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October 23, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-23

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Seventy-First Year
th Wil Prevai"l
orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writes
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, OCTOBER 23, 1960,


Myopic Realism
No Answer to Needs

"How Shocking! Truman Used The Word 'Hell"'
)Li"' 2I-
x- f




Of A Journalistic Ran
DON'T COME BACK WITHOUT IT, Gael Greene, New York: R
and Schuster, $3.75.
WHAT IS LIFE in a Man's World really like? One of the tradit
demenses of the American male has been the city room :o
big-town newspaper.
As more and more people are beginning to realize, the glorii
and simplified-concept of a newspaper's existence is nice for sti
but there is a dull side to news-
paper Journalism, too. However, m ,
one of the generalizations is still
more true than not-that the city
room is a man's world.
ON MANY newspapers, large .
and small, you will find women-
more on some than on others. But .f
for the most part, these women
are relegated to the society and
women's news sections.
* * *

are a generation who, prepared for Paradise Lost, are afraid that if we enter Paradise
ined, we shall deprive ourselves not merely of the incentive to produce but even of

incentive to live.

--David Riesman

8 A POPULAR tendency to think that
mly in a condition of serious physical or
Ullectual deprivation do men gain the in-
tive to create, expand and strike out. Thus
Ban comprehend the birth of our Republic
revolution, or the reasons why students in
American South, in France, Latin America
Eunagary can be so committed to a radical
Ompt at social change.
7, on the other hand, are a comfortable
versity in a pretty comfortable society. 'Very
y few of us (if 'any) are spiritually deprived
the sense that a Hungarian youth might
Our problems are less torturing, our chal-
e often more subtle, our actions ("when-
r appropriate") more considered, our pro-
is less simple to, measure. This is the current
E Realist usually lives in what is called
the realm of, the possible. If he is in
ties, he is practising that which he labels
"art'' of the possible. When judging a
atlon, he likes to have "plenty of time"
view "all sides," and usually finds that
yone is partly right, thus leaving himself
" all kinds of unmanageable dilemmas
. which he can only cope non-committally.
generally calls your attention to the gap
Veen the desirable and the achievable, and
js that one "shouldn't push things too
or too fast"
is type may be found anywhere - in a
sidentlal election campaign, on the Board
)irectors of a large corporation, in a slum
hborhood, in the Ann Arbor business dis-
, in a department cha i"anship, on
4et orernment Council.
Is Realism is praiseworthy insofar as it
acts critical thought and preparation for
Dni. It is dangerous insofar as it permits
to excuse himself from commitment, ideals,
[responsibility for action.
E 9REAT danger with the Realists is that
they often become obsessed with the realm
he possible, a sort of voluntary process of
~ lmitation. As time goes on, the boundaries
his created realm tend to becomeinpreg-
e and the proponent of ,the possible grad-
v becomes not only resistant to "drastic"
age but also barren of brilliant or original
a hImself. This often leads to the
teriously-resigned attitude, found within
University and society at large, of "what
hell can we really do?" Such an attitude
is to imply the "system" is less flexible
i the universe itself, and characterizes
only Realists, but cynics, beatniks and
e students in voluntary ROTC.
s one wit has remarked, so long as people
k there is nothing they can do, they will
luet themselves accordingly and prove they
NEHOW we must turn our obsession to
leals (the realm of the impossible, the
lists would say) and fuse them with notions
be possible, both within ourselves and our
Munity. Even centuries ago, Plato seems
ave stressed a similar need when in The
ublc he insisted "In everything that 'exists,
& is at work an imaginative force, which
etermined by ideals."
re must not so readily assume our "ideals"
lot be realised. And even if some seem
e unrealizable, we mst at least recognize
i as myths having a valuable, operative
ty, and we must use them as standards.

