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September 23, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-09-23

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Cloudy with scattered shower*
Cooler in the afternoon

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


-,Day--Michael Krabach
PRESENTS CHALLENGE-Harold Taylor, president emeritus
of Sarah Lawrence College, offered the first challenge of a
year-long series on American Civil Liberties with a lecture on
freedom in America.f
T aylor Says Ideals
B asic t1o Demo racy
Discusses McCarthy Influence;
Encourages Student Movement
"Democracy becomes impotent when exercised by those who
shrink from unabashed idealism," Harold Taylor, president emeritus
of Sarah Lawrence College said at the first Challenge meeting last
"McCarthy stiffened the American mind in a posture of defense
and anxiety, ignoring the fact that Communism spreads wherever
there is despair and lack of faith in American democracy," he con-
"Freedom," he said, "is a state of mind which exists only where
people make it live vigorously, confidently and bravely." He observed

Pro posal
For Aged
LANSING (D - The heart of
Gov. G. Mennen Williams' medi-
cal care plan for needy elderly
persons won approval of the state
Senate last night while the House
adjourned until today, postponing
passage of the bill.
The House adjourned shortly
after midnight after considering
the Senate proposal
The Senate, which is controlled
by Republicans, endorsed the pro-
gram by a 21-9 vote, after cutting
back the bill from $14 million a
year to $11.5 yearly.
Reject Protests
The Senate in passing the bill
rejected Democratic protests over
the reductions. ravoring the main
proposal in the Senate were all
12 Democratsand nine Republi-
cans. All nine negative votes were
cast by Republicans.
Critics objected that the legis-
lation, subject of the special ses-
sion that began yesterday morn-
ing, amounted to a drop in the
As approved the principal ef-
fect of the bill will be to provide
the equivalent of Blue Cross and
Blue Shield hospitalization and
surgical benefits to an estimated
6,000 men and women over 65
years old who cannot afford prop-
er health care and who are not
eligible for age assistance bene-
Predicts Failure
Earlier in the day Sen. Frank
D. Beadle of St. Clair, GOP ma
jority leader, predicted the pro-
posal for new benefits could not
A trainee meeting for those
interested in becoming members
of the editorial, sports or
photography staffs of The
Daily will be held at 4:15 p.m.
today at the Student Activities
Business staff tryout meet-
ings will take place at 7:15 p.m.
Tuesday and at 4:15 and 7:15
p.m. Wednesday.
muster needed support from GOP
ranks unless stripped of many of
its provisions.
Beadle said many GOP senators
were unwilling to vote for diag-
nostic benefits and nursing home
care favored by the Governor and
the bi-partisan legislative group
that advised him.
In addition, he said Republi-
cans decided to insist on a rela-
tive responsibility clause that
would relieve public, agencies of
paying for a needy person's care
if a son, daughter, brother or
sister was able to foot the bill.
Beadle said he could get no
estimate of how much the changes
would reduce public expenditures
under the program.
As originally presented, the
proposals were estimated to cost
$14 million on an annual basis-
with half supplied from state and
county sources and the remainder
from the federal treasury.

