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October 22, 1960 - Image 1

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


VOL. LXXI, No.29









Court Orders WSU
To Allow Meeting
The Global Book Forum held a quiet meeting last night on the
Wayne State University campus after waging a five hour court battle
yesterday to prevent the university from cancelling the event.
The Forum, allegedly connected with the Communist Party
through its secretary, Mrs. Helen Winter, listened to author Harvey
O'Connor give his views on "Upheaval in Latin America."
Mrs. Winter, whose husband is chairman of the Michigan Com-
munist Party, was convicted of conspiracy to overthrow the govern-
ment in 1954. A United States Supreme Court ruling later reversed
the decision.
Bowles Rules
The university, which had told the group on Wednesday that it
could not hold its meeting in WSU's McGregbr Memorial Center,

i 5

... space explorations
Nelson Cites
"Scientists have great interest
in the data that can be obtained
from satellite explorations and
it would be a great mistake to
make the whole program a space
race," Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson,
chairman of the aeronautical and
astronautical engineering depart-
ment, said yesterday.
Prof. Nelson, speaking at a
meeting of the Board of Directors
of the Alumni Association, gave
several examples of University'
satellite research that was scien-
tific, rather than military.
Names Projects
One of these projects involves
experiments on high altitude
rockets, sent to heights of 1,100
miles and higher, which have been
done by University scientists on
Guam and Wallops Island.
The University is also working
on the Tiros satellite for the Na-
tional Aeronautical and Space
Administration (NASA).
Other projects include testing
of rocket and satellite materials
for effects of radiation particles,
rocket velocity, and the intense
heat and pressure effects of high
A high speed wind tunnel, nick-
named "Hotshot", is presently
being built by the University and
should be operating on North
Campus by the end of this year.
"This wind tunnel will be one of
the few centersrin the country
for testing the real conditions of
a rocket or satellite's re-entry into
earth," Prof. Nelson said.
Build Observatory
Astronomical work on outer
space includes the building of a
satellite observatory for the ac-
cumulation of scientific data and
use of a radio telescope to receive
radio signals from outer space.
Prof. Nelson traced the history
of rocket research at the Uni-
versity, beginning with the work
of Prof. Goddard in 1912 who
discovered that sending up a
socket in several stages would
produce a marked increase in its
In 1946, University scientists
began their measurements of at-
mospheric conditions with rockets.
The University's outer space re-
search program received its great-
eat imnetus with the launching

failed to dissuade Circuit Court
Judge George E. Bowles from issu-
ing an injunction preventing the
university from interferring with
the meeting.
Bowles ruled that "the denial
of the facilities of the center .. .
was discriminating and capricious
and in denial of the constitutional'
rights of the plaintiff (Global
Book Forum) and its members."
Arthur Neef, vice president and
dean of the law school at WSU,
presented the case for the univer-
sity. He argued that the group
had tried to perpetrateta"fraud"
on the school. He said the Forum
was motivated out of a commer-
cial interest to sell books
Discusses Pressures
Neef also discussed some of the
pressures WSU has felt since it
lifted its ban against Communisti
speakers a month ago. "We are
desperately trying to maintain a
policy that is educationally sound
in a hostile community. This will
be reflected in the appropriations
that the state grants us."
Arguing for the plaintiff, attor-
ney Ernest Goodman said the
group's main purpose was to
schedule public lectures and dis-
cussions on current topics. Books
are displayed at the meetings,
but urging their sale was not a
policy of the group.
"The books are not important
or necessary to the discussions,"
he added. "We will even agree not
to sell them if it will make the
university happy."
Question Raised
The Detroit chapter of the
American Civil Liberties Union,
acting in a capacity of "friend of
the court," raised the question of
abridging freedom of speech and
"Once a public facility such as
the McGregor Center is made
available to the community, all
members of the public have a con-
stitutional right to use it on equal
terms. We urge the university to
set a courageous example of de-
fending the freedom to listen and
freedom of speech on any subject
by anybody," Harold Norris, pres-
ident of the ACLU, said.

Soviet Bloc
To Refuse
Congo Aid
Soviet bloc countries served no-
tice yesterday they will refuse to
pay for any part of what they
called "the dirty" United Nations
operation in the Congo.
Czechdelegate Miroslav Nac-
valac, acting as spokesman for
the Soviet bloc, accused the Unit-
ed Nations of playing a "dirty
role" in the Congo and charged
Secretary-General Dag Hammar-
skjold with hypocrisy and showing
partiality to the West.
Confront Crisis
His statement in the Assem-
bly's 99-nation budget committee
confronted the world organization
with a long-threatened financial
crisis. It had implications for the
United States, which will ultimate-
ly pay for the major cost of the
Congo operation, estimated to
reach between $150 and $200 mil-
lion by the end of next year.
Albert F. Bender, United States
delegate, called the Czech state-
ment "one of the most deplorable
ever made in this body."
He said that by charging the
United Nations with playing a dir-
ty role Nacvalac insulted Ham-
marskjold, the United States gov-
ernment and all nations who vot-
ed to establish the United Na-
tions force in the Congo.
Built on Faith
"Our organization is built on
good faith," he added. "I suggest
that whoever attempts to destroy
that good faith is not only violat-
ing the spirit of the charter.
"He may well be considered to
have as his goal the total destruc-
tion of the United Nations itself
by sowing the seeds of distrust
and by rendering the organiza-
tion unworkable as an effective
"This is a grave responsibility
for anyone to assume."
Tourists Talk
To Officvials
United States travelers who ran
into trouble in Russia reported
to the State Department late yes-
A spokesman said the depart-
ment is weighing their case to
see whether the United States
should protest to Moscow.
The two are Mark I. Kaminsky,
former Ann Arbor high school
teacher, and his companion Har-
vey C. Bennett.
Kaminsky was sentenced by the
Soviets to a 7-year terms on a
charge of spying. Then Kaminsky
and Bennett, held by the Russians
as a witness for Kaminsky's trial,
were expelled.

