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May 14, 1965 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1965-05-14

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Motorcycles-A Problem and a Solution

The University campus is swamped with motorized cycles and
their popularity is increasing. With their increase come serious
parking problems and complaints from the University that they
are making too much noise.
But, cycles do have many good points. They are fairly cheap,
use little gasoline, carry two people and are easier to park than an
' These obvious assets plus local advertising have increased
scooter popularity to the point where it is even fashionable for a
girl to own one.
Noisest Person
However, there are people in the community that feel it is not
always the nicest person that one meets on a Honda-just the nois-
iest one.
The Office of Student Affairs receives complaints from all over
the campus about the noise. Teachers and students in the engineer-
ing buildings complain that noise from cycles constantly interrupts
their classes. From the Natural Science Bldg. come letters from

teachers, complaining that it is sometimes impossible to hear stu-
dents over the roar of scooters and cycles.
The Graduate and Undergraduate Library have complained to
such an extent that parking in the small lot between them was pro-
hibited this year.
Cycle owners complain, however, since it was one of the few
places to park that was actually "on campus." Cycles parked there
are ticketed now by the Ann Arbor Police Department, which con-
scientiously patrols it.
Students at Mary Markley Hall have written letters to the
OSA, saying that noise from scooters interrupts sleep and study at
all hours.
What is being done? Cycles must be moved away from the
people and places that they irritate. Parking on East University,
near the engineering buildings and in the lot located near the
Natural Science Building will soon be prohibited.
Some Areas
But the OSA has provided some areas for parking the scooters,
recently announced William Perigo, assistant to the director of

student organizations and activities. Cycles can be parked in lots
exclusively for motorcycles near the Architecture and Design
Building, near the Natural Science Building, near the engineering
buildings, Waterman Gym, East Medical Building and East Quad-
It is hoped that this will take some of the cycles out of the
street and leave the larger parking areas for cars.
The City of Ann Arbor has passed a new "noise regulation"
to deal with "traveling noise" made by motorcycles, This ordinance
sets a maximum limit on the amount of noise that scooters and
cycles can make.
Exact Methods
The exact methods to be used to check noise will be decided
by police officials this afternoon. It is projected that they will
use a decimeter to measure the noise created by cycle mufflers.
The decimeter can record pressures created by the sound waves
from the cycle's noise.
This method of inspection will limit the noise of individual
cycles, but it cannot easily affect the cumulative noise of several
cycles traveling together.

kELI To Change
Rooming Policies
Inistitute's Students Will Be Allowed
To Live with Americans Next Fall
Reversing its former rooming policy, the English Language In-
stitute will allow its students to live with Americans next fall, George
Luther, assistant to the director of ELI, disclosed yesterday.
Luther said that one of the main reasons for the switch in policy
by ELI was student petitions demanding the change.
1 He remarked that one of the former chief obstacles to having
ELI students living with Americans was the indifference of University
students to coming in contact withe-

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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Johnson Emphasizes Willingness'
For Unconditional Viet Nam Talks'


Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON-President Lyn-
don B. Johnson tried a new ap-
proach yesterday in explaining
United States policy in Viet Nam,
by discussing the "third face" of
the war there.
In an unprecedented twelfth
speech in two weeks Johnson de-
emphasized the long-run import-
ance of the military struggle in
Southeast Asia and spoke instead
of human needs.
Speaking before a group of edi-
torial cartoonists at the White
House and on national television,
Johnson said that "a nation can-
not be built by armed power or
political agreement," but must
rest "on the expectations by in-
dividual men and women that
their future will be better than
their past."
Indirect Answer
He indirectly acknowledged the
existence of indigenous elements
in the Viet Nam war. The people's
desire "for the material fruits
from the tree of modern knowl-
edge," Johnson said, is a motiva-
tion for "many of the individual'
fighting men we must now SadlY
call the enemy."
On this front Johnson said "I
recently proposed a massive co-
operative development effort for
Southeast Asia."
Johnson also announced that
the United Nations "is now pre-
pared to participate in and sup-
port an Asian Development Bankt

