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October 14, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-14

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"Our Prestige Was Never Higher"

Seventy-First Year
Tsuth WIUPea STUDENT PulucATIONs BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone xo 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

States Objectives
To The Editor:
WE, THE Executive Board of the SGC Wolverine Club are taking
this opportunity to present a formal statement of our, policies and
objectives to the student, body. The advent of this letter was pre-
cipitated by the article in the October 11 issue of the Michigan Daily
in which Michael Gillman, an associate Editor of the Daily, in effect
questioned the reasons for the existence of the Wolverine Club.
It would be possible to write a point by point rebuttal of Mr.
Glilman's article and show where in he was incorrect in his exposition
of the Wolverine Club. However, we do not feel that this would be
benificial to either us or to .the Student Body, for it would not serve
to explain our functions.
The Wolverine Club was formed some ten years ago. Its over-all
objective was to promote school'spirit here on the University campus


LY, OCOERoaa14, 1960

Students Re-Evaluate
Worth of Activities

ONE SENSES a new attitude among student
leaders these days: they lack the slightly
harried look of last year, and they no longer
talk in terms of "student apathy."
One administrator last year labeled 80 per
cent of the student body as not caring about
what is going on at the University. The
administrator possibly would have been better
advised to say that 80 per cent are uninformed.
The indications of decline of "apathy" are
to an extent statistical: student organizations
are attracting more freshman this year than
rJ7E NEW political party is another indica-
tion that people are ready to do something.
There was a good group of petitioners for
the Committee on Membership Selection in
Student Organizations. Prompted by the ques-
tions about their constitutions, fraternities
and sororities are starting to take a closer
look at Student Government Council.
As yet these are indications: real proof
can come in the upcoming SGC election. If
there is a good selection of candidates and
if there is a good turnout at the election -
good being perhaps a 100 per cent increase

over last spring's record low - then it may
be said student activities are back from their
post-Sputnik eclipse.
1T'S GOING to be up to SGC to ensure this
turnout. It's going to be up to SGC to keep
the fraternities and sororities conscious of its
importance, and expand their knowledge of
the rest of its responsibility.
SGC can discharge its responsibility simply by
working hard. It can also be helped by the
other established campus organizations. It also
can be helped simply by people who think some
student activity is worthwhile.
The problem has been not that student
activities are intrinsically unprofitable, but
that students think they are. This "image"
can and ought to be changed.
The organizations thus have the responsibility
to see that students are informed. The IQC
program for the Student Government Council
election is a case in point. More work is
always needed in this area, and any contribu-
tions of the established organizations is wel-
come. The new political party is another effort
at disseminating the information needed.

Panhel Postpones Vote

Candidates Take Off Kid Gloves

through the media of Block "M"
and Pep Rallies. Since that time
the Wolverine Club has taken on
various other activities such as
sponsoring All Campus Sings, trips
to away sports events, and selling
such things as "Go Blue" buttons
and pom-poms, all of which are
directed toward enhancing school
5 * *
certain status, the Wolverine Club
has this year received official re-
cognition as a University organ-
ization, functioning as a related
board of the Student Government
Council. We plan to expand our
operations into such areas a
cheering sections for other sports
events and projects relating to
school spirit during Homecoming,
Spring Weekend, and Michigras.
As stated in our Constitution, we
are a campus service organization;
not a 1300 member organization
as many people think, but an
eleven member board functioning
the year around, assisted by an-
other twenty committee workers.
The basic assumption upon which
the SC Wolverine Club has been
operating is that it is possible to
have school spirit on a campus of
24,000 students, According to Mr.
Gillman's article it seems that
this assumption is fallacious.
Though we must agree with him
that this is not a "Rah-Rah"
school, we do not conceive of its
necessarily being stagnant. If the
students wish to disagree with
our hypothesis that it is possible
to build spirit on a campus of this
size, that is their prerogative. We
realize that we are dependent
upon the students; without their
cooperation proper functioning of
the Wolverine Club is impossible.
Therefore, if the students wish us
to discontinue our operations, we
must bow to their demands. Al-
though it may not appear evident.
there is considerable work and,
time connected with the functions
of the SGC Wolverine Club, adn
if our efforts are to be continually
frowned upon, we will cease from
them entirely.
Therefore, we of the SGC Wol-
verine Club, would appreciate any
constructive suggestions or com-
ments from the Student Body
which would aid us in resolving
this situation.

