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May 21, 1965 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1965-05-21

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U hr Ar~logu Vat
Sevety-Fifth Year
Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Truth Will Prevail
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


Young Man's Fancy

Cutler's SNCC Statement:
Watershed for OSA

Special To The Daily
PARIS-It is unbelievable that
the same city which boasts
such artistic treasures as the
Mona Lisa and Venus De Milo
possesses the ugliest landmark in
the world. The Eiffel Tower rises
nearly 1,000 feet above Paris, and
the hideous compost brown tinted
structure is visible for miles.
The overgrown oil derrick should
have been torn down with the rest
of the 19th century international
exposition of which it was a part.
But alas it stands to give the
tourists something to waste their
film on and would-be journalists
leads for their stories.
WHILE PARIS has a cold, ugly
and dead landmark it also has
warm, attractive, lively people.
If anything about Paris can be
called typical it is a young couple
kissing each other in public. To
say the least this astonishes many
professional moralists. However,
I have never seen a young couple
kissing in a parked car, as is the
custom in America.
Many Americans appear shock-
ed at the widespread public dis-

play of affection here. But then I
imagine the French would be
shocked if they knew how many
young Americans die from carbon
monoxide asphixiation in parked
American cars.
must put in word here about
Napoleon's tomb, visible every day
of the week including Sundays at
the Invalides. Actually, visiting
the graves of fallen heroes has
never been a favorite pastime for
But I was walking back from
the fascinating Rodin Museum,
where the famous "Thinker" is
situated, and the Invalides looked
like an easy way to get out of the
hot sun for a mere franc.
The site was so astonishing even
Jessica Mitford would not believe
it. The tomb is situated inside a
domed edifice that looks like a
church at first glance. But in the
middle is a huge circular pit
some 20 feet deep and at least
twice that wide. A huge marble
catafaulque supports a casket
that looks big enough for Na-
poleon, his two wives, son, and
horse to boot.

I FOUND the Parisians them-
selves to be far friendlier than
they were reputed to be. They were
very tolerant of a University of
Michigan Romance Language De-
partment French accent. (Inci-
dentally I think it would be ad-
visable for that institution to in-
struct prospective French tourists
about the crucial distinction be-
tween salle de bain, toilette, pis-
soir, and lavabo.)
Amidst the beautiful spring days,
one sunnier than the next, Paris
is in a state of seige. The sand-
blasters are systematically cleans-
ing all buildings of generations of
The broad tree-lined avenues
are so pleasant that one can al-
most overlook the sidewalk urinals,
and forget about all the soldiers
running off to Pigally to spend
their travelers checks on women
of ill-repute. (On the way to
France I met a man who told me
his grandfather was recently pro-
positioned. According to my
acquaintance, his 84 year old
grandfather replied, "No thank
you, not tonight.")

NICE-PRESIDENT for Student Affairs
Richard L. Cutler a week ago issued a
key statement praising the Student Non-
Violent Coordinating Committee for its
" contributions to campus and national
life." The statement was important in
that it was a significant advance in the
recognition of Cutler's beliefs as to just
what a student organization should be.
And it was also important in that it ad-
vanced the degree of the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs' involvement with campus
Cutler has long been known as a firm
RED BAITING seems to be an obsession
with the director of the FBI. After
having already slandered Martin Luther
King, he took on a new target in testi-
mony released last week before the House
Appropriations Committee.
The fall demonstrations on the Berke-
ley campus were cited by J. Edgar Hoover
as an example of "a demonstration which,
while not Communist originated or con-
trolled, has been exploited by a few Com-
munists for their own ends."
In this instance, he remarked, "a few
hundred students contain within their
ranks a handful of Communists that mis-
lead, confuse and bewilder a great many
students to their own detriment.
Hoover claimed, "Communist party
leaders feel that based on what hap-
pened at the campus of the University
of California at Berkeley, they can ex-
ploit similar student demonstrations to
their own benefit in the future."
MEANWHILE, University of California
Regent Edward W. Carter rejected the
liberal recommendations of the Byrne
report, a study of the Berkeley crisis
paid for by the regents.
He said, "I doubt they (the regents)
will treat most of its recommendations
with great seriousness."
Carter then called the man whom the
regents authorized to write the report at
a cost of $75,000, "a young, inexperienced
guy, unaware of the pitfalls in a univer-
sity administration."
life dictatorship over the FBI years
ago because of his inability to draw the
line between criminal offenses and civil
What is more important is the realiza-
tion that the establishment which wants
to prevent outbreaks such as the riots at
Berkeley and is worried about infiltra-
.tion- of various "undesirable elements"
into student movements is unwilling to
change the basic conditions which
brought about the disorders.
INSTEAD OF TRYING to bring about
useful reforms, people like Hoover and
Carter merely shout "Reds, Reds,
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich.
Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning.