Washington Reacts
To Teach-In Plan
Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON-"We're getting calls from all over the country,",
Prof. William Gamson of the sociology department said yesterday in
the office of the National Teach-in at Washington Park Shelton Hotel.
Interest in the teach-in is running high in the capital. People
within the Bureau of the Budget are eagerly awaiting the confronta-
tion between administration critics and President Lyndon B. Johnson's
supporters. A secretary in they -- ---- ---
State Department called the office * Plan
to reserve tickets and said, "We're Indian Plan
all with you in my office. Best ofI
On capitol hill, an aid of Sen. fTermed
Jacob Javits (D-NY) was over-1
heard saying yesterday, "I wonder T
if McGeorge Bundy will be able to yesterday denounced a new In-
measure up?" From the office ofyterafen dine iet
a first term Democratic senator, dian proposal for ending the Viet
an asisantcommnte tht aNam war as '"preposterous." The
an assistant commented that aUntdSaehdsidtws
good number of those supporting United States had said it was
Johnson are doing so only because giving the plan "very careful con-
he is the President. "It is a pleas- Tertionh
ure for many to see this confront- The rejection of the Indian for-
tn,rhe ontinsed.Thoe snfrnt-mula, which called for a halt in
tion," he continued. "Those sen- hotlte ybt ot n
ators will be watching the ade- hostieit bNamabond policing of
quacies of Bundy's defense care- the boudaries between them by
fully," he said. Itebudre ewe hmb
Afro-Asian countries, was made
Contradicting the interest and by the official New China News
significance implied above were Agency.
those of an assistant to a promi- "The substance of this prepos-
nent mid-western senator, "I've terous proposal is to have the
heard no comments at all (on the Afro-Asian countries serve the
teach-in). The Hill is indifferent." U.S. policy of aggression against
Congressional opinion doesn't Viet Nam and act as a cover for
have any effect on the policy to- its occupation of South Viet Nam,"
wards Viet Nam, he continued. the agency said.
Neither will the teach-in have "Because the U.S. peace hoax
any, even if the President decides has proved of no avail, this 'new
to attend. proposal' fits urgent needs.

people from foreign countries.
Now, however, the ELI admin-
istration is satisfied that the
Americans have demonstrated an
active interest in knowing ELI
students, Luther said.
All Foreigners
All ELI students are foreigners
who come to the University to
learn English. Under the old poli-
cies those who lived in the dormi-
tories had to room with other ELI
The administration's policy was
first protested by Alan Kaplan,
'68, and Alan Sobel, '68, who
wished to live with two ELI stu-
dents. After the ELI dispute was
publicized, Wenley House in West
Quadrangle sent a petition to the
ELI administration requesting re-
The major change proposed by
the group was the elimination of
the University regulation prohib-
iting American and foreign stu-
dents from sharing rooms in dor-
mitories. This restriction, which
gave the University a protective
role, has been considered a ma-
jor factor in the isolation of ELI
Second Proposal
A second proposal asked the
University to provide more infor-
mation to all the students in or-
der to promote integrated activi-
ties. It was aimed at ending the
separation between ELI and Amer-
ican students in dining, social and
athletic activities as well as in
the dormitory rooms.
Another situation also mention-
ed concerning the residence halls
was the custom of introducing
American students to housemoth-
ers and resident advisors while
ELI students have little or no con-
tact with the staff.
It is expected that these situa-
tions will be corrected under the
new policies.
Not Major'
The language barrier was not
considered by the group to be a
major problem.
As one ELI student said, "We
can help you with your Spanish
and you, in turn, can give us help
in English."
Kaplan said yesterday, "I think
the ELI decision opens up new
doors to American and foreign
students alike. Living with some-
one from a different culture gives
a student an education which can
not be learned from books."
Requests to board with ELI stu-
dents will be accepted in the fall
once the Americans and foreign-
ers get acquainted, Luther said.
All rooming arrangements will be
on a voluntary basis.

" -Associated Press
PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON, spoke on the third face of war, human needs, in Washington
yesterday. He emphasized the need in Southeast Asia for more aid and reemphasized the U.S. posi-
tion to continue sending aid.

to help finance economic prog- ed farm yield and productivity
ress." substantially;
U.S. Contributions -Started construction of a
Commenting on U.S. contribu- medical school that will graduate
tions to Southeast Asia since 1954, as many doctors every year as now
Johnson said the U.S. has: serve all of South Viet Nam's
-Given $2 billion worth of eco- civilian population; and
nomic aid to South Viet Nam; -Helped build 4000 classrooms
-Aided in the doubling of rice and raise elementary school en-
production there; rollment from 300,000 in 1955 to
-Participated in other agricul- 1,500,000 now.
tural programs that have increas- The U.S., Johnson said "intends