War Lo'ok
GENERAL Sherman was once
quoted as saying: "War is
Hell." "Hell To Eternity", enfor-
ces this idea.
Gabby's life, is traced from the
the days of his youth in a Japan-
ese foster home, through Marine
boot camp, and some non-warlike
hell-raising just before landing on
Saipan, where we see war at its
best and worst.
Through childhood, our hero's
story moves slowly. As he is
admitted to Marine training we
meet his friends, among them his
rough top sergeant (TV's Richard
GABBY (Jeffrey Hunter) is an
excellent "con" man using his
imagination to get whiskey for
the party on their 48-hour leave.
The party scene is a motion pic-
ture classic - it symbolizes, as
Gabby"says, "what we're fighting
for." The Marines put up a won-
derful fight on Saipan.
The most striking. part of the
storyis the way in which war is
pictured. There is some of the
"Gung-ho" type of sentiment,
(remember the war stories of the
1940's?) but there is also a strong
anti-war flavor running through
the battle half of the picture. The
film effectively shows the courage
of both the Marines and the gal-
lant, starving Japanese. War is
hell, but we do the best we can.
* * *
SINCE GABBY speaks Japanese
learned from his foster family,
he is useful in communicating
with the enemy.
After his best friend and top-
sergeant are killed, the- film seems
to lose some of its credibility as
Gabby takes revenge on the entire
Japanese Imperial Marine Corps
almost singlehanded.
Sessue Hayakawa is impressive
and pathetic as he orders his
troops to surrender and dies the
honorable way for. a Japanese
soldier. Men generally want to
live, but society can sometimes
take even the will to live.
-Rick Keenan

FOR THE third consecutive week Panhellenic
Association has postponed a final vote on
its proposed change in procedure for election
of officers.
The basic plan has already been accepted
by the Board of Delegates; all that remains
Open Society
The group of Detroit adults who are peti-
tioning for the reimposing of ban against
Communist speakers at Wayne State Univer-
siyt claim the Communists are operating an
"insidious plan" to destroy the United States.
The petitioners who are so proud of their
own position and the American democratic
concept of open and public action, will not
talk to the Daily, refuse to be photographed,
and will not reveal the names of anyone who
has signed their petition.
One wonders how the Russians are so care-
less and ignorant to allow their top scientists
to come into such a free atmosphere.

to be decided is whether the house delegates
who are empowered to vote for Panhel officers
should cast their ballots individually or col-
Panhel meetings begin at 4:15 p.m. on
Thursday afternoons and end at 5:15, with
provision for an extra ten minutes or so if
discussion is in progress. At the last two meet-
ings lack' of time has been cited as the
reason for postponing final consideration of
election changes. However, this announcement
has come each week no later than 4:50 p.m.
PANHEL PRESIDENT Barbara Greenberg
feels that part of each meeting. ought to
be devoted to discussion of problems common
to sororities. This week's discussion centered
on the role of house functions in each sorority.
Certainly, this a valuable part of Panhel.
However, when a structural change as great
as overhauling elections procedures is under
consideration, perhaps taking five or ten
minutes for a final vote is important enough
to warrant prompt action, even at the expense
of cutting discussion time on other issues.


