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October 26, 1960 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-26

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ro-Type Wisconsin Offense
natures Strong Aerial Attack

Spirit Sparks Lions in Upset

ichigan runs into a revamped
consin team at Madison this
irday as it tries to snap back
n last week's 10-0 loss to Min-
teror line coach Jack Fouts
rts that the Badgers have dis-
led their old belly series for a
essional-type offense this sea-
with two backs behind the
rterback and a slot back
,ked out.
)ut of 186 offensive plays this
r, Wisconsin has passed 92
es," says Fouts.
he Badgers, yho lost most of
squad that went to Pasadena
January, have been led by
., ral det oag

sophomore .quarterback Ron Mil-
ler who leads all Big Ten quarter-
.backs in total yards gained so far
this season. Sophomore end Pat
Richter is leading the conference
in receiving. He caught six passes
in last Saturday's lopsided loss to
Ohio State.I
Good Personnel
According to Fouts, Wisconsin
"has personnel as good as any
team in the league. They move
the ball well all the time and they
have three full units which see
"Remember they lost to Iowa
(the nation's first ranked team) in
the last 52 seconds. They have
been hurt by inexperience because
Ithey have- a young team. Fumbles
and interceptions have held them
back. They only have five senior
lettermen,"* Fouts added.
Field leader for the Badgers is
co-captain and starting fullback
Tom Wiesner, a senior. "He is a
fine all-around player who can
tackle and block as well as run,"
commented Fouts. Wiesner stands
6' and weighs 206.
215 Pound Line
Wisconsin will field a line aver-;
aging 215 pounds with "average
line speed," says Fouts. Defensive-
ly, the Badgers have allowed 88
points in five games, an average
of 17.6 a game.
Coach Milt Bruhn of Wisconsin
has added backfield speed this year
in the person of soph left half-
back Merritt Norvell, 5'11" and 177
pounds. "They use him on wide
sweeps and end runs," said Fouts.
"He opens up their running game
to compliment the passing attack."
Practice Notes
Yesterday in practice the team
stressed offensive maneuvers and
polished running plays and ball
handling. There was a light scrim-
mage against "Wisconsin." The
squad reports no serious injuries.
s S S

the foot against Northwestern but
played against Minnesota last Sat-
"His movement is somewhat re-
stricted but he is recovering fast
and should be at full capacity
soon," said team physician Dr. A.
W. Coxon.
S uccess fulI
In Plaoffs
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma
Alpha Mu, Zeta Beta Tau and Phi
Delta Tau were the only teams to
survive yesterday's first - place
quarterfinals in I-M social fra-
ternity touch football.
Defending champion SAE jock-
eyed back and forth with Delta
Tau Delta before pulling out a
26-22 win. SAE signal-caller Jack
Mogk hit Denny Spaula with two
long scoring strikes in the first
half to give his team the advan-
In the second half Mogk had
to match pass for pass with Delt
quarterback John Krause as both
found the defensive secondaries
vulnerable through the air.
After Dick Honig pulled in
another long Mogk aerial for a
touchdown, Delta Tau Delta
moved into the lead with two
scoring passes and a two-point
conversion. With time running out
for SAE, Spaula caught his third
touchdown pass to put the game
on ice. Even when Delts caught
Mogk napping for a safety they
could not get back into the game.
SAM had an easier time with
Psi Upsilon as Tom Pliner com-
pleted three touchdown passes for
a 20-8 win. Psi U drew first blood
when Rich Lenz scored, but Pliner
manuevered the Sammies into the
lead, firing two six-pointers to
Steve Wittenberg.
In the second half Pliner was
faced with a fourth-down, goal-
to-go situation and lobbed a short
pass which the alert Psi Upsilon
batted down-right into the hands
of Pliner as he crossed the goal
ZBT played a rough defensive
game with Alpha Tau Omega and
emerged a 2-0 winner only on a
safety scored by Les Benet, who
harassed the ATO quarterback all
Phi Delta Theta held on to de-
feat Phi Gamma Delta 14-8 in a
see-saw battle as Bill Hooth
scored bothtouchdowns and the
conversion for the Phi Delts.
Second Place Playroffs
Beta Theta P 26, Zeta Phi 12
Delta Upion 16, Sigma Nu 0
Chi Phi 22. Phi Kappa Tau 0
Sigma Chi 8. Alpha Delta Phi 0
Third Place Plaoffs
Kapa Sigma 20, Delta Kappa Fpsilon
4&au Delta Phi Ili, Theta ci 14
Theta X 30, Theta Delta Chi 8
Alpha Sigma Phi 16, Delta Chi 0
Evans Scholars 10, Canadians a
AFIT 1, ASCE 0 (overtime)
Nads ., Pioneers 2
GOE 22, Fletcher 12
Sportsmen 1, Fletcher 0 (overtime)
Hawaiians 17, CMS 16 (overtime)

