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October 05, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-10-05

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1MwItkuj an
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

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'Warmer ini afternoon
with south winds.

see Page,4

VOL. LXXI, No. 14



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-David ltrow -Daily-Larry Vanice
LEADING DEMOCRATS-in their respective visits to the campus yesterday, Governor Williams (left)
scorned Vice-President Nixon's claims to experience, while Byron White discusses the importance of
Independent voters.

Nixon Ahead'
Of Kennedy,
White Says
The head of the Citizens for
Kennedy and Johnson drive ad-
mitted last night that Sen. John
F. Kennedy is running a little be-
hind vice-president Richard M.
Byron- White, said, however, the
trends are favorable.
Bolstering this swing to Ken-
nedy will be the impact of the
'television debates. the first of
which White' called "a great event,
in which Kennedy had a clear
"If the election were held today,
it would be decided by the inde-
pendent vote," Byron White said.
Have Trouble
He explained that although the
Democratic party has a 5-3 edge
in registration, "We Democrats
have always had trouble turning
out the voters."
For this reason, the principle
objectives of his organization in-
clude encouragement of a large
vote, as well as a concentrated
appeal to liberal Republicans and
A former All-American and
Detroit Lions-football star, "Whiz-
zer" White was in town last night
'to assist in establishing an Ann
Arbor branch of the Citizens for
Kennedy. John Devine will head
the local chapter.
White told a press conference
that his organization was set up
by Kennedy himself and is in-
dependently financed.
Supplements Committee'
Its work supplements that of the
Democratic National Committee.
Headquartered in Washington, the
Citizens for Kennedy executive
staff also includes the former
campaign manager of California
Glov. Edmund G. Brown and a
co-owner of the "Washington
White said that the response
In Aznt Arbor had been "excellent",
as it has everywhere." He added
that he did not know if Kennedy
himself would make an appear-
ance here, although it is known
that he plans at least one. more
trip to the state.
In response to a question noting
the apparent inconsistency of the'
liberal Democratic platform and
the choice of Sen. Lyndon John-
son as Kennedy's running mate,
White pointed out that "Johnson
has endorsed the platform and
says he will support it. He has the!
backing of many leading Michigan
However, White said that he
does not know if Kennedy and
Johnson will ever join forces and
campaign together. He added that
both are hitting the country hard,
and that he believed there was
"less chance than in the past" that
the South would break up as the
tradttional Democratic stronghold.
SGC Meeting
To Consider
'Liquor Sales
Student Government Council
will consider a motion to endorse
sale of liquor by the glass in Ann

Williams Defends,
Winehell House Hears Governor
Stress Need for Strong America
Gov. G. Mennen Williams, on campus yesterday afternoon for the
reception of Mrs. Peter Lawford, took time out to speak to the
residents of Winchell House, West Quadrangle.
The Governor said he was glad to see so many young people
taking an active interest in politics. "When I went to school," he said,
"even with the Roosevelt campaigns, the students didn't get very

excited about the Campaigning. b
Year Abroad
There is some chance a U ni-
versity junior-year-abroad pro-
gram could begin by the fall of
1961, Associate Dean of the liter-
ary college James Robertson says.
The report of the literary col-
lege faculty committee which
fstudied the problem will probably
be considered- by the college's,
steering committee at its Oct. 12
If the literary college authorizes,
the plan, subsequent approval is;
needed from the University,;
through Vice-President and Dean
of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss,
before a man is sent to Europe to
do the ground work in setting up
the extension program.
This person would study course
offerings, their content and pre-{
requisites, testing and grading1
procedures, prices, living facili-
ties, advice students would need,
and would establish language tu-
tors and credit equivalents' with
American schooling.
To Avoid Mistake
The University hopes to avoid
the mistake of establishing ai
"little Stanford abroad," as Dean
Robertson termed one programl
which has its students living to-l
See 'U', Page 2

N'ow they do and this is good."
Williams said that he felt the
one thing now in the minds of
the people was who could handle
the Russians to the best advan-
tage of the United States.
Two Accomplishments
"Nixon stresses two accomplish-
ments," he said. "First, that he
has traveled and talked with the
leaders of the world; second, that
he has talked tough to the Rus-
"Now everyone wants to see
America in a position where the
Russians can't push us around,
but I don't think this so-called
'Kitchen Debate' is any example
of talking tough."
He said that Kennedy had also
traveled widely, and has been in
contact with the leaders of major
nations and visited major trouble
spots in the world.
Results Count
"Talking tough is all right," he
went on. "But it's the results that
count. America. ,has to be strong
militarily, educationally, economi-
cally, and spiritually."
Williams said the nation needs
the skills of every one of its'
citizens, and therefore everyone
should receive the fullest educa-
tion possible. "Only then, in the
final analysis, can we prevail on
the Soviets, because we are strong-
In Lansing Williams said that
President Dwight Eisenhower has
made only the ''most of faint-
hearted praise" in endorsing Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon's de-
cision-making experience,

