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May 21, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-05-21

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Bill-Tale of Efforts




May 18, 1965, marked the passage of a bill in the Senate,
through which $184.3 million would be used to finance the state's
colleges and universities.'
If the measure is passed in the House, the University will
receive $1.1 million more than was originally allotted to it by Gov.
George Romney.
The passage of this bill would represent the culmination of
a long series of efforts which have occurred during the past year
to increase funds for education.
Expressed Need
In November, 1964, Mary Ellen Riordan, president of the De-
troit Federation of Teachers, expressed the urgent need for money
when she said, "state school aid does not even attempt to provide
the minimum revenue to operate the schools."
Wayne State University and Michigan State University seemed
to be in agreement with her views. Both universities requested addi-
tions to their budgets because of unexpected and expanding en-
The cost of an increased student population plus the need for GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY

expanded facilities were two of the main reasons underlying the
University's request for $55.7 million in state funds for 1965-66
Sets New Record
Part of this money would also be used for repairs and main-
tenance, public service functions and teaching supplies. The sum
set a new record. It was $11.6 million over the previous year's
appropriation of $44.1 million.
On Feb. 2, 1965, Romney requested a budget of $50 million for
the University. Senate Majority Floor Leader Basil Brown (D-
Detroit) said that Romney's record budget was inadequate, and
predicted that the Legislature would probably still appropriate
additional funds, which it did.
Administrators at the University were disappointed by Rom-
ney's failure to include funds in his budget for expansion in Flint.
Marvin L. Niehuss, executive vice-president, explained the diffi-
culty that this situation caused as freshmen had already been
accepted to attend the Flint Campus.
On April 7, the State Board of Education recommended that
the University continue with its plans to admit freshmen at Flint,

but only for this year. Romney would not comment on the board's
Romney was also against the establishment of a two-year
medical college at Michigan State University and a four-year
extension of the Michigan Technological University at Sault Ste.
Romney's budget was again termed "inadequate" by State
Democratic Chairman Zolton Ferency who proposed the floating
of a $50 million bond issue "to accommodate next fall's influx of
students." He was also opposed to the 'head count" means of
deciding on appropriations which has been suggested by many as
the basis of Romney's budget plan.
Upholds Hatcher's View
Ferency upheld President Harlan Hatcher's claim that the
University should be receiving more funds due to its extensive
graduate school programs.
Then, on May 18, some of the objections to Romney's plan
seemed to be heeded as the recommendation of the Senate Appro-
priations Committee for $51 million as the University's budget
passed in the Senate. The bill will now go to the House to be
prepared by the Ways and Means Committee for final House action.


See Editorial Page


Sir iAau


Expected showers

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Both Sides Firm
In Speaker Fightk
Ohio State University's Free Speech Front's Wednesday's an- p
nouncement concerning Marxist speaker Herbert Aptheker's appear- o
ance on the OSU campus today at 4 p.m. has aroused intentions onV
both sides to stand firm.
OSU President Novice G. Faucett said in a prepared statemente
released yesterday, "I want to make clear in advance of any possible t
speech by Aptheker that the students responsible for arranging such
a campus speech will be subject to disciplinary action whether or e
not there is disorder. a
"I hope this speech does not take place. But if it does, there would 1
be then no alternative but to initiate disciplinary action through i

500 Community

An Arbor's plan for a commun-
ty college reflects a growing
rend in education in this coun-
ry. There are over 500 of these
olleges in the United States with
private institutions accounting for
only 10 per cent of this number.
With at least 25 new two-year
colleges opening each fall, and
more accelerated growth predict-
ed, their impact should be impor-
Community colleges have been
stablished primarily in urban
areas, where the demand for col-
ege entrance and technical train-
ng ware greatest. The colleges are
nonresidential with student bodies
of great diversity in background
and age.
The curricula are as diverse as
he students. Some of these col-
eges concentrate on preparation
o admission into a four-year uni-
versity, while others stress tech-

many of the students in commun-
ity colleges, this is the first time
that they have given serious con-
sideration to education. There-
fore they need careful direction in
their vocational and academic
For this reason the colleges try
to remain small, usually establish-
ing another campus when enroll-
ments reach 5,000.
Other Systems
In states such as California,
New York, Florida and Michigan
extensive community and junior
college systems have been estab-
lished. California's is the most I
extensive and the most open. I
Theoretically any high school'
graduate with "the ability to pro-I
fit by instruction" may enter one
of the state's junior colleges.
Though first oriented to technical
training, the California schools
have switched to liberal arts cur-
ricula, mainly because of strongr
student pressure.

