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September 21, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-09-21

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ir r



Fog, clearing to become partly
cloudy and warmer.

See Page 4

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXI, No. 2




Buyers' Attitudes
Stop Downturn
Survey Shows No Decisive Change
In Sentiment of U.S. Consumers
While the considerable deterioration in consumer sentiment that
occurred between February and May 1960 has been arrested, no de-
cisive change for the better has yet taken place.
This was indicated by the August survey of changes in consumer
attitudes which was directed by George Katona and Eva Mueller of
the University Survey Research Center.
The consumer's mood was described as one of "continued hesi-
The increase in confidence following the 1958 recession was
checked first by the steel strike in the fall of 1959 and then again by
" the uneasiness about the lack of
M H it r favorable economic news during
e e the spring of 1960.
e The resulting concern about
business trends has, according to
~Esea ade ~the August study, not only per-
E ease listed throughout the summer,
but actually become somewhat
i .r. .. r more widespread.


At nutgers
TRENTON W-Gov. Robert B.
Meyner today labeled a Rutgers'
student invitation to Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev as "a
student escapade."
Re told a news conference there
didn't seem to be any loyalty
question involved. "I just see some
students who want to get some
publicity and probably some in-
formation," Meyner said.
"I see nothing in this situation
which calls for direct intervention
by the governor" he said.
Five Rutgers undergraduates
caused a furore on campus by ask-
Ing the State Department if they
could Invite the Soviet leader to
speak. The student council voted
last night to wire the State De-
partment, repudiating the invita-
ion. Council members said it
would provide a propaganda ve-
hicle for the Russians.
Rutgers President Mason -W.
Gross reportedly advised the stu-
dents on what procedure to follow
in extending the invitation.
Among the undergraduates in-
TQved were Robert Weiner, editor
of the canpus newspaper; Alan
Cheuse, editor of the campus lit-
#rary magazine; David Rosen-
weiz, executive editor of the
papers; and Evelyn Leopold, editor
of the Douglass College newspaper
at Rutgers women's division.
C To Pass
Election Rules,
Hear Report
Revision of some existing Stu-
dent Government Council elec-
tion and petitioning rules head
the agenda at tonight's Counc
The Elections Committee will
also propose the election be held
Nov. 8-9.
Reimbursement of two-thirds of
campaign costs to all winning
candidates will be one of the new
proposals discussed. Losers would
have to bear full expense of their
Further regulations concerning
the conduct of campaigning pre-
vious to the election will also be
voted upon. They specify when
candidates may begin to cam-
paign, the attendance of orienta-
tion meetings for non-incumbent
candidates, and a $25 limitation
on campaign funds.
Any candidate failing to abide
by these rules may be subject to
The proposed petitioning rules
n1.)dCandidates for election to
the SGC must submit to the Elec-
tions Director on official forms-
a petition bearing 100 signatures
and registered with the Univer-
sity supporting his candidacy.
Students may legally sign only
one candidate's petition.
2.) Candidates must circulate
their petitions personally.
3.) Circulation of petitions will
6lose at 5 p.m, on Friday, October
The proposed election calendar
opens with petitioning on Septem-
ber 30. Campaign materials and
advertisements may be distribut-
ed beginning October 7.
Deadline for petitioning will be
October 28, while open houses for
all candidates will be held during
the week of October 30-November
d. Elected candidates will official-

Express Uncertainty
Since February of this year
people have been voicing .expres-
sions of uncertainty and outright
pessimism more and more fre-
quently. Comments such as "busi-
ness is not good," "unemployment
is high," and "people aren't buy-
ing"' are heard more often.
Just as it was last spring, the
stimulus of good news is still
Number Grows
However, the number of peo-
ple who believe that business is
worse than a year ago has grown
considerably over the summer
Despite the anxiety about the
short - term economic outlook,
people's expectations regarding
the longer term outlook have not
been affected, the survey shows.
Since May, the five-year busi-
ness expectations have fluctuated
only slightly though staying at a
level below the peak reached in
the fall of 1956, a time of wide-
spread confidence and optimism,
. Convinced People
Apparently the 1958 recession
has convinced some'people that
the prosperity which lies ahead
will be interrupted by occasional
recessions, rather than remain
constant. And there have been
no developments since 1958 to al-
ter this view.
While the attitudes toward
business conditions have been
worsening, the attitudes toward
market conditions have, on the
other hand, shown considerable
improvement, particularly in eval-
uations of the market for house-
hold goods and the market for
Number Declines
The number of people who be-
lieve prices will rise either in the
next year or in the next five
years has declined. Since most
people regard price increases as
an unfavorable development, the
prospective prices are generally
characterized as good.
Since May, attitudes toward
personal finances have undergone
minor fluctuations.
Reports about past financial
changes have grown somewhat
more favorable; yet the expecta-
tions for the coming year are
slightly less optimistic.

