse
IKennedy said of Nixon's reac-
tion to another debate, "The last
excuse I received was that I
should apologize for saying he
was reluctant."
Kennedy's challenge was re-
ceived with a roar of approval
by the students, who crowded the
street and leaned out from every
window of a four-story, block long
Kennedy, who will start a two-
day swing through California to-
morrow, spent most of the day in
a motorcade tour of this Demo-
cratic-controlled city and said
"the United States cannot possi-
bly afford four years of Republi-a
can leadership under Mr. Nixon."'
Measures Necessary
He pictured Vice-President Nix-
on, his Republican rival, as be-
ing opposed to what he called the
progressive measures necessary to
assure a strong, vital, growing
Kennedy hoped to pile up a
heavy enough margin in Phila-
delphia, carried by the Democrats
in each of the last two presiden-
tial elections, to overcome Repub-
lican strength in other parts of
the state.
U.S. May Set
Fence in Seac
For Sub Alert
LONDON (AP)-The British Ad-
miralty confirmed yesterday the
United States Navy is considering
installing a so-called submarine
warning fence in the North At-
lantic to detect the presence of
unidentified subs.
The plan consists of a chain of
sonar listening buoys spaced
across strategic ocean channels to
give warnings of submarine move-
ments far from the eastern sea-
board of the United States. Rus-
sian subs are known to have been
in the Atlantic on long range nav-
igational training exercises.
"We have not been asked to
take part in this scheme," an
Admiralty spokesman said, "and
therefore it would not be proper
for us to comment on the tech-
nical aspects or on the possible
facilities required to support it."

Like California, Nixon's home
state, Pennsylvania is a key bat-
tleground in the presidential
election. Each has 32 electoral
votes, second only to New York's
Que~en Bears
Iranian Heir
TEHRAN, Iran UP)-Queen Far-
ah Diba presented Shah Moham-
med Reza Pahlevi his first son
yesterday and there was wild re-
joicing throughout Iran.
Moslem street crowds cheered
and shouted: "It's a boy! God is
great." Police had to use fire
hoses to control them.
The Shah's third marriage had
produced a long-sought heir to
the Peacock throne, a robust,
dark-haired crown prince weigh-
ing 8 pounds 11 ounces. Iranians
had looked forward to this event
since the Shah became their ruler
in 1941.
"The baby looks like the Shah,"
said Health Minister Dr. Jahan-
shah Saleh, an American-trained
gynecologist who delivered the
prince. "He gave a loud cry and
he's in perfect condition."
The 23-year-old queen, who
was a commoner student of ar-
chitecture when the Shah married
her last Dec. 21, was reported in
fine shape. It was an instrument
birth under anesthesia.
The twice-divorced Shah, 42,
smiled and said, "I am very happy
that almighty God accepted my
prayers and granted us a child."
He has a daughter, Princess
Shahnaz, by his first marriage-
to Princess Fawzia of Egypt-but!
succession to the throne in this
modern successor to the Persian!
empire is only through the male

These people now must obtain
special permits from their super-
iors before theyrare allowed to
leave Cuba to visit or take up res-
idence abroad. Enforcement of
this order has been noticeably
strengthened in recent days.
Today a Cubana Airlines plane
bound for Miami with a full load
of passengers was delayed at Ha-
vana International Airport for
three hours while officials check-
ed and rechecked all passengers.
A number of them were searched.
Six persons, apparently all Cub-
ans, were taken off the plane be-
fore it left.
Planes Delayed
Other airlines are facing similar
delays, and the latest move is to
delay the baggage of those flying
out of Cuba and forward it on}
later flights.
Despite increased controls on
hundreds of technicians, some of
the nation's best trained and most
experienced men already have left
the country. Among these are at
least 16 top Cuban technicians at
the seized Shell oil refinery. Oth-
er technicians at the former Esso,
Standard and Texaco refineries,
now operated by the government
petroleum monopoly, also have
"It's beginning to pinch." said
one Cuban professional man yes-
terday. "That's why Castro is im-
posing new restrictions on travel
for many classes of people.
Red 10 ive
Algerian Aid
BERLIN WP)-Otto Grotewohil,
premier of Communist East Ger-
many, yesterday promised mater-
ial aid to the Algerian rebels.
The promise went out in a
message of greeting on the sixth
anniversary of the Algerian war,
addressed to Ferhat Abbas as pre-
mier of "provisional government
of the Algerian Republic."
"The German Democratic Re-
public supports the demands of
the Algerian people for self-deter-
mination and national independ-
ence, and the population of the
German Democratic Republic will
continue to make every effort in
the future to furnish material
aid," it said.

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Telephone engineer Bill Pigott, left, and helicopter pilot plan aerial exploration for microwave tower sites.

"What a spell she casts"

When Bill Pigott knocked on the door of Other important assignments followed: engi-
Pacific Telephone, he had two big assets. One neering maritime radio systems, SAGE systems
was an electrical engineering degree from Seattle -figuring engineering costs for Air Force Titan
University. The other was a craving to jump missile bases.



right into vital engineering problems. "Our pe
It was not long before Bill was exploring training-yo
Washington's rugged Cascade Range in a heli- you've gota
copter to find sites for microwave relay towers my neck in
-part of a multimillion dollar telephone con- from the sta

eople respect a man's engineering
ou really get a chance to show what
on the ball," Bill says. "I was up to
tough engineering problems right

John van Druten's



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struction job. Today, it's considerable satisfac-
tion to him to see these towers spanning the ti
mountains, knowing that his planning helpedv

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