As has been argued here before, the University
of Michigan must not' be content with a good
ranking relative to other American universities,
but it must dedicate itself to an ideal, and
constantly fight for perfection. The same can
be said for Student Government Council.
All this is not to imply that the banal phrase
"Where there is a will, there is a way" is a
universal truth, but that many of our most
gifted individuals have been, to quote Riesman
again, "oversold on cultural and historical
determinism . . . at the very moment that
change appears impossible to the realist, it
often turns out to be possible for the quixotic."
THIS DRAWS one back to the question of
whether or not (or to what extent) de-
privation is necessary before men will respond
dynamically. If ,the deprivation must be
obviously critical and wide-ranging before
action follows, then this country and this
University will continue for some time to be
less than dynamic, since both are relatively
well-off. Or conversely, a society cannot and
will not be vitalized until it is damaged.
How long can we operate with such a
hypothesis? Will we be permitted to live this
way when we are competing with controlled-
economies in other lands? Or, more basically,
can we as individuals morally justify living
solely for maximum personal comfort if even
one other person is somehow deprived, or if
there are other new gains to be made some-
If dynamism is to overcome what deadness
there is in various strata of our society and
University, that dynamism must be founded on
a new assumption: that idealism and power
and innovation can still be developed within
a context of general prosperity. We are free
of gross repression, poverty and want, through
our own capacities we have escaped them. It
now becomes not only possible but necessary
to overcome the stifling aspects of the Realism
that has emerged as a by product (without
discarding its valuable quality of critical
ONE MIGHT even cite examples of such a
change here and there. Within the Uni-
versity there is a growing attempt to make
the Faculty Senate not so much a symbol
as an effective agent of the teaching class.
Such a shift would inject certain idealisms and
freshness into the decision-making process.
There has also been a slow movement
towards more student involvement in overall
University process, manifested for example
in SGC (sometimes), the Voice Political Party,
the Ann Arbor Direct Action Committee, the
LSA Steering Committee. And on a national
level, who would have guessed last year that
students could economically injure prominent
national chain stores, or force integration
upon all their outlets in a state such as North
IT SEEMS necessary now to build new ideals
of this sort, to fuse the worlds of practical
myopia and impractical vision, to refuse to be
comforted by our comfort, to establish the
incentive to face our subtle and not-so-subtle
This is a philosophy of social change based
not on deprivation but on abundance; as such
it may be relatively new and "drastic."
But is it unachievable?

T V Debates Provide Insight

Daily Staff Writer
THE FOUR televised debates be-
tween Vice-President Nixon
and Sen. Kennedy clearly do not
merit the designation "great de-
The debates did not discuss what
are probably the two major is-
sues of the campaign: Economic
policy and the role of the federal
government in solving the nation's
problems. Even more discouraging
was the ,fact that the candidates
did not intensively examine any
issues of the campaign, with the
exception of the "prestige" ques-
tion and the Quemoy-Matsu is-
lies with the candidates them-
selves. Nixon tried to hitch a
ride on President Eisenhower's
coat-tails and Kenndy tried to
hitch a ride on the coat-tails of
Franklin Roosevelt. Moreover, both
men continually repeated them-
Part of the glame lies with the
format of the programs. Rigid
format was probably necessary to
insure "impartiality." This, in it-
self, would cause some inhibition
of free discussion. But the par-
ticular form which this rigid for-
mat took was manifestly absurd:
One cannot possibly deal intelli-
gently with major questions af-
fecting America's survival in two-
and-one half minutes.
backs the debates were not en-
tirely worthless. They gave some
sort of insignt into the two men
and their approaches to the cam-
This was tremendously impor-
tant in the case of Kennedy. It
clearly demonstrated that the ar-

gument about his youthful lack
of toughness - that he couldn't
take care of himself in tight sit-
uations-was nonsense. One may
of may not like the man of his
views, but Kennedy manifestly
took care of himself in the de-
* * *
Deal era, the Democrats have
been the party calling for dynamic
federal action to solve various
problems facing the country. Re-
publican presidential candidates
from Hoover to Dewey took the op-
posite approach: Everything would
be fine if the federal government
went away.
This approach was, simply, not
very, effective. Eisenhower deviat-
ed from this pattern.
He acknowledged the existence
of many serious problems and he
even went so far as to advocate
government solution of these prob-
lems. But he placed the emphasis
on the responsibilities of local and
state governments. This was a very
reasonable sounding and popular
stand and it probably contributed
to his success.
* * *
has apparently edged back to-
ward the"no problem" approach.
It has the advantage for him that
he is thus able to skirt the rath-
er ticklish problem of taking a too
liberal or too conservative stand.
But it deprives his campaign of
a spirit of a crusade. Not many
modern-day presidential elections
have been won without this spir-
it. It seems as if this position
will seriously hurt the Vice-Presi-
Nixon was also hurt by the de-
bates in another way. A keystone
of his campaign has been the ar-