PISTON PROSPECT-Ex-Wolverine eager George Lee has made
good in his tryout with the Detroit Pistons. Noted for his hustling,
aggressive play, Lee is rated by the Pistons as one of their best
1960-61 prospects.
Ex-Wolverine Cager Makes
Pro Bid With Detroit Piston

Don't count out the Detroit
Given little or no chance to im-
prove on their 1959 record in pre-
season forecasts, they lived up to
expectations by dropping their
first three games to Green Bay,
San Francisco, and Philadelphia.
Then, last Sunday, at least for
one afternoon, they were the gas-
house Lions of old, coming from
behind to upset the heavily fav-
ored Baltimore Colts, 30-17. It
was their first win over the Colts'
since 1957.
Observers could not help from
comparing the game with that win
in 1957. Entering the game three
years ago, the Lions were in much
the same position as they were be-
fore Sunday.
Baltimore carried a 21-3 lead
into the dressing room at half-
time and led 28-10 deep into the
last quarter. Then, all hell broke
loose. Bobby Layne somehow man-
aged to toss three touchdown
passes in an incredibly short per-
iod and the Lions pulled out a
31-28 victory in the dying seconds.
That win gave the Lions the
momentum for the stretch drive
which was climaxed by the 59-14
win over Cleveland in the cham-
pionship game.
Certainly no one today is pre-
dicting a repeat performance of
1957. But on the basis of Sunday's
game, the possibility is intriguing.
Wilson Efated
Lion Coach George Wilson was
obviously elated with the team's
showing. "We needed a win to get
us back on our feet and we got
it against the best in the league.
Now there's no telling how far this
team can go. I think we have bet-
ter personnel than in 1957."
Technically, Wilson may have a
good argument. The Lions are cer-
tainly better than the 1-3 record
they have now.
Tough Defense
Joe Schmidt is still the equal
of any linebacker playing today.
Sunday the defensive backfield
was tough in the clutch. Dick
("Night Train") Lane, acquired
from Los Angeles before the sea-
son, picked off a Unitas pass and
scored the decisive last touch-
down with an 80-yard gallop. Dave
Whitsell and Yale Lary curbed
the effectiveness of Jim Mutschel-
ler and Ray Berry in the last half
in which the explosive Colts were
blanked on the scoreboard. The
defensive line held the Colts to
85 yards rushing and the offensive
line sprung Nick Pietrosante far
several long gains and gave Jim
Ninowski good protection.

Ninowski gains stature with each
week. Should he falter, Earl Mor-
rall is a capable and experienced
What else do the present Lions
have in common with the miracle
team of three years ago? A lot
can be rolled into one descriptive
word-spirit. Wilson claims that
"This team has better spirit and
attitude than any team I have
been connected with since I got
into pro football in 1937."
Good Spirit
Wilson is right about 'that spirit.:
During the game the Lions' bench
looked like a high school bench,
even when Baltimore was leading
17-10 and things looked grim.
After the game of course, there
was bedlam. "We're coming back
from the coast with a 3-3 record
and then we're going to explode,"
shouted former Wisconsin half-
back Danny Lewis.
Spirit is there in the person of,
old pro Jim Martin, whose three

long field goals sealed the doom
of .the Colts.
Spirit is there in the person of
All-Pro linebacker Joe Schmidt,
just now fully recovering from the
dislocated shoulder which kept
him out of the Green Bay and
San Francisco games.
Jarring Tackle
His jarring tackle on Lenny
Moore in the first quarter shook
up the Colt star and kept him
from playing at.full effectiveness
the rest of the day.
Spirit is there in the other
holdovers from 1957-Terry Barr,
Hopalong Cassady, Gil Mains,
Steve Junker, and Dave Middle-
ton. It is there in the new guard:
Gail Cogdill, the exciting new pass
catcher, Bob Scholtz, the new cen-
ter and mammoth lineman Roger
If they should win these next
two. games against Los Angeles
and San Francisco, the Lions will
be a team to be watched.


