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October 06, 1960 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-06

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--Daily-Michael Rontal
GROWTH -- Prof. Raymond Young of the education school
points to a map of Michigan as he discusses the growth of
community colleges in the state. The present number of such
schools will be doubled within 15 years with the biggest growth
in the Detroit Metropolitan area, he predicted.
Institute Tries to Improve
Education of Administrator,

SGC Plans
New Series
The dates for the second meet-
ings of the Student Government
Council Seminars were announced
today by Roger Seasonwein, '61,
SGC member.
All the meetings will, be held
in the Honors Lounge of the Un-
dergraduate Library.
Prof. H. W. Hitchcock, of the
music literature department, will
lead the second jazz seminar at
4:15 p.m., Friday.
Prof. Mark Spilka, of the Eng-
lish department, will discuss D.
H. Lawrence's book, "Women in
Love," at 4:15 p.m., on Tuesday.
The Seminar on Greek tragedy,
stressing Aeschylus's "Agamem-
non" will be led by Prof. Gerald
Else, of the classical studies de-'
partment, at 7:30 p.m. the same
Prof. Ingo Seidler, of the Ger-
man department, will lead the
seminar on Nietzsche at 7:30 on
Wednesday. Prof. C. L. Stevenson,
of the German department, will
discuss his book, "Ethics and Lan-
guage," with emphasis on the
chapter, "Persuasive Definitions,"
at 7:30 pm. on Oct. 13.
"People and Presidential Poli-
tics" will be the topic of Prof.
Warren Miller, of the political
sciences department, at 4:15 p.m.
on Oct. 14.
The dates for the second semi-
nars on the Young Poets, Modern
Theologians, and American Civil
Liberties will be announced later.
The seminars are open to the
public, Seasonwein said. The time
of thetmeetings will not conflict
with the Freshmen seminars on
"Crime and Punishment." Notes
on the first seminar meetings will
be available at the second meet-
ings and on the SGC table in the
ISA to Hold
Dance Friday
The International Students' As- .
sociation will sponsor a dance
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Women's Athletic Building.
Entertainment features a group
of Latvian folk dances.
For those who want to brush
up on their dancing, lessons will
be given on Mondays at Lane Hall.
There will be professional instruc-
tion in ballroom dancing 7-8 p.m.
and in Latin American dancing
8-9 p.m.

Bewildering as it may appear,
the half dozen technicians needed
for every engineer has led to an
institute which aims to raise the
level of training for community
college administrators.
Although the supervising en-
gineer's personnel requirements
are not the sole reason for com-
munity post-high school instruc-
tion, his problems, the need for
semi-professional workers in many
fields, and local educational de-
mands have caused the establish-
ment of 19 Michigan community
colleges, Prof. Raymond Young
of the education school said yes-
terday. Prof. Young, director of
the newly formed University Com-
munity and Junior College Admin-
istrator Institute, predicted that
this number will double with the
next 15 years.
"Because of a need to prepare
qualified people for the adminis-

trative jobs of these schools, the
institute and the Community
College Administrator Education
project have been started here, at
Wayne State University, and at
Michigan State University," Prof.
Young explained. Each school has
a $125,000 grant from the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation to establish
this four-year pilot program.
A fourth Kellogg grant of $87,-
500 will finance the establishment
and operation of a State Coor-
dinating Council, composed of two
representatives from each of the
schools. Prof. Young and Prof.
Algo Henderson, director of the
Center of Study of Higher Educa-
tion will represent the University.
To Expand Cooperation
The council will examine means
of expanding cooperation among'
the universities in pooling special
resources and joint planning for
student recruitment, research in
the administration of community
colleges, program evaluation,
placement of graduates and liaison.
with interested educational agen-
cies and organizations. This will
parallel similar programs now
starting at Columbia University
and the Universities of Florida,
Texas and California.
Influenced By Henderson

