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May 29, 1965 - Image 1

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Partly cloudy
with scattered frost

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXV, No. 19-S




Johnson Urges New
Hemisphere Force
0 May Ask Pledge of OAS Troops;

Reveal New
For Gemini

Latin Diplomats Noncomimital tronaut Edward White will at-I
tempt to approach to within 20
WACO, Tex. (A)-President Lyndon B. Johnson urged, yesterday feet of his orbiting booster rocket
the creation of new, inter-American machinery to keep the peace when he steps into space from
and guard against "forces of slavery and subversion" in the Western the Gemini IV spacecraft nextI
Hemisphere, week, the National Aeronautics
"When hours can decide the fate of generations, the moment of and Space Administration said
decision must, become the moment of action," Johnson said in a yesterday.
commencement address at Baylor University. Officials said White and his -
Johnson announced that he issued orders yesterday for the astt partnr, Jaeswd'M
Divitt ar toA npac the wowrl's

withdrawal of 1,700 more United States troops from the Dominican first man - in - space rendezvous
Republic. bringing to 3,300 the mission during their four-day
total of men recalled. flight scheduled June 3.
Further Withdrawals They also disclosed that White
Also, he said, he has instructed will be the first spaceman to use
Lt. Gen. Bruce Palmer, U.S. com- a gas-powered maneuvering unit
mander on the scene, to discuss to help propel him outside his
further withdrawals with Brazil- orbiting spacecraft.
ian Gen. Hugo Panasco Alvin, Defective Battery
over-all commander of the inter- The report came'as technicians
. American force. worked to replace a defective bat-
"Such action will be taken when tery in the Gemini IV spacecraft.
the military commanders believe The battery forced postpone-
it is safe and warranted by the ment of a simulated flight plan-
arrival of further Latin American ned yesterday, and officials said
forces and the continued stabli- there was a slight possibility that
zation of the military situation," the trouble could delay the launch-
Johnson said. ing date.
Administration sources in Wash- However, they were optimistic
ington went a little beyond John- that the schedule could be met,
son's announcement, saying the barring unforeseen difficulties.
withdrawals probably would reach They expected to have the trou-
3400 by the weekend. They pre- ble corrected by this morning.
dicted that, by the end of next Space agency officials announc-
week, all the 6000 Marines probab- ed that McDivitt and White would
LYNDON B. JOHNSON ably will have left the island. attempt to rendezvous the 7600-
How Many? pound spacecraft with the burned-
Just how many troops Alvin out second stage of the Titan II
will retain for a longer-term in- rocket.
ter-American force is being left New Feat
' A d largely up to him. Such a feat has not been ac-
It is speculated here that he complished by either Russian or
might wish to retain some 6000- United States manned space
Civi Wperhaps 2000 Latin Americans and flights.
Iyti 1 r 4000 Americans. It is expected Officials revealed that White
SthatU.S. infantrymen will re- himself would approach the sec-
lieve Marines and paratroopers ond stage after leaving the space-
WASHINGTON 0P)-The United who went in on an emergency craft.
States has sent more than $10 basis. Warren North, of the space
million worth of aid to the Do- Johnson did not define the type agency's flight crew support divi-
minican Republic since civil war of international peace - keeping sion, explained that McDivitt will
erupted a month ago. machinery he wants. Presumably, maneuver the spacecraft to with-
Money, food and medical sup- however, he would like to see in 25 feet of the second stage over
plies have been sent to aid the member nations of the Organiza- Hawaii during the first orbit.
hugry, the ill and the wounded- tion of American States pledge in White will open his hatcn and
and to keep the government func- advance to make troops available at a point west of Guaymas, Mex-
tioning while rival factions strug- immediately to deal with any cris- ico, he will leave the vehicle. That
gle tog tae hre nsg-is such as that in the Dominican will be about three hours after
g.S cargs.e Republic. launching.
U.S. officials won't say whether While most Latin American Using the maneuvering unit,
-or how-the aid is being used to diplomats were noncommital on White will slowly rotate toward
hel achieve the announcedpub.. Johnson's appeal, the proposal the second stage. The astronaut
gal iomunth fDom coanitRepublidrew prompt endorsement from will carry a 35 m.m. movie cam-
-a Commnist-free, coalition gov- the foreign minister of Brazil, era to take pictures of the earth,
eNnent. largest of the South American star background, the booster and
Neutrality nations. ithe spacecraft.
The U.S. has declared its neu- U.S. diplomats expect the Orga- After 10 minutes, over Florida,
tween rebels and a smitanization of American States may White will begin returning to the
junta. But politics aside, said get around to a serious considera- I spacecraft. The cabin will be re-
Secrea ofStateIDeanaRus tion of the subject early next pressurized and the suits depres-
ScretyofSatesrea Rusk. the$week. surized.
U.S. had to make sure Dominican _____ ___

