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October 13, 1960 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-13

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Campaign Centers on Quemoy, Matsu

WASHINGTON (P-The presi-
dential campaign centered yester-
day on one issue: Should the Unit-
ed States commit itself to protect
the far away islands of Quemoy
and Matsu front Communist cap-
Sen. John F. Kennedy, the Dem-
ocratic nominee, was busy in New
Sailor W1s
U.S. ASylu11
NEW YORK P)--The seaman
who fled Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev's ship, the Baltika,
two days ago won political asylum
in the United States yesterday-
and with it the freedom he sought.
The seaman, Victor Jaanimets,
was allowed to leave the immigra-
tion service offices where he had
been held pending determination
of his status and background.
The decision was announced by
P. A. Esperdy, district director of
the service.
Esperdy said he made the deci-
sion after consulting his superiors
in Washington.
He said that "after checking
sources of information, we have
decided that Mr. Jaanimets is a
bona fide political refugee."
The Internatonal Rescue Com-
mittee has been selected as spon-
sor for Jaanimets to "look after
his welfare and get him settled,"
Esperdy said.
Asked whether a guard would
be provided to protect the seaman
from possible reprisal by Soviet;
agents, Esperdy said:
"Definitely not."
The rescue committee had an-
nounced earlier that it would try
to provide a home and a job for
Jaanimets if asylum were grant-
ed. He wants a job as a machin-

. . 1

York defending his view that to
base the United States defense
line in the Far East on those two
islets might suck this country into
a war without the support of world
He reiterated that the tiny is-
lands off the Chinese mainland,
unlike Formosa, are regarded as
strategically indefensible by the
nation's "finest military minds."
Defends Stand
Vice-President Richard M. Nix-
on, the Republican nominee, has
been hitting hard at the theme
that not one inch of free territory
should be handed over to the
Communists. The Vice-President
said that to yield Quemoy and
Matsu would only whet the appe-
tite of the Chinese Reds for the
Nationalist island of Formosa.
Nixon's advisers let it be known
they feel their candidate has hit
on a politcially rich issue in Que-
moy and Matsu and will keep
hammering at it.
The question was raised dur-
ing last week's nationally broad-
cast debate between Kennedy and
Nixon. It seems certain to be
raised again in tonight's show-
alongside another foreign policy
question: Has America's prestige
abroad been shrinking? Nixon says
no. Kennedy says yes.
Debate Disagreement
Meanwhile, Kennedy and Nixon
continued not to see exactly eye-
to-eye on expansion of the TV-
radio debates. Kennedy has agreed
to a suggestion that a fifth be
added to the four debates sched-
uled. But Nixon suggested that
this time be handed over to the
vice presidential candidates and
that the fourth between the presi-
dential candidates be expanded-
from one to two hours.
Rebukes Ike
At a civil rights conference,
Kennedy rebuked President Ei-
senhower without mentioning himt
by name. He said: "There is more!

to the presidency than to let
things drift and then suddenly
call out troops."
This was an obvious reference
to Eisenhower's use of troops to
quell mob resistance to the admis-
sion of Negro students at Central
High School in Little Rock, Ark.,
in 1957.
Addressing the Associated Busi-
n e s s Publications Conference,
Kennedy denounced as "one of
the great political myths of our
time" what he said is the assump-
tion that there is an inevitable
conflict between the business
community and the Democratic
Kennedy pledged that if he is
elected he Will not conduct a busi-
ness administration, nor a labor,
nor a farmer administration. He
said it will seek to serve all Amer-
Cuba Rebels'
Face Death
HAVANA (P)-The Castro . re-
gime yesterday demanded death
for a Bostonian and seven Cubans
in a rebel expeditionary force that
landed last week on the Northeast
The man from Boston is Antho-
ny Zarba, 27, on trial at Santiago,
in far Eastern Cuba before a mili-
tary court.
At Santa Clara, in mid-Cuba,
a defendant from New York City.!
faced a lesser penalty if convicted
in a military court mass trial of
174 other accused counterrevolu-
Demands Death
The prosecution at Santa Clara:
demanded death for six leaders in
the big group but asked only a
5 to 30 year prison sentence for
the New Yorker, Richard Pecor-
aro of Staten Island,
At Santiago, Zarba admitted
taking part in the expedition in-
to eastern Cuba, said he tried to
pull out at the last moment, and
was sorry for what he had done.
Caught in Roundup
Pecoraro was swept up in a
roundup of suspected counter-
Except for four Russians, all
foreign newspapermen were bar-
red from the Santa Clara court-!
room. The newspaper El Mundol
gave a few details of Pecoraro
testimony. .
Exact identification of Pecoraro;
was lacking in Cuban reports. But
a New York City fireman named
Pecoraro was fired from his job
last month when he went to Cuba'
and overstayed his leave,