supporter of the civil rights movement
and has certainly been the high Univer-
sity official most actively involved with
rights work on this campus. And so, in the
first sense, it is not surprising that his
first such dramatically active state-
ment was made on behalf of SNCC.
Yet it must be emphasized that, Cut-
ler's civil rights beliefs aside, it would
have been impossible for him to make
such a statement if he had not also be-
lieved in "meaningful and significant ac-
tivities outside the classroom" and their
importance to education at the Univer-
sity. Thus the statement clarifies Cut-
ler's philosophy on the role of student
activities in general on the campus.
which the statement is important. Evi-
dently Cutler has an underlying philoso-
phy backing up his "meaningful and sig-
nificant" philosophy-one of closer in-
volvement of ,the OSA in campus activi-
For such a statement as this is not
made on official whim; University offi-
cials simply cannot go around issuing
statements of their personal beliefs when-
ever they wish. The statement must be
taken to indicate Cutler's willingness to
enter into closer official contact with
student activities than the OSA has ever
done in the past.
What this means is that the OSA is
evidently developing into another force
which student activities must take into
consideration. Cutler is clearly unwilling
to recognize an organization and then sit
back and let the students play.
IN THIS LIGHT, the "meaningful and
significant" clause acquires a new and
vital importance for student activities.
For if Cutler can publicly commend a
particular student activity, there is no
reason why he could not also publicly
state his unfavorable opinion of other
student activities or groups of activities.
In other words, what Cutler has done
with this statement, intentionally or not,
is to create an extremely powerful weap-
on for the OSA to use to defend and ex-.
pand the "meaningful and significant"
At issue is not the likelihood of his
issuing a condemnatory opinion of a par-
ticular activity; clearly, he will do so if
he thinks it is necessary. Rather, what
is of importance is that the possibility
exists for him to do so, and this possi-
bility, which would have been safely ig-
nored in the past, must now be taken into
account by student activities.
IN ESSENCE THEN, the SNCC statement
marks a watershed for student activi-
ties at the University. From the Greek
system, through SGC, to Voice, they have
been put on their notice: if they are not
now "meaningful and significant," they
must soon become so.
For the OSA's chief has a new tool, the
power of his own prestige backed by that
of the administration of which he is a
part. It is not by any means an absolute
power, but it is an important one. And
any student organization which cannot
realistically demonstrate its value to the
campus stands in danger of having the
structures of this power applied to it.

Turns 1
FRENCH FOOD is enough to
drive a confirmed quaddie mad.
Can you imagine going to the
student restaurant Foyer Des
Etudiants and feasting on great
soup, huge salad, a choice of
lamb, fish or veal, French bread,
fresh vegetables; pastry, and your
choice of pop, beer or wine for a
mere 60 cents.
It was theebest institutional
food I have ever eaten. Every-
thing was hot; fresh and tasty,
and I hope the Quaddie cooks will
put that in their mouths and
chew on it.
Paris is exciting of course, but
I found the countryside equally
fascinating. On a weekend trip to
Normandy and Brittany I saw a
land untouched 'by Howard John-
son's, Holiday Inns, and the A&P.
THE PEOPLE were unbelievably
friendly, a bit poor perhaps, but
happy. At the end of my journey
across the country roads, and
through small villages I reached
the famed Mt. St. Michel.
The former convent juts out
conspicuously into the ocean on
the northwest coast of France.
After arriving inside the walls of
the huge castle what greeted me?
No less than a dozen gift shops
featuring little ceramic monks
with holes in their heads to serve
as salt and pepper shakers.
NO STORY about France would
be complete without a word about
the girls. They rival French food
as this nation's primary attribute.
The girls are all dressed as if they
have just finished posing for
Vogue. To spend a few minutes on
Boulevard St. Michel watching the
coeds on their way to class at the
Sorbonne, is enough to make a
young man's - fancy turn to
thoughts of . . . well you know.

