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May 25, 1965 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1965-05-25

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'Summer Co
Visitors and students attending the University cannot help
but be impressed by the tremendous amount of building expansion
going on this summer. John Telfer, assistant to the University
architect for planning, explained that a primary purpose of
this rapid program is to enable the University to meet its
increasing enrollment in both housing and educational facilities.
According to James F. Brinkerhoff, director of the plant
extension department, there are several important structures
under construction this summer. The first of these is the Admin-
tive Services Building which will be three stories high and
contain 45,000 feet of floor space. Nonstudent office functions
will be removed from the central campus into this new locale
built by Calvin Robinson Wright Associates.
Students taking botany will find an added attraction when
they take their first trip to the enlarged Botanical Gardens. The
project, financed through federal and University funds, will
provide a new greenhouse, additional classrooms and laboratories.
Residence Halls
Two more living units will be added to help relieve the over-
crowding in the tesidence halls. Upperclassmen and graduate






students will be offered privacy at a moderate cost in the Cedar
Bend Housing I. Six hundred men and women will be able to
live in these new suites, presently being constructed by Swanson
Bursley Hall will satisfy those undergraduates who enjoy living
in a coed dormitory, but dislike the impersonality inherent in
long, cold-looking corridors. Bursley, containing room for 1200
students, will be built on North Campus and will contain two
wings joined by a central area for men and women.
The cost of this dormitory will be approximately $8 million.
The sum will be met by the income from present residence halls.
It is hoped that with the addition of these new housing facilities,
some of the present overcrowding will be alleviated.
North Campus Center
Further building on the expanding North Campus will include
the North Campus Center. The center will serve a function
similar to the League and contain meeting rooms and a cafeteria.
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi This two-level structure will be located on North Campus Blvd.
ESEARCH, pictured above, The North Campus Service Building, with its municipal type
onstructed on campus this incinerator, will be an unusual addition to the University. The
heat that will be generated from the burning rubbish will be

used as steam for a laundry that will be built nearby.
Another purpose of the building program is to provide facili-
ties for research, Brinkerhoff continued. The Space Research
Building, also on North Campus, will be finished this summer.
It will be occupied by groups who are under research and study
contracts sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space
Institute for Social Research
An eight-story building that will be ready late in the fall
is the Institute for Social Research. Laboratories, offices and
research facilities will be housed in this new structure on
Thompson St.
Brinkerhoff also described buildings which are presently in
the planning stage, but will be started before the end of 1965.
The University Events Building will be the site of future com-
mencements, convocations and athletic events.
Enrollment in the Dental School will increase by 50 per cent
when the new Dental Building is completed, Brinkerhoff said. A
suspended two-story library and easy connections between all
parts of the building will make this structure attractive as well
as functional.

is one of the many buildings being c

See Editorial Page



Humid with
afternoon showers

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Peace Parleys Continue, Votes Expansion of
Plan Dominican Coalition State Research Fund

Are Windows All Washed Up?

Junta Slow
To Bargain


With Rebels
Republic (Al)-Backstage negotia-
tions moved ahead yesterday for
creation of a coalition government
under Antonio Guzman, wealthy,
planter and political liberal, de-
spite objections from the military-
civilian junta.
Guzman, minister of agriculture
in the government of deposed
President Juan Bosch, met with
Col. Francisco Caamano Deno,
president of the rebels' "Constitu-
tionalist" government.
A rebel spokesman said after-
ward the talks, aimed at restor-
ing a single government, after
more than a month of fighting,
were "very advanced."
U.S. Support?
Guzman reportedly has United
States support, although sources
said American Ambassador W.r
Tapley Bennett, Jr. told Brig. Gen.
Antonio Imbert Barrera, the junta
president, that the U.S. was not
trying to impose its will on the
Dominican Republic.
Noting Imbert's strong opposi-
tion to Guzman, a U.S. spokesman'
described prospects for a quick
final settlement as still dim.,
Caamano meanwhile s p o k e
briefly over the rebel radio saying
his side was willing to negotiate
with the various international
peacemakers because they have
"the fundamental duty of helping
in the search for practical and
just solutions that will not injure
the dignity or the sovereign rights,
of the people."
Coalition Backing
T-~ taaat idri. tw dhoth1