Colleges Dot U.S.
ed vaguely under communications. more closely connected to each
Michigan's plan maintains the city's secondary education system
local campuses of the larger uni- with significant improvement in
versities and leaves the establish- that area also.
ment of true community colleges Though his criticisms are nu-
for, two-year students to the in- merous, he stressed the import?
dividual cities. ance of the community college and
Despite their successes in many its potential for contribution to
areas, the community colleges have education.
come under some sharp criticism. Good Start
Bert Schwartz, former Community Ann Arbor has started its ex-

Tension Grows Over
Housing Ordinance
Tension still prevails in East Lansing over local housing discrlki-
ination policies.
The latest events in the open housing protest was a meeting held
Wednesday afternoon between Mayor Gordon L. Thomas and repre-
sentatives of the protest groups.
Gary Summers, a graduate student at Michigan State University,
said that Thomas was "friendly" but "none of the demands we pre-
sented were met with any counter-

College Public Relations Director
and now a "television news public-'
ist has said of the community col-

periment in the community col-
lege with many of these conditions
in mind. With the wealth of aca-



Bill To Protect
Puerto iicans'
Voting Rights
wrote into the Voting Rights Bill
yesterday a provision to prevent
Spanish-speaking Puerto Ricans
in New York from being denied
ballots because their education
was not in English.
The vote was 48 to 19 with sev-
eral Southern opponents of the
bill backing the amendment and
others denouncing it as uncon-
stitutional federal dictation of a
state's voter qualification laws.
Meanwhile, a bipartisan leader-
ship petition aimed at shutting off
debate on the bill was being wrap-
ped up for introduction today. It
had 32 signatures, double the re-
quired 16.
Confident of Success
Republican Leader Everett M.
Dirksen of Illinois expressed confi-
dence that in the showdown next
Tuesday the talk-limiting move
will be backed by the required
two-thirds majority of senators
voting. If this cloture move suc-
ceeds each senator's time on the
bill and all amendments will be
limited to one hour.
The amendment aimed at guar-
anteeing voting rights for Puerto
Ricans in New York was sponsor-
ed by the state's senators, Demo-
crat Robert F. Kennedy and Re-
publican Jacob K. Javits.
Kennedy said he would prefer
that New York handle the prob-
lem but added that it has not
done so and federal steps are
Prove Literacy
New York law permits a pros-
pective voter to prove his literacy
by showing he has had an eighth-
grade education in English.

regular channels against those
students who choose to violate
existing university rules."
Hopeful Attitude
Jeffrey Schwartz, leader of FSF
and spokesman for the group, said
at a press conference last night,
"I sincerely hope I will not be
He went on to say that most
FSF members felt that the ad-
ministration had not given suffi-
cient evidence to support their
wish to have the OSU speaker's
ban examined by a board of fac-
ulty advisors in July.
"I am assuming that if there is
any trouble it will not be caused
by us or our speaker," he said.
"Our plans include making every
attempt to avoid disorder."
Schwartz said that Aptheker
would appear in person on the
OSU campus today as planned.
There was speculation on whether
Aptheker's speech would be re-
layed to the campus via closed
circuit television or some other,
Schwartz has denied this. He
declined to say if Aptheker would
actually speak today or simply
make an appearance on campus.
John T. Bonner Jr., executive
dean of student relations at OSU,
said "we are very sorry he
(Schwartz) and his people have
taken this course of action. We
undoubtedly will respond."
No Official Action
He added that no official action
by the university nor would it
take place until Aptheker actually
Schwartz and an assistant met
with Faucett earlier this week.
Both have declined to comment
on the meeting.
The controversy arouse last
April 21 when OSU Vice-President
John Corbally Jr. informed the
student organization which had
invited Aptheker to speak that in
all probability such a speech
would not be allowed.
The OSU speaker rules, passed
by the University's Board of Trus-
tees 14 years ago, forbids campus
speakers to speak oft anything
but what is in the "best and over-
all interests of the university." The
OSU administration has said that
if Aptheker appears on campus it
will be in violation of the speaker
The university could, under
state law, arrest him for trespass-
ing and use state and universityI
police to enforce the speaker rule.
In connection with Aptheker's
visit, Donna Trugman, of OSU's
Human Relations Commission of
Students and various other stu-
dents have circulated petitions
providing for the impeachment of
Student Body President Thomas
The reason for his proposed im-
peachment is his "failure to take
any sort of definitive stand" on
the crisis precipitated by the ad-
ministration's stand on Aptheker's

nical-vocational courses.