The Issue of Prestige


IT IS UNWISE of Mr. Nixon to pretend that
there is no problem of American prestige-
no problem, that is to say, of our power and
influence relative to that of the Soviet Union.
This is in fact the supreme American problem
in this era. For there is no doubt at all that the
position of the Soviet Union in world affairs
has risen greatly in the past ten years. This is
one of the facts of life. The Soviet Union has
risen from military inferiority to military pari-
ty, and from a close containment its influence
has expanded into all the continents.
The problem of our relative power and influ-
ence is not an imaginary problem. It was not
dreamed up by the Harvard professors or by
the Kennedy family. It is the paramount prob-
lem that dominates all of our dealings with the
outer world.
The President cannot be taken seriously when
he says, as on Monday, that there is no such
problemi because we have not lost a vote in the
UN in fifteen years, because a hundred heads
of state have expressed a desire to visit the
United States, because President Sukarno told
him that the neutral nations always look to the
United States to maintain peace in an interna-
tional crisis. This is talking down to the voters.
It is treating them like ignorant children. It
is to assume not only that they do not know the
score, but are incapable of finding out what it
AN OBJECTIVE view of the problem of pres-
tige must begin, it seems to me, with the
position of the United States at the end of the
Editorial Staff
City Editor Editorial Director
JUDITH DONER .............. Personnel Director
THOMAS KABAKER .............Magazine Editor
THOMAS WITECKI ................Sports Editor
KENNETH McELDOWNEY ..... Associate City Editor
KATHLEEN MOORE ...., Associate Editorial Director
HAROLD APPLEBAUM ....... Associate Sports Editor
MICHAEL GILLMAN .. .... Associate Sports Editor

second World War. With our monopoly of the
atomic bomb, with our brilliant economy in a
world where victors and vanquished alike were
on the edge of prostration, we were invincible
and invulnerable in war and without an equal
in the councils of peace.
We were the leading influence in vast new
areas of the world which had never before been
within the American sphere of influence, the
whole Pacific Ocean to the shores of Asia, Eu-
rope to the frontiers of the occupation, and all
the lands behind the theaters of war from
which Japan and Germany had been expelled,
into which the Russians had not yet been able
to enter.
In the first few years after the war American
power and influence had been extended far
beyond anything Americnas had ever dreamed
of or that any sane American had ever wanted.
In many critical ways, as in the Marshall Plan
and in our plans for the restoration of the van-
quished, we used our power and influence ef-
fectively and beneficiently. But there was a
grievous fault in our policy. It was the failure
to realize that our position was greater than
it could remain, that we were over-extended
and that we must prepare to climb down from
the dazzling paramountcy of the first post-war
]PE TURNING POINT at which our descent
had to begin was in 1949, when the Soviet
Union not only broke our monopoly of nuclear
weapons but showed the world that out of the
devastation of the war she had achieved an
economy capable of the highest feats in tech-
nology and production. The story of the '50s
is the story of our failure to rise to this chal-
lenge, indeed to realize it, and our failure to
achieve a foreign policy for what was becom-
ing a wholly new balance of power in the world
and a wholly new situation.
This failure to realize what had happened as
a result of the rise of the Soviet Union has left
us with an economy which is sluggish as com-
pared with our vital needs. It has left us with
a defense establishment which is not leading
but is working hard to catch up in the race of
armaments. It has left us with a foreign policy
which is defensive and which lacks initiative

