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May 14, 1965 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1965-05-14

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FRIDAY, MAY 14 065


1 A iL111 1 1G11 1 { R VVV




Farmer Calls for End to East Lansing Housing Bias

Three 'Artists' Develop
New Media-Computers

By MARK KILLINGSWORTH Lansing City Council by the city's
Special To The Daily human rights commission. Sup-
porters and opponents of the
EAST LANSING-James Farm- measure circulated petitions, but
er, the national director of the the council took no action.
Congress of Racial Equality, indi- Plan Action
cated yesterday that civil rights A local civil rights worker, Rob-
groups should direct intensive ef- ert Lee Green, an instructor in
forts to end housing discrimina- MSU's education school, indicated
tion in East Lansing. later in a press conference with
In East Lansing it is nearly im- Farmer that "direct action of an
possible for a Negro to buy a intensive nature is planned in sup-
home. "Some distinguished Negro port of such an ordinance.
faculty members have to live in a Farmer also spoke, along with
ghetto in Lansing," Farmer told State Democratic Chairman Zol-
Michigan State University stu- ton Ferency, last night at a rally
dents and faculty yesterday after- for fair housing near MSU's Beau-
noon. mont Tower. He will also speak
A fair housing ordinance was at a breakfast meeting of the
proposed last year to the East city council this morning.

Green also said that the Rev.
Martin Luther King of the South-
ern Christian Leadership Confer-
ence, John Lewis of the Student
Non-Violence Coordinating Com-
mittee and Farmer may come to
East Lansing later to lead demon-
strations, if the city council fails
to respond to the demands of civil
rights groups for a fair housing
ordinance at its meeting nextI
Monday night. Farmer said, "We'd
n11 ce. A-1-1,--A - n -ly}n t" r

greater refinement in Northern
discrimination, but it hurts all the
same," he declared.
He said he put "the blame for
segregated housing squarely on
realty boards. They change Ne-
groes high rent to stay in ghet-
tos, won't let them move else-
where, and charge whites high
rent for the privilege of living in
'exclusive' areas-they get people
both ways."


all be dellghted to come" to sup- IUs Too
port the drive. Referring to the demonstration
Go South sit-ins and picketing of the Suf-
In his afternoon speech at MSU, fragetts and Unionists, Farmer
Farmer said "by all means go declared, "they established that
South. Mississippi needs you-but 'democracy means them too' but
so does the North! only after a long period of strug-
"There is greater subtlety and gle. Laws do not implement them-
selves, however," Farmer, who led
the first freedom rides through the
South in 1961 to desegregate bus
travel and terminal facilities, said.
"The law is simply a tool-a ham-
,I .fn d ed ner to build our house of free-
The CORE head referred to
_--, --_- -_- _ _-_ that tra i a " betwe n aw a d

ANN ARBOR (QP)-Want to help
pioneer what may become a new
art form? All you need is paper,
ink, a talent for mathematics
and computer equipment worth
about a quarter of a million dol-
Computers, which are rapidly
expanding their roles in the life
of each of us, have chalked up
another breakthrough. Works by
one of them are being featured in
an art show at a gallery here.
Under the spare-time direction
of three young men connected
with the University meteorology
and oceanography departments,
an analog computer turns out col-
or sketches of whales, clowns, dra-
gonflies-as well as abstract de-
signs which can't be readily de-
And are they good? Prof. Wil-
liam Lewis of the art department
thinks so. He helped get the three
a chance to exhibit their "com-
puter art" this month at Ann Ar-
bor's Forsythe Gallery.
Turning out the "art" involves
a fairly complex application of a
fairly simple mathematical prin-
ciple, say Biggs and his fellow
"artists," Fred V. Bock and Paul
R. Harrison.
IAs most high school students
know, the different solutions to a
differential equation can be rep-
resented as a series of points, or
a line, on a graph.
Now ask an analog computer to
draw you the solutions to one-or
two' or three-of these complicat-
ed problems. And give it some
colored ink with which to do it.

