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May 28, 1965 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1965-05-28

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c lrMrbiijau Bat
Seventy-Fih Year



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WheeOdpfIn~ofl A" Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN Awou, Mca.
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NEWs PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Professors Don't Need
Education Courses

IT HAS OFTEN been suggested t
fessors be required to take co,
the techniques and methods of
tion before they be allowed tot
colleges and universities.
This argument is completely fa
It rests on the assumption t
schools of education can adequat
vide a prospective educator witht
needed to effectively inspire a cla
Unfortunately/ this is not true
tion courses tend to stifle i
among the prospective teachers.
a student to spend an entires
writing a book for seven yeart
on the various kinds of rodents
student no insight into the prob
the techniques of teaching.
U.S. Interventi
Completes Cy
turn in Santo Domingo this we
Aside from the FBI inform
President that the alleged domin
the rebels was no longer existe
George Bundy of teach-in in
fame, also reported on Wednesd
the rebels were willing to neg
compromise but the junta forces w
The junta, a product of Unite
intervention in the land of'
seems to be rebuking its godfath
are unwilling to back a compromt
erment headed by Antonio Guzn
in fact seem adamant on perm
establishing themselves as th
clique without any reconciliati
the liberal forces of the country.
have to retain its troops in1
minican Republic to make suret
wounds caused by the interven
American troops do not develop
infection of an authoritarian dicta

hat pro-
urses in
teach in
hat the
tely pro-
the tools

completely misdirected. Drawing col-
orful pictures and printing neat letters
become the ends rather than the means
to further understanding the problems
of the seven-year-old.
It is true that many teachers and pro-
fessors ought to take a course in the
philosophy of education but a course to
teach the techniques of education is abso-
lutely useless.

Are 1
THE ATTITUDE of the Johnson
administration towards the
public is a bit. of pure Americana
that should warm the hearts and
chill the souls of all potential
and prospective Thorstein Veb-
To the grey-flannel millions-
the great unweaned-nothing may
seem awry. To be deceived, lied
to, chastised-is all part of the
business of being a junior, senior
or meta-senior executive.
But to the present generation,
nursed on the social pablum of in
loco parentis, but reared in the
traditions of the civil rights move-
ment, adjustment comes harder.
One has an intense sense of deja
vu-of having seen it all before:
to the college student, the current
attitude of the Johnson adminis-
tration towards the public smacks
strongly of that of an overly pro-
tective dean of women.
The American people-including
some of its most capable sociolo-
gists, mathematicians and political
scientists-are to be treated as in-
tellectual virgins-naive, misin-
formed and undisciplined-who
must be protected from themselves
until they are experienced, per-
ceptive and intelligent.
UNTIL that golden time arrives
-when the lambs may risk lying
down with the lions-they must
be spared the hard decisions of in-
ternational politics lest they loose
their pristine virtue and sweet
innocence at the hands of "the
Evil Communist Conspiracy."
Of course, as any good, old-
fashioned housemother knows, the
innocents can't simply be locked
up all the time-they have to be
allowed to try their wings in an
enticing-but harmless-manner.
Hence, a Congress has been in-
cluded in the blueprints for the
Great Society. At the present mo-
ment it enjoys a prestige and im-
portance second only to that of
But lest this activity become too
dangerous, a "curfew" has been
established. For most senators

(some senior members have late
permission)--and virtually all the
representatives (underclassmen?)
this time comes during quorum
IN ORDER to keep the girls en-
tertained after hours, the admin-
istration has devised a host of
"programs." Sometimes these are
given jazzy titles-"wars" on pov-
erty and against taxes. At other
times they are just called "sce-
A "scenario," as anyone in con-
tact with haute monde circles
ought to know, is a pre-arranged
plan into which various actors and
directors can be "plugged" to
bring about a desired outcome-
one according- to the sponsor's
In Washington today, scenarios
are very much in demand-a good
one is worth its weight in special
In those days before "Special-
vision" (a technological improve-
ment invented by the Johnson
administration, but immediately
claimed by the Russians) things
were farsimpler.
IN THE PAST, as Prof. Kenneth
Boulding of the economics de-
partment is wont to say, there
were only two parties-the Demo-
crats and the "stingyes."
In those primitive days, the
Democrats tried to do things--
some of these wise, some foolish
-and the Republicans tried to
stop them.
But today, as anyone reared in
the "TV generation" can tell you,
we live in the era of the "adult
western" which is, of course neith-
er adult nor western.
Everyone wears "gray hats" as
opposed to the traditional black
and white, and the hero, we are
confidently informed by the writ-
er, is a "man with problems" who
is just trying to overcome them.
THUS IT IS in the larger world
of Washington (soon to be re-
named "Johnson City" for televis-
ing on another network).