Nixon's Plan
Would Aid Students
By Providing Loans
The University medical school
would certainly be willing to par-
ticipate in a Federal program pro-
viding aid to medical students,
such as the one recently recom-
mended by Vice-President Rich-
ard M. Nixon, William N. Hub-
bard, dean of the medical school
said yesterday.
Saying that "some such plan is
essential," Hubbard pointed out
that while over 95 per cent of the
graduate students in the physical
sciences in the United States re-
ceive some kind of fellowship aid,
very few medical students enjoy
the same kind of financial assist-
Nixon's suggestion for federal
assistance, presented Monday, is
that fellowships be awarded on
the basis of competitive examina-
tions and individual need to about
half of the country's medical stu-
Part of each fellowship would go
directly to the medical school in.
question, providing encouragement
for the expansion of facilities. The
rest of the fellowship would take
the form of a loan to the student.
Nixon also proposed that the
federal government pay a larger
share of the resulting increased
overhead of the institutions In-
volved, so as not to burden the
medical schools unduly. He sug-
gested that such a program would
permit an increase in medical
school faculty salaries and en-
courage more persons to become
teachers and research personnel
in such schools.
WSU Council
Votes to Back
Ban Removal
A statement supporting the
Wayne State University's Borarda
of Governors' decision to revoke
the ban against Communist speak-;
ers, was issued last night by WSU's
Student-Faculty Council.
The declaration reaffirmed a
SF0 policy that was passed in
March, 1959. It read, "The univer-
sity is primarily an Institute of
learning . .. In order to promote1
scholarly inquiry and the highesti
in academic standards, it is de-
ssirable that the student hear alli
sides of every issue," it says.

-AP Wirepfhoto
UN PRINCIPALS--British Prime Minister IHarold Macmillan met with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush-
ch'ev yesterday. The bid by Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru led an unsuccessful neutralist
bid for an Eisenhower-Khrushchev meeting. The two Commonwealth leaders are shown conferring
last week.
Americans MisjudgeNasser

"I believe that most of my
fellow countrymen have far less
information than they should
about United Arab Republic Pre-
sident Gamal Abdel Nasser," Prof.
Leland Stowe of the journalism
department said yesterday.
In a talk entitled "What We
Need to Know About Nasser," Prof.
Stowe expressed conclusions drawn
from three months of research in
the Middle East for "Reader's
Digest" magazine.
He will discuss further aspects
of Nasser's regime, particularly
his relationship with the Soviet
bloc, at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheatre in a lec-
ture titled, "Nasser Between East
and West: His Communist Bloc
Deceptions -- His Growth and
Prof. Stowe pointed out four
popular American misconceptions
about Nasser, which he feels
should be corrected. The first is
the idea that Nasser is headstrong
and impetuous when, Prof. Stowe
said, the opposite is true. Nasser
always weighs every aspect and
contingency before acting on a
problem, especially one such as the
nationalization of the Suez Canal.
Patriotic Motives
The second misconception is the
belief Nasser is "just another
power-greedy, military dictator."
Nasser's motives, Prof. Stowe said,
are for the Arab people and are
patriotic and humanitarian.

Prof. Stowe refuted the opinion
that Nasser is always ready to
resort to force to achieve his ends.
"Nasser has a deep aversion to
bloodshed," he said, and quoted
the Arab leader as saying, "After
reading about the French Revolu-
tion I had such agonies before my
eyes . I always remembered
that ., . I have always felt that
bloodshed will lead to bloodshed."
In this afternoon's lecture, Prof.
Stowe will discuss the frequently-
heard charge that Nasser is "pro-
Soviet *. .: hoodwinked by Mos-
cow . .. soft on Conmnunists."
Nations Sensitive
In dealing with Nasser, Prof.
Stowe feels that difficulties arise
.when foreign governments fail to
realize that Nasser and the Arab
nations are "hyper-sensitive to
any slight or condescension." He
explained that, "Nasser has re-

stored to Egyptians their self-
respect, pride and patriotism, but
both he and his people have
psychological wounds which are
still bleeding."
Greatest Interest
Prof. Stowe cautions Americans
and other foreign powers to con-
sider the question, "What if Nas-
ser no longer ruled Egypt?" He
quotes news commentator Frank
Kearns as saying that "The alter-
native to Nasser is too awful to
contemplate. The result would be
either a regime under the fana-
tical Moslem Brotherhood or a
Communist Regime ruling Egypt
and Syria."
Prof. Stowe quoted an American
diplomat as maintaining that
America's greatest interest in the
U.A.R. is "that it be and remain
a truly independent nation at the
most strategic' crossroads in to-
day's revolutionary world."