The result? As pattern--and often
an intriguing one.
Next, change the pattern around
to suit yourself, by altering the
equation's variables, changing the
equation a little, or just plain
"diddling around." The result?
Computer art.
"In a few cases, I set out de-
liberately to make something, but
this is quite an effort," Biggs, a
student, instructor and staff re-
searcher at the University, said.
Is it art?
"Our idea of art is that it's
something which communicates
and has aesthetic values," Harri-
son, a student, says. "Our work
communicates and it does have
aesthetic values. Therefore, it's
"Now if you ask us if we're
artists-that's different," he add-
8:30 a.m.-There will be a short
course on the Administration of
Natural Parks and Equivalent Re-
serves at 1050 Natural Resources
3:30 p.m.-There will be a bae-
ball game between Michigan and
Michigan State at Ferry Field.
9 a.m.-There will be a high
school French Horn Clinic En-
semble registration at Hill Aud.

Iti ca Largely StatE

JAMES FARMER, head of the Congress of Racial Equality, spoke
at Michigan State University. He made several comments on the
need for a fair housing ordinance in East Lansing.
cities in the South, although there about Negro job opportunities say-

Collegiate Press Service
Ithica College, formerly of down-
town Itl{a, New York, has re-
cently moved to a new $25 million
campus south of that town. The
school expects to double its en-
rollment and its faculty has been
expanded by 71 per cent.
What is\interesting about this
is that Ithica College, although a
private institution, is largely sup-
ported by government funds. It
borrowed more than $10 million
from the Federal Housing and
Home Finance Agency,sand an-
other $10 million from bonds
guaranteed by New York State.
The school expects another two
or three million from these sources,
as reported in the Wall Street
New Campus
Ithica's new campus is a prime
example of the rising dependence
of private schools on public funds.
The Department of Health, Edu-
cation and Welfare got over four
hundred million dollars from Con-
gress last fall for grants and loans
to colleges.
Of 135 applications from col-
leges so far from these funds, 67
have come from public institutions
and 68 from private colleges.
Indications seem to point to an
increase in private school depen-
dence on public money. The Pes-
ident implied this in his education
message to Congress; he put heavy
stress on increased aid to small
colleges, especially those which are
Many small private colleges are
welcoming public support-they
DIAL 8-6416
"A hypnotic,
-Crowther, N. Y. Time
A powerful, luminous
and violent
existential thriller!"
-Time Maaarine

have financial problems despite
the mushrooming national demand
for higher education. The Presi-
dent of Ithica College says that
his college's expansion would not
have been possible without aid.
Federal and state aid is in no
doubt saving many small colleges
from a marginal existence.
But the trend to public ,support
of private institutions finds little
favor among educators and others
who value highly the existence in
the United States of a group of
private schools that can chart
their courses without regard for
public considerations.

Enrollment in private schools
has been steadily dropping; in
1950, nearly half of the nation's
college students were in private
schools; last year it was down to
37 per cent; in a decade it is ex-
pected to drop to 20 per cent.
Perhaps federal funds can help
to solve this problem: but even if
they can, the greatest worry in-
volved is that the flow of public
funds to private schools will result
in a greater measure of political
influence over curricula, and, at
worst, a means for political repri-
sal when students or faculty be-
come involved in issues that are
politically or socially controversial.