o Paris



Power Strategies in Viet Nam

In a recent press conference,
the President said "as long as
aggression continues, and as long
as they bomb in South Viet Nam,
and as long as they bomb our
sportssarenas,and our theaters,
and our embassies and kill our
women and our children, and the
Vietnamese soldiers . . . we think
that we are justified in trying to
slow down that operation and
make them realize that it is very
costly, and that their aggression
should cease ... The moment that
this aggression ceases, the destruc-
tion of their bridges and their
radar stations and the ammuni-
tion that they use on our bodies
will cease."
If this were a full definition of
our policy, the obvious proposal to
make would be an unconditional
cease-fire. Under a cease-fire, all
the fighting would stop, including

the bombing in the South and in
the North, and could be resumed
only if the other side violated the
There must then be a compel-
ling reason why the President has
not proposed a cease-fire, even
though it fits exactly the purpose
he declared at the press confer-
ence on Tuesday. There is a com-
pelling reason why the administra-
tion has rejected the proposal for
"unconditional discussions."
that a cease-fire would leave the
Viet Cong with the upper hand-
in the eventual negotiations with
Saigon and Washington. It might
even precipitate a deal in South
Viet Nam between the Viet Cong
and the peace party.
The truth is that the President's
advisers have a bigger purpose
than the one defined in his. press
conference. Their aim is to reverse

Exciting Performance
Of Hamlet Offered
At Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
KENNETH MIKE became Hamlet last night for the opening of the
University production of Shakespeare's greatest tragedy. Though
not consistently powerful, Mike's portrayal of the moody prince of
Denmark was an outstanding dramatic achievement, marked by an
agility, both mental and physical, which is rarely found even on the
professional stage.
Mike's talent was adequately balanced by fair performances by
the other leading characters; while none were consistently brilliant,
the supporting characters held up their roles and played effectively their
more important scenes. Especially moving was the madness scene of
Ophelia, played by Kathleen Thompson of the University Players. Miss
Thompson's touching interpretation of the heroine's tragic demise was
beautifully and gracefully executed.
THE MINOR CHARACTERS, though lacking in talent, were usual-
ly able to support the dramatic flow of the story due to excellent co-
ordination on the part of Donald Harms, director and designer of this
Presented as part of a study on Shakespearian drama which Harms
is conducting, this production of "Hamlet" is clearly an experimental
exercise, a new approach to Shakespeare and to the characterization
of Hamlet himself. The script, which is a combination of the two orig-
inal versions of Shakespeare's manuscripts, employs the less well known
Quarto version of most of the familiar speeches-this revision adds
freshness to the presentation, but does not succeed in improving it
significantly; lines which the audience expects to recognize are lost
because of their unfamiliarity. Another result of the revision is a slight
alteration in the length of the production, which makes the last two acts
less tedious and hence more exciting.
THIS UNIQUE and well-played version of a fine play is more than
entertaining; it is a moving and stimulating work of dramatic art,
made so by the talented portrayal of Hamlet and the creative direction
of Harms.

the existing balance of power in
South Viet Nam before the nego-
tiations for the eventual settle-
ment begin.
This is the crux of the situation
today, and it has to be understood
in order tonunderstand why there
is no present prospect of bringing
the war to an end or even of pre-
venting it from becoming a wider
The Viet Cong and Hanoi, who
have the upper hand in South
Viet Nam, will not negotiate unless
their superiority is acknowledged
-perhaps by a willingness on our
- part todeal with thehNational
SLiberation Front, which is the
political arm of the Viet Cong.
And our real aim is to fight on
until our military position is as
good or a littlerbetter than that
of our adversaries.
SO WE MUST ask ourselves
this question: If the objective of
our military effort is the limited
one described by the President in
his press conference, that we will
cease bombing if they will cease
bombing, is the thing to do to
propose a cease-fire?
Not only would this fit exactly
the specifications stated by the
President, but it would dispose of
the whole controversy at home
and abroad about stopping or in-
terrupting unilaterally the Ameri-
can bombing raids.
Before we make up our minds
about proposing a cease-fire now,
we have to weigh the conse-
quences. The fundamental choice
is whether or not we must and
can redress the balance of power
in South Viet Nam before we
cease fighting. If we do not redress
the balance of power in South
Viet Nam, the Hanoi government
is likely to have a dominant in-
fluence on the settlement.
THE DIVISION of responsible
opinion in this country today is
between those, on the one hand,
who think that with more bomb-.
ing and with more American
troops the predominance of the
Viet Cong and of Hanoi can be
overturned, and those, on the
other hand, who think that if this
can be done at all, it can be done
only at a price which, measured
by the American interests at stake,
is exorbitant.
There are those who resent, al-
most apoplectically, the idea that
we are not omnipotent every-
where on the globe. But the sober
majority of our people, the Presi-
dent first among them, has no
appetite for unending and un-
limited war in the pursuit of the
mirage of "victory."
They want a decent and honor-
able end to the war, decent in
that the killing and burning stop,
honorable in that we do not aban-
don our clients and friends to the
vengeance of their enemies.
NEITHER SIDE has as yet
adopted a credible and genuine
negotiating position. This coun-
try, at least, should do so. Our
policy since February has been to
attack, to make war upon, North
Viet Nam in order to compel it to
negotiate a settlement that we
approve. Therefore, it matters a
great deal that we adopt a nego-
tiating position which we are able
to defend clearly and openly.
SINCE we cannot "win" the
war and keep it won, there are, I
believe, two great forces which we
must and can rely on when even-
tually we bargain out the terms
of our leaving Saigon. They will
help us preserve the independence
of Viet Nam against Chinese con-
One of these forces is our own
unchallenged supremacy at sea .

