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October 23, 1960 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-23

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Fall Shirts

. 1WWV

The sensational development of
outerwear this season will write an
entirely new chapter in the epic
of men's apparel. This new look
is the zip, button, or toggle fast-
ened jackets for casual wear,
ranging from waist to knee length.
The trend to suburban living,
the added impetus for viewing
outdoor sports during autumn and
winter, and a growing trend to-
ward a leisurely appearance in out-
erwear are in keeping with the
same casual trends in shirts,
slacks and suits.
The zooming into popularity
last fall of such items as the cor-
duroy coat, with bright plaid lin-
ing and wide knit collar, also
draws attention to winter coats.
Handsome new leather jackets,
quite washable, are another of the
infinite' varieties now appearing
on the scene.
Off-Duty Outerwear
Outerwear for off duty hours
has also expanded its dressy ver-
sions. The model suburban coat
has a refreshing design, distinctive
colors, and versatile -utility. Made
of comfortable woolens, they will
probably blossom into all week
coats, instead~of just for weekends.
The bonded fabrics have open-
ed into new categories. The thin
foam that is laminated to the
fabric makes a basically light-
weight garment suitable for very
cold weather.
New colors in leather, both
smooth and suede, and new de-
sign of garments show that leath-
er is striving to merit an impor-
tant spot in the outerwear pic-
ture. A number combine with

yarns for collars or collar inserts
or other trim.
Naturals Supplemented
The natural tones this year are
supplemented by olives, gold,
black, and other colors. in . the
outer coats of cotton or synthetic
shels, while olives, grays, black,
navy, and other hues, including
camel tone, invest the dressier
wool outerwear with new appeal.
The stadium coat that ends at the
knee gets top billing on campus,
Tweedy wool fabrics that are
smooth surfaced, not the rough
tweeds of past years, are evident
this fall. Many coats feature zip-
in plaid liners for the extra
warmth required on northern and
western campuses.
The return of the favorite of
the thirties, the bold blanket
plaid, is. good news.
Stadium Coats
Some stadium coats are topped
with fur and soft wool pile col-
lars. New shape is the "shawl"
collar already popular in dinner
jackets. Practical and good look-
ing too are the wool pile collars.
These are attached to the coat
with buttons or zippers, and can
be removed on warm days.
The new look In masculine out-
erwear--longer coats, more rug-
ged fabrics, and greater function-
ality that actually is an aid to
handsome appearance-will make
those time warmers more popular
than ever before.
Returning once again this year
will be the popular car coat, in
the usual neutral shades, with fur
hood that collapses and hangs
flat from the collar in back.

Wide Varie of Hues

-Daly-Len Lofstrom
)KING OVER COATS-A plus velvet collar accentuates this
:k Chesterfield coat on the left. The two-season storm and
icoat on the right of the popular tan shade boasts a removable
n pile lining and collar. With these two coats in his wardrobe,
man at Michigan would be well-dressed, whether he is going
ilass or escorting his favorite girl to the biggest dance of the

-Daily-Len Lofstrom
THE LONG AND SHORT OF IT-The car coat on the left is a
copper toned import of Danish suede, trimmed by a lambswool
collar. The shorter eggshell jacket has knit collar, cuffs, and
shoulder development with a curon lining that gives it a light-
weight warmth.
.1 -
Continental Trend Prompts
Natural Cut in Sports COats