President Tries Father Image

Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON-In what may
have been an attempt to set the
terms of the debate for this Sat-
urday's national teach-in, Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson yester-
day presented a picture of United
States action in South Viet Nam
that resembled a father's going
to the aid of his beleaguered son.
Indicative of this attempt was
his failure to address himself to
the problem of why North Viet
Nam is still being bombed.
Contrary to expectation, the
President also failed to mention
his foreign policy decisions in Lat-
Planes Strafe
Rebels' Radio
States-made Dominican planes
blasted the rebel radio off the air
yesterday and made a strafing'
run so close to the U.S. embassy
that Ambassador W. Tapley Ben-
nett, Jr. took cover under his
As the Dominican conflict flar-
ed up again and peace negotia-
tions stalled, two U.S. soldiers were
killed in a skirmish deep inside
the 20-block maze of streets held
by the rebels in Santo Domingo.
At least one person, a five-year-
old child, was killed in what rebel
authorities said was a bombing-
strafing air attack against the
rebel radio transmitter two miles
north of the city.
One P-51 Mustang made a straf-
ing run near the U.S. lines a few

in America. Johnson may not have
wanted to bring up the less than
successful actions in Santo Do-
mingo because listeners might con-
clude that a President capable of
making errors in one world arena
might make mistakes in Viet Nam
as well.
Several Points
Johnson seemed to have several
points to get across. First, he
emphasized, "Our only object is to
prove that force will meet force
... that aggression will not work."
Second, Johnson tried to drive
a wedge between North Viet Nam
and China by suggesting that con-
tinued war means continued dam-
age for North Viet Nam without
a chance of conquest. He suggested
that China desires war not to aid
Hanoi, but to further her aggres-
sive needs throughout Southeast
Johnson appeared most com-
fortable making his third point-
that the United States has done
good things for the South Viet-
namese economy. The President
seemed to come into his own while
discussing that country's agricul-
tural problems-corn and pig pro-
The Mekong Delta has been the
main area of New Deal-type West-
ern aid in Viet Nam. There,
Western countries may some day
set upa project similar to the
multi-state Tennessee Valley
Authority, which serves to supply
an entire area with a steady
supply of needed water.
Ih his first speech-one given
several weeks ago-in which he
advocated unconditional negotia-
tions with belligerent enemies,
Johnson also emphasized that the

the lack of rationale for the con-
tinuing spectacle of McNamara's
One major criticism of John-
son's policies has held that they
are not directed as rational poli-
cies but are merely reactions to
stimuli from other nations. These
criticisms have thus held that
when a major irritation comes up,
such as Viet Nam, the U.S. tends
to strike out blindly without re-
gard to the welfare of its allies
or often even of its own citizens.
Johnson's speech served to
largely destroy this amage of a
stimulus-response foreign policy.
For it did not address itself to
the issue of what specific reasons
are behind the continued bomb-
ings of North Viet Nam.

to increase its material aid to VietI
Nam" inspite of a "deliberate
campaign by Communist terrorists
that has made aid programs a
special target of attack."
Praises Courage
He praised the South Viet-
namese for courage and dedica-
tion adding, "how incredible it is
there are a few who still say they
do not want to continue this
struggle. The South Vietnamese
are sacrificing and dying by the
thousands," he said.
Johnson also sought broader
U.S. support for his South Viet
Nam program. "What a difference
it would make," he said, "if we
could call only a small fraction of
our unmatched private resources
to the task of peaceful progress in
Viet Nam."
Early in the speech he reaffirm-
ed U.S. willingness to negotiate.
"We know, as our adversaries
should know, that there is no
purely military solution in sight
for either side. We are ready for
unconditional discussion."
Continue War
But Johnson said "Communist
China apparently desires the war
to continue no matter what the
cost to their allies. Their objective
is not the fulfillment of Viet-
namese nationalism. It is to erode
and discredit America's ability to
help prevent Chinese domination
over all of Asia.
"In this," he said, "they shall
never succeed."

