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May 25, 1965 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1965-05-25

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Seventy-Fifth Year


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N~ws PHoNB: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. Thismust be noted in all reprints.

ESDAY, MAY 25, 1965


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Romney Misconceives
The Student's Role


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N A SPEECH yesterday at the Gover-
nor's Conference on the Student Vol-
unteer -and Higher Education, George
Romney said that today's student genera-
tion needs a "fundamental meaning and
purpose." According to Romney, if stu-
dents cannot find this direction a "vac-
uum" will be created in their lives which
will eventually be filled by demonstra-
tions similar to the type that occurred
when President Eisenhower had to can-
cel his visit to% Japan. The governor
warned that such movements are now
spreading in this country.
He urged that students find their
"fundamental meaning and purpose"
through forms of social work such as tu-
toring underprivileged children. The gov-
ernor said that those involved in such
projects become individualists and are
not just anonymous faces in the crowd.
Such programs, Romney said, "smack of
downright Americanism."
Well, Romney certainly 'deserves a slap
on the back for his foresight in recog-
;iiing that college people are capable
and willing to take on some of the social
responsibilities of the community at large.
ON THE OTHER HAND, his attitudes on
the need for students, to have a voice
in their own academic and political com-
inunities resembles those of the psychol-

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ogist who recommends that a child sub-
limate his sexual drives into athletics.
.Although the governor is probably very
enthusiastic about organizations such as
the YR's, and has urged the Legislature
to lower the voting age to 18, he still
seems to be unaware that in many cases
the only way a student viewpoint can be
expressed is through activist demonstra-
Unlike the University, rwhere channels
to the administration are relatively open,
many colleges censor the student voice
and frustrate it.
Social work is fine and it does make
life seem purposeful, but thereis no rpa-
son why students can't find equal mean-
ing in helping to decide their own aca-
demic and political affairs.
THE SOLUTION to the problem of help-
ing an alienated student find his iden-
tity is not merely to send him off to do
social work for the community, but also
to give him the feeling that his opinions
have some influence in shaping his en-
There may be a vacuum, but the way
to fill it is not through sublimation. Rath-
er the way to fill the void is through the
establishment of academic democracy.


Now Is Not Time To Nullify the 15th Amendment

Congress in considering the
proposed Voting Rights Act of
1965 is whether it wishes to have
the 15th Amendment of the Con-
stitution enforced. This amend-
ment forbids the denial or abridge-
ment of the right of citizens of
the United States to vote "on ac-
count of race, color or previous
condition of servitude."
It was ratified in 1870-now 95
years ago-and under Section 2
gives Congress "power to enforce
this article by appropriate legis-
lation." Congress passed the En-
forcement Act on May 31, 1870.
This was followed the next year
(1871) by a law making it a fed-
eral crime to prevent citizens from
voting by threat or intimidation
and established a system of fed-
eral supervisors of elections.
IN THE quarter of a century
which followed, certain of the
former Confederate States resisted
successfully the enforcement of
the legislation, and by 1894 Con-
gress itself repealed most of the

legislation enforcing the 15th
Various devices were adopted by
the resisting states in order to
deny the vote to the great mass
of their Negro citizens. These de-
vices, setting up difficult tests of
literacy, education and knowledge
of the state and federal constitu-
tions, would have disfranchised a
great many of the whites.
To make sure that the whites
could vote and the Negroes could
not, a number of states, beginning
in 1895, enacted the so-called
Grandfather Clause." This allow-
ed citizens descended from anyone
who had voted on Jan. 1, 1867
(when, of. course, no former slave
could as yet vote) to be registered
as voters even if they could not
pass the literacy test.
THE "Grandfather Clause"
which the Supreme Court struck
down in 1915 was followed by laws
excluding Negroes from the real
elections, which were the pri-
mai'ies. This, too, was struck down
by the court in a number of de-
cisions handed down in the 1940s

during and after the second world
Nevertheless, the resisting states
in the Deep South persisted and
continued by various subterfuges
and various kinds of intimidation
to keep the Negro voters down to
a small minority.
In 1964, of those eligible (by
standards applied to whites), the
Negro voters actually registered
were less than 7 per tent in Mis-
sissippi; in Alabama, they were
less than 20 per cent; in Louisiana,
they were less than 32 per cent. As
against this, the eligible whites
registered were for Mississippi,
80.5 per cent; for Alabama, 69 2.
per cent; for Louisiana, 80.2 per
ANYONE WHO wishes to argue
for the preservation of the existing
system of discrimination and
against federal intervention must
argue that as a matter of public
policy, which they deem to be
higher than the language of the
Consittution itself, the 15th
Amendment is wrong and should
be nullified.