-Associated Press
ARMED WITH MACHINE GUNS and rifles, Israeli soldiers ride in a truck near the Jordan border.,
Israeli paratroopers and infrantrymen made three raids into neighboring Jordan Thursday night
which resulted in each nation sending sharp letters to the United Nations.
Israel, Jordan Clashi at UN
UNITED NATIONS {3) - Israel a fuel depot and six buildings used fought with two of the Israeli pa-
and Jordan exchanged threats in as bases for sabotage raids on trols, injuring one of the com-
letters, to the Security Council Israel. Seven Israeli soldiers were manders.
yesterday following three retalia- injured, four seriously, when a The Israelis said they made sure
tory raids by Israeli paratroopers grenade exploded accidentally as all the buildings were uninhabit-
and infantry on Jordan Thursday they were returning to Israel, he ed before destroying them.
night. added. Jordan's King Hussein called
Jordan told the 11-member A Jordan spokesman in Amman in the ambassadors of the United
council its troops had been or- said the Israelis killed two farmers States, Britain and France and, a
dered to repel any new attacks by and two children and injured four spokesman said, he warned them
Israel "with the utmost severity farmers in blowing up two farm- that Jordan would not hesitate to
and determination." houses. He also said Jordan forces reply to any future attack.
Israel, complaining of a half --- ----- - -
dozen recent "acts of violence
and sabotage" by armed intrudersAr
from Jordan, said it could not "ac- APtn
quiesce in the continuation with V A
impunity of these organized and ac
murderous attacks." Jordan de- May T or U it o C
nied any knowledge or responsibil-
ity for these acts.
Neither side asked for a meet- NEW YORK (P)-An aide to Mayor Robert F. Wagner said last
ing of the council. night the three-time mayor is "seriously considering" dropping his
U.S. Rebuke bid for another term in November.
The United States indirectly re- The aide confirmed a report in the New York Times that Wagner
buked Israel in a statement issued was thinking about dropping from the race in order 'to spend more
by the State Department in Wash- time with his two sons. The aide said Wagner will announce
ngton. It said: ,hcrp-in"nawknrt "I


Report Ferency
May Leave Post
Democratic tiairman Interested
In Runming for Governor Next Year
Special To The Daily
DETROIT-State Democratic Chairman Zolton A. Ferency is
"seriously considering" resigning his post before the end of the year
possibly in order to further his chances of becoming the Democratic
nominee for governor in '1966, a high party source revealed yesterday.
Ferency is anxious to get the publicity he would need to become
the nominee and does not think that his present post can provide it,
the source said.
In addition, he has become disenchanted with his job as chair-
man, which, because of several factors concerned with the new
Democratic-controlled legislature, has become less important than
The source explained that the new legislature feels it owes more
loyalty to the electorate-and its moods-than to the party and its
platform. As a result, the legis-
lators have been reluctant to pass
Democratic measures such as fis-
cal reform for "fear of becoming
known as the party that raised
taxes," the source said.
Seats in Jeopardy
Reasons for the loyalty only to
the electorate are that many
legislators-from ordinary Repub-
lican districts-consider seats in
jeopardy in the next election. In
addition, there is no Democratic
governor to wield the party whip.
Finally, many legislators are shy
about approaching large reform
issues with almost no experience
in Lansing.
A large function of the state
chairman-to see that party plat-
form promises are transformed in-
to law-has thus been frustrated. kae
The state central committee and
the chairmanship have been re- ZOLTON FERENCY
duced in most instances to mere
fund-raisingband organizational
functions because of the new Reeives U
Democratic legislature, the source stidL.
One example of the lowered es-
teem in which the state central FlintiLetter
committee is now held is that
many legislators are in favor of State Board of Education Pres-
making all representatives and dent Thomas Brennan said last
senators members of it. night he was pleased to receive a
Definite Interest letter from the University express-
Ferency has in many recent in- ing its desire to act in the best
stances frankly confided to friends interests of Flint in planning the
that he is definitely interested in future of Flint College.
the governorship. Any interest he The letter was an acknowledge-
might have had in another high ment for a detailed explanation
elective post up for grabs in 1966 sent to the Rgents by Brenn
the senatorshipt- has beenlast week outlining the reasons
thwarted by the strong indica- for the State Board's ruling or
tions that Democratic Sen. Pat the University's plans to expand
McNamara intends to run again its Flint College program to fou
next year. years in the fall.
One observer has reported, for Brennan said he appreciated th
example, that the McNamara staffBrnasidhapectdte
i tleastasnerestemnow in cooperative spirit of the letter
getis a ltynteseeven though the boards decisior
getting publicity forte sena did not fully support the Univer
as it was before the last congres- sity's plans.
sional election. In addition, the Early last month, the board
72-year-old senator's health is ruled that the University could
good. admit freshmen at its Flin
Not interested in the now weak branch this fall as planned, bu
state chairmanship and wanting only because freshmen had al
publicity denied him in the post, ready been accepted for admissio
Ferency has thus decided he may and committments to these stu-
resign to run for governor. Ml o aiyhberken.