Party Votes
To Support
Arms Stand
The ruling Conservative Party
yesterday overwhelmingly sup-
ported Britain's independent nu-
clear deterrent and called for a
stronger North Atlantic Alliance.
Endorses Policies
With only one dissenting vote
out of 4,000, the conference en-
dorsed the basic defense and dip-
lomatic policies of Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan's Conservative
The delegates emphatically dis-
sociated themselves from the "ban
the bomb" movement--an emo-
tion-laden campaign aimed at get-
ting Britain to give up its own
atomic and hydrogen weapons.
Point Won .
Advocates of nuclear disarma-
ment won their,/point in the La-
bor Party conference held in the
same Scarborough Hall last week.
But they made no impact at all
on the Conservatives.
As a result of the decisions by
the two party conferences, an odd
three-way split on the nuclear
question now has developed in
the political life of this island na-
Support Need
The Conservatives support the
need for Britain to keep its own
nuclear weapons, The moderate
Laborites, led by opposition lead-
er Hugh Gaitskell, also believe in
an independent British deterrent
with some qualifications.
But the Labor Party's left wing
now is actively campaigning
against possession of the bomb
and against Britain's continued
membership in NATO.
Goldfine Ruled
'Mentally Ill
BOSTON (M) - Federal Judge
George C. Sweeney yesterday rul-
ed industrialist Bernard Goldfine
mentally incompetent to stand
trial on income tax evasion
charges and ordered him commit-
ted for treatment.
Goldfine, friend of former pres-
idential assistant Sherman Adams,
is accused of evading $791,745 in
personal and corporate taxes.
Judge Sweeney acted after three
court-appointed psychiatrists tes-
tified they found Goldfine suf-
fering from a manic depressive
psychosis with suicidal tendencies.
Goldfine, 70, was ordered com-
mitted to the custody of the at-
torney general until he is able to
stand trial, or some other dispo-
sition is made of the case.

Japan ears errorism
- o
Police Order
Socialists Leaderlessrrim ay ga
For National Election
TOKYO yA)-The assassination
of Socialist Party Chairman Ine-
Jiro Asanuma raised fears in this
shocked nation today that ultra-r
nationalist terrorism may again
become a force in Japanese poli-
Stical life.
The burly, anti-American poli-
"tician was stabbed to death by a
lfanatical right-wing student.
The assassin, 17-year-old Otoya
Yamaguchi, attacked Asanuma
yesterday as he addressed a poli- .
tical meeting, stabbing him in the v
chest twice with a foot-long sa- -.P Wtrep
mural sword. SECONDS BEFORE DEATH-Taken by surprise, Japanese Socialist Party Chairman Inejiro A
Asanuma, an outspoken friend numa makes a futile gesture to ward off 17-year-old Rightist fanatic Otaya Yamaguchi's 12-i
of Red China and militant foe of Samurai sword while Asanuma delivers a speech at a political rally in Tokyo. Asanuma, left,
alliance, died en route toa hos- stabbed twice and died shortly after the young assassin was apprehended on the spot. The stabb
pital. - first to involve a major Japanese poliical figure in 24 years, stirred fears of an outbreak of t
Calls Leader Traitor rorism similar to that which raised militarists to power prior to World War IL
The youth, overpowered on the__
spot, later told police he consid-
ered the Socialist leader a traitor - S.GC
trying to sell out Japan to the
The government ordered an im-
mediate crackdown on suspected PATS PAR3AWAY TRIPS
terrorist organizations after 10,000
union members and leftist univer- 1GOLFCOURSE1.o.
sity students marched on police ' 2 * 2. Oi Se
headquarters and the official res- 2. Ohio State
idence of Prime Minister Hayato
Ikeda. at olie, tre tFor Information and Reservations
About 500 of the marchers,.Cal 5-8215 between 3:00 and 5:00 any day
hurling rocksatplcrido Read the ClassifiedsoCll586,..Iwnr2-16..Jd
break through the lines of guards, or Call 5-8367.,..rwin or 2-3156...Judy
Crowd Disperses
The remainder of the crowd
stood quietly and broke up after
government officials promised to
move swiftly to stamp out ter-
Police staged a series of raids
last night, including one on the
headquarters of the Nazi-style
Japan Patriotic Society. Yama-
guchi had been a member of the
organization until last May.
Asanuma's murder, the first in-
volving a major Japanese political
figure in 24 years, recalled the
bloody era of "government by as-
sassination" that raised militarists
to power before World War IL
Germans To Hide All
Nuclear Methods Sbet
BONN, Germany (MP)-The West ;
German government said yester-
day it has agreed to a United
States request to keep secret new
developments in methods for re-
fining raw materias used in nu- QU t 1 9 U
clear weapons.
Foreign Office and Atomic En-
ergy Ministry spokesmen said the
developments are based on the
so called ultra-centrifugal process.
The development had raisedULRICHBK
fears in Washington that fission-
able uranium could be made Opposite Engineering Arch
cheaply enough for a dozen or
more nations to manufacture their
own atomic bombs. 14

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