reality and said, we often pass has been progress in the larger ing, "the statistics I have indi-
a law to solve a problem and cities; cate that within private industry
then forget both." He noted that -"The Fair Employment Com- at least fewer Negroes are em-
although the Supreme Court out- mission 'has not gotten off the ployed today than five years ago.
lawed segregation in bus seating ground' yet and its chairman, "We are sorely pressed in gain-
in 1957, and in 1960 struck down Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., was ing jobs due to automation and
segregated interstate terminal fa- appointed only this week; lack of skills," he continued.
cilities, "nothing happened until --"Title VI which forbids grant- A Columbia University manpow-
the freedom rides." ing federal funds to any state or er expert, Prof. Eli Ginsberg, told
The present 1964 civil rights act, locality maintaining policies of an MSU audience on Wednesday
Farmer declared, is "weak and not segregation, 'although it could that the large numbers of unskill-
balanced" in many ways: bring segregation to heel,' is not ed Negroes will find it increas-
--"Selma showed its voting being fully enforced yet-and the ingly harder to find jobs. How-
rights provisions aren't strong southerners are looking for loop- ever, he added that for years there
enough; holes." has been a far greater number of
-"Its housing provisions have Negro Job Opportunities high level jobs requiring higher
not yet had any effect in small Farmer also voiced concern education, than there are Negroes
qualified to fill them.

The Daily Official Bulletin as an
official publication of The Univer-
sitl of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendiar
Administration of National Parks and
Equivalent Reserves Short Course-1040
Natural Resources Bldg., 8:30 a.m.
Dial 662-6264

...:... }......... . . . ........:: ......"..Y............ .........::Y:"" }: { Ginsberg pointed to U.S. census
figures indicating that from 195@'
to 1960 the southeastern states
gained one million jobs, but that
the number of Negro job holders
rotinthe the outside
Center for Programmed Learning for. Fees and first 50% of spring-summer Student Activities Bldg. facilities, etc.
Business Workshop-Geary A. Rummier, full term fees are due and payable on are available to registered organizations Dim Outlook
director, "Using, Evaluating, Selecting, or before May 20. Non-payment, pay- only. While 10 per cent of the popu-
and Writing Programmed Materials": ment of less than the required amount! ation is Negro, 17 per cent of new
Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m. or late payment will result in the as- History Make-Up Examinations: Will latio Iseer17 er ofGnew
sessment of a delinquent penalty of $5. be held May 22, 10 a.m., Room 435, .S. job seekers are Negro, Gins-
Continuing Legal Education Young In addition, a Hold Credit will be Mason Hall. Please consult your In- berg explained. "But manufactur-
Lawyers' Seminar-Rackham Bldg., 9 placed against your graces if your ac- structor and then sign the list in ing jobs have not increased, and
a.m. count remains Ielinquent. Payments the History Office, 3601 Haven Hall. blue collar jobs have actually de-
may be made in person or mailed to _ _ edcolarujb he aullod-
Baseball - U-M vs. Michigan State the Cashier's Office, 1015 Admin. Bldg.. Language Exam for Master's Degree cined i number," he said, con-
University: Ferry Field, 3:30 p.m. before 4:30 p.m., Thurs., May 20. Mail in History: Fri., May 21 p.m., Room 435 cluding that the outlook for the
payments postmarked after due date, Mason Hall. Dictionaries may be used, untrained worker of either race
Doctoral Examination for Constance May 20, are late and subject to pen- Sign the list posted in the History isdi
Kazuko Kamii, Education and Psychol- alty. Identify mail payments as tui- Office, 3601 Haven Hall. s m.
ogy ;thesis: "Socioeconomic Class Dif- tion and show student number and On the other hand, Ginsberg
ferences in the Preschool Socialization name. added, training of Negroes has
Practices of Negro Mother,' 'Fri., May _ ttI# ILfailed to keep pace with the job
14, 3419 Mason Hall, 1 p.m. PSTO PNNS
Student Organizations: Registration POSITION OPENINGS market. "The first Negro engi-
Cinema Guild Program: Architecture of recognized student organizations Illinois State Univ.,bNormal-Bursar, neering school in the North start-
Aud., 50c, Fri .and Sat.,7 and 9 p.m., planning to be active during the egree n acctg. ohr us ad pu Es
My1,5:"The. Kid," ChriIhp Spring/Summer Term must be com- yrs. exper. Supv. cashier's office, NDEA ed only a few years ago, and, unr-
May 14,1: he KdCharlie Chap- rn/umr emms Loan Fund, etc. til recently, almost all of the em-
fln, Jackie Coogan. Shorts: "Bear pleted by May 26, 1965. Forms are Miian Fun , et il ecetlypamosaal oftheem
Country" and "Calder's Circus." available in the Office of Student Af- Michigan Os.eopathlc Hospital-Hos- phasis in Negro higher education
fairs, 1011 Student Activities Bldg. Priv- pital Administrator. Capable man exper. has been on teaching," he id
- ileges such as the use of the Organi- in hospital admin.s -
General Notices zation Announcement column in The Sinclair Research, Inc., Harvey, Ill.- Farmer, in tracing the history
Michigan Daily, use of meeting rooms Positions in chemical mktg. located of the civil rights movement, de-
Final Payment of Spring Half-Term in University buildings, assignment of in Chicago, Detroit, etc. Degree cried the "old magnolia myth" of
_________ ___ ______ ----------Chem. or Chem. Engrg. plus sales ex- cidte"l anlamt"o
per. In chem. or rel. field, mktg. exper. the contented slave, but added,
wmm----m------------m-mmmm-m""""""n""'"'m""""""""' helpful, "Negro children thought little of
| City of Milwaukee, Wis.-Openings for themselves-they had be
SCHAPLAINmuseum personnel. 1. Entomology Cur-
C H A RLE C P ator, MS entomology & nat. sciences. 2. the etiquette of segregation."
** Geol. Curator, BS Nat. Sdi. plus 4 This changed, Farmer said, and
In yrs. exper. or MS plus 2 yrs. exper.
U n rad study in mineralogy & petrology as a result, people who once
t req. 3. Artist, BS Art & des. or equiv. thought little of themselves have
j educ. & exper. now developed self-esteem."
K IDa Payne Products, Ann Arbor--Sales-
t I man. Immed. opening for man with
s sales ability for rnfr. of portable air
also starring Jackie Coogan-f tanks. Travel 3-4 counties-car req.
Summer and/or perm.position.
One of Chaplain's classic silents. It's the story of ! } For further information, please call ECU A E [
m 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
i the Tromp and his humorous and warm adven- j pointments, 3200 SABE.

