io State ...21'Iowa
chigan State 10 Kansas
. . . . . 2
. . . . S
1 Pitt ..:... 10'Minnesota ....48 Mississippi ...6 Duke ..... 6 Navy ...... 14 Illinois.'...
7 Syracuse.... OKansas State. 7 Louisiana State 6 Georgia Tech . .0 Notre Dame.. 7 Purdue...
See Page !
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LX, No.36
+ rnn rr ri i
Wisconsin Field
Goal Beats
Debate Plans Fold;
Disagree on Blame
WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen. John F. Kennedy and Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon sought votes in suburbs of two of the nation's big-
gest cities yesterday while chances of bringing them together for a
fifth debate all but disappeared.
Each side attempted to saddle the other with responsibility for
the collapse of negotiations for one more face-to-face encounter which
the nation could see and hear via television and radio.
Nixon's representative withdrew from the Washington talks, say-
ing the Democrats had violated agreed procedures three times. He
denfanded that Kennedy apologize for charging bad faith in the
negotiations and withdraw his
deadline for an agreement on fin-
K hl hhv al terms.
Kennedy retorted from Phila-
delphia that Nixon is free to de-
iet a~ie bate or not, as he sees fit, but:
Se s S"I am not going to drag him up
- in front of a, microphone." The
P Sing Democratic nominee's press see-
9 retary said Nixon has used every
trick and device known to avoid
MOSCOW M) - Premier Nikita another TV-radio duel.
S. Khrushchev says the Soviet Apart from the strong stands
Union eate it l catch up taken with only 10 days of the
union tetite ite i cacp campaign remaining, the oppor-
capita production within 10 years tunity of resuming the talks and
and surpass it by far in 20 years, reaching agreement appeared al-
most nil.
The Soviet leader made his re- Nixon, campaigning in the Chi-
marks in response to a question cago suburbs, seized on a Hal-
from a delegation of Cuban jour- loween theme. He said this offers
nalists. "a good time for America to take
Carlos Franqui, editor of Cuba's a look at some of the hobgoblins
semiofficial newspaper Revolucion, Kennedy has been conjuring up."
asked Khrushchev how long it will "One by one he has let them
take the Soviet Union to surpass loose," Nixon said, "trying to
the U.S. economically, frighten America into believing
"By our estimates we shall solve what is not true; trying to scare
this task of outstripping the U.S. up a few votes.
in the production of major goods Halloween Failure
per capita in 1970, that is, in 10 "But this Halloween is a fail-
"By economists' estimates, in ure. America does not respond to
'1£0Byur ecmit estmts, il his wails of woe because Ameri-
1980 our per capita output will ca long ago learned , , ,that you!
be much greater than the U.S. cannot really be scared by some-
In 1965, our production of con- thnn tt isn't e re y
sumer goods per capita will be on thing that isn't there. c n
the level ok even above the level Kennedy told one audience in
of Eropen contris."the Philadelphia area that no
of European countries." cadidt fr te presidencyt this
In response to another ques- year "should go to the people
tion, Khrushchev stressed the with anything but the truth, and1
Soviet Union's advance from eco- then the people can decide what
nomic backwardness in the four they want."
decades since the Bolshevik revo- "I don't believe that this ad-
lution. ministration has been foresight-
"The results speak for them- ed," he said. "I don't believe that
selves," he said. "Our country they have understood the kind of
ranks second in the world eco- revolutionary world in which we
nomically. live."
In the development of science Prom~ the rival party chairmen
and culture we also stand very -Republican Thruston B. Morton
high. This is attested by the fact and Democrat Henry M. Jackson
that we alone lead in competition --came confident claims about
with America in the conquest of the results of the Nov. 8 voting.
space, while other countries so far "We're going to win," Jackson
have not even entered this race." said.
"We're going to win," Morton
Blast Plan
To Relocate
300 Pupils
Relocation of 315 elementary
school pupils in northwest De-
troit to relieve overcrowding at
two schools will begin tomorrow
in the midst of what appears to
be a three-way conflict.
School Superintendent Samuel
M. Brownell recently ordered 315
Negro children from the over-
crowded Brady and McKerrow
schools to transfer to Guest, Mon-
nier and Noble elementary schools
tomorrow. Guest and Monnier
are all-white, and Noble has a
small percentage of Negro stu-
dents. His action follows Detroit
school board policy of transfer-
ring students to the nearest
schools with vacancies on a strict-
ly non-racial basis.
Hold Meeting
At a mass meeting Tuesday
night at Temple Baptist Church
a group of 2,000 parents and in-
terested adults decided to keep
their children out of school Fri-
day, Monday and Tuesday in pro-
test. Robert P. Williams, spokes-
man for the group, says that the
main issue in the conflict is that
children are not getting equal ed-
ucational rights because the Board
of Education is not doing its job.
Defines Protest
"We do not protest any chil-
dren going to school in their own
area, regardless of their race. But
they have taken out the Guest
school eighth grade and are now
bringing in students from another
area because they say there is
room at Guest."