The Senate passed a bill last night extending the State Research
Fund for one year and increasing its appropriations to $1 million.
"This appropriation is $350,000 more than Gov. George Romney
recommended," Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) explained last
"The State Research Fund enables Michigan's colleges and uni-
versities to conduct programs aimed at advancing the state's econo-
my," Bursley added. "However, school programs must first be approved
by a state agency and the legislature to qualify for aid."
He commented that the University has received financial support,
from the fund on four occasions in the past. He said the industrialj
development conference now inf o -_ -_ _

-Associated Press
AMID SKIRMISHES IN Santo Domingo, yesterday, peacemakers
negotiated for a coalition government under Antonio Guzman.,
A dmiss ions Office:
Screene' of Applicants
The University Office of Admissions is a crucial element in the
enrollment equation. It is their job to determine whether or not appli-
cants are qualified to enter the University. However, this is only half
of their job.
The staff of the Admissions Office also serves as "attracting
agents" for the University. Working mainly in Michigan, members of
-- the 40-man staff participate in

session on campus is one example
of a State Research Fund project
being conducted by the University.
"The bill passed last night is,
broader than the comparable
measures in effect for the past
year, in that the new law broad-
ens the program to include private
as well as state schools," Bursley
added. "I doubt, however, that
any private schools other than the
University of Detroit will be able
to take advantage of this.".
The bill will now be sent to the
House where it will join several
other education bills in line for
passage soon.
One of these is the $51 million
operating funds budget for the
University next year. This approp-
riation measure, approved by the
Senate last week, probably will
not come to a House vote for an-
other week.
House-Originated Bills
'The House must first act on
all appropriationsbills originated
in its own committees before tak-
ing up measures passed in the
Senate." Bursley explained.
The budget appropriations bill
originated in the Senate Approp-
riations Committee.
The major action taken by the
House last night was passage of a
bill raising legislators salaries
from $10,000 to $15,000 per year.
The House also postponed action
on an appropriations bill for ele-
mentary and secondary schools.
High School Funds
However, Rep. Marvin Esch (R-
Ann Arbor) predicted that the bill
will pass with an increase of $67-
69 million over last year.
Esch expected that this bill and
a proposal to create a new four-
year state college in the Saginaw
Valley area will be taken up today.
The Saginaw Valley proposal has
been the center of considerable
controversy recently.
i Esch said, however, that the
proposal probably will pass today
without an exact location for the
school being specified.

MSU Rights
'Action Goes
A long series of protests against
housing discrimination in East
Lansing blossomed into the ridicu-
lous last night, but the issue of
"open house discrimination" re-
mains unsettled.
Last night some 20 protestors
marched from the' Michigan State
University campus to the state
capital, ostensibly on a "Keep the
Peace in Luxembourg" march. Ac-
tually, an MSU observer explain-
ed, they were protesting what they
called abuses in use of protests
against discrimination.
Among the protests which the
dissenters were mocking was a
sit-in on MSU President John
Hannah's lawn. The demonstra-
tion did not come off, an observer
told The Daily last night.
More serious action did, how-
ever ,take place in the long-stand-
ing discrimination question that
has caused concern among many
MSU students.
The MSU "State News," daily
student newspaper, has received
Tharges saying it has not followed
its charter. The News has an ad-
vertising policy which states that
the paper will not accept adver-
tising from any advertiser that
Several fraternities and sorori-
ties on the MSU campus, the
Tharges said, had "white Chris-
tian" clauses in their constitu-
tions. These groups use News ad-
vertising for events such as "rush"
and homecoming events.
Groups have applied pressure
upon the News to "live up to its
policies" and refuse to accept ad-
vertising from groups who dis-