"The threats of a population
explosion, annihilation or inani-
tion or emptiness are the three
traps on man's road to post-civili-
zation," Prof. Kenneth E. Boud-
ing of the economics department
said last night.
His speech, given to an evening
session of the National Conference
on the Administration of Re-
search, dealt with man's change
to civilization in the past and his
possible advance to post-civiliza-
tion. Post-civilization is the con-
dition in which man will attain a
permanent high-level technology
of universal affluence.
"The first of man's two great
transitions was from pre-civiliza-
tion to civilization," Prof. Bould-
ing said. He explained that this
was a change based on a combi-
nation of agriculture and the poli-
tical exploitation of farmers. "This
combination not only built the
great ancient cviilizatons but also
destroyed them." he added.
Second Transition
"The second transition, now in
its early stages, is from civiliza-
tion to post-civilization," declared
Prof. Boulding.
This transition is both caused
and endangered by research. Re-
search is responsible for the haz-
ards to this progress as well as
the cause of its productivity.
"The population problem, for
example, is caused by research to
produce death control which was
not coupled with an adequate pro-
gram for birth control," Prof.
Boulding explained. "The popula-
tion explosion may be the hardest
to solve," he continued.
"The danger of annihilation is
also the product of expanding
technological development. Mod-
ern science has made unilateral
national defense not only obsolete
but against the interests of the
transition to post-civilization."
More Subtle Trap
"A much more subtle trap on
the road to progress is inanition.
This is a great danger of affluence
and it may be a direct result of
"Attitudes of paternalism, ap-
athy andeconformity have de-
stroyed other great civilizations
in the past and they may be a
danger to ours," he added.
U. S. Requests
Russian Tour
For ''Band
The state department has asked
if the University would permit
the Symphony Band to tour
Russia and the Near East during
the second semester of this aca-
demic year.
Tape recordings of the Sym-
phony Band have been sent to
the state department although no
formal invitation has been re-
ceived or University decision
made, Vice-President for Univer-
sity relations, Lyle M. Nelson, said.

Faculty Loss


See Changes
As Response
To Past Acts
Morale Improved,
Robertson Reports
Faculty turnover is higher this
year, but more in reaction to past
crises than in response to current
problems, administrators and fa-
culty members say.
"We're not in a perfect spot,"
James Robertson, associate dean
of the literary school said yester-
day, "but the whole life and
morale of the place is better than
it was a year ago. This is a good
14any of the faculty decisions
to move to other institutions were
made a couple of years ago, ac-
cording to Roger Heyns, Dean of
the Literary college - in the aura
of crisis when "some faculty mem-
bers were pessimistic about the
University's ability to get suf-
ficent support from the state."
"When we were being advertised
as an institution in financial
trouble, we became a good hunting
ground for other institutions,"
Vice-President and Dean of
Faculties Marvin Niehuss added.
Many Offers
But while a great number of
offers were made, "we have not
lost very many men because of
them, and have lost no man on a
purely salary basis," he added.
Niehuss has not been able to
decide the effect of the uncertain
financial situation on the rise in
faculty turnover, although he said
he was sure "that it was a factor
in some cases."
He praised the Regents move to
raise faculty salaries in the face
of the difficult financial situation
as proof that the University is
willing "totput its money in men,"
giving the faculty more sense of
'Serious Losses'
Despite what he called "serious
losses" in the faculty, Niehuss said
there have been more men who
"have received offers and refused,"
and considers the gain of "men
like J. L. Savage, former head of
the statistics department at the
University of Chicago, great ad-
ditions to the University."
A factor in the high rate of
turnover may have been "a feel-
ing that the University isn't
moving-and men tend to leave
a static institution," Niehuss sug-
The institutions which can
make the most attractive offers
pull off staff -- particularly the
young, eager, unfullfilled faculty
who may be worried that equip-
ment, assistants and other finan-
cial support may not be forth-
coming," Robertson said.