"There is an established UN
machinery for dealing with dis-
putes along the Arab-Israeli bor-
1der. We, therefore, deplore the re-
sort to force by any party. We be-
lieve that violations of the armis-
tice or alleged provocations should
be dealt with by the UN organs."
While the statement carefully
avoided a direct complaint against
either side, a U.S. official said it
was aimed at Israel for having
"resorted to force" in response to
"violations of the armistice or al-
leged provocations."
In Tel Aviv, a military spokes-j
man said Israeli forces destroyedI

s aecis on in a weex or Lwu.
Two weeks ago, Rep. John V.
Lindsay (R-NY) _announced his
candidacy for the office.
Because Democrats enjoy a
three-to-one margin of voter reg-
istration in the city, Lindsay ad-
mitted he would have to gain
Democratic party votes to win.
The New York Times quoted
Wagner as saying he might drop
from the race because "I find I
can't spend as much time as a
father should with his boys."
The aide said Wagner felt that
he must be a father and a mother
to his sons since the death of his
wife more than a year ago.
The 55-year-old mayor also said
he was taking into consideration
what affect another four years in
office might have on his health.
No New York mayor has ever
been elected to four terms.
Earlier Doubts


life and government did not disin-
tegrate into chaos.
President Lyndon B. Johnson
added in his Baylor University
speech yesterday: -"'As peace re-
turns to the Dominican people and
as a broad base is laid for a new
Dominican government responsive
to the people's will, the U.S. willi
be prepared to join in full meas-
ure in the massive task of re-
construction and in the hopeful
work of lasting economic prog-
The main channel for pouring
in U.S. funds for one politically-
Because of the Memorial Day
holiday, The Daily will not pub-
lish a Tuesday edition next
week. Publication will resume
on Wednesday.

ELI Students To Visit Rural. Michigan


For most students at the Um-
versity's English Language Insti-
tute, their American experience
has been little more than life in
a dormitory and a few foreign
friends. But several hundred for-
eign students who are spending
this Memorial Day weekend in the
"thumb" area with Michigan fam-
ilies, will be members of an Amer-
ican family.

A weekend in the "thumb" area
consists of living for three days
Weekend Visit

coming to Ann Arbor for their
graduations, inviting them to re-
turn on a private basis, said Light.

with a family, usually on a farm. Although many students initial-
The rural life of America is not ly participate in this program for
usually accessible to the foreign the language experience, it gen-
visitor, according to Light. erally is more memorable than a
Because the local school sys- few days of English practice.
tems support this program, the "For a foreigner who has ex-
students usually visit an American perienced a rooted national and
high school. They are also invited parochial short - mindedness in
to attend church with their host most people, it is hard to believe
family. However, the families, who such openness and enlightened at-
are mostly Protestant, are more titudes," one of the students com-
than willing to take students to mented.
any church, Light said. This Memorial Day weekena is
For some students this exper- the first of two such long weekend
ience develops into a much more programs for the students this
lasting contact. Families often summer. Another one is scheduled
make friends with the students, for July 4.

Wagner said he had been think- 0
ing about pulling out of the race:
for several months, indicating that!
his doubts about seeki g another F
term had arisen prior to Lindsay's
announced candidacy. For S ction -Next Fal
However, the mayor told thej
Times that balancing all the By RUTH FEUERSTEIN
shortcomings of seeking reelection,
there were considerations in favor; According to Steven Daniels, '67, Student Government Council
of his making the race. has been quite busy this summer drawing up plans for new innova-
The announced candidacy of tions to be instituted in the fall, and evaluating existing campus
Lindsay presented the Democrats institutions.
with the first serious threat since He and Mickey Eisenberg, '67, are co-chairmen of a committee
Mayor Fiorello Laguardia took which is investigating the possibility of establishfng a university
ve 934 He served unti 1945 and ibook store. Such books stores are presently in existence on many
Democrats have held the top city college campuses. School supplies and books would be sold here, and
post since, the staff would include students and full time help. One of the
questions facing the committee is
how much profit, if any, could be
7' rw 'A." a fi-a 107 Tmade from this endeavor.