"Window's are a necessity of
the past," Theodore Larson,
architecture researcher at the
University, said recently.
Larson at present heads a
group of architecture research-
ers who, for the past five years
have been exploring the ques-
tion of how the learning process
is affected by school environ-
The idea implicit in the field
of 'building research is to
treat a "space" or environ-
ment as a totality which can
be controlled or modified for
the direct benefit of the oc-
cupants and whatever they
might be doing.
Less Attention
As Benjamin Handler, who
was in charge of this phase of
the project, pointed out, "It is
an astonishing fact that the
problem of human requirements
has received less attention than
>ther kinds of building research.
After all, buildings are design-
ed for people, and an under-
standing of what you are de-
signing for should" be -the first
order of business. Yet, what
should be first is the last
problem to which building re-
search has been directed."
The problem with which the
group of researchers is pri-
marily concerned is that of de-

termining what effects, if any,
windowless classrooms have up-
on students.
Five years ago in Wayne,
Michigan, several ordinary
classrooms, with windows, were
converted to windowless struc-
tures. The students' abilities
were charted before, during and
after the change.
Primary Objective
The primary objective was to
find out if there were and de-
tectable differences in learning
achievement after the students
had been in the windowless
classrooms for one year, Larson
The, rate and level of learn-
ing in a windowless envir6n-
ment were compared to the
rate and level of learning that
prevailed in this same school
when the classrooms were fully
equipped with windows.
To compensate for the loss of
daylight which was formerly
furnished by the windows, extra
strips of fluorescent. lamps were
installed. In addition, supple-
mentary ventilating systems
were added to each. classroom.
All findings indicated that
classrooms without, windowsdid
not, in any way, effect the
learning process. However, re-
searchers and school officials
were pleased with the results,
for windowless, classrooms are
much cheaper to build and
operate, and through artificial

means, allow for more even
ventilation and lighting.
Teachers Enthusiastic
In addition, many teachers
were enthusiastic about the
windowless schools, for more
wall space was made available
and classroom attention im-
However, many educators are
against this type of construc-
tion for they say that teachers
will become lethargic. Instruc-.
tors, they argue, would no long-
er be compelled to make presen-
tations interesting since they
wouldn't have to compete with
what's happening outside.
Many parents became con-
cerned when they learned that
the schoolhouse was to be
"boarded up by a crew of es-
thetically insensitive carpen-
ters," Larson said.
A widespread fear grew
among these parents that ,their
children might become psycho-
patic since there would be no
windows through which the
youngsters could stare outdoors.
This concern grew to such
proportions that researchers
were compelled to assure par-
ents that the program would
be imediately terminated if
there was any sign that a stu-
dent's health vas being impair-
ed, Larson explained.
Throughout the experiment,
however, no adverse mental or
physical conditions were noted.

Studies Public's Concept of Education

FSF Decides
On Future OSUs

iiis statemeni m acabe ul
the United Nations and Organiza- By MICHAEL BADAO
tion of American States (OAS) The Free Speech Front of Ohio
representatives in Santo Domingo State University ,organized to pro-
were pressing for .a coalition re- test an OSU speaker's ban, de-
gime.I cided in a meeting last night to
Imbert, president of the five- abandon any plans to reinvite
man civilian-military junta oppos- Marxist speaker Herbert Apthek-
ing the rebels, apparently was tak- er to speak on the OSU campus
ing no part in the negotiations. this term.
In Washington, State Depart- It was further decided by the
ment Press Officer Marshal 300-500 member FSF to invite
Wright denied reports that Mc- OSU President Novice G. Faucett
George Bundy, in Santo Domingo to conduct an open-forum type
as a special representative of Pres- discussion to explain administra-
ident Lyndon B. Johnson, had tion views and rationale on the
worked out an agreement with speakers ban ruling.
C s not for the United States Presently under tde ruling any
"It s nt frdecideniterSttespeaker which the administration
and Caamano to decide either the deems "subversive" can be legally
composition or the construction of banned from speaking on OSU;
the (Dominican) government,"
Wright aid. !property .
Wrightsaid.Faucett has not yet indicated
The reported U.S.-Caamano ar- whether or not he will accept the
rangement was said to revolvew.ni c
around, the selection of Guzman, invitation.
a former cabinet minister in the At the meeting FSF also consid-
regime of ousted President Juan ered the possibility of picketing
Bosch, to head a coalition govern- graduation ceremonies this June;
ment. to protest the speaker limitations.
FSF is considering forming a
Pro s student protest union similar to
P o"esL I . the Free Students Union which
jj ~took over the functions of thel
Intervention Free Speech Movement at the
University of California's Berkeley
campus. It will function as a col-:
BOGOTA. Columbia p Riot- lective bargaining unit and as a
ing students battled police for liaison between administration
two hours yesterday in the sixthlantea
day of anti-government studentents.
A____ _.. ,1..-.L b... - _n ~-I Jeffrey Schwartz. FSF leader