They must argue that for the
present and for the indefinite
future it is not safe that more
than a minority of the Negro
citizens should be enfranchised.
This is the real view of Gov.
George Wallace and of Sen. Strom
Thurmond, who frankly believe
in white supremacy, and it is the
real but unavowed view of those,
who are arguing that the provosed
legislation is "unconstitutional"
and contrary to the inner purpose
and the true genius of the Ameri-
can system of government. But
none of them, not even Gov. Wal-
lace, dares to defend his real views
openly and in plain language.
IT IS NOT LIKELY, it seems to
me, that a reputable and compas-
sionate historian could say that
in 1870. by the mass of new free-
men of; the South, then illiterate
and wholly inexperienced because
of their former condition of slav-
ery, might have precipitated ir-
reparable violence in the old Con-
But such an interpretation of
the South does not apply to con-

ditions as they are today-a cen-
tury after the Civil War.
The Negroes, in spite of the
cruel handicaps they suffer, have
produced a generation of leading
men-such as Martin Luther King,
Ralph Bunche, Thurgood Marshall
and Roy Wilkins, who would be a
credit to any race. And the great-
grandchildren of the Southern
rebels are no longer preoccupied
with an effort to reverse the out-
come of the Civil War.
IN THE LIGHT of history, in
view of the changed condition of
the modern South, considering
how intolerable it is to denyjus-
tice too long, the federal govern-
ment can proceed with a good and
firm conscience.
It is poetic justice of a high
order that the federal government
should be led in this enterprise by'
the first Southerner who is Presi-
dent of the United States since the
Civil War. The federal govern-
ment must enforce the 15th
Amendment, and having put its
hand to the plow it must not and
cannot turn back
(c), 1965, The Washington Post 00.

Did Johnson Act Responsibly?

NO TIME has Santo Domingo had a
stable government that was free, con-
itutional, and democratic ... . the recent
rents-both Dominican revolt and U.S.
tervention--are more a resumption of
ormal behavior than a newideparture.
Startling as these Dominican events
re in the context of the decade or even,
ie generation, they are not especially
it of line in the longer curve of Domini-
an history.
When the initial adventure by Juan
osch's followers and dissident army ele-
ents opened the road for Communist
idres and a point was reached that en-
angered the security and well-being of
e hemisphere, the President, as chief
the nation on which the security of the
emisphere depends, acted-as Presidents
nce James Monroe have acted before the
usory dawn of the Good Neighbor Poli-
--to meet the danger.
K THIS DRAMATIC Intervention, Presi-
dent Johnson is acting responsibly: re-
onsibly toward the tradition of his
untry as well as towards its needs and
terests, and responsibly also toward the
Beds and interests of the smaller and
eaker peoples who live, inevitably,

whether they wish it or not, under" the
shelter of his country's mighty wings.
And President Johnson's responsible
conduct now brings into all the sharper
contrast the irresponsibility of our abdi-
cations during these past years: above
all, our irresponsible failure tohact when
confronted with Castro and the Commu-
nist seizure, through Castro, of Cuba.
The blood and chaos in the Dominican
Republic, and the political wounds we are
suffering-they are real and unavoidable
--are part of the price we pay for our
failure to handle Castro.
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to isolate and sterilize
the Cuban beachhead of the Commu-
nist revolution; it operates and so long
as it endures will continue to operate as
an active center of revolutionary infec-
What happened, or started to happen,
two weeks ago in Santo Domingo can
happen and sooner or later will happen,
if Castro remains, in Colombia, Venezu-
ela; Nicaragua, Guatemala ... in those
nations, and not in those alone, the fire
from Cuba has already lighted the fuse of
revolutionary explosion.

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Iy Guess On Ho~w 14imv Rave JToined UP With
The Comimunists, Siiw~'e e 1o' .tl [n?"

That Small, Screaming Voice


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The University as Reflector

shown a peculiar unwillingness to
countenance personnel or policies which
are public liabilities. The recent disposal
of the dean of women is just one rather
ironic example of this attitude in action.
There are others.'
This is not to say, of course, that the
university is so crass as to blatantly
kowtow to the explicit demands of ex-
ternal pressure groups. The administra-
tion has been scrupulously careful in this
regard, particularly in its acceptance of
financial gifts.
However, in a broader sense, the uni-
versity is indeed controlled by external
society; for it has somehow come to re-
gard itself as a "producer," obligated to
turn out the kind and quantity of intel-
lectual manpower which the nation at
large thinks it needs.
JUDITH WARREN......................Co-Editor
ROBERT HIPPLER .... ............Co-Editor
EDWARD HERSTEIN................ Sports Editor

to education, in which students are
"built ... to the specifications laid down,"
has more currency than one would like to
The university system, feeling itself in-
creasingly dependent upon aid from gov-
ernment and large corporations, has be-
come most reluctant to act as a catalyst
for radical social criticism and has, in
fact, gone to great limits to rationalize
its current role as servant to the status
One can hardly doubt that is the uni-
versity's duty to "produce" the leaders of
tomorrow's society. But. what kind of
leaders? And leaders to what purpose?
velop students as human beings, sen-
sitizing them to moral and social issues?
Or does it rather operate on a "service
station" approach filling up students with
high octane knowledge and sending them
on their separate ways?
The final question is this: does the
current concept of education as "train-