Daily staff Writer
ONE OF THE major criticisms
of the previous television de-
bates between Vice-President Nix-
on and Senator Kennedy was that
they were both "using kid gloves."
But last night both men left their
gloves at home and came out
swinging with their bare knuckles.
Nixon led off with a variation
of the old theme that the Demo-
crats are the party of war and
followed later with some rather
unkind insinuations about former
President Truman. His comment
about Kennedy, at one point, was
also rather forthright: "he simply
doesn't know what he's talking
Kennedy spoke his mind also.
"I always have trouble recogniz-
ing my views when stated by the
Vice-President," he said at one
point. At another, "it is not pos-
sible to state the record with
more distortion than he (Nixon)
BUT PERHAPS the most inter-
esting aspect of last night's de-
bate was a consequence of the
free-swinging, more relaxed at-
mosphere. It was easier to see how
each man tends to deal with ques-
tions. This is true in spite of tne
fact that both candidates evaded
some issues and twisted the mean-
ing of others.
Nixon's approach is that of a
debater or a lawyer. He concen-
trated on "making points." If one
was to "score" the debate, Nixon
unquestionably made the most
points. He has a tendency to point
out things "incidently"-such as
a different stand taken by Ken-
nedy and Johnson on the Quemoy-
Matsu resolution.
Also, he talks down to his audi-
ence and has a tendency to
preach: "it's whether you stand
is not to retreat or surrender; and
for what's right"; "The way to
win is not to retreat or surren-
der"; and ". . . a president all the
children of America will look up
to or look down to." Sometimes his
moral pronouncements are rather
absurd': the road to war is always
paved with good intentions.'
* *
KENNEDY'S thinking is much
more direct. He tends to examine
issues in a broader context than
does Nixon. When he speaks the
framework of his argument is ap-
parent. He rattles off his points
one after another, punctuating
each with an arm movement.
However, when confronted with a
potentially embarrassing question,
Kennedy has a teneency to com-
pletely skirt the question. Some-
times he uses the standard politi-
cal technique of twisting the
meaning of the question. Some-
times he ignores the question com-
* * *
candidates will clam victory for
candidates will claim victory for
draw, the effect is substantially
the same: it destroys the image
of young, weak Jack Kennedy.
The debates have clearly shown
that Kennedy can take care of

an issue was the Quemoy-Matsu
THIS ISSUE was developed in
the second debate when Kennedy
made three rather evident and
reasonable assertions: 1) we are
not pledged to defnd these islands,
2) the islands are virtually worth-
less, and 3) they are clearly inde-
From this he concluded that if
he were president he would try to
convince the Nationalist govern-
ment to withdraw from these is-
lands. This is, incidently, a policy
which the State Department has
been following for years.
But Nixon seized upon the Ken-
nedy position as appeasement and
has been milking the point for a
week. Last night the issue was
discussed at length and with the
help of a pointed question to
Nixon by one of the reporters,
Kennedy was able to expose the
absurdity of the Nixon argument.

.. C, f "'c'9?'a?;S" _F. y.a.;: ' ' ::,k .r. % . . .i 7.x :t : .2 ' c;s" a:c t .. ;:

This leaves Nixon without an
ficant issues of the campaign, the
question of economic growth, the
candidates had their usual go-
round. Neither candidate pre-
sented his position with much
Kennedy "explained" how he
would increase federal spending
without raising taxes or the fed-
eral debt and Nixon "explained"
how he would double the present
rate of economic growth without
changing anything in our present
economic policy.
The candidates' failure to come
to grips with this issue is rather
disappointing: it is a vital issue
where there are significant differ-
ences between the candidates. if
there is a fifth debate between the
candidates, a substantial portion
of it should be devoted to this

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
Admission Test for Graduate Study
in Business: Application blanks for
the Admission Test for Graduate Study
in Business are now available in 122
Rackham Bldg. The first administration
of the test for 1960-61 will be on Nov.
5.Applications must be received in
Princeton, New Jersey by Oct. 22.
University of Michigan Graduate
Screening Examinations in French and
German: All graduate students desiring
to fulfil their foregn language require-
ment by passing the written examina-
tion given by Prof. Lewis must first
pass an objective screening examina-
tion. The next administration of the
objective screening examination will
be on Thurs., Oct. 20, from 3:00 to
5:00 p.m. in Aud. C, Angell Hall. With-
in 48 hours after the examination, the
names of the students who have passed
will be posted on the Bulletin Board
outside the office of Prof. Lewis, the
Examiner in Foreign Languages, Rm.
3023 Rackham Bldg.
."Students desiring to fulfill the
Graduate School's requirement in
French and German are alerted to an
alternate path. A grade of B or bet-
ter in French 12 and German 12 will
satisfy the foreign language require-
ment. A grade of B or better in French
11 and German 11 is the equivalent of
having passed the objective screening
Graduate Students in Linguistics: The
preliminary examinations in Linguis-
tics for the fall semester will be given
on Fri. and Sat. Nov. 11 and 12. Stu-
dents intending to take these examina-
tions must notify Prof. Chavarria-Agui-
lar, 1625 Haven Hall, in writing, not
later than Oct. 26.
The following student-sponsored so-
cial events have been approved for the
coming week-end. Social chairmen are
reminded that requests for approval for
social events are due in the Office of
Student Affairs not later than 12 o'-
clock noon on Tuesday prior to the
Oct. 14. Anderson House. Delta Gam-