gument about his experience in
foreign affairs.
Regardless of any merit Involv-
ed in the argument, one can only
repeat, "I have talked with
Khrushchev for so long before this
point begins to seem foolish. He
probably squeezed all the possi-
ble mileage out of the argument
during the debates and this leaves
him very little to say in that area
during the rest of the campaign.
* * *
HIS LACK OF campaign mater-
ial in the foreign affairs area
probably explained why he pur-
sued the Quemoy-Matsu question
as relentlessly as he did. Yet, by
the end of the fourth debate that
issue, too, had been pounded to
death. Although it probably help-
ed Nixon a little, there cannot
possibly be tanyone left in the
country who wants to hear any-
more about it. This still leaves'
Nixon with a gap.
pointing aspect of the debates
centers around the "prestige" is-
sue. Kennedy asserts-and the ar-
gument unquestionably has some
merit-that the United States'
world position is not as strong asj
we would like to see it.
A Unfortunately, he did not suc-
ceed in articulating precisely what
the problem was and what, exact-
ly, he proposes to do about it. If
he ever succeeds in doing this,
the entire campaign will take on
much greater significance.
Discussion of who won the de-
bates is probably pretty meaning-
less. Republicans generally feel
that Nixon won and Democrats
feel the other way. But, unques-
tionably, the debates did more to
help Kennedy than they did to
help Nixon.

GAEL GREENE, author of
"Don't Come Back Without It," is
one of those rare females. Her
book is a collection of anecdotes
and adventures, passing lightly
over her childhood .and young;
adulthood, and dwelling primarily
on that which happened since she
began working for the New York
Post, her present employer.
Her career on the Post was
prefaced by a childhood effort
called the "Chitchat of This and
That Tribune, a college appren-
ticeship oan - of all things - The
Michigan Daily, and a year as a
traveling columnist for a Detroit
newspaper (she ran away from
Architecture I in her seventeenth
year-all the way to Paris, France,
and environs).
* * a
AS ONE OF THE Mademoiselle
magazine college 'contest winners,
she whetted herilournalistic appe-
tite on a month in New York,
after graduation, then returned to
Detroit and the local bureau of
United Press
It was while a reporter for UP
that she had the golden, glorious
opportunity to tuck Elvis into bed.
And when she went to New York
to hunt for a job, she found one
on the Post, she plunged into a
madcap, devil-may-care existence
in a two-room, six - flights -'up,
Greenwich 'Village apartment
(shared 'with an old Michigan
Daily acquaintance, Virginia
Voss), and her first Big Assign-
ment, that of expose-ing a nation-
ally-known dance studio.
NOT TO TELL too much about
the denouement of any of her
adventures, a further sampling is
as follows: she was one of a bevy
(or flock, or gaggle, or snatch, or
whatever one calls a group of
women) of female reporters, in-
cluding Dorothy Kilgallen, to fol-
low Queei Elizabeth II on her
American trip: she wrote another
expose on what life is like in one
of those women's hotels; she went
through an ordeal in a reducing
salon and with a reduce-by-hyp-
nosis theorist;, she went through
another ordeal, but of a different
variety, with a Seminole poet who
camped for a number of months
os her apartment porch and
through it all run the threads
of her life: her ever - present
weight problem, and the man
named Sidney.
However in the end she emerges,
svelte and smiling, for she has
found the silver lining in the gray
clouds of existence-a man.
Such a short catalogue of her
adventures fails to capture the
rather breezy, sometimes startling
manner in which Miss Greene nar-
rates her autobiographical nug-
gets. There may be a point or two
in the book which will cause the
more skeptical- reader to raise his
eyebrows in doubt, but who is to
cavil over minute flaws in a few
hours' worth of genuine entertain-
ment? Certainly not I.
-Selma Sawaya

... enterprising author


, !