Collegiate Press Service
AN OPEN LETTER to the ad-
ministrators of the nation's
colleges and universities.
"For God's sake, you're hurting
me," the young man screamed at
the four policemen who were hold-
ing him down. "For Christ's sake,
let go of my foot. It hurts! It
The officers weren't buying,
however. They continued to pin
their charge against the hood of
a parked car while about 20 spec-
tators looked on.
ABOUT THE sixth time the
young man screamed, one of the
spectators suggested that the of-
ficer might not twist his foot quite
so hard. "He'll just kick me again,"
said the cop. "Besides, we're not
hurting him."
And then a strange thing hap-
pened. Just as some of the spec-
tators were beginning to boil with
righteous indignation, the young
man stopped screaming. He looked
at a friend who was standing
near-by and in calm, reasonable
tones said he had done nothing
wrong and that the policeman had
"grabbed him from behind." Then
he started screaming again.
"Apparentlyhe had a nervous
breakdown," the man standing
next to me said. "He started rip-
ping his apartment apart, and
beating his head on the wall.
Then he ran out into the street."
"JESUS, I'll stand peaceably if
you'll just let go of my foot," the
prisoner moaned.
The police weren't taking any
chances though. A paddy wagon
pulled up, and the officers re-
moved the young man's shoes be-
fore carrying him over to it. "Sad-
ists! You God damned sadists!"
he screamed as they closed the
THE LANDLADY started talk-
ing with some hangers-on. "This
has happened before," she said.
"He has beaten his wife several
times, although when she finally
gets mad and hauls off at him he
starts crying like a baby. Once he
threatened to kill her and stuck

becoming an all too familiar and
sinister fixture in American's in-
stitutions of higher education, and
I think you are in part responsible.
And I have a forlorn hope that
'if for once you look at the dirty
details of one such incident, you
might pause and for once consider
just what sort of institutions you
are creating.
Before you return to the every-
day task of turning you institu-
tionsinto multiversities, of making
them larger and more efficient and
more mechanized; before you go
back to picture what effect your
actions will have on those persons
who will pass through the schools
you are building in the next half
GUIDED by the highest motiva-
tions, you are building institutions
of higher learning that do not
humanize, but depersonalize, that
do not permit the human spirit to
soar, but which chain it to the
altar of efficiency.

I cannot believe that you do this
deliberately, as some of your
harsher critics have suggested, but
I do believe that too often you
have bowed to expediency without
fully considering the human con-
THIS IS too bad, because an
untold number of future difficul-
ties would be avoided if you would
simply make a greater effort than
you are doing now to listen to your
It may not be too easy to hear
them over the clamor of trustees,
and alumni, and legislators, and
researchers, and the thousand and
one other voices that bid for your
ear, but I am convinced that it
will be well worth the trouble, if
you would only take the time to do
IF YOU LISTEN closely you
may well hear a very small voice
screaming "For God's sake, you're
hurting me.


the Roaring wenties--
In Living Color
At the campus Theatre
IT'S ALMOST better in the retelling.
Music: "Yes, We Have No Bananas" in the style of Guy Lom-
Scene: The roaring twenties; the mosque-mansion of Master
'Cellist Felix.
Situation: Cornelius, a music critic with the poise of Peter Sellers
and the looks of an effete Svengali, arrives to gather "personal" details
for his biography of the Master.
Complication: The mysterious Master is never seen, only heard-
playing the 'cello, that is. It appears that the "real" Felix is accessible
only through those around him, his servants and his harem.
THE RESULTS: Cornelius stumbles from impasse to impasse in
search of the Master's identity. His bullet-shy bedroom technique is
ineffectual in a confrontation with one of Felix's gun-totin' mistresses.

Its Those Nefarious
Manufacturers A gain
SOMETIMES it's a good idea for the fellow who writes the editorials
to get away from the typewriter and do a little snooping on his
own. So, we took a look in the kitchen pantry to see how our
homemaker was faring in the great controversy over packaging and
Was she being taken for a sucker, as some of our regulation-
happy lawmakers in Washington seem to think? Does she need more
protection? Is she confused? (We didn't say that, dear, but Senator
Hart did.)
But, back to the pantry. First, the staples: a 10-lb. sack of flour,
a five-lb. bag of sugar. Could we be sure? Well, it said so on the
flour sack in 48-point type-that's the size of some of the bigger
headlines on the front page of this newspaper.
THE WEIGHT on the sugar bag was in somewhat smaller type-
looked about like 36 point-but still big enough to read clear across
the room. Okay for sugar and flour. Even the little woman couldn't
have been confused about these purchases.
The package of baking soda said it contained 1 lb. net-plain as
day. The peaches, pears and pineapple all duly reported the size of
the can, the number of ounces net weight. Ditto for the tomato
catsup, the chili sauce, the mustard, the hamburger relish-all weights



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