Dress and business shirts this
fall will take on a variety of new
colors, and sport shirts will con-
tinue their trend of recent .years
into lighter and more subtle shad-
ings, particularly in the olives,
greens and golds.
Although the white shirt con-
tinues as the favorite, more .men
will dress this, fall in stripes and
solid pastels. Continuing the past
trends to olive and gold hues in
men's .wear, pastel olives and
greens and' pale yellows in shirts
are on the market this fall.
In addition to the blue, ivory
and tan shades which have en-
Joyedwide sales, such new tones
as bronze, loden, pewter and flax
appear in displays this fall.
Wash and wear shirts also move
from the solely practical into the
fashionable with the addition of
new colorings and patterns.
Oxford weaves continue their
trend of increasing popularity,
partly because of the ease with
which they can be made in solid
or stripe patterns and colorings.
In collar, styling, medium and
wide spreads are still the most
favored, while collars themselves
are shorter this fall. Button-down
continue to maintain their wide
sales, but are slowly declining
in relative popularity.
Blunt and rounded ends have
also appeared with the tabs and
pin tabs, particularly with angled
and cutaway fronts.
In sport shirts, the trend con-
tinues to be toward the subt~le
shadings of the olives, °greens,
golds and other new hues, with
distinct but restrained patterns.
The number of button-downs,
although still large, seems to be
definitely declining, while the
pullover woven or knit fabric shirt
seems to be. gaining. a larger, share
of attention,
The madras-type plaids popular
in the spring have carried over
for fall wear, and the usual
checks, herringbone weaves, plaids
and stripes continue to be the
backbone of the varying patterns.
The standard collars are aug-
mented by new narrower shawl
collars, crossover boatnecks and
notched collars. New heather
tones, blended yarns in wide vari-
ety and spaced fancy knits on
plain grounds also add to the field
this fall,
And, of course, wash-and-wear
varieties in all sport shirts con-
tinue to be the most popular.
Formal Poll
Shows Trend.
A recent poll shows that the ma-
jor users of formal wear are
between the ages of 18 and 35,
or college men and young busi-
ness men.
The poll also showed that 65
per cent of formal clothes worn
for various occasions are rented
or purchased by white collar
workers. Students employ 17.8 per
cent of the formal attire.

...in campus casuals
Men's Wear


r ... Y


a slight challenge from two but-

Versatility is the word in this tons once again
. - ons nce gai, but the three

l< I

year's sport coats, Most of the
models will be cut from wool,
though a notable exception will
be corduroy.
The sportcoats have a natural
cut, similar to the Ivy League cut,
only accenting natural shoulders.
This comes largely from the re-
cent influence of continental.
The fact is that virtually all the
models except the Ivy itself are
following the continental pattern.
They sport a more rounded front,
welt pockets, straight or on the
bias, peak or semi-peak lapels,
double vents and slight waist sup-
Checks and plaids will be more
evident as the trend is away from
solid colors. Blazers, the sport
coat with the fancy buttons and
the patch pockets, will naturally
buck the trend, sticking to the
traditionals such as navy blue, and
introducing new solids including
olive, Irish blue, gold, and lovett,
which is a mixture of solids.
Stripes, checks, and plaids will
all be in evidence for the pat-
trench coat, with plaids becomingI
predominant in a "checkerboard"j
effect. Shepard plain will be
shown quite frequently. It is plaid
over plaid and generally brighter
than the other jackets. Shades of
blue, brown, and green will also
be combined into plaid effects.
The three-button coat is seeing

button trend is now away from!
the high buttoning Ivy league
style to the low buttoning conti-
nental style.

Grape Shade
The new, :grape shades-from
red chianti to purple concord-are
high fashion colors this season.
They tend to lend a richness and
body to the neutrals, such as
greys. Grape, in a tie or vest,
handkerchief or. belt lends an un-
usual flare to your ensemble.
In suits, grape provides a subtle
flavor. Worsteds, in black, take on
a new look as grape is flecked
through 'the weave. Grape and
gr'ey intermingle well in the new
all-wool sport shirts too.
Sport jackets are now grounded
in chianti, and over-plaided with
charcoal and black. Grape's warm,
earthly color is also spirited
enough to catch the flavor of the
season in a tweed topcoat.
Bulk, V - neck sweaters are
appearing on the scene in grape,
luxuriously hued and textured in
ribbed knit brushed mohair.
Socks have also succumbed to
grape, now appearing in all pat-
terns and weaves, with a grape
hue running throughout.
Grape stretches from top to
bottom. Those felt hats ,with the
feather or brush, the ones with
that Swiss flavor; are grape at the
top, offset by "vintage," a deep
shade of grape, now becoming
popular in shoes.
Grape is here to stay, as an-
other in the list of solid, accepted
colors for men.
Socks on Shoes
Protect Clothing
Save yourself travel woes by
slipping an old pair of sockEs over
the shoes you pack in your suit-
case. This will prevent them from
soiling your clothes and linen.
Also wrapping shoes in plastic
cleaners bags will work if you
don't have any old socks.

... plaid Jacket


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We're up to our neck
in sweaters !

Any style . .. any color: bulky knits, crewnecks, cardigans, shawl collars.
You name it, we've got it. To be exact, there are 76 different sweaters (all
with J. B. Towne sensible price tags) for you to choose from. We venture to
say that this is the best selection of sweaters in town.
A bit of advice: don't come in unless you have some time to spare. Like
examining 76 sweaters is a pretty time-consuming task!

w w

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