A Great Short Film
Plus, a Wild Comedy
At the Cinema Guild
N REVIEWING the mixed program being offered this weekend at
Cinema Guild a reviewer should make a decision about which feature
to focus upon. The two have only one thing in common-they're both
great. But I can't ignore either so continuity be hanged.
"The Red Balloon," which is justifiably well-known to Ann Arbor
audiences, won a gold medal at Cannes Film Festival in 1956; it is also
an Academy Award winner. Truly "Balloon" is one of the great short
For anyone who needs to be convinced to see "Balloon," it only
needs to be said that it has a wordless charm which all people can
feel. Its "plot" centers around a huge red balloon who adopts a small
BALLOOON IS a beautiful, wild thing that follows the boy around
the streets of Paris. The conductor on the bus won't let Balloon ride,
so it dashes madly along behind and meets the boy when he gets off.
The headmaster at the school punishes the boy because Balloon
follows him into school after beating on the windows. Balloon then
seeks its revenge on the headmaster and all other people who try to
confine a free spirit.
Everything in the movie is lovely: the feeling behind it; the run of
the little boy; the music; the photography; and the other stars-"all
the balloons of Paris."
THERE IS simply no paragraph of transition which can possibly
carry you from "The Red Balloon" to St. Trinian's.
"Blue Murder At St. Trinian's" is pure madness. St. Trinian's is
the world's most unlikely English girl's school.
The girls (inmates?) have terrorized generations of headmis-
tresses, turned the police into quavering cowards, almost destroyed
international relations, and ulcerized the Ministry of Education
through a series of hilarious movies. This particular one stars Terry
Thomas, Alistair Sim and Joyce Grenfell.
EITHER ONE of these movies alone is worth much more than the
admission charge. But when you can get both a beautiful film and a
wild, fantastic comedy for one thin 50-cent piece, there's simply no
excuse for not going.
Nobody Ever Wins-
Except Sinatra
At the State Theatre
FRANK SINATRA directed it. Frank Sinatra produced it. And Frank
Sinatra should confess that he stole the whole thing from a
February, 1955 "War Comics."
There's the square-jawed flight commander, Clint Walker, loom-
ing above his men in stature, if not in acting ability.
There's the green lieutenant, Tommy Sands, from some place
south of the Mason-Dixon Line where everyone learns his drawl from
an incompetent dialect coach.
There's the Japanese commander, Tatsuya Mihashi, ex-journalist,
and (it follows) brimming with the wisdom of a Bible-quoting (?)
Confucius. But for all of his pacifist leanings, we can't forgive him
for butchering the English language: "Our suppry rine is out."
THE CHARACTERS are of little importance though. All the
Japanese are killed. But on the American side, Clint Walker is spared
to return .to the states to dwell, as our scenarist was tempted to
write, in his own private hell of guilt . . . And Tommy Sands is
also saved . . . to return to the states to make life hell for all parents
of teenage girls.
Oh, we almost forgot Frank. Yup, he's there too. But beware,
Virginia, that gleam in his eye is not caused by the DT's. It's caused
by visions of dollar signs floating before the old-crooner-turned-
movie-magnate's eyes. 'Cause this film will make money.
If you're an idealist, if you like "Gunsmoke," if you like blood
and guts action, if you get a kick out of model planes attempting to


Dame far surpasses the Eiffel












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