Major Changes
For Distributio










Ike Emphasizes UN Peace Effort

U.S., Russia
Clash in UN
Over Tibet
United States and the Soviet Un-
ion met head-on yesterday in
their first bitter clash of the
General Assembly session.
The issue was acharge of Com-
munist Chinese repression in Ti-
The General Assembly's 21-na-
tion steering committee voted to
put the charges on the Assem-
bly's agenda for a full-scale de-
bate later in the session despite
bitter,.Soviet protests.
The Tibetan item was one of
a large number approved by the
committee. One other proposal
brought a flareup-Algeria. Al-
though the committee accepted a
proposal to hold an Assembly dis-
cussion on the nationalist rebel-
lion in the French North African
territory, France objected strenu-
ously and said it again would boy-
cott the debate.
Would Disregard Edict
Ambassador Armand Berard of
France warned the committee that~
France would disregard the As-
sembly's verdict on Algeria as it
has in the past because President
Charles De Gaulle's government
feels the UN has no right to con-
sider the problem. He warned that
the debate itself might only make
it difficult for De Gaulle to reach
a solution of the six-year-old con-
The debates on Algeria and Ti-
bet will be held later this fall,
probably in the Assembly's poli-
tical committee, which includes
all members of the United Na-
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister1
Valerian Zorin said that the de-
bate on Tibet will be "nothing'
but an attempt to renew the cold
Asserts Right
United States Ambassador
James J. Wadsworth promptly re-
plied that the Assembly has a
right to discuss Communist Chi-
nese suppression of the 1958 re-
volt in Tibet because "the funda-
mental rights of the Tibetan peo-
ple continued to be systematically
disregarded and equally syste-

ilngering traces of McCarthyism
in such instances as the House
Un-American Activities Commit-
tee's recent investigation into pos-
sible Communist infiltration of
California schools and "abuse" of
the students demonstrating
against the investigation,
"There are loyal people who
oppose the abuse of freedom in
education," stated.
He said that such student move-
ments are not Communist influ-
enced and stated that investi-
gating committees "can generate
little repression that will seriously
affect the movement."
In commenting on student move-
ments in Europe, Asia and the
United States, Taylor stressed the
conflict between the present and
preceding generation. "Youth has
a need to revere and imitate its
elders, but it can't," he said.
"Shared goals have given youth
a sense of comradeship and an
accompanying sense of alienation
toward the older generation. They
look at their parents' example and
realize that their expectations of
society and life will be unfulfilled
without their own efforts," he ex-
He pointed out that the South-
ern Negro is often In opposition to
his parents, in jail, and unable
to respect even his university
Taylor criticized the concept of
colleges and universities asr"places
where the young should be pro-
tected from the social issues of the
time," adding that "the student is
being suspended between two
worlds while he is being educated.
"When student involvement in
political issues causes alarm and
repression, it is little wonder that
"apathetic" students prefer "the
security of political science to
social action," he observed.
Taylor called for the encour-
agement, support and imaginative
suggestions of teachers, stating
that the scholar "has a mission to
inbue the life of the student with
freedom, the search for ideas, and
the capacity for original thought."
Procedure Set
Student Government Council,
President John Feldkamp, '61, lastI
night proposed the proceedure for
appointing the Committee on
Membership in Student Organiza-

n Policies

By The Associated Press
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower is-
sued yesterday a massive chal-
lenge to the Communist world to
pledge itself against use of force
and subversion and join efforts
to insure peace under the guard-
ianship of the UN.
The President challenged the
Russians on such issues as dis-
armament, use of outer space,
nuclear weapons control, and
peaceful change through organiz
ed assistance in a burgeoning new
world of independent nations.
The general reaction among
delegates in the crowded Assembly
hall was that the President had
made a constructive statement.
Some were enthusiastic about it,
and these included Africans, and
Latin Americans. Communist bloc
leaders, following Khrushchev's
lead, were non-committal, but,
Communist President Tito of
Yugoslavia, who was to meet with
Eisenhower later on, pronounced
the American's address "a positive
"If the UN system is success-
fully subverted in Africa," Eisen-
hower said, "the world will be on
its way back to the traditional
exercise of power politics in which
small countries will be used as
pawns by aggressive major powers.
Any nation, seduced by glittering
promises into becoming a catspaw
for an imperialistic power, thereby
undermines the UN and places in,
jeopardy the independence of it-
self and all others."
Renew Disarmament
Keynoting a historic diplomatic:
struggle in the UN General As-
sembly's 15th session, the Presi-
dent informed the attentive Com-
munists he wants talks on dis-
armament renewed at once. But
he warned that disarmament can-
not be brought about through or-
atory or propaganda.
The Communist's walkout from
the disarmament commission in
Geneva this year brought nego-
Police Make
Drug Arrest
City police yesterday arrested
a University Hospital nurse on
charges of fraudulently obtaining
Mary D. Milstead, 22 years old,
stood mute to the charge before
municipal judge Francis L. O'-
Brien and was released under $200
Arrest of the general duty nurse
from Saginaw followed a two-week
investigation by authorities of dis-
appearing narcotics. Police offi-
cials said she apparently used the
drugs herself.

