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October 06, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-06

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy in afternoon
fair and cooler by evening.

VOL. LXXI, No.15






Hass Views Threats
Against Capitalism
Socialist Labor's Nominee Cites
Built-In Contradictions, Arms Race
Capitalism is a system threatened from within due to its built-in
contradictions, Socialist Labor presidential nominee Eric Hass told a
small audience at Angell School last night.
These contradictions, along with the "capitalist lies" and attempts
to continue the arms race, will, when realized, provide the incentive
for the labor class to mobilize politically and initiate "a social recon-
struction of society," he said.
The prestige of social production and private ownership is the
biggest contradiction of the system, Hass emphasized. Where an item
. is prdouced by many workers in

.. .presidential hopeful

Set To Start
Next Week
Approval of a new student-or
ganized note-taking service mus
be granted individually by head
of departments, Dean Roge
Oeyns told the leaders of th
enterprise yesterday.
Dean Imeyns, who had et wit
the literary college administratv
board before deciding to permi
the operations at the discretio
of the instructors, added that let
ters explaining the plan would b
sent to the various departments.
The service, announced yester
day by four students who prefe:
to remain anonymous at present
hill provide subscribers with up
to-date mimeographed lectur
Student Edited
The notes will be taken an
edited by honor students enrolle
in the course, re-edited by anothe
student who has already had the
course, and delivered within 24
hours after each lecture, accord
ing to the leaders.
At least two lecture sections-
Zoology 1 and Anthropology 31-
will be covered when the opera.
tion -gets underway Monday. Stu.
dents in those courses will be
furnished a free set of notes ove
this week's lectures, and given the
opportunity to subscribe for fur
ther coverage. Ultimately, the or
ganization, which calls itself the
University Study Service, hope
to offer notes for about ten large
lecture courses.
Prices cannot be exactly spei-
f redbecause of the present fluidi-
ty of the operation, a group
spokesman said. However, good
wages for notetakers and th
csts of printing and distribution
will probably dictate a charge o
15 to 20 cents per lecture,
Subscriber Service
Interested students may sub-
scribe to the service for four
weeks with the option of renew-
in gfor the rest of the semester.
Or they may subscribe initially for
the entire semester, at a reduced
Notes may not be purchased on
a day-by-day basis. Cost of the
service will not exceed $10 per
semester, the organizers added.
Willians Raps
State's 'Slop'
LANSING W--Gov. Williams
Wednesday ripped Michigan's 52-
year-old Constitution up one side
and down the other and called
on voters to clear the way for a

many companies through various
stages of production, social pro-
duction exists.
Discusses Production
At the same time, goods are
produced for individual profit, not
for use, in our present economic
system and therefore benefit only
the small number of capitalists,
he said.
Capitalism permits the workers
to buy back only a portion of the
labor they have contributed to
production, since a profit must
be taken out and since workers
are not paid fqr their worth but
only according to the demand for
their services which fluctuates, he
"Capitalism Is a system of
waste," he stressed.
Unnecessary Growth
The system encourages the
growth of unnecessary businesses
which contribute nothing to the
improvement of goods, Hass said.
Capitalists try to promote "eco-
nomic imperialism" in foreign
countries to dispose of their sur-
pluses, surpluses produced by the
waste of the system. In order to
promite their own economic in-
terest in the huge defense indus-
tries, capitalists will not allow
the government to disarm or even
seriously consider conferring with
other nations about this problem;
he said.
These economic factors are the
reasons for America's concern with
Latin American revolution, typi-
fled by Castro's rebellion, the
twice-defeated presidential candi-
date said. Private invesunent in
Latin America by the United
States amounted to $9.5 billion
last year, he pointed out.
"No Battle"
ings of automation and "people's
capitalism," he warned.
Hass said his party believes it,
can become a major party in the
future, but is now only trying to
educate American people. Once in
power it would establish equaliza-
tion of income, voting through1
labor unions and a national coun-
cil which would determine produc-
tion policies as well as other prob-
lems of the nation.