"Few Americans seem to realize
that for more than two years now,
United Arab Republic President
Gamal Abdel Nasser has violently
repudiated Soviet-bloc attempts to
infiltrate his country, and has
taken a vigorous stand against
its attempts to subvert the Middle-
East, Prof. Leland Stowe of the
journalism department said yes-
"It is of utmost importance to
remember that the Nasser one
meets today is not the same man
he was in 1948 or even 1952."
Speaking on "Nasser Betweeh
East and West: His Communist
Bloc Deceptions-His Growth and
Evolution," the Pulitzer Prize-
winning professor traced the
course of Nasser's relationships
with both Eastern and Western
powers and attempted to dispell
the "popular American miscon-
ception" that Nasser is "pro-
Communist . . . soft .. . bamboozl-
ed" because he has accepted sub-
stantial aid from Communist bloc
Discusses Friendship
Nasser's friendship with the big
Communist powers began in 1953
and lasted until 1958. Prior to that
time, his policy had been "Aid and
trade with both East and West."
In 1953, after keeping Nasser
"dangling on a string," former
Secretary of State, the late John
Foster Dulles, withdrew an offer
to send Egypt arms and funds to
build the Aswan Dam.
"This ill-advised action, highly
impolite in manner, was inter-
preted by Nasser as a deliberate
attempt to humiliate Egypt," Prof.
Stowe said. He therefore turned
to the Communist countries from
which aid was eagerly forth-
Receives Arms
In addition to $469 million from
Russia for construction of the
dam, Nasser received arms from
Czechoslovokia and aid from East
Germany on very easy terms along
with "flattery, blandishments and
protestations of friendship" from
all the Communist countries.
During the 1956 Sinai Campaign,
Red China Communist leaders
started "Free Egypt" demonstra-
tions in Peking and rushed films
of the demonstrations to Cairo
where they were shown in all the
"These films," Nasser said, "won
the Egyptians' hearts." The Red
Chinese established an embassy
in Cairo and received a warm

'Nasser Repudiates Soviets'


welcome, and a China-United Arab
Republic friendship association
was formed with Nasser at its
China and Egypt worked in
close co-operation on the Afro-
Asian Solidarity Council at the

mind about the sincerity of their
protestations of friendship.
Military Coup
In July 1958, a military coup
overthrew the Iraqui government,
liberated all Communists in the
jails in that country, and began
an attack on Egypt intended to
rupture the unity of Egypt and
Syria. This, Prof. Stowe explained,
was the beginning of a "new
phase" for the Nasser government,
a battle against the Communist
parties in the Middle-East.
At this point, fortunately for
the United States, Prof. Stowe
said, Khrushchev made a "fatal
faux pas." He accused Nasser of
using "imperialist's language" in
his anti-red statements, and the
Egyptian President retaliated with
a series of violently Anti-Com-
munist speeches in late 1958 and
Fifth Column
Nasser declared that "The Com-
munist parties are a fifth column
. . they set out to organize an
all-Arab Communist underground
for subversion . . .the foundation
was laid . . . according to our
information, in .Moscow."
Nasser denounced Khrushchev
saying, "Until recently . .. he was
supporting us. .. now he supports
our enemy ... . and for every slap
in our faces we return ten."
The first of this year's programs,
featuring Ingmar Bergman's THE
NAKED NIGHT ("Sawdust & Tin-
sel"), Sweder , 1954, will be given
this Monday, Oct. 10, at 8 P.M., in
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Admission is by subscription only;
a full subscription to all 10 pro-
grams costs $5.00. Checks or mon-
ey orders may be sent to 2396 S.
State, Ann Arbor; subscriptions
may also be obtained before the"
showings. For further information,
call NO 2-9359 or NO 2-6685; or
watch for detailed announcement
in this Friday's Daily.

...discusses Nasser

same time that Nasser bitterly
denounced the United States.
In 1958, Nasser said, "We have
come to believe that Soviet Policy
is not aimed at . . . interference
and infiltration . . . during the
last three years they (the Com-
munist countries) have been sin-
cere in their dealings with us."
The end of the harmonious re-
lations between Egypt and the
Communist bloc countries came
later in that same year when
Nasser was forced to change his

The fabulous
Wed., Oct. 12-8:30 p.m.

October 29
Tickets on sale
Today at
Follett's & Ulrich's
Folk Music




"The genesis for these programs
was a national speech Prof. Hen-
derson gave two years ago which
emphasized the problem of find-
ing and training qualified admin-
istrators," Prof. Young said. The
American Association of Junior
Colleges became interested in the
problem and gave incentive to the
programs' initiation.
The typical Michigan commun-
ity college offers a transfer pro-
gram to senior colleges as well
as terminating two year programs
in general education and technical
and semi-professional occupational
curricula, Prof. Young explained.
"In most cases, the school is
geared to the needs of business,
industry and government."
Need More Teachers
As thednumber of students who
wvant and are ready for a college
education increase, a rising pro-
portion of them will be found
entering community colleges, Prof.
Young predicted. "This will inten-
sify the need for adequate faculty
members-one of the biggest prob-
lems facing higher education to-
day," he said,
The University already has es-
tablished an "pre-service program
for community college administra-
tors that leads to the doctor's de-
gree. Prof. Young forsaw a rising
enrollment in this program since
the foundation grants will also
provide five or six annual scholar-
ships for students in the depart-


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University Hosts
School Officials
Officials of the North Central
Association of Colleges and Sec-
ondary Schools, one of several
American regional educational ac-
creditation associations, are meet-
ing this week in Ann Arbor.
At the meeting hosted by the
University's Bureau of School
Services, the state chairmen of
the Association will hear reports
on the identification and motiva-
tion of superior high school stu-
dents and an international rela-
tions project.

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