University Reformed Church
1001 East Huron Street

Rev. Calvin Malefyt,
Lea Blaisdell, ,
Director of Christian


1:10-3:30-6:15 & 8:50

9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Morning Service-
"Reproducing Ourselves"
(A dialogue by Prof. Kenneth Pike and Rev. Calvin-Malefyt)
7:00 p.m. Evening Worship--
"Is There Demonic Activity Today?"
(A discussion period will follow the
evening message by Rev. Malefyt)




Wman/ ii
"Enthralling! Right
up there with the
French and Italians
in nudity and
erotic passion!"
-Thompson, Journal American

tures as he takes the responsibility of caring for *
an abandoned child. Many of the scenes show
* Chaplain at his very best and Jackie Coogan as
"the kid" is unforgettable.
* r
Also on the same progrgm two
fine color shorts-
"BEAR COUNTRY" by Disney
Friday & Saturday at 7 & 9 P.M. K
T -'
1 U
r I
a~rsr-rssressrwsssrrsrs srrsssrrssssssssssrrrs.







nn -- ------ ----------#



Ann Arbor's First
hold-over.. .
Usually a film holds over
because of big attendance.
However the title of "CAT
BALLOU" did not entice
large numbers of patrons.
But due to word-of-mouth
comment, business has built
daily. So we are gambling
that this neighborly gossip
will make the 2nd week big-
ger than the first one,

Premiere Production


Carl Oglesby's
Trueblood Auditorium


Fri.-Sat., May 28-29

All seats $1.00


Three One-act Plays

a.lnmaumU u cimvmam


s nnv viii ,."-

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