"Lindsay-L, As In LaGuardia And Liberal-I. As
In Independents-N, As In Native New Yorker
-D, As In-u--Demcrat-Like-"'
..c tr s'f =f: E c
\ 3LW~sc o

seem to have enough problems of
their own without worrying about
other peoples'.
Of course, both mom and dad
have to keep on their toes to deal
with all the problems the children
-McGeorge and Robert-keep
getting into.
Because the family lives in a
tough neighborhood, the Johnson
kids are always involved in scrapes
with other youngsters in the
The local bullies (who change
however from one serial to the
next) can't seem to leave Mc-
George alone. Robert, a more stu-
dious boy, is always getting em-
broiled in other peoples problems.
"GUNSMOKE" is a show which
deals with the heroic exploits of
a Western mashal in the little
town of Perd'nales city.
The marshal wears the grey
head gear of the adult western,
but still manages to shoot it out
every week with villain-type (black
Somehow, however, the marshal
manages to shoot the villain first
(to keep from getting shot). It's
all in self defense, of course.
After a few nights of this sort
of thing, some of the minors in
the "Great American Dormitory"
may get fed up. Recently some of
the inmates have been staying out
all night at teach-ins.
Various members of the OSA-
Office of Sage Authority-have
criticised these teach-ins as being
"wild parties" and "not in the
best interests of the university."
But this has been the exception
-especially after one of them
discovered that most of them were
being held in the home of a pro-
fessor of political science. From
this point one, everyone was told
to ignore them.
HOWEVER this didn't work,
and the student newspaper is
campaigning to get rid of the
dean of women.

e A Population of Children?

A good teacher is one who is enthus-
nitiative iastic about the subject he teaches. Most
Forcing good teachers seem to have a natural
semester ability to communicate their enthusiasm
children for a subject to the students. Trying ar-
gives a tificially to inspire a teacher through ed-
ucation courses to prepare better lectures
only imparts a spirit of artificiality on
the class rather than excitement over
the material of the course.
lon The major problems in the education-
al system in the United States occur at
cl the elementary and high, school levels.
Teachers at these levels are forced by
state laws to take a certain number - of
e its full education courses. Yet these courses cer-
ek. tainly do not prepare them for better
ing the teaching. For-even fairly bright students
iation of can still get through the eighth grade
ent, Mc- without thoroughly understanding basic
absentia arithmetic.
lay that
otiate a. EDUCATION COURSES for elementary
were not. and high school teachers have not
d States positively affected their abilities to teach.
Trujillo, In fact they have probably done more to
Ter. They stifle the initiative of the teachers rather
er.s They than to inspire them.
man gand There are many excellent professors
eanently who have never taken an education
anngycourse. These should be allowed to teach
n with and their positions and salaries should
be based on the quality of their teaching.
Professors who cannot teach-whether
U.S. will or not they have had education courses-
the Do- should not be allowed to. teach. They do
that the not have the enthusiasm to face 200 stu-
ntion of dents each day. Education courses would
into an not inspire this enthusiasm.
atorship. -JUDITH WARREN
STEIN Co-Editor

Some of the decisions the hero
has to make are so difficult, as
any viewer can see, that only he
can be privy to them until after
they have been made. All we have
to do, in this situation, is to wait
for the endings when. we all can
ride off into the sunset of the
"Great Society."
Some of the programs seen dur-
ing a typical evening's viewing on
"specialvision" are a bit trite. A
recent showing of "Gunboat Di-
plomacy, 1965," for instance, re-
ceived very bad reviews.

However, compared to the rest
of the fare offered, even offerings
as tired as this seem to be some-
what worthwhile.
One of the older shows, "Life
With Father" is about a typical
American business executive, Lyn-
don Johnson, who is constantly
beset by people who don't like the
way the company is being run.
mother, sticks up for daddy. She
sagely says that she sometimes
wonders about these people-who

Vietnamese Military Situation\ Looks Ominous

Election Costs Must Be Curbed

society, the electorate never knows the
real candidate; all they are familiar with
is his projected image. This image is the
result of a public relations job whose
quality is a direct function of a candi-
date's campaign chest.
In the late 19th century many of the
politicians were controlled by special in-
terests because of the financial backing
of these powerful elements. In our age
the people who control the financial in-
terests are now in politics.
JUDITH WARREN .. ................Co-Editor
ROBERT HIPPLER .....................Co-Editor
EDWARD HERSTEIN............ .....Sports Editor
JUDITH FIELDS................. Business Manager
JEFFREY -LEEDS....... ......Supplement Manager
NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Badamo, John Meredith,
Robert Moore, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce wasserstein.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich.
Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning.