'U' Party
The. platform committee of the
recently organized campus politi-
cal party discussed the scope of
and possible issues to be sched-
uled in the platform last night.
Fifty students attended the
open session. Debate centered
around the question of the ad-
visability of party stands on na-
tional or internationalissues in
addition to the positions taken on
campus affairs.
It was suggested that the plat-
form concern itself only with is-
sues pertaining to the campus.
The rationale involved the con-
sideration that keeping foremost
the party's objective of winning
seats on the Student Government
Council, the issues on which the
candidates run must be those
which will elicit the greatest stu-
dent interest,
Argue Questions
Proponents of this opinion ar-
gued that although students are
involved in national and inter-
national questions, they often do
not realize this and are most con-
cerned with on-campus issues of
which they are more aware.
Consequently, an educational
groundwork must precede the in-
clusion of outside issues in the
platform. It was suggested that
such areas be developed gradually
as the party grows in experience
and influence.
Those favoring comment on na-
tional affairs which affect the
students, objected to "gradualism"
or exclusion as a betrayal of par-
ty objectives.
Discuss Philosophy
Equating basic party philosophy
with a strong commitment to such
areas as the student movement,
disarmament and desegregation,
strong corresponding platform'
planks were advocated.
Jack Ladinsky, Grad., chair-
man of the campus operations
committee proposed a statement
of party policy in the form of a
prerable to th -dgtfori hnri'v-
ing a general approach to the
party convictions on national
and world affairs.
Campus issues which came un-1
der consideration included driving3
regulations, a recognition of the
administrative wing of the Stu-
dent Activities Building, and a
consideration of the University
Lecture Committee.
Student responsibility and uni-'
versity paternalism, university
housing, the establishment of a
grievance committee and a closer
alliance with the National Stu-
dent Association were other items




Grad Claims
Catholic Vote
Not Cohesive
"Considering that there is little
cohesion among the Catholics to-
day, we should not accept religion
as the cause for a Kennedy vote,
but look for other reasons," said
Mike Lamphier, Grad, at a New-
man Club panel discussion of
"Will Catholics vote for Kennedy"
last night.
Prof. Philip Converse, study di-
rector of the Survey Research
Center, summarized the historical
background of the Catholic vote
in presidential and congressional
elections. In 1956, of all the peo-
ple who voted Democratic, 7 per
cent more were Catholic than
were non-Catholic.
"Notes Index"
This index of "distinctiveness"
has been steadily declining since
1948, and is now estimated at 3
per cent.
Prof. Converse cited three fac-
tors which lead to the influence
of groups on their members: Co-
hesiveness, legitimacy and the
strength of norms. The cohesive-
ness of the Catholic religion was
determined by the degree of iden-
tity apparent, which has been
steadily decreasing.
Legitimacy is ascertained by
asking how right it is for groups
to lobby and to endorse members
of the group for political candi-
dacy. Again, the Catholics show a
rather low index when compared
to Negroes and unions.
Determine Strength
To determine the strength of
the norms, the Survey Research
Center studied situations in which
a Catholic was runnig agimst a
non-Catholic in a congressional
race. Of the total Catholic voters,
61 per cent were for the Catholic,
as compared to 49 per cent of the
control non-Catholics.
Mike Lamphier took over the
discussion at this point and point-
ed out that the presidential elec-
tions of 1952 and 1956 were quite
obviously stacked with prestige
("General" Eisenhower vs. a rela-
tively unknown Adlai Stevenson).
Equal Distribution
The prestige in this election is
fairly equally distributed. He sug-
gested several interpretations of
the data with regard to the com-
ing election. First, the Catholics
might vote Democratic because
they have a history of doing so.
This would seem to indicate
that the Catholics vote as a so-
cial group rather than as a re-
ligious group. Second, the histori-
cal analogy of the 1928 campaign
in which Al Smith ran, doesn't
have much bearing on the present
situation. Then, a combination of
being "wet," coming from a low-
er class, and being Catholic meant