The board went on to recommend
that, while these students should
be allowed to complete four years
at Flint College, no more addi-
tional freshman classes should be
The ultimate objective of the
board's recommendation is to re-
place Flint College with a new,
independent state school-a posi-
tion diametrically opposed to the
University's expressed desire to
build up its branch as the center
of higher education in the Flint
The board's recommendation
was initially conveyed to Univer-
sity President Harlan Hatcher in
a telegram, with the promise that
a full rationale would be present-
ed later. It was this rationale that
was submitted to the Regents last.
week and which they, in turn,
cknoedged in the letter to


The purpose of this visit, which'
is under the auspices of the Chris-I
tian Rural Hospitality Council, is
to "foster mutual exchange. Stu-
dents' are offered a glimpse of
grass-roots America, and they in,
turn help to broaden the farmers,
viewpoints on many subjects," thej
Rev. Paul Light of the Ecumenical
Campus Center explained.

sensitive purpose-paying salaries
of Dominican government em-
ployes-is the Organization of'
American States.


n"1A - -wl i -

Paychecks The program began in 1961,j
OAS Secretary-General Jose when the Rev. William Lutz, pas-k
Mora-in Santo Domingo to medi- tor of the Mayville, Mich., Meth-
ate the civil war-has $6 million odist Church, invited a few foreign
from the U.S. to keep paychecks students from the University to
going to Dominican government spend the Thanksgiving vacation
workers, whether they be in the with member families of the
junta or the rebel area. Inter- church. Mayville, a town of 899,
American troops have occupied the is located in the heart of the
republic's central bank to make Michigan "thumb" area, an ex-
sure the funds don't fall into the tensive farm and dairy region.
wrong hands... Program Spreads
U.S. authorities figure this is the By 1963 the program had spread
best way of keeping vital govern- to 10 counties and had become
ment services going without violat- incorporated into the Christian
ing official neutrality toward the Rural Hospitality Council.
feuding political factions. The jun-k
ta leader, Brig. Gen. Antonio Im- Working with Lutz was the Rev.:
bert Barrera, nevertheless de- Paul Dotson of the University's
nounced the move as "frank in- Protestant Foundation for Inter-
tervention" in the country's in- natidnal Students, expanding the
ternal affairs. program to reach a wider group
Imbert has reportedly asked the of students. Almost all the Eng-

T utorial Project Seeks '1'oAid tiutaren

Sometimes cbildren are unsure of themselves. They need a
little extra help and encouragement to discover and use their
own abilities.
This year, 140 Ann Arbor children have received individual
tutoring and cultural guidance through the University Tutorial
and Cultural Relations Project.
Most of the are Negro children from the Jones school area.
Approximately 60 per cent are in the primary grades, the rest
being in junior high and high school.
The project, organized three years ago through the efforts
of Richard Sleet, a member of the community who now serves
as director, employes University undergraduate and graduate
students as well as some faculty members and their wives. All
serve on a voluntary basis, and each is responsible for tutoring
at least one child in the academic areas where it is most needed.

President Rudolph Kalafus, Grad, stated that the small age
difference between the tutor and his pupil is an important factor
in communication. He added that tutoring outside of the class-
room encourages the children to achieve success. Many of them
seem to work better without competition.
With the parents' consent, tutors are encouraged to talk to
the pupils' school teachers. From this the tutor can learn about
the child's academic background as well as his classroom adjust-
ment and level of achievement.
It is often very helpful to get to know the parents, and from
them learn more about the child. This often serves to allay any
apprehensions the parents may feel about a nonprofessional
program. One outgrowth of this has been that the tutor and the
family have been able to work together with the child. Often,
parently provide regular quiet periods for study, and encourage
their children to obtain library cards.
Coordinating Group

Daniels pointed out that any Brennan.
money made would be put back
into the store for more supplies.
The store is not being established College Budget
primarily as a profit making in-
stitution. F r a e
Plans are also being made for orm ll e
the N.S.A. conference which will
be held at the end of August at The trustees of the Washtenaw
the University of Wisconsin. The Community College have formally
conference will be attended by adopted a budget of $920,500, of
representatives from student gov- which $905,500 will be raised from
ernment committees from many current property collections.
different schools. The adoption of the budget,
The purpose of this meeting will coming Thursday night, for the
be to coordinate activity among all fiscal year from July 1, 1965 to
student government organizations June 30, 1966 followed a public
which will be attending the Wis- hearing which was attended by six
consin meeting. persons. The vote on the budget
Russel Lindon, '67, is presently and tax levy were unanimous.
doing research on campus housing, The final budget was reduced
and investigations are also being slightly from a previous estimat-
made concerning student economic ed total of $925.000 when exact



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