In Florida the percentage of
Strong Point high school graduates going on to
Part of their strength and wide college rose from 7 per cent to 52
acceptance is a result of respon- per cent through the establish-
siveness to the needs of the stu- ment of community colleges.
dents of their particular area. New York's two-year schools
Another characteristic is the concentrate on technical courses
importance of close counseling and with the liberal arts kept to a
guidance for each student. For minimum and the humanities list-
. /
Independent Study Course
A flexible course of independent study for upperclassmen under
the supervision of a faculty member will probably be offered this fall
by the Honors Council.
The 'open course,' College Honors 299, called Independent Study,
has been approved by the Honors Council and is awaiting action now
from the Literary College Curriculum Committee.
Prof. Otto Graf, director of the Honors Council, said yesterday
that he has received "tentative approval" for the new course from'


that the skills they teach will not
become obsolete..
Nevertheless he considers the
California system highly success-
ful because it has been willing to
concentrate on liberal arts courses
in addition to the technical cur-
riculum. It is also successful be-
cause the planning and manage-
ment of the schools has been
placed in the hands of educators

It also ordered the broadcaster,
under penalty of losing his li-
cense, to confer with local civil
rights leaders to ensure that it
meets the needs of Negro listeners,
The decision .was aimed at tele-
vision station WLBT and radio
station WJDX AM-FM, Jackson.
Both are owned by the Lamar Life
Insurance Co.

rather than political administra- The decision came after a
tors. lengthy investigation of eight Mis-
Disassociated Image sissippi stations. The others, in
His suggestions for reorienting Jackson and Columbus, Miss., won
the community college include the full three-year license renewals.
necessity that it disassociate it- But the Lamar stations were
self from the traditional image franted only conditional, one-year
and function of the university. renewals, and ordered to meet the
He proposed that it should be standards set by the commission.

lege: "It has great faith in money. demic educational planning ex- proposals." Thomas referred to
It has great faith in courses. It perience available in the Univer- the meeting as "an exchange of
is confident that vices can be sity community, it has ample re- views."
turned into virtues by making sources with which to make this The ,protesting groups are try-
them larger. It's heart is in the experiment hopefully a success. ing to have city ordinances passed
right place; it's head does not ------ which would abolish the almost
work very well." complete segregation in East
Watered-Down Lansing. One of the main stum-
He specifically attacked the 'FCC IUUI bling blocks is a ruling made in
"watered-down" liberal arts October, 1963, by the Michigan
courses they offer and their dis- B an 1Supreme Court, making unen-
regard of careful distinction be-' o i ias forceable any city ordinances on
tween the transfer student tone fair housing.
going on to a four-year school) WASHINGTON (-The Feder- There have been several sit-in
and the terminal student (one who protests during the week, which
will end his education after two al Communications Commission, Thomas regards as "not an appro-
years)t.n its first major decision involv- priate means of obtaining their
He asked that the ability of the ing racial discrimination, ordered goals."
transfer student to continue his a Mississippi broadcaster to stop MSU Prof. Robert L. Green,
education be more carefully exam- what it called discriminatory pro-
moreing extem-y.campus advisor to the NAACP
ined, and technical 'courses insure gramming yesterday, and a member of the city Human


the chairman of the committee-
The course, Graf explained, is MEDICAL CENTER EXPANDS-
meant for upperclassmen who Eare
interested in pursuing one par-
ticular subject, "generally of anCis nu
inter-disciplinary nature." C
The subject and focus of theH
course would be decided upon by
the student with the help of th'o
faculty tutor-teacher. The course By JULIE PUFFER ber of mterns, residents
would not necessarily have any This summer, the expected con- tieing physicians now c
set number of sessions and could struction of the Mott Children's to a few rooms in the
include anything from reading to Hospital will be the first of sev- urt. e
research. eral University Medical Center fa- Further Future P
"There would have to be," Graf cilities to be established in the .Minor J. Vandermade
added, "some required demonstra- hospital area. director of University
tion of the student's competence. University Terrace and East said that in the futur
According to the discretion of the Hospital Drives will be re-routed possibility that a n
teacher, it could be a paper, an around a 1,045-car parking struc- 800-bed general hospit
oral exam or a final," he said. ture to accommodate the 600 people built on the site now o
To elect the course, Graf ex- -three per patient-who will staff the Neuropsychiatric In
plained, a student must: the new hospital, William Bender, the Interns' Residence.
-Be an upperclassman and on public information officer of the He indicated that fut
"honors student or a student of I University Hospital said. cal Center facilities
honors calibre; 1 Cambridge Hall, the University planned in terms of
-Find a faculty member who Terrace Apartment building and which can house either
is willing to serve as tutor and a portion of another Terrace hospital equipment as
instructor; and apartment building will be torn arises.
-Receive permission from the down after the occupants leave
J Honors Council's Executive Com- next month, University officials
mittee, a six-man faculty group, announced.
to take the course. Bender said that the in-coming
After first mention of the course staff will be assimilated into the