Thre is nothing wrong with having
the rich men in government, but there
is something drastically wrong with hav-
ing only the rich men in government.
Our political system is now a plutocra-
cy and the passport to a career in public
service is a bankbook rather than one's
The attempts to halt this trend have
been feeble and fruitless. Despite some
limitations on expenditures for cam-
paigning in states such as New York,
sophisticated candidates are able to by-
pass these restrictions as easily as multi-
millionaires side step high income tax
LAWS TIGHTLY limiting the expendi-
tures of candidates must be passed and
enforced if this country is ever to bear
any resemblance to a representative de-
mocracy, for under our present system
the bankroll and not the man is poli-
tically supreme.

DA NANG-The Marine camp
here is so big and so full of
powerful, heavy equipment that
one has the impression that the
army of Alexander the Great after
Arbela could probably have been
fitted into the helicopter sector.
The Marines themselves are as
impressive as their camp. On the
day of a recent visit they had
been clearing a little village
whence they had been getting
sniper fire.
A company had swum the river
by moonlight; two more had come
upriver in huge amphibious tanks.
But the Viet Cong had swiftly
retreated, and except for under -
ground bunkers and the like there
was nothing that seemed warlike
except the herd bull of the village
water buffaloes.
"I KIND OF WISH he'd come
after us," remarked a giant
bronzed, sweaty and rather bored
Marine corporal. "I'd kind of like
to rassle him." And the corporal
indeed looked as though he might
have won.
All this is reassuring; but it
has to be admitted that some
source of reassurance is badly
needed in Viet Nam at the mo-
For the truth of the matter is
that the outlook is very much
more ominous, and the North Viet-
namese intervention is very much
more flagrant and massive, than
anyone seems to imagine at home
in America.
Communist forces were undoubt-
edly surprised and even briefly
disheartened by the wholly un-
expected American decision to


'Double The Pleasure,
Double The Fun'

bomb North Vietnamese targets
and the less publicized but almost
equally important decision to use
U.S. air poweroffensively in South
Viet Nam.
But a single harsh surprise will
not keep a hardened enemy per-
manently off balance. And the
enemy's hidden assets are far
greater than is generally supposed.
In the provinces composing this
first corps area, for example,
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong
battalions probably outnumber

South Vietnamese army battalions
by a factor of about three to two.
This rather amply explains the
need for the Marines.
IN THE COUNTRY as a whole
the enemy's regular forces-not
the guerrilla and local forces, mind
you, but the regulars-almost cer-
tainly exceed 60,000 men. This is
three times last year's official
figure. It includes the entire 325th
Division of the North Vietnamese

it the State Theatre
IT'S THREE and one half hours
of pure delight. A double
barreled best of "Sellers" comedy
program that should not be passed
Only too seldom doesta double
feature like this combination come
along, and if you were , one of the
unlucky ones who missed either
"Pink Panther" or "A Shot in the
Dark" when they first came
around then you have a real de-
licious treat ahead of you.
The reason for all the fun is
Inspector Clouseau, the bumbling
but dedicated French official who
stumbles through the two films
attempting to solve crimes.
The crime in "The Pink Pan-
ther" is the theft of a famous
jewel by a pair of smooth sophis-
ticated "artists" in crime, Robert