tiations to an abrupt halt he
said, but "their unexplained ac-
tion does not, however, reduce the
urgent need for arms control."
"My country believes that ne-
gotiations can-and should-soon
be resumed ..if negotiations can
be resumed it may be possible to
deal particularly with two press-
ing dangers-that of war by mis-
calculation and that of mounting
nuclear weapons stockpiles."
Steering Committee Meets
The 21-nation steering com-
mittee, meeting soon after Eisen-
hower spoke, put four disarma-
ment items on the agenda for
discussion in the Assembly's poli-
tical committee.
The disarament proposals in-
volve Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev's "general and com-
plete disarmament" plan, a de-
bate on nuclear tests proposed by
India, methods of limiting the
spread of nuclear weapons as pro-
posed by Ireland and an item on
this summer's meeting of the UN
Disarmament Commission.
Macmillan to Attend
British Prime Minister Harold
Macmillan's decision to fly to
New York Sunday will bring into
the UN Assembly arena three of
the four principals of the mid-
May summit fiasco in Paris.
"The prime minister has ab-
solutely no intention of going in
for summitry on this occasion,"
a British delegation spokesman
told reporters.
President Eisenhower a n d

Khrushchev- already are here.
French President Charles De
Gaulle, the fourth at the Paris
summit, has given no indication
of coming to New York.
Khrushchev Leaves Manhattan
Meanwhile. in Washington, the
State Department granted per-
mission to Khrushchev last night
to leave Manhattan Island and
spend the weekend on Long Is-
The Soviet delegation to the
UN has an estate at Glen Cove,
The State Department an-
nounced that Khrushchev sent
word he wishes to go to Glen Cove
tonight or tomorrow morning and

COOL RESPONSE-Delegate reaction to President Eisenhower's UN address yesterday was generally
favorable except for the Iron Curtain representatives shown here who sat througl% the speech without

return to Manhattan Sunday eve-
Cuban Prime Minister Fidel
Castro said yesterday he had in-
vited Khrushchev to visit Cuba
and that Khrushchev had accept-
Pro-Castro Men Kill Girl
C a st r o supporters fatally
wounded a nine-year-old girl yes-
terday during a brawl in Man-
hattan, aroused by the Premier'sl
UN visit. The child, Magdalina
Urdaneto of Caracas, Venezuela,
was not in any way connected
with the feud. She was struck
by a stray bullet while dining with
her parents in a restaurant Wed-
nesday afternoon and died early

LSA Faculty'
To Receive
Group Asks Abolition
Of Math-Philosophy
Area Requirements
Sweeping changes in the liter-
ary college distribution require-
ments will be recommended to
the college faculty at a meeting
next month, college officials said
Speaking to the literary college
steering committee, Associate
Deane James H. Robertson an-
nounced that a curriculum eom-
mittee report, already approved
by the dean and executive com-
mittee, urges changes in the re-
quirements in mathematics and
philosophy, the natural sciences,
humanities and social sciences.
Recommendations Named
Although the formal report will
not be distributed to the faculty
until early October, Dean Roger
W. Heyns said that its recoM-
mendations included:
Abolition of the mathematics
philosophy requirement.
Placing philosophy in the hu-
manities area and raising the re-
quired number of credits in this
area to twelve.
Split Science
Splitting the natural science
area in two parts--one containing
courses in astronomy, chemstr,.
and physics and the other con-
taining those in the remaining
sciences with work required In
both sections.
Only minor changes in the so-
cial science requirement.
No changes in the English com-
position or foreign language re-
If approved by the faculty,
these changes would become ef-
fective next fall for all students
entering the literary college, but
would not affect students pres-
ently enrolled, Heyns said.
No Mathematics Credit
The effect of the changes in
mathematics and philosophy is
to discontinue all distribution
credit for mathematics courses
while continuing that for philoso-
phy courses, which would fall in
the humanities area under the
new plan.
The science requirement under
the new plan would still retain
the demand for a two-semester
laboratory science sequence, add-
ing the regulation that the third
.semester of work be taken in the
other one of the two new secions
than the laboratory work.
Heyns said that the curri ulu
and requirements of the literary
college are "under constant
study," and that the recommen-
dations "represent a large amount
of careful consideration by may
faculty members and co mmlt.
Previous Actions
A report from the same com-
mittee, presented to the faculty
in February, 959, which urged
radical changes in the social sci-
ence distribution requirements
(without considering the other
areas) was not approved by thej
Heyns said that this was one of
the reasons that the presett re-
ommendations asked only rela-
tively "insignificant" changes in
this area.
Studies leading up to the pres-
ent recommendations have been
going on for several years, Heyns
said, and one of the reports con-
tributing to the final requests was