--TWO PERFORMANCES: 7:15and.9:30
0 0
A~vening with

! +

... Badger co-captain

Second team center Todd Grant
was wearing a protective casing
around his right shoe. He injured

Michigan, after its Little Brown Jug loss to rough Minnesota,
I play its second road game of the year against a highly touted
sconsin team headed by quarterback Ron Miller and end Pat
hter, both Big Ten leaders in their respective specialties.
They are the top pass-catching combination in the Conference.
e Wolverines, however, lead the Big Ten in pass defense. You must
ide which team will come out on top.
Include the score of this game with this week's winners and
A them to Grid Picks, Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann
>or or return them in person.
Entries may be picked up at the Daily and must be in by Friday
might to be eligible. The person with the highest score will win
free tickets to the Michigan Theater, now shoing "Desire in
Here are this week's Grid Picks:

When the Detroit Pistons open
their 1960-61 home season tonight
against the Cincinnati Royals,
their lineup will feature their first
homegrown player since the team
moved to Detroit in 1957.
The athlete, George Lee, who
graduated from Michigan in 1958,
isn't particularly thrilled about
playing in his home town-he's
a native of Highland Park -
though he does concede "it'll be
a little tougher, I guess."
Fran Smith, Piston Publicity
Director, says that Lee is "about
as good a prospect as the Pistons
have this year, and his hustle is
chiefly responsible."
Compared to Hiagan
"He's built along the lines of
Cliff Hagan of the Hawks and if
he can do half as well as Hagan,
we'll be happy," Smith continued.
Both are 6' 4" and weigh about
200 pounds. There are no forwards
in the NBA who are shorter than
But Lee isn't too concerned
about the disadvantage of playing
against players from three to eight
inches taller than he. He feels that'
Prep Athlete
to Attend 'MI
Michigan, which is supposed to
play second fiddle to Michigan
State in recruiting football play-
ers, was given an unexpected
boost by a high school quarter-
back this week.
Mike Brown, star quarterback
from Michigan's Ferndale High
School has indicated that he
would prefer to play collegiate
football for the Wolverines. So
far this year Brown has thrown 19
touchdown passes in six games.
Brown's passing technique is
considered very advanced for high
school in that he throws bullet
passes and hits his receivers just
after they make their break, and
is also capable of throwing the
ball 60 yards, or more, if neces-
It is reported that Brown, when
asked about Michigan State, stat-
ed that he was not "too crazy
about that pace." Brown was in
Ann Arbor this week to witness
the Minnesota game and visited
in the locker room after the game.
"I certainly hope he is coming
here," commented Coach Bump
Elliott. "He is a very fine foot-
ball player and I would like to
have him play for Michigan"
So would Michigan fans, Bump!

1. Michigan at Wisconsin
2. Ohio State at Michigan State
3. Illinois at Purdue
4. Northwestern at Indiana
5. Kansas at Iowa
6. Kansas State at Minnesota
7. Oklahoma at Colorado
8. Missouri at Nebraska
9. Baylor at TCU
10. Oregon at Washington

11 .

North Carolina at Tennessee
LSU at Mississippi
Alabama at Mississippi State
Georgia Tech at Duke
Kentucky at Florida State
Auburn at Florida
Notre Dame vs. Navy
Cornell at Columbia
Penn at Harvard
Pittsburgh at Syracuse

he may be slightly faster because
he is smaller.
In the Pistons' opener against
Boston last Saturday, Lee -showed
that his hustle and speed may in-
deed make up for his size dis-
advantage. Though he played only
three minutes, he hit on one field
goal in one attempt, was one for
one at the foul line, and grabbed
one rebound.
More Action
Coach Dick McGuire promises
that Lee will see more action to-
night. "When a guy hustles like
that, you've got to let him play,"
McGuire stated.
Lee made the jump to the Pis-
tons after a season with the DC
Truckers in the National Indus-
trial Basketball Leage. in which
he averaged more than 20 points
a game.
He came to the Pistons as a
guard but was moved to forward
because he wasn't quite fast
enough for the back court. He
feels that he would play "any-
where, as long as I play."
Compares Leagues
In comparing the NIBL to the
National Basketball Association,
the ex-Big Ten star, says the NIBL
was a good league, but Just didn't
have the superstars--Cousy, Petit,
Chamberlain, and so forth-that
the NBA has.
He felt that the referees in the
NBA are a little less stringent in
enforcing the rules, making the
league a little tougher physically.
He said that professional basket-
ball was also a lot tougher physic-
ally than college ball, because the
pros play, three or four times a
week, rather than once or twice
as in the Big Ten.
Actually, Lee hasn't seen very
much of the NBA, When' asked
about the comparison between
him and Hagan, he said he'd
"never even seen Hagan play."
Should Have Won
But he has seen enough to think
the Pistons have a lot better team
than last year's - and thinks
they should have won their heart-
breaking 118-116 game against
As for his future, Lee stated,
"I'm just playing day-by-day. I
don't know how long I'll play or
what I'll do when I'm through. I.
can afford to do this since I'm
still single."
If Lee continues to hustle as
he has been, he probably will not
have to worry about his future
after pro ball for a long time,
Pro Results
Chicago 8, Montreal 4
St. Louis 123, Syracuse 109
New York at Los Angeles (Inc.)
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