Williams' group is also circulat-
ing petitions for the reall of all
seven board members. "The recall
is most important. The boycott
is merely a demonstration of our
feelings to emphasize our cam-
paign for a recall election," he
Member Comments
School board member Remus
Robinson did not feel that the
protest was as massive or as or-
ganized as it appeared Friday,
when more than 1,200 children
were absent from the three
schools. "Some parents might
have kept their children home be-
cause they didn't know what a
few people might do. We have no
way of knowing how substantial
or how valid the feeling is, but
we do know that some of it has
been generated by people who do
not have any children in school."
Three Highland Park Junior
College students picketed Friday
morning against the parents' boy-
cott at Guest School. They will
continue their action as long as
the parents' group does.
Assessment Difficult
Williams said it would be dif-
ficult to tell what portion, if any,
of the people protesting the
board's action were doing so for
reasons of personal prejudice. He
said that his committee had had
three or four spokesmen out of
15 parents present at a meeting
with Brownell Tuesday before the
mass meeting.
-Daly-David Giutrow
LOOK BUT DON'T TOUCH-Don Bangert of Wisconsin and John Houtman of Michigan stare at a
loose ball during yesterday's game. The two teams fumbled a total of six times.
AADAC To Use Leaflets
In'Support of Rule Nine
The Ann Arbor Direct Action Committee will carry its anti-
discrimination campaign to local homes today with the distribution
of leaflets supporting Rule Nine.
A special AADAC committee will distribute some 2,000 of the
leaflets today concentrating primarily in Negro neighborhoods, but
plans eventually to cover the whole city, Judy Yesner, '61, chairman
'_ +f the me.rial committee explained.
Hit Detention
Of Tourists
States protested Thursday against
the arrest and secret detention for
seven weeks of two Americans who
toured the Soviet Union in the
The two are Mark Kaminsky, a
resident ofaEdwardsburg and a
former Ann Arbor High School
teacher, and Harvey C. Bennett
of Maine.
The two were accused of going
into a restricted area. Kaminsky
was tried and convicted of es-
pionage, drawing a suspended
sentence. Both were subsequently
expelled from the Soviet Union.
The State Department announc-
ed Friday that Edward L. Freers,
minister councillor of the United
States embassy in Moscow, had
lodged a formal protest against
the seven-week period in which
the two were held incommunicado.
Kaminsky will be able to resume
his position as a Russian language
instructor at Purdue University
whenever he is ready, school of-
ficials said.
Rule Nine is a Michigan Corpora-
tions and Securities Commission
ruling which prevents real estate
brokers from aiding in rentals or
sales in which restrictions are
made based on race, creed or
"We hope to counteract adver-
tising by the Ann Arbor Board of
Realtors which creates a false im-
pression of Rule Nine," Miss Yes-
ner said.
Sponsor Leaflet
The leaflet, co-sponsored by the
local chapter of the National As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People, states in part:
"Rule Nine should have gone into
effect Aug. 14, but the real estate
lobby has temporarily stopped its
enforcement with legal maneuvers
. . . Rule Nine can encourage
people to value human dignity."
Store Exempted
The city Human Relations Com-
mission voted to write a public
letter outlining its objections to
realtors' advertising which dis-
favored Rule Nine, at its meeting
Oct. 18.
Yesterday, AADAC again ex-
empted the Cousins Shop from
its weekly i anti - discrimination
Asks Debate
About Religion
In Campaign
CINCINNATI (I)-The president
of the National Council of
Churches said yesterday he thinks
religious issues should be discussed
openly during the presidential
The Rev. Dr. Edwin T. Dahl-
berg, Baptist minister of St. Louis,
told a group of reporters that, "If
we do not discuss these matters
on an intelligent level, then f an-
atics and crackpots will grab the
ball and run away with it."
"Speaking as an individual," Dr.
Dahlberg said, "I rather welcome
the vigorous debate that is going
on in the field of Catholic-Protest-
ant relations this year. These is-
sues have been driven underground
too long."
He said high-level discussions
will help to better relations be-
tween those "two great groups of
"And there are some real dif-
ferences of convictions on the part
of sincere adherents of both
He said they have been avoided
in the past because many persons
worried about unity.
Jackon Speaks
In a separate statement, Jack-1
son said that the Republicans are
using fake and phoney polls in
an effort to make the voters '
think they will win, while ignor-
ing impartial surveys by major'
Morton, in a statement of his
own, challenged Kennedy's con-
tention that United States pres-
tige has slipped badly during the
Eisenhower administration. 7
Josh.White Sings of Politics, Loneliness
"A folk singer is the voice of conscience," said singer Josh White.
White appeared last night before an enthusiastic audience in
the Ann Arbor High School auditorium.
"As the voice of conscience," he said, "I sing of the troubles,
trials and tribulations, and the joys of the people. I sing what I see."
Since he is singing what he sees, White sings about political and
social problems as well as love and loneliness and other traditional
folk song subjects.
Wide-Ranging Program
His program included a song about the raceless-ness of blood
plasma, and about Franklin Roosevelt, "The Man Who Couldn't Walk
$ The son of a South Carolina preacher, he worked as a boy,
leading blind street singers through the town. Blind Lemon Jefferson,
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