'U' Kennedy Group Organizes
Charles Brown, former member
of Sen. John F. Kennedy's ad-
visory committee on civil rights,
was the principal speaker at the
founding meeting of the Univer-
sity Students for 'Kennedy last

Brown, who was assigned to
Kennedy at the Democratic na-
tional convention from Gov. G.
Mennen Williams' staff, recently
was appointed to the Michigan
Employmept Security Appeals
During his service to the Ken-
nedy camp in Washington he was
engaged in advising the Massa-
chusetts senator on civil rights
policy and present conditions and
securing the enlistment of Negro
supporters for the candidate's
Brown said the failure of the
Democratic Congress to pass the
civil rights bill presented in the'
post-convention session definitely
hurt Kennedy, but he asserted
most people realized that the
measure was used by the Republi-
cans as a pure political maneuver.
Prevents Passage
This prevented passing several
vital bills of economic concern al-
ready planned for the session's
Students for Kennedy approved
a constitution for presentation to
Student Government Council to
obtain recognition. Elected offi-
cers are: Paul Heil, '61, chairman;
Donna Bergson, '61, co-chairman;
and Harold Doyle, '63, secretary-
Kennedy's Speech
F. Kennedy told the nation last
night it must expect sacrifices to
preserve UnitedeStates world
leadership against the efforts of
Communist enemies seeking to un-
dermine the peace.
In his prepared first nationwide
television speech of the campaign,
with his immediate audience the
diners at a $100-a-plate Demo-
cratic dinner, Kennedy said the

--Daily-Larry vanice
SOAPY'S SON-Gery Williams (left), son of Gov. G. Mennen
Williams, appeared at last night's meeting of University students
for Kennedy.




nation needs to mobilize under
new leadership.
The Massachusetts senator ad-
dressed some of his remarks to
Russian Premier N i k i t a S.
Khrushchev, now in New York
heading the Soviet delegation to
the United Nations General As-
"How can you talk of peace, Mr.
Khrushchev," he asked, "when
you and your Chinese Communist
friends are undermining the peace
of the world every day-creating
danger and disorder wherever you
".And how can you talk of
the achievements of your system,
even if you beat us again by put-
ting a man in space-for the world
knows that you may some day
bring a man back alive from or-
bit, but you rarely bring one back
alive from Siberia..."

Daily Senior Staff Abounds in


Chren er Nixon Tour;
Teenagers Entertain Crowd
Special to The Daily
BAY CITY-It seemed like children's day at a community fair
as the Vice-President and his wife swept through Michigan yesterday.
Children were given a day off from school communities touched
directly by the presidential campaign-Mount Clemens, Flint, Sagi-
naw and Bay City.
Surrounding towns sent their bands to the late afternoon, hour-
Slong parade at Bay City, A uni-
cyclist, German bands, cheerlead-
er and a stagecoach filled with
six-year-olds were among parade
F *participants which preceded the'
convertible carrying Vice-Presi-
f 7 U ', Edent Richard M. Nixon and his
wife. -
Judith Doner, '61-33-42 Fisher- Silent Group
ies, turned to Margie Bluestein, In Flint, the Nixans were greet-
als '6 AsyroBayloianCunl-ed by an enthusiastic yet silent
also '61 Assyro-Babylonian Cunel- group of children as they made
form, and said, "The way to a their way downtown. Nixon stop-
man's heart is through his ribs." ped briefly and chatted informal-
In answer, Margie, Daily As- ly about football to the children,
sociate Business Manager, replied, who were pupils at the Michigan
"This I believe." Meanwhile, af- State School for the Deaf.
fable barefoot Thomas Hayden, The Vice -=President's words
'61, Daily Editor, looked up from were interpreted into the deaf-
his sandbox and asserted, "Look sign language by a teacher from
ma, no ribs." the school. Nixon and his wife Pat
Now we should say something seemed to react more to this groupj
about trainees. "Hit me with some of well-wishers than to any other
trainees," Marge said, as Judy, group along their crowded path.
Daily Personnel Director, picked Before the speech in Bay City,
up a slender one. "Splat," said a musical program featuring local
the trainee. "I'd give my heart and area high school marching
for The Daily"-and he had. bands, choirs, and kiltie and ac-
You too may give your heart cordion bands played campaign
for The Daily. If you are interest- songs and patriotic music.
ed in the editorial, sports or Punctuates Role
photography staffs come to one The presence of so many high
of three trainee meetings: to- school and elementary children
morrow at 4:15 or 7:15 p.m. and served to punctuate a presidential
Friday at 4:15 p.m. race which matches the two
Business staff tryout meetings ; youngest candidates to run for the
_mi1 'i - ,l nov'_ Ttyar. o_ a 2.12 lT y