NEW YORK M-P-The candi-
dates for the presidency collided
hard and hotly on Cuban and
American prestige last night in
the fourth and perhaps final
"great debate"-a series without
political precedent.
Nixon slashed at Kennedy on
the very first issue raised by a
questioner--policies toward Cuba.
"I think," he said, "that Ken-
nedy's policies and recommenda-
tions for the handling of the Cas-
tro regime are probably the most
dangerously irresponsible recom-
mendations that he has made
during the course of this cam-
Proposed Aid
Kennedy proposed Thursday
that the United States aid Dem-
ocratic, anti-Castro elements in-
side and outside Cuba. Nixon said
five treaties with Latin Ameri-
can nations and the United Na-
tions Charter forbid interference
in internal affairs of other na-
Kennedy charged back. He said
Nixon is misinformed. He said
economic sanctions-the adminis-
tration has applied them-must
be applied not just by one coun-
try to be successful.
If the United States had strong-
er prestige and influence in Latin
America, he said, .it could have
requested other nations to join
in an economic quarantine of Cas-
Addresses Nixon
Addressing himself directly to
Nixon, the Massachusetts senator
said the Vice-President contended
a month ago that if the United

States had provided five years ago
the kind of economic aid it is
supplying now, we might never
have had Castro.n
"Why didn't we?" Kennedy
Nixon, asked why Quemoy and
Matsu remain a campaign issue,
said he expects it to remain an
issue so long as Kennedy insists
on "what I think is a fundamental
The Vice-President said Kenne-
dy in 1955 supported a plan to
Ohio State Poll
Shows Nixon
Over kennedy
Vice-President Richard M. Nix-
on gained almost a two to one lead
over Sen. John F. Kennedy in the
first returns of the Big Ten mock
presidential election.
Nixon tallied a 4,053-2,303 vote'
at Ohio State University.
Plans at the University are still
indefinite. The mock election was
slated to be held under the aus-
pices of the Student Government
Council and administered by the
Young Democrats and the Young
However, the YR's declined to
participate, due to prior commit-
ments to the campaign on the
state and local levels.
SOC then ruled the YD's could
not administer the election alone,
due to their single partisanship.

leave the offshore China islands
outside the United States defense
line, and repeated "that error" in
1959 and in the second TV debate.
He insisted that Kennedy "be
consistent" or "we simply have
a disagreement here that must
continue to be debated."
Quotes Authorities
Kennedy referred to efforts to
get the Chinese Nationalists to
withdraw from Quemoy and Mat-
su. He again quoted military
authorities as advocating such a
"I look up and see the Soviet
flag on the moon. The fact is that
the State Department polls on our
prestige and influence around the
world have shown such a sharp
drop that up to now the State De-
partment has been unwilling to re-
lease them," Kennedy said in his
opening statement.
But Nixon said America's pres-
tige abroad will be just as high
as American spokesman allow it
to be and Kennedy keeps saying
the United States is second in
space. On that and on other
points, he said, the Senator has
been dead wrong and this can
only lead to reducing American
In a brief exchange before Ken-
nedy left the studio for a flight
to St. Louis, there were some in-
dications that there might be a
fifth debate. They came from Nix-
on, who heretofore has opposed it.
But hardly any observers believe
there will be another. Little new
matter for argument was intro-
duced tonight.

-Daily-David Glatrow
CANDIDATES FACE NATION -- Sen. John F. Kennedy and Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
faced each other and the nation in the fourth and probably last of the campaign debates. Discus-
sion centered around the question of United States prestige abroad and its policy in Latin
SU.S. Prestige Considered



Brown Jug Rivalry To Highlight Homecoming

Scenes of ancient Rome dominate the campus this weekend as
celebration of the University's Homecoming, "Roman Rampage" goes
into full swing.
Kicking off the festivities was the pep rally held last night on
the Diag,. "We tried to combine as Tmany campus activities as possible
in this year's homecoming," general co-chairman Richard Helzberg,
'62, said.
Band Parades
The Michigan Marching Band paraded down State Street to
the torch-lit Diag to head the list of performers.
Helzberg and co-chairman Arlene Epstein, '62, greeted the crowd
of more than 3,500, and Dean Walter B. Rea followed with a short
history of the traditional Wolverine-Gopher rivalry for the Brown Jug.
Entertainment by the Pserfs, a singing group from the Law Club,
and clowning on the trampolines followed.
Members of the football team arrived in the midst of cheers from
the crowd and were greeted by Prof. Hazel Losh of the University
astronomy department and Wally Weber, former Wolverine coach.
Wanderers Sing
Entertainment resumed with the appearance of the Acacia Band,
a folk-singirg group called the Wanderers, and last year's winners
of the inter-fraternity sing, Theta Delta Chi. The featured event of
the evening was the "Yell Like Hell" contest. Instituted for the first
time this year, the contest is a competition between teams of two
housing units.
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