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October 16, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-16

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aeillan Supports





Would Meet

U.S. To Defend Islands.
In Attack on Formosa

.. !

WASHINGTON (A)--The Eisen-
hower administration reasserted
yesterday its determination to de-
fend the Chinese islands of Que-
moy and Matsu against any Chin-
ese Communist attack directed,
beyond them at the island of For-
In speaking out through the
presidential press secretary, James'
C. Hagerty, the White House thus
apparently sought to give a do-
mestic political boost to Vice-Pres-
ident Richard M. Nixon in his
campaign dispute with Sen. John
F. Kennedy.
At the same time, the action
served as a reminder to Red China
that despite the argument be-
tween the Republican and Demo-
cratic presidential nominees, bas-
ic United States policy on Que-
moy and Matsu stand so far with-
out change.
Affirms Policy
The, policy affirmation is good
until the Eisenhower administra-
tion leaves office next January.
Nixon says that if elected he
will continue the same line; Kerq-
nedy has sharply assailed the.
present United States commit-
ment on Quemoy and Matsu and
declared-it should be revised.
Diplomatic officials said yester-

day that whatever the outcome of
the election, the Kennedy-Nixon
clash will aliost Inevit.bly lead to
a review of the whole Quemoy-
Matsu problem by the new presi-
dent. This in turn may lead into
a re-examination- of the whole
state of United States relations
with Formosa. and Red China be-
cause there are pressures other
than those of domestic politics
which bear on the situation.
State Department officials who
are strongly opposed to admitting
Red China to the United Nations,
for example, are beginning to
wonder how long the United States
can hold the line now that so
many African and Asian nations
are UN members.
Focuses Disagreement
The Quemoy-Matsu argument
has developed the only sharply
defined foreign policy- disagree-
ment between the Republican and
Democratic contenders so far in
the campalgn.
The White House stepped into
the Nixon-Kennedy debate over
Quemoy and Matsu after the con-
tenders for the presidency had
stated clashing views'in their tele-
vision-radio debates and in cam-
paign speeches.

... asks parley
M 0
VIENNA (-)-The whereabouts
of two Americans who had been
held incommunicado by Soviet
authorities for seven weeks was
still shrouded in mystery last
The Soviet foreign office had
told the United States embassy
in Moscow that Harvey C. Ben-
nett, of Bath, Me., and Mark I.
Kaminsky, of Cass County, Mich.,
who taught Russian at Ann Arbor
High School last year, had been
expelled to Czechoslovakia at the
Uzhgorod crossing point.
The United States embassy in
Prague said the two Americans
have not yet contacted American
officials there.
"We do not even know whether
they have actually crossed the
border," an embassy spokesman
Officials at the United States
embassy in Vienna and the lega-
tion in Budapest said they had
not heard from Bennett and Ka-
There was some speculation here

On Germany
Prime Minister Tells
Need to Party Group
SCARBOROUGH, England (M)--
Prime Minister Macmillan called
yesterday for a summit conference
in the Spring to remove the sput-
tering fuse from the German and
Berlin problem.
The British leader implied that
he and Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev already have agreed on the
need for such top-level negotia-
tions, to be held after a new
president has taken over direction
of the American government,
Addressing a meeting of 5,000
enthusiastic Conservative party
workers, Macmillan declared Bri-
tain had a key role in improving
the international climate. He said
the world situation. "has sub-
Sstantially worsened" since Khrush-
chev torpedoed the summit talks
in Paris last May.
Carefully selecting his words,
Macmillan declared+ big power
negotiations on Germany and Ber-
lin must be resumed, as this con-
stitutes "a potentially dangerous
problem, from the point of view
of East and West alike."
The Prime Minister also called
for a resumption of disarmament
In his wide-ranging speech,
Macmillan also made it plain Bri-
tain hopes now to come to terms
with the French-led common mar-
ket and thus end the present com-
mercial division of free Europe.
He promised that his govern-
ment - in dealing with the re-
maining dependent British terri-
tories in Africa -- will seek to meet
the legitimate aspirations for self-
government of native Africans
while also protecting legitimate
rights of while settlers in those
This is the way Macmillan dealt"
with the major topics in his
Germany and Berlin: he and

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that the two Americans might Khrushchev discussed this matter
still be held at Uzhgorod awaiting in private talks in New York while
Czechoslovak clearance to proceed they were both attending the
to the West. The Czechs might United Nations general assembly.
even take them directly to the Khrushchev subsequently said
frontiers of either West Germany Macmillan had agreed to a sum-
or Austria under escort. mit session next spring.
U.S. Military Aid Withdrawal
Prompts Red Action in Laos[



munists are expcted to start exert-
ing fresh .pressure against Premier
Prince Souvana Phouma next week
to capitalize on his rapidly de-
teriorating. relations with the
United States.
The pressure is expected to come
from two directions,
Alexander Nikitch Abramov, the
first Soviet ambassador to Laos
who arrived Wednesday, will sur-
prise everyone in town if he does
not offer expansive ruble credits
to Souvanna to fill the void left
by the suspension of American
military assistance here,
To Give Toehold
Russian aid, and the technicians
to administer it, would give the
Soviet Union its first toehold in
this hitherto pro-American South-,
east Asian kingdom.
Communist-directed Pathet Lao
negotiators are also expected to
push their advantage at peace
talks here by pressing demands
for positions of power in a new
coalition government.
Relations between the United
States and Souvanna's neutralist



government hit a new low last
week after delicate and poten-
tially explosive discussions con-
ducted here by J. Graham Parsons,
Assistant Secretary of State for
Far Eastern Affairs and the
United States government's top
expert on this part of the world.
Lists Two Conditions
A responsible western diplomat
said yesterday Parsons demanded
that Souvanna break off peace
talks with the pro-Communist
Pathet Lao and come to terms with
the rival right-wing regime of
rebel Gen. Phoumi Nosavan. This
source said these were two United
States conditions for resumption
of sorely needed American mili-
tary aid to Laos.
Prime Minister Sarit Thanarat
of neighboring Thailand said in
Bangkok Thursday suspension of
peace talks with the Pathet Lao
was one of four demands handed
to Souvanna by Parson. Parsons
did not deny the report when
newsmen questioned him.
Souvanna rejected the condi-
tions and told newsmen he will
not change his policy of neutrality.







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