Relations Committee, said that he
"expects nothing to happen until
after the city attorney hands
down a ruling on whether they
can write an open occupancy ordi-
nance." This ruling was originally
supposed to be passed in two
weeks, but yesterday the date was
changed to next Tuesday.
"If the ruling doesn't do any
good then we will picket the in-
dividual discriminators," he con-
After meeting Wednesday night
a n d yesterday morning t h e
NAACP, Student Nonviolent Co-
ordinating Committee, CSR, and
Canterbury Club issued a state-
ment which stated, "we feel that
city council has left us no choice
but to continue active protest
againstthe city's inaction. We will
take to the streets on Saturday."
If these groups decide to protest
actively on Saturday there could
be some interesting results. This
Saturday the East Lansing mer-
chants plan their annual Green-
wich Village day, when they try
to emulate New York City's
famed Greenwich Village. All
merchandise is sold on the streets.
Also taking place on Saturday
will be the annual Junior 500
push cart race, which will run
through the streets of the city.
Leaders of the protesting groups
could not be reached yesterday to
comment on whether they still
plan Saturday's action in light of
what Green had said.
Regardless of what form of pro-
test or ordinances are passed in
East Lansing, nothing can be Ef-
fectively done until the October
of 1963 ruling is contested and

U.S. Continue
Viet Attacks
SAIGON, Viet Nam ()--United
States warplanes carried their re-
newed attacks on North Viet-
namese targets into the fourth
day yesterday, to hit two PT
boats 85 miles south of Hanoi.
A military spokesman said two
Navy A4 Skyhawks escorted by
two F8 Crusaders left one boat
"burning fiercely" and the other
More than 100 planes took part
in Wednesday's forays, which in-
cluded a propaganda leaflet raid
55 miles south of Hanoi and a
bombing raid against the Phuoc
Loi Naval Base 165 miles from the
Ground War
In the ground war, Viet Cong
guerrillas used mortars for the
first time against U.S. Marines.
A brief barrage killed one man
and wounded two of a Marine pa-
trol in brush-covered foothills 15
miles southwest of the Da Nang
Air Base.
U.S. paratroopers came un-
scathed through a light encounter
with the enemy in another sector.
Propaganda Raid
The propaganda raid in the
north was made by 25 U.S. Air
Force Thunderchiefs. Acting on
behalf of Saigon's Information
Ministry, they' dropped a half
million leaflets in the Ninh Binh
area, 35 miles south of Hanoi, call-
ing on the Communists to drop
"their aggression and sabotage
in South Viet Nam" or face more
disastrous consequences.
Addressing North Vietnamese
servicemen, the pamphlets said,
"Our brothers in the army of
North Viet Nam, don't let the
Chinese and Vietnamese Com-
munists use your bones and blood
to wage a fratricidal war in South
Viet Nam."
The spokesman said the Thun-
derchiefs on this mission made the
closest approach to Hanoi of the
air campaign. The closest an-
nounced bombing raid was an at-
tack April 3 on a river bridge 65
miles south of the capital.
Heading home, the spokesman
said, the Thunderchiefs attacked
a radar station on Hon Matt Is-
land, 135 miles southeast of Ha-

ral To Be Built
and prac- Bender explained that the ob-
rowded in- ject of the entire medical expan-
main hos- sion "program" is threefold: to
provide better patient care fa-
lans cilities, better research facilities
, associate and expanded teaching facilities.
Hospital He said that the benefits of the
e, there is expansion will be state-wide. Be-
ew 600- to sides handling large numbers of
al will be "difficult" patients for less spe-
ccupied by cialized doctors, there will be ac-
stitute and commodations for the increasing
number of students entering the
ture Medi- field.
are being These students, he added, will
buildings probably practice medicine in
offices or Michigan where "there is a de-
the need mand for sophisticated medical


in April in an Honors Council Ann Arbor community and that
newsletter, Graf said he has rc - no special housing accommoda-
ceived a large number of iniuiries tions are planned for them.
from students interested in taking Financing
the course. The funds for the $6.7 million
"In anticipate quite a few stu- children's hospital were a gift
dents taking the independent from C. S. Mott, with the stipu-
study course, but it also depends lation that they be used for pa-
on the availability of faculty tient care facilities only.
help," Graf said. The job of a However, also being planned is
faculty tutor-teacher in t h i s a new $5-6 million clinical Care
course would entail a considerable and Teaching Building to be built


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