"off-campus service" - participa-
tion in "college days and nights"
at 80 high schools.
Admissions officers also spend
time interviewing prospective stu-
dents. These interviews do not
have any official bearing on ad-
missions, but are rather a service
to the students. About 50 inter-
views a day are currently being
conducted with students and their
parents. They are advised whether
or not to apply, informed on liv-
ing conditions and told of campus
The most pressing problem the
office faces is judging the number
of students to accept.
It must maintain that delicate
b a 1 a n c e between overcrowded
classrooms and residence halls
and empty spaces.

At the Institute of Social Re-
search highly specialized informa-
tion is collected for the objective
study of man and his society. One
recent publication by Angus
Campbell, director of the Survey
Research Center, and William C.
Eckerman, assistant director of

Student Activities Center
Plans Summer Program
The University Activities Center's newly-formed summer com-
mittee announced yesterday its events schedule for the summer,
a list which includes jazz concerts, beach trips, a film festival
and a street dance.
Henry Chaffee, '67, summer committee chairman said that
although he was pleased with the progress so far, he is "sorry
(that the summer committee could

the Field Staff Research Center,
concerns the public concepts of
the values and costs of higher
It is difficult for public un-
derstanding to keep pace with the
rapidly changing situation of the
nation's colleges and universities,
Campbell said. "We move into a

growing conflict between public
demand for the benefits of edu-
cation and public failure to sup-
port a tax program which will
make these greatly expanded serv-
ices possible," he continued.
According to Campbell, most
people feel that education is as-
sociated with professional success.
When asked if it is true that a
college education is more impor-
tant now than it was 20 years
ago, the typical response is af-
Strong Awareness
There is a strong awareness of
the personal advantages of more
technical training, Campbell said.
However, the public emphasis is
on personal and economic values
rather than values of national or
social strength.
Concepts of education vary with
economic and educational levels
but the consideration of a healthy
society and rewards beyond an
individual level is mentioned by
a relatively small percentage of
those interviewed, Campbell con-
American ideals being high, it
seems that people have widely in-
herited the belief that every child
has a right to be educated. The
quality and extent included in
this right vary among-regions.
In some Southern, states,.for ex-
ample, standards and expectations
are lower than in Michigan. The
people- are, however, rarely con-
scientious enough to be prepared
to recommend expenditure policy
for the state, Campbell explained.
Federal Support
Federally supported education is
most worrisome to people of high-
er educational background. Con-
cerning the proper role of the gov-
ernment, Democrats are more
sympathetic towards federal sup-
port than Republicans, he said.

FourStudentsinRussian Scool Trip


Forty students from 22 colleges and universities, including four
from the University, will participate in the Summer Tour Program
sponsored by the Slavic language department. The eight-week period
coincides with the University summer half-term, IIIB.
The first five weeks will consist of intensive language study in
third or fourth year Russian, with stress on speaking and listening
comprehension. Then the 40 students will, spend three weeks touring
The group, accompanied by two faculty members, will begin the
tour Aug. 5, concentrating on Leningrad, Moscow and Kiev.
Testing after former tours has indicated that the eight-week pro-
gram produces achievement in Russian comparable to two years of
l nllprp 'Zh,,varning n the + nntionn] Educational Testina Service.

not have gotten started earlier
this year because then we could
have accomplished more for the
spring term."
The group's projected activities
-A jazz concert for June 6;
-A film festival scheduled for
July 9;
--A University President Harlan
Hatcher Open House for early
-MUFUN night (Michigan Un-
ion Fun) for early August;
-A street dance for June 26
on South Ingalls Street;
--Trips and dances for foreign
--A series of book coffee hours
with prominent authors and lit-
erary critics, and
-Informal faculty panels and


. * a t' . *'4 So. .... .. ,,.

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