Ion, Sigma Chi, Phi Sigma Kappa,
Theta Chi, Chi Omega, Sigma Nu, Tay-
lor House, S.Q., Tau Delta Phi, Tau
Epsilon Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta
Delta Chi, Trigon, Turkish Students'
Assn. Van Tyne House, Wenley House,
Zet Psi, Zeta Beta Tau.
Oct. 16, Chi Phi Fraternity, Delta
Phi Epsilon, Michigan House, Phi Sig-
ma Sigma, Scott House.
Summary of Action Taken by Student
Government Council at its Meeting of
October 12, 1960
Approved: Minutes of previous meet-
ing as corrected.
Approved: On Nov. 1, 1960, Student
Government Council will consider the
following motion in its final form to
be voted upon at that meeting:
That every recognized fraternity or
sorority must file with the Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs a copy of its
constitution or constitutional form
which follows the pattern common to
all groups. This confidential file may
be examined by an appropriate and re-
sponsible representative of the Office of
Student Affairs and the President of
Student Government Council. Those
portions of the constitutions which per-
tain to membership may be examined by
the Student Government Council Com-
mittee on Membership in Student Or-
Amendments to this motion can be
made at meetings prior to November 1
and opportunity will be given to inter-
ested parties to make their views known
if so desired.
Activities calendared and approved:
Oct. 14 Political Issues Club, lecture
featuring R. L. Leonard, "The British
National Health Services," Union Room
KLM,4:30 p.m.
Oct. 15 Students for Kennedy, bus
service to and from a dance for Sena-
tor Kennedy in Detroit, between 7:00
p.m. and 12:30 a.m.
Oct. 20 International Students Asso-
ciation-Political Issues Club, lecture
featuring Prof. Samuel Shapiro, "Cuba:
A Dissenting Report," Union Room 3R-7:0pm,.
8. 7:30 pmm. .
Oct. 21-22 series of events for Home-
Oct..23 Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship, lecture featuring James Wallace,
Larne Hall, 4:00 p.m.
Oct. 23 International Students Asso-
ciation, lecture and film on Hungary,
Multi-purpose room of the U. G. Li-
brary, 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 28-30 SGC Wolverine Club, bus
trip to the Michigan-Wisconsin foot-
bali game, from 10 a.m. on the 28th
to 11:00 p.m. on the 30th.
Nov. 28 Mortar Board, Scroll, As-
sembly, Pan-Hellenic, Senior Society,
Alpha Lambda Delta. Circle. Wvvern.

sembly Association Sing, finals, Rack-
ham Aud. A, 8:00 p.m.
Activity calendaring and approval
Oct. 20 League, Women's Week panel
discussion. (Change from previous date
of bct. 13.)
Approved: Two orientation meetings.
for, candidates for Student Government
Council to be held on Mon., Oct. 24
at 4:00 p.m. and Mon., Oct. 31 at 4:00.
p.m. All nonincumbent candidates will
be required to attend at least one of
these two meetings. The candidates
will be informed before-hand as to
the time, place, and date of these
Approved: The establishment of an
International C mittee. This com-
mittee will be concerned with any
matters in the International area that
the Council deems necessary.
Approved: That Student Government
Council sponsor a student election to
determine student preference for the
next President of the United States.
The election will be held on Oct. 31,
1960. The partisan political clubs shall
be responsible for the administration
of this election. The results of the
election will be communicated im-
mediately to editors of other Big Ten
papers in order to establish a Big
Ten consensus of opinion.
Approved: That Student Government
Council direct to the proper officials
in the Athletic Dept. the following
, Student Government Council notes
the absence of sufficient quantities of
printed football rosters which are dis-
tributed to University students at all
home football games. Recognizing the
concern of students, both in the past
and at present, they Councir strongly
urges the Athletic Dept. to take the
necessary steps to correct this matter.
Postponed: The consideration of the
selection of student, faculty, and ad-
ministrative members of the Commit-
tee on Membership Selection' until the
Oct. 19 meeting.
Events Friday
Psychology Coloquium: Dr. Robert A.
McCleary will speak on "Emotional Re-
sponses and Limbic System Lesions in
the Cat" on Fri., Oct. 14 at 4:15 p.m.
in Aud. B, Angell Hall. Coffee at 3:45
p.m. in 3417 Mason Hall.
Placement Notices
Engineering Placement Interviews -
128H West Engineering Bldg.. Ext. 2182.
Atten.: Seniors, graduates (M.S. or Ph.D.
candidates for 1961):
Oct. 17 & 18-,