Pirates Sink Yankees in Opener

PITTSBURGH (M -- The alert
Pittsburgh Pirates knocked out
the New York Yankee starter with
three runs in the first inning yes-
terday and clawed out a 6-4 vic-
tory in the opening World Series
game despite 13 Yankee hits off
Vern Law and Elroy Face.
When Law, the N a t i o n a l
League champ's 20-game winner,
tired in the eighth, Pirate man-
ager Danny Murtaugh called on
Elroy Face, the scrawny guitar-
twanging relief ace. Taking over
with two on and nobody out, little
Elroy slipped a sinker past Mick-
ey Mantle for a third called strike,
got Yogi Berra on a fly and
struck out Moose Skowron.
Although Face was nicked for
a two-run pinch homer by Elston
Howard in the ninth, the Yanks
never could generate enough
steam to catch-the fighting Bucs
after that first inning.
Retires One
Art Ditmar, the Yanks' starter,
retired only one man before the
hit-and-run scrappersfrom the
National League finished him off
for the day to the delight of 36 -
676 at ancient Forbes Field.
Ditmar went to the mound with
a one-run lead, fashioned by Rog-
er Maris'r350-foot home run into
the upper deck in right in the
Yankee first. It didn't last long.
The American League cham-
pions, who finished the regular
season with 15 straight victories
played like sleep walkers in the
Pirate first. They never were able
to recover. It was the Pirates' first
series victory over the Yanks, who
brushed them off in four straight
in 1927.
Bill Virdon walked, stole sec-
ond and sped all the way to third
whn nobody wvered second base
on Berr a's row. Then came Dick
Groat, the NL batting king, ram-
ming a double to right scoringj
Bounces Ball
Bob Skinner bounced a hard
shot past Bobby Richardson on ther
well-packed infield and Groat
raced in with the run that put
the Pirates ahead to stay.
Skinner stole second on Berra's
throw and sped home with the
third run of the big inning ont
Roberto Clemente's hard bouncer
into center,
Clemente's hit started a parade
of Yankee relief men that includ-
ed Jim Coates, Duke Maas and1
Ryne Duren as Manager Casey1
Stengel maneuvered desperately,.
trying to close the gap.
When the Yanks got one run
back in the fourth on Maris' sin-1
gle, a walk and Skowron's single,Z
Pittsburgh's bouncy Bucs came
right back to two of their own.
For the day, Maris got three hitsr
as did Tony Kubek.t
The Pirates, whose power had
been rated much inferior to thek
Yanks's home run blasting, show-
See LAW, Page 7E

--AP Wirephoto
GROAT'S OUT--Pittsburgh Pirates shortstop Dick Groat is out
at third in the third inning of yesterday's first World Series
game on a throw from Hector Lopez in left to Gil McDougald.

eutralists Abandon Resolutioi





Council Gives Approval
To'iquorb the Glass'
Student Government Council last night expressed its belief that
"passage of the 'liquor by the glass' proposal . . . would be a welcome
and intelligent decision."
The Council acted on a motion by Arthur Rosenbaum, '62, and
Daily Editor Thomas Hayden, '61, that it express this opinion about
the liquor issue, which will be voted on in the Nov. 8 election. Copies

UN Chane
OriginalJ Pilyr'M e~
For Meeting
Nehru Says Alteratio!
Omits 'Moral Issue'
By The Associated Press
Five neutral powers early today
withdrew a resolution calling for
. talks between President Dwghi
D. Eisenhower and Soviet Premie
Nikita Khrushchev after . the
General Assembly eliminated re-
ference to the two leaders.
In a dramatic, post-midnight
move following a long wrangling
debate, Indian Prime Minister
Nehru told the 98'nation assembly
that the five felt it had lost its
sense of urgency and moral ap-
proach to the East-West issue.
Nehru Opposes Change
Nehru declared that the change
which reduced the resolution to a
mere call for renewed contact
between the oviet Union and the
United States rendered it virtually
meaningless. . .
"There has been no break in
contacts diplomatically," Nehru
said. "So it doesn't seem reason-
able that the Assembly should be
associated with such a resolution.
The change which provoked the
withdrawal had been supported
by Secretary of State Christian
A. Herter, who said the neutralist
resolution singled out two in
dividuals either of whom "could
be gone tomorrow."
Amendment Defeated
Earlier the Assembly defeated
an Australian amendment which
would have changed the five-
power draft to a call for a Big
Four meeting instead of nimetng
between Khrushchev and Elsem-
The Assembly went into night
session on the neutralist proposal
after another round of general
debate in which Australia die-
nounced Khrushchev as a hypo-
critical latter-day Caesar trying
to break up the United Nations,
Nehru, a leading and influential
voice of neutralism, had spear
header the neutralist effort, de-
manding unanaimous or near-
unanimous passage of the five-
nation resolution sponsored by
Ghana, India, Indonesia, the
United Arab Republic and Yugo.
Failure Called 'Dangerous'
Failure of the assembly to adopt
the proposal, Nehru had warned
in midday, would be dangerous
to the world's future.
But, apparently reflecting sag-
ging neutralist hopes, the sponsor
nations watered down their orig-
inal resolution, changing their
"request" for an Eisenhower.
Khrushchev - conference to an
expression of hope that one would
take place.
Apparently, the best the neut-
ralists hoped for In view of the
distaste for the idea expressed
by both world leaders, was that
the assembly would spread that
expression of hope on the record.drsssU
Spirited debate over the neutra-
list attempt, occupying most o
the Assembly's morning time, was
interrupted in the afternoon for
resumption of the policy debate.
It was then that Australian
gPrime Minister Robert Gordon
Menzles, In an address prepared
for that debate, let fly his heavy
assualt on Khrushchev, one of
the strongest against the Com-
munist chief thus far at this
spectacular 15th GeneralAssembly
session. Menzies conferred with
President Eisenhower In Washing-
ton Sunday.