Freedom, Peace Depend on Commitment

AS 00TT Political Analysis

'The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes.no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. two days- preceding
General Notices
University Players, Department of
Speech, will present Aristophanes' "The
Frogs," Thurs. through Sat., Nov. 3-5,
8:00 p.m. varsity Swimming Pool (cor-
ner Hoover and State) featuring the
Varsity Swimmring Team.
yTickets for "The Frogs" may be or-
dered by mail any performance $1.25-=
all seats general admission unreserved.
Send check payable to University Play-
ers to "The Frogs," Lydia Mendelasohn
Theatre, Ann Arbor. Enclose self- d-
dressed stamped envelope.
Playbill season subscriptions, at $6.00
or _4.00, include "The Frogs," Scenis
from "Hansel and Gretel," "I Pagliacci,"
and "The Flying Dutchman," (with the
School of Music, Nov. 17-19), Sean
O'Casey's "Purple Dust," (Thurs.-Sun.,
Dec. 8-11), performance of an original
play week of Jan. 15-21, an opera,
(with the School of Music, March 3,
4; 7 8, 10, 11), "School for Husbands,"
(Wed.-Sat., April 12-15), and Friedrich
Duerrematt's "The Visit," (Wed.-Sat.,
April 26-29) 25c additional for each
Friday or Saturday ticket for "Purple
Dust," opera, "School for Husbands,"
and; "The Visit." Send mail order to
University Players, Lydia Mendelssohn
The box office at Trueblood Audi-
torium will be open Mon. through Sat.,
Oct. 31-Nov, 5 from 12 noon to 6 p.m,
Tickets for "The Frogs" will be avail-
able 7-8 p.m. Nov. 3-5 at the door.
Events Monday
Faculty Recital: Marilyn Mason, or-
ganist, will 'present a recital on Mon.,
Oct. 24, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. Miss
Mason will present compositions of
Handel, Langlais, Bach, Alain, Wright,
and Gigout. This recital honors the
50th anniversary of the Detroit Chap-
ter of the American Guild of Organists
and will be open to the public.
Radiation Laboratory Lecture Series:
"Non Linear Oscillations of a Plasma"
is the title of the lecture to be given
by Dr. Louis Gold of the Radiation
Laboratory on Mon., Oct. 24 at 4:00
p.m. in E. Engineering, 2084.
"Young Poets." S.G.C. Reading and Dis-
cussion Seminar with Prof. John Heath-
Stubbs, Mon., Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m., Hon-
ors Lounge, UGLI. Discussion on poems
of Larkin, Graham, Cosley and Bell.
Doctoral Examination for Thomas
Stephen' Lough, Social Psychology; the-
sis: "An Equilibrium Model of a Re-
tionship between Feelings and Be-
havior," Mon., Oct. 24, 5609 Haven
Hall, , at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, W. L.

RE BOTH of the candidates for president
really so poor that it is not worth voting?
it. is what one group has suggested.
STOOT, Americans Sitting This 'One Out
ether, calls for America's voters to stay
y from the polls Nov. 8 "because we must
waste our precious votes on unworthy can-
ates and platforms-the only kind before
electorate this year."
Editorial Staff
City Editor Editorial Director
[TH DONER ..........Personnel Director
MAS KABAKER ..._.....,.. Magazine Editor
iMAS WITECKI ..... .. ...,...,.Sports Editor
'NETH McEL.DOWNEY ....., Associate City Editor
'HLEEN MOORE ..... Associate Editorial Director
OLD APPLEBAUM ......, Associate Sporte Editor
HAEL GILLMAN ...... Associate Sports Editor