service on Chem. Mfg. Operations. B.S.-
M.S. in M.E. & E.E. for Design, Constr..
& Maint. & Instrument Engrg. at
Chemical Mfg. Plants.
Shell Oil Company - B.S.-M.S. in
Ch.E. for Refinery Operations, Tech-
nology Process Dev. & Res. Labs. B.S.-
M.S. in M.E., E.E.., I.E., & Met. for
Refinery Constr. & Maint. & De-
sign, Power Plants & Engine Research.
Shell Oil Company - B.S.-M.S. in
Ch.E., M.E., E.E., C.E., & Marine Eng.
for Oil Field & Gas Processing activi-
Shell' Oil Company, Houston Explora-
tion Dept.-B.S.-M.S. in E.E. and 1961
graduates in E. Math & E. Phys. for
Res. & Dev. ,
.Shell Development, Entire Corpora-
tion-Ph.D. in Applied Mech., Engrg.
Math, E.M., E. Physics, M.E. & Met.
and 1961 B.S. graduates for R. & D.
Square D Company, varioil locations
-B.S. in E., I.E., & M.E.-June grad-
uates-for Design, R. & D. Sales & Pro-
Oct. 1I-
American Cyanamid Company, AU
Units-All Degrees Ch.E. 1961 graduates
for Design, R. & D., Sales & Produc-
Jrs. or above. Both men and women.
The Babcock & Wilcox Company --
M.S.-Ph.D in Ch.E., M.E., Met., In-
stru. or M.S. in E.E. 1961 graduates
for Design, R. & D. B.S. in Ch.E., E.E,
(Power Option), E. Phys., M.E. & Met.
February graduates for Design, R. &
D. production mgmt., mfg., & sales.
Both men & women.
Great Lakes Carbon Corporation,
Niagara Falls, N.Y.-B.S. in Ch.E., E.E.,
M.E. & Met. Feb. & June grads for
Design, R. & D., Sales & Production.
Pennsylvania State University, Ord-
nance Research Lab.,, University Park,
Pa. - M.S.-Ph.D. in E.E., Physics &
Math. 1961 graduates, for Design, R.
& D. Both men & women.
Sundstrand Corporation, Rockford, I11.
-B.S.-M.S. in E.E. &.M.E.B.S. in .
Physics & I.E; M.S. in E.M~., February
graduates, for Design. R. & D., Prod.,
Testing & Tech, writing.
Texaco, Inc., Domestic Producing
Dept., N.Y.C.-B.S.-M.S. in Geol. E.E.,
Phys., Geophys. E.E. & Physics candi-
dates for geophysical exploration for
developing petroleum data.
Most opportunities are for American
Citizens-men only-unless otherwise
Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Company,
Toledo,0.--Optical Scientistor Engi-
neer for design: and development work
in Technical Center. B.S.. M.S., or
Ph.D.- in Physics or Eng. Physics, or
Optical Eng. grad. Immediatesopening.
Blaw-Knox Company, Pittsburgh, Pa.
-Selected openings for experienced en-


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