Support Ike,
Nixon Asks
BAY CITY, Mich. (A) -- Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon ap-
pealed yesterday to all Ameri-
cans, candidates included, to
unite behind PresidentDwight D.
Eisenhower while regimented
Communists "march, lockstep,
through the United Nations."
Then the Republican presiden-
tial candidate veered off on an
entirely different electioneering
tangent. Once again he went over
the heads of labor union leaders
to try to swing over the nation's
67 million wage earners to his
Points of Emphasis
These were the points of em-
phasis on the day of campaigning
through Eastern Michigan - a
state with a large, important la-
bor population, plus 20 important
electoral votes.
Nixon used Soviet Premier Ni-
kita S. Khrushchev and Nixon's
Democratic rival, Sen. John F.
Kennedy of Massachusetts, al-
most equally forstargets.
The blast at lockstepping Reds
was a blast at the Russians. With
it Nixon coupled a proposal of a
political moratorium on talk of
American weakness or division.
That would all but gag Kennedy
on what the Senator says is the
central issue of the presidential
campaign: Drift and decline,
Produces Suggestions
Nixon produced these sugges-
tions in talks both at Mount
Clemens and Flint. He talked on
issues in general at Saginaw. He
wound up here last night in a
high school stadium, repeatingl
the identical pitch to labor he
made last week at a machinist's
union convention at St. Louis.
The Vice-President said he
wasn't going to say what Kennedy
was reported to have said in De-
troit on Labor Day, that every-
thing union leaders and the union
movement are for he is for andI
everything they are against he is
U' Club Asks
Board Status
The University Wolverine Club,!
official sponsors of the "Block'
M" program, will petition Student
Government Council to become a'
related board under the Council.
Nathaniel Sack, '62, chairman;

Final Lisi
Not Made
Growing Mobi .it)
Seen as Reason
For New Shifts
The University faced a "somi
what higher percentage of facull
separations than usual" as th
semester began, Vicearesideh
and Dean of Faculties Mari
Niehuss reported yesterday.
While the University has n
yet compiled the exact figures 0
the numbers of faculty to co
and go, Niehuss said that rathi
"serious losses have been balance
by some very gratifying additions
Niehuss attributes the rise I
faculty separations to "a grow
ing mobility in faculty member
especially young men" in ti
science and mathermatical fields
But he feels the Regents' decisc
to raise salaries in the face of ti
financial crisis will do much
limit University faculty losses.
Ranking Men
Added to the ranking men w'
left the University this year a:
Prof. Robert R. White, director
the one-year-old Institute
Science and Technology, a
Prof. John W. Lederle, direct
of the Institute of Public Admit
istration; both resigned late t
Prof. White, a faculty iembe
for 18 years, once associatem
of the engineering college ar
the graduate school, was nami
vice-president and research
rector of an oil refining copan
Prof. Lederle. who was on t
University faculty for 16 yeai
left to become president of Uh
University of Massachusetts
'Strong Attraction'
"Bob White chose between t
academic and the industrial life
Niehuss commented. "Industry s
ways had a strong attraction f
him," Roger M. Heyns, dean of tU
literary college said, "but I predi
that in three or four years he w
be back in academic life."
White's new job gives him mo
of a chance to actively engage
supervision of research than I
University position, totally admhi
istrative, allowed.
"John Lederle wanted to be
university president," Niehu
said, "And when you get the bi
there isn't much anyone can d
about it."
The departures of Lederle a
White swelled the number of d
parting ranking men, which In
cludes Professors Edwin Moise a
Hans Samelson of the math
matics department, Prof. L
Goldberg, chairman of the astr9r
omy department, and Prof. Mi
Loehr of the history of art d
Hannah Calls
Good Bargain
By The AsboIated Press

"Public money put into pu
education is an investment
turning dividends far greater t:
any other such investme:
Michigan State University Pr
dent John A. Hannah said yest
Speaking at a luncheon ses
of the first annual meeting
the state Chamber of Come
Hannah said that, "our unive:
ties supply intellectual capital t
is as essential to our society
financial capital is to our ind
trial enterprises."
Cautioning his audience aga
concluding too quickly that Mi
igan is lavish in its spending
higher education, Hannah s
flint .n cn ..rfnpz rhml,

y ,, ..: .:


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