Wagner and the crafty David
Niven. The crime in "A Shot in
the Dark" is murder, and more
murder and more murder. But
worry not, Inspector Clouseau is
there to punish the guilty-even-
tually. In the meantime there are
laughs galore.
For the fumbling confused po-
liceman is Peter Sellers in one
of his most successful comedy
creations. Whether it's a wild romp
through a nudist camp with Elke
Sommers, a pool rack that refuses
to cooperate, or the ultimate em-
barrassment, a can of cold cream
that fights back, Sellers is at his
brilliant best.
Pink Panther" is perhaps the more
cohesive. In it Seller's role is
minimized with greater attention
played to plot and action. This
allows for a more satisfying com-
bination of mystery and comedy,
yet it still allows for such magnifi-
cent slapstick moments as the
final chase scene in which people
rush back and forth, across a
deserted intersection at night
about a single pedestrian standing
perplexed and watching quietly.
"A Shot in the Dark" while
weaker structurally, and slightly
less smooth, nevertheless remains
alive with solid comic achieve-
ment. This time however, the
credit belongs entirely to Sellers.
Even the cold faced George San-
ders and the beautiful Elke Som-
mer take a back seat. From the
globe in his office to the houseboy
at his apartment, the world seems
to be against Inspector Clouseau.
The color photography in each
is pleasant, the musical score is
by Mancini in both cases and the
direction is apt and occasionally
quite inventive. Blake Edwards
smeem oreat hom ein "The Pink

Two additional battalions of an
unidentified North Vietnamese
regular regiment are also reported
to have crossed the demilitarized
zone into the two most northerly
provinces of this corps area.
To be sure, only one North Viet-
namese regular battalion is shown
in the South by the American
"order of ,battle," which is now
governed by rules that make it as
unreal as the ceremonial of the
Byzantine Court. But no compe-
tent American military judge
doubts the presence of the 325th
Division . as a whole, and the
American advisors on the spot
have few doubts about the entry
of the two additional battalions
in the two most northerly pro-
IN ADDITION, the North Viet-
namese 304th Division is known
to be in position on the frontier.
And if the 325th Division has en-
tered the country already, the
eventual entry of this other di-
vision must logically be expected.
Nor is that the entire story by
any means. The old twaddle about
this being a mere civil war, in
which the purely indigenous Com-
munist forces are wholly armed
with captured' U.S. weapons, is
twaddle in another and even more
important way as well.
In reality, in the Viet Cong's
hard core of regular battalions, as
in the invading North Vietnamese
Can They
Do All?
THE COMPUTERS, we are led
to believe, can do almost any-
thing a human being can do-and
can do it better.
Now, university admissions of-
ficers are using punch cards to
pick their freshmen, and at a
meeting in Chicago the other day
they defended their machine
operations staunchly. No, it is not
cold and heartless, they say, for
a computer to decide whether your
son or daughter is going to have
a college education.
A long day of poring over ap-
plications might well tire the ad-
missions officer and his weariness
might cause him to pick the wrong
candidates. But they say the ma-
chines never err.
Well, we can understand how a
computer can be perfectly objec-
tive in dealing with statistical
things like a student's grades, but
can a machine really decide
whether he's sincere in wanting to
go to college? Can a machine

battalions, almost no captured
weapons are now used.
For the moment, to be sure, the
enemy high command is not mak-
ing intensive use of its powerful
regular forces with new weapons
and reinforcements from the
North. The regulars are mostly
hidden, now, in jungle and moun-
tain redoubts.
BUT THESE WEEKS are likely
to prove no more than the lull
before the storm. And it may be a
pretty black storm, despite the
planned use of American troops
as urgently needed reserves.
(c) 1965, The Washington Post Co.
Chaplin Is
At the Cinema Guild
"SHOULDER ARMS" has been
called the story of Everyman
at war. But this is only one facet
of Charlie Chaplin's genius-he
can be Everyman in a story fla-
vored with irony, pathos and
Some of the scenes in the movie
have become film and World War
I classics. In one, Chaplin, disap-
pointed at not receiving any mail
himself, vicariously enjoys an-
other soldier's letter. Reading over
his shoulder, Charlie reacts with
the same pleasure as the other
soldier-shock with shock; smile
with smile-until the other soldier
glares him away.
Another great scene shows
Chaplin behind enemy lines cam-
ouflaged as a tree trunk. When
discovered, he craftily escapes into
a forest.
Some of the swifter pieces of
humor include scenes in which,
bunk underwater Chaplin careful-
ly fluffs his pillow before lying
down or' satirizes the stars and
stripes or hurls a limburger cheese
grenade into the enemy trench.
EVERYMAN AT war encounters
the same difficulties. For in-
stance, conforming to the routine
and postures of the army (espe-
cially difficult for Chaplin whose
feet either turn out or in, but he
can't seem to master the regula-
tion march position).
After moping in the rain, being
homesick, lighting cigarettes with
enemy bullets flying over the
trench, the unavoidable happens-
Chairlie is ordered "over the top"
(of course, his ID number is 13).
Returning with 13 German
prisoners he proves "13 not so un-
lucky." When asked how he cap-




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