Collins To Talk
For Kennedy
Joe Collins, campaign manager
for Democratic gubernatorial can-
didate John Swainson, will ad-
dress the Law Students Commit-
tee for Kennedy and Swainson at
8:00 p.m. today on the third floor
of the Union.

Board Charges Queens
With Anti-Catholic Bias

of the approved motion will be
sent to all local newspapers and
radio stations.
As approved, the motion says
the Council feels passage of
"liquor by the glass" would "offer
a more realistic approach to the
question of student drinking."
The Council added that the
local community would probably
benefit from adequately controlled
local establishments that would
sell liquor by the glass.
And "it seems implausible to be-
lleve that the morality of students
would degenerate because of sale
of liquor by the glass in Ann
Arbor. While the Council appreci-
ates the concern of a segment of
the community, the progress of
Ann Arbor should not be sacrificed
because of overly protected con-
siderations for the students' mor-

Mass Meeting
To Set Topic
For Challenge
The Challenge topic for next
semester will be chosen at 4:15
p.m. 'today at a mass meeting in
room 3R-S of the Union.
Topics under consideration in-
clude the Challenge of the nu-
clear age, the Challenge of the
United Nations, the Challenge of
underdeveloped nations, the Chal-
lenge of American foreign policy,
the Challenge of co-existence, and
the Challenge of international
The fall topic is "The" Challenge
of American Civil Liberties.'

r I The State Commission Agains
that it had found evidence of bias
motion of Roman Catholic teach
The results of a two-year
into charges that the college adn
Catholic faculty members were gi
Court to an injunction suit
brought by the Board of Higher
Goes to Court
On Sept. 1 the board went to
*court to challenge the commis-
Ssion's jurisdiction over its employ-
fment of teachers. The board ob-
tained an order temporarily stay-
ing the informal investigation.
Tuesday the state agency asked
that the stay be vacated and the
board be enjoined from taking any
further such action. The case is
to be argued on Oct. 27.
Commissioner J. Edward Con-
way conducted the inquiry. Among
the "manifestations" cited as lead-
ing to the conclusion that the was
"resistance" to the progress of
Catholics at the college were the
"The small number of Catholic
teachers employed at Queens
College." Of a total staff of 425
when the inquiry started, only 22
Catholics had teaching positions
and eight had nonteaching posi-
tions with tenure while 15 others
were non permanent appointees.
"An analysis of the treatment
of almost one-half of all Catholic
teachers at the college "that leads
to the conviction that key person-
nel . . . have resisted the progress
of teachers known by them to beF
practicing Catholics."

t Discrimination reported Tuesday
against the employment and pro-
ers at Queens College.
investigation by the commission
ministration discriminated against
iven in a reply filed in Supreme



Portrays Hopelessness, Anguish of Purge Trials

The emotions of the men in a Russian prison cell are clearly
revealed by their bent bodies and restless gestures in the Civic
Theatre production of "Darkness at Noon," which is being presented
today, Friday and Saturday at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
"Keep that intensity going now," shouted the director, and the
curtain opens on the cold, gray stone set which provides a lifeless
background for the drama of despair.
A fevered figure in gray overcoat lies on a stone bench tossing
in his sickness and mental conflict. Stiff, green-uniformed guards
stalkC into the cell making quick, stiff, imperious gestures.
The dark, desolate scenes are interrupted with dream sequences
representing the prinsoner's old life, in which bright rooms play
host to "joyful,singing men, who dance with their arms around each
Man Dreams
The dreams fade, and the prison returns. Prisoners stalk ner-
vously in their small cells, like animals. Suddenly a message is passed
along the cells, and each man drops to his knees, hammering out the
signal on the floor of his cell, or listening for the signal to came with
an ear pressed to the wall.
More dreams come to the Jailed man, and a girl appears; the
two are joined in an embrace. A few moments later, the girl kneels
happily in front of a small vase of flowers, arranging them, as the
man enjoys, in his dream, a bit of human life, undictated by the

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