on the natural science require-
ments which recommended in
Science Requests
Splitting the natural science
area into three sections, one con-
taining chemistry and physics,
one astronomy and geology and
the third botany and zoology.

Atlas-Able Rocket Poised
For First Lunar Orbit
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (QP)-The moon moved into a favor-
able position as a target yesterday and a powerful United States
rocket is poised for an attempt to launch the first lunar satellite.
A towering Atlas-Able rocket stands on its pad here, awaiting the
signal to blast off on the exacting task of propelling the satellite deep
into space and guiding it into orbit about the moon, some 230,000
miles away.
The 388-pound payload, called Pioneer VI, is crammed with in-
struments designed to send back more information about the moon's
environment than any previous space probe.
The most favorable launching time is a five-day period starting
' yesterday. The chance of success

Predicts Ratio's Stability



The ratio of faculty to students
should remain at .the same level
as last year's when final enroll-
ment figures are completed, Vice-
President and Dean of Faculties
Marvin L. Niehuss predicted yes-
"The increase in the number of
freshmen admitted is small and
is balanced by additions to the
faculty," he said, adding that "In
1959-60 we maintained a ratio of
onoe instructing faculty member
for every 13 students in the uni-
versity. This is the same ratio we
had 31 years ago."
Since 1929, this ratio has not,
fluctuated sharply except in the;
period after World War II when!
the flood of collegiate bound
veterans pushed the figure to 181
students per instructor.

colleges, we often see a 5 to 1
ratio or even lower."
The number of students per
instructors is about 17 in the li-
terary college. "We tend to feel
that it should be 15 to 1," Niehuss
explained, "but we're really not
sure what the optimum size of
a class should be. Our tests do
not reflect this, so we must go
along with the experiences of the
colleges and their departments."
Non-Realistic Ratios
Many private colleges and Eas-
tern Universities claim a faculty-,
student ratio of 1 to 4 that is not
teally realistic, Niehuss said. "It
all depends on how you count the
faculty members. We have about
1700 full time jaculty. Now if'
counted bodies alone, 'that is;
counting a half-time instructor as

i this period is greater because
the paths of the earth and moon
will be most closely aligned as
they orbit around the sun--and
the sun therefore is not in a posi-
tion to distort the course of the +
rocket by its pull of gravity.
If the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration is unable to
fire the Atlas-Able in this time,
the shot will be postponed until
the next ideal period, which comes
every 28 days,
To escape the earth's gravita-j
tional field, Pioneer VI must,
reach a speed of 24,000 miles an
hour. The three stages of the
Atlas-Able are designed to attain
this velocity. Then, as the space
craft streaks toward the moon,
additional thrust will be provided
as needed by igniting a unique
start-and-stop rocket in the pay-
load. This small rocket, which is
controlled by ground signal, can,
be fired four times during the
flight for forward acceleration.
To Try Bike




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