Red Leader
Meets Briton
To Set Stand :
Neutralist Leaders
Still Press Urgently
For D ecision . by U NN T D N T O S ( '- F e
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev Indi-
cated last night a new Soviet-
U.S. meeting is impossible so ong
as President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower remains in the White'
Neutralist leaders refused to
abandon their proposal for such a
meeting, and said they would :
continue to press urgently for a
vote on it In the United Nations
General Assembly.
But even they conceded there
was little chance for the bid, since
it seemed obvious neither world
leader wanted to meet the other
face to face.
What appeared to be Khrush-
chevs' final word was given We
Britain's. Prime Minister Harold
Macmillan, during a 90-minute'
meeting with the. Soviet leader.
The British said they/ had the
impression Khrushchev felt fur-
ther piressure was hopeless.
Khrushchev, ,pictured by WGest
ern sources as shaken by a series'
of UN setbacks, was reported plan.
ning a new round of UN freworks.
And his sheeting with Macmillan
showed there was - little hope ,fr
East-West agreement on any ma-,
jor issue.
tiNo Progrs
Khrushchev and. Macmillan
conf erring at the latter's hotel
suite on the eve of the Briton's
departure, made no progress n
easing the deadlock over the key
question of disarmament.
Although Khrushchev told
newsmen the meeting had been
"very productive," a British fo-
eign office spokesman reported
there was "virtually no change"
in positions.
Only four days before the two
had met in similar circumstances,
and neither had budged an inch
from previously stated positions.
Key Figure
Macmillan, a key figure for the
West in the current 15th UN Gen-
eral Assembly session, agreed with
Khrushchev that a new summit'~
conference would be desirable at
some time. But both let it go t
The British spokesman said it
was possible Macmillan, before his.
departure today, would fill in
Eisenhower by telephone on the
results of his conference with
Khrushchev, in which the dis-
armament issue was the dominant
The development shook the five
neutralist nations who had pre-
sented a proposal to the Assembly
for an Eisenhower-Khrushchev
meeting. what seemed the 'finall
Khrushchev rejection came while,
the neutrals were appealing to
the Asian-African bloc for sup-
To Press Plea
India's Prime Minister Jawahar-.
al Nehru, 'a leading figure among
the neutrals, said he intended to
press, on with the plea. Nehru
also told the group he found to-
tally unacceptable a move 'by
Australia to broaden the propos-
ed Eisenhower-Khrushchev meet-
ing into a four-power summit "'at
the earliest practicable time.
Nixon, Lodge

In Ann Arbor
Henry Cabot Lodge, Republican
vice-presidential nominee, will vis-
it the University for a major ad-
dress, Jo McKenna, '62, presi-
dent of the Young Republicans
announced yesterday.

Note-Taking Service Causes
Reaction Among Educators
Two unidentified students began yesterday to organize a note-
taking service to provide 'students of at least two large lecture
sections with mimeographed notes and drawings, presumably for a
set fee,
Their plan, which Includes hiring a professional secretary to
attend their lecture sections, has been awarded tentative approval

, <F'!

by Prof. Smith of the zoology
department and Prof. Spuhler of

Star's Wife, No minee's Sister, Speaks at Union

"Where is she? I want to meet
her," one matron said, stepping
briskly up to a young lady with
a Kennedy hat on.
"You mean Jack Kennedy's
sister---," the girl began.
"No. I don't care anything about
her," the matron interrupted,
waving her autograph book in the
air. "I want to see the movie
star, Mrs. Peter Lawford."
Apparently the lady was confus-
ed, but nonetheless she was one
of better than 500 people who
Jammed the Union Ballroom yes-
terday afternoon to meet Mrs. Pe-
ter Lawford, wife of the motion
picture star and sister of the pres-
idential nominee, Sen. John F.
But, whether one was expecting
the sister of a politician or the
wife of a star, they all met the
same charming lady, who certain-
ly looks like a sister of Jack Ken-

the anthropology department.
Prof. Spuhler, who teaches an-
thropology 31 this semester, com-
pared purchasing such notes to
buying a textbook, and pointed out
that "at some good universities,
such as Oxford, the sale of printed
lecture notes is permitted; at
others, it isn't." He said that 'he
would have no objections to such
a procedure.
Discover Nothing
Anthropology department sec-
retaries looked through University
regulations to discover anything
bearing on the matter, but by the
end of the day had found nothing.
Prof. Smith, who teaches Zool-
ogy 1, reported that the students
said they would present him with
plans, for their service before
Denying any ethical impropriety
in such a procedure, Prof. Smith
noted the conflict between listen-
ing and writing that develops
when students attempt to learn
and take notes at the same time.
He said the plan called for one
secretary to take notes and an-
other to copy diagrams, both of
which would presumably be edited


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