May Delay Completion Date


Kerola Vote
Studied by
Amidst the tropical climate and
semi-jungle vegetation of Kerola
in Southern India, Prof. Samuel
J. Eldersveld of the political
science department conducted a
study of the election which oc-
curred there on March 4, 1965.
There have been no other sys-
tematic studies done of elections
in this area, and one of the goals
of the study is to determine
whether or not American research
techniques can be applied to an
election in India.
Kerola is one of the few places
in India in which the Communists
have maintained a great deal of
strength. Eldersveld suggests some
reasons for this situation although
he hopes that a close-analysis of
the results of his study will pro-
vide more extensive explanations.
Leaders: Well Known
First, the Communist leaders
are very well known in Kerola.
Many of them were born and rais-
ed there and have established
close ties with the people.
Second, there has been a great
deal of corruption within the Con-
gress Party, the major national
party in India, and as a result it
is not unified.
Third, the area is very poor al-
though its literacy rate is the
highest in India. There are few
roads in the interior, communica-
tions are very limited and food is
scarce. The Indian government
has done little to remedy this sit-
Fourth, the Communist leaders
were thrown into jails during the
1965 election which solidified their
strength instead of decreasing it.
Begin Study
Last January, Eldersveld went
to India to begin his detailed
study of the March election. Six-
teen hundred adult voters were in-
terviewed after the election and
a smaller number prior to it.
Candidates running for the
Kerola State Legislature, caste
leaders, religious and political
leaders were among those inter-
viewed. Graduate students from
the University of Kerola were
specifically trained as interviewers.
Factors which they had to learn
to overcome were the physical en-
vironment, local superstitions, and
the caste system which makes
communication between persons of
different castes strained and un-
Caste Influence
It is generally believed that the
caste system has a strong influ-
ence upon voting behavior in
Kerola. Those of the lower caste
have in previous elections sup-
ported the Socialist and Commun-
ist Parties while the Congress
Party appealed to the middle and
upper castes.
During the March election the
Congress Party made a strong at-
tempt to appeal to the lower caste,
and the extent to which they
were successful will be determined
when Eldersveld evaluates his re-
The Communists originally took
control in Kerola in 1957. In the

Problems in developing a cur-
riculum policy may cause some
postponement of the fall, 1967,
completion date originally set for
the residential college, the new
college's director Dean Burton
Thuma said yesterday.
"I think it will be finished some
time in 1968," Thuma predicted.
Planning for the residential col-
lege has reached a plateau, Thu-
ma explained: architects can't de-
sign until they know what's need-
ed, planners can't know what's
needed until they decide what
courses to offer, and they haven't
yet decided what courses they wil]
offer in certain areas.

The main question concerns the
proposed Natural Sciences build-
ing: how many science courses,
and hence, how many classrooms
and labs, will be needed on the
residential college campus?
The residential college Faculty
Planning Committee has not de-
cided how many science courses to
offer, since the residential college
campus, just northeast of the Uni-
versity Hospital, is close enough
to allow students to take courses
with central campus facilities.
On other fronts, however, plans
for the residential college are con-
tinuing smoothly.
1) Swanson Associates, the pro-
ject's architects, recently submit-
ted site plans and basic building
locations. The residential college
will be located on what are now
the east seven holes of the Munic-
ipal golf course, just west of the

The residential college is the
University's attempt to provide
the security of a small college and
the resources of a "multiversity."
Students will live on the resi-
dential college campus and take
classes in nearby buildings or in
special seminar rooms within their
The general plan of the resi-
dential college, as Thuma explains
it, is to present to the student
during his first two years "the
tools of scholarship," the skills
that he needs to study in a rig-
orous, thorough fashion.
During the second two years,
however, the student will be
given more freedom and opportun-
ity to follow up on personal re-
The residential college site is
just northwest ofhthe University
Hospital, west of the Huron River
and south of the Huron Towers.

2) The project's Student Ad- It is'close to the-bend in the
visory Committee recently com- river where there is a concrete
pleted its report on student gov- dam.
ernment. It proposes a joint .stu- -
dent-faculty government in bothl
theory and practice. S na eee
The report has not been re- enate Rejeets
viewed yet by the Faculty Plan-
ning Committee, which is busy end nent
with curriculum planning. But
soon the main committee will de-
cide to accept or reject the pro- WASHINGTON WA)--The Sen-
posed government. It must then go ate rejected yesterday, 66 to 19,
to appropriate administrative of- an amendment sto require federal
ficers in the University. The deci- registrars sent into Southern
sion will be important both to the states under the Negro Voting
residential college and as a test of Rights Bill to enroll voters in ac-
the long-argued concept of real cordance with state law.
student government in a univer- Sen. John Sparkman (D-Ala),
sity. who offered the amendment, and{
3) Faculty members are work- other Southern opponents of the.

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