(According to an editorial in the Daily
Northwestern, ASTOOT sent a press release out
that opened with the above quote. The release
"goes on to explain that ASTOOT was or-
ganized last summer by a group of persons dis-
appointed in the outcome of the major nomi-
nating conventions, who have decided to show
their 'political concern' by sulkily staying away
from the polls and campaigning for others to
do likewise.")
ASTOOT claims that it will do the United
States great benefit if those interested in im-
proving the U.S. show their interest by not
voting. The group says that it is "disgusted
with lack of a meaningful choice on the ballot
and with bipartisanism on the crucial issues
of our times."
S TATESMANSHIP is the only answer for the
world, according to ASTOOT. They say
". . . defense would be American statesman-
ship, in and out of the United Nations . .."
The organization is most critical in the field
of civil rights. Crying out against discrimina-
tion, they say, "Every American must have the

To The Editor:
ON October 23, 1956 the people
of Hungary rose against the
Communist dictatorship. They
were fighting for democracy, in-
dependence, justice and peace.
The West was astounded. The
Kremlin - after some promises,
self-criticism and hesitation op-
pressed the uprising.
Tens of thousands were mur-
dered, deported or put in prisons.
About two per cent of Hungary's
population managed toget ac-
cross the Iron Curtain. We found
freedom and home in this country.
Four years have passed since.
Today, the dead are silent, as
are those in the prisons. The
people there are trying to live as
they can and even if you go there
you cannot really find out their
true feelings.
* * *
BUT, AS we are told, the people
are unimportant anyway - so
why do we talk about it again?.
Wouldn't it be easier to adjust
tp our new situation, enjoy what
we have here as long as we can
have it and keep quiet about the
nat ?Td ien't cmfrtible t oisten

matter how far it is from us
(and it is not so far from us!)-
4f we keep quiet about it, if we
close our eyes, eventually we are
accepting and even encouraging
its growth. The passive spectator
is an accomplice.
And how can we make sure
that it won't swallow us, too, if we
let it swallow everyone else?
BUT WHAT can I do when the
situation is so complex and such
big and dangerous forces are in-
volved? - we might ask. Well,
we are not preaching hatred, war
and destruction. On the contrary,
we think that our concern and
moral upholding could still press
those in power and save us from
further catastrophies.
That's why we welcome with
enthusiasm, for example, the
testimony of concern and com-
mitment of those students who two
days ago in The Daily offered to
go abroad and make use of their
abilities and education in this
big endeavor. Any effort of any-
body in any and all areas of our
life is vitally important if we
want to survive and live a human

of Representative Chester Bowles
and Senator John Kennedy em-
phasizing that disarmament and
peace depend upon our individual
participation in world affairs.
Chester Bowles has proposed a
plan to instrument this idea which
includes a civil service for the
United Nations which would use
the services of individuals from
various countries, and an expand-
ed United States Foreign Service
drawing on scientists and techni-
cians from our society. The Gus-
kin letter in the October twenty-
first issue of the Michigan Daily
encouraged the support of a defi-
nite plan of this nature.
* *' *
would also be willing to participate
in such an Individual approach
to world affairs. Until now, in
the absence of such a plan, we
had intended to work for one of
the specialized agencies of the
United Nations.
Just as the success of such a
plan depends upon the willingness
of individuals to participate, so
its acceptance depends upon the
snaonnnrto ff individalns The Gus-

encourage him to make a similar
It is our opinion that indiyidual
action taken now is essential to
the establishment of such a plan.
-John M. Dwyer, Grad. in
Communication Science
--Margaret Dwyer, Psychology
Bowles' Plan...
To The Editor:
WAS delighted to read in Fri-
day's Daily that there are
others who share my enthusiasm
for Chester Bowels' proposal for
a United Nations Civil Service
program. If his idea could become
known across the country, I am
certain that it would find tre-
mendous support.
Within each college campus
there are many students who want
to and/or feel obliged to con-
tribute something to the problem-
filled world, but cannot find a
practical, direct means of doing
so. A personal contact with the
problem certainly leads to a fuller
'understanding of it.
Too often idealistic students
are discouraged from aiming at

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