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August 24, 1965 - Image 17

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Michigan Daily, 1965-08-24

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IQC- Quads' Voice

AHC Faces Dual Roles

Inter - Quadrangle C o u n c i l
stands at the top of the student
government structure of the men's
residence halls.
It attempts to coordinate and
give general direction to the quad-
rangle and house government or-
ganizations, while simultaneously
representing the interests of resi-
dence hall men to the rest of the
campus and the administration.
Although its efforts have often
been hampered by organizational
problems, IQC has delved into a
number of different issues of im-
portance to quad residents.
During the past year, for ex-
ample, it spoke out on such var-
ied topics as wage rate increases
for the University's student em-
ployes, plans for construction of
anew residence hall on North
Campus, overcrowding in the
quadrangles and residence hall
fee hikes.
In addition to representing its
constitutients in matters of Uni-
versity policy, IQC performs a
service function on the all-cam-
pus level. It sponsors a sing and
a concert annually with Assem-
bly Association, tries to help for-
eign and American students be-
come better acquainted and ar-
ranges for storage space for stu-
dents who wish to leave bulky
possessions in Ann Arbor over the
Moreover, service is an impor-
tant part of IQC's relationship
with its subordinate governing
bodies. Here, however, IQC's par-
ticipation is more indirect, and the
lower governments, with very
general guidance from above, take
the initiative in organizing activi-
ties and proviidng services for
quad residents.
This function begins at the bot-
tom of the government structure
with the house officers and.house
councils. These sponsor social pro-
grams with women's dormitorities,
organize participation in intra-
mural athletics and work toward
developing other phases of the
student's life, including his aca-
House officers and council mem-

Managing Editor
Like women drivers, an organi-
zation composed of all dormitory
women seems to be headed in two
directions at once.
Assembly Association, as it's
officially called, likes to work
from the bottom up. But it also
serves a function working from
the top down.
Actually, the duality of direc-
tions comes from a duality of
roles. As a student organization,
Assembly digs into the grass roots
of the dormitory system, coordi-
nating house governments. At the
same time, it moves up the ad-
ministrative scale to represent
dormitory residents on the Resi-
dence Halls Board of Governors.
That board is in charge of plan-
ning, building, furnishing and op-
erating the dormitory systems-
male and female. Assembly thus
has to learn what the girls' house
governments want-and then de-
liver these sentiments to the resi-
dence-halls administration.
The conveyor belt of this opera-
tion is Assembly's legislative body,
called Assembly House Council.
Composed of representatives from
each independent women's house,
AHC sets policy or makes recom-
mendations concerning inter-
house relations and problems.
Assembly's channels from stu-
dents to administrators have given

The Quads Can Be Peaceful, Too

bers, all democratically elected,
usually work closely with the
housemother, the resident advisor
and other staff supervisors ap-
pointed by the University.
The next level of residence hall
government, the quad council, has
functions which, for the most
part, are similar to the house
government. Focusing on service,
the quad council and its executive
officers organize social activities
on a broader scale than the indi-
vidual houses can and, on the
academic side, helps to operate a
library stocked with basic refer-
ences and general reading mate-
rial for the exclusive use of the
building's residents. It also is re-
sponsible for making dress regu-
The quad council, too, has a
democratic basis, being composed
of the house presidents, a repre-
sentative elected by each house
and four executive officers elected
at large.
Moreover, its membership over-
laps that of IQC itself, thus pro-
viding a direct link between these
two organizations. Specifically,
the presidents of both of the all-

male residence halls and the
highest male officer of each of
the two coed buildings sit on IQC.
Supplementing the work of the
officers and council members is a
special judicial branch which
functions both at the IQC and
quad government levels. Cooper-
ating with the staffs of the indi-
vidual houses, the judiciary gives
the students a voice in the dis-
ciplinary process in the quads.

A Girl's Best Critic-Her Roommate

it important functions in deci-
sions on co-educational housing,
women's hours and dress regula-
In line with its two-direction
policy Assembly is run by two
branches, the legislative AHC and
the executive committee. The ex-
ecutive committee is composed of
the top officers of Assembly plus

Dorm Units Plan Merger

Co-ops Offer Chance
For Fun, Frugality

Co-ops are more than just a lot
of people trying to live together
Although the co-op gives the
student a chance to save money,
it. also presents him with oppor-
tunities of living and getting along
with others and learning house-
hold management.
The co-op system was establish-
ed at the University during the
1930's and was the first in the
The Rochdale Principle, under
which the Inter-Cooperative Coun-
cil operates, stipulates:
-Open membership: Each house
is interracial, interfaith and neu-
tral in all external political mat-
--Democracy: Each member
shall have one vote in the deci-
sions the organization makes. All
decisions are made at open meet-
ings by majority vote.
-Cooperation: Equal duties and
responsibilities as well as equal
sharing of the benefits.
The Inter-Cooperative Council
at the University was incorporated
in 1944 as a nonprofit cooperative
corporation. The ICC is the co-
ordination organization that owns
the co-op houses.

The ICC Board of Directors is
its chief coordinating body. It
meets every two weeks to consider
recommendations made to it by
the various ICC committees. Board
members directly represent their
houses, each house electing one
board member for each ten resi-
In addition to the Board of
Directors, a five-man Advisory
Board, made up of interested fac-
ulty and townspeople, serves to
provide an additional bridge be-
tween the co-ops, the University
and the community.
Since 1944, the ICC has added
an additional house every two or
three years. There are presently
nine co-ops-three for men, five
for women and one for married
Construction is now underway
on a new co-op which will house
a dining room to accommodate
100 people and six bedrooms for
12 men.
Also in the planning stage is a
new structure to be built 'on
North Campus, housing 200 stu-
dents and possibly 20 apartments
for 20 married couples.

The trend toward co-educational
housing is rapidly making the
existence of separate student gov-
ernment organizations for resi-
dence hall men and women an
Recognizing this, last year the
o f f i c e r s of Inter - Quadrangle
Council a n d Assembly House
Council began to plan for a mer-
ger of their organizations.
A study committee was set up,
and on several occasions the pres-
idents of the two groups outlined
their ideas for the merger. Defini-
tive action has not yet been taken,
however, and a number of per-
plexing problems must be worked
out before the new, co-ed govern-
ing body is transformed from in-
triguing concept to reality.
Brief Experiments
Although the University has
briefly experimented with co-ed
housing in the past, the first ma-
jor step in this direction came
two years ago with the conversion
of South Quadrangle and Mary
Markley Hall to mixed living
units. While this forced co-ed
governments for each of these
residence halls, separation of the
sexes was maintained on the all-
campus level with the men still
represented by IQC and the
women by AHC.
Many student government lead-
ers found this arrangement awk-
ward, a problem compounded last
fall when the administration an-
nounced plans to construct a third
co-ed living unit, to be located on
North Campus. The realization
that completion of this building,
christened Bursley Hall, will place
a majority of AHC-IQC constitu-
ents in a co-ed living situation
gave a sense of urgency to merger
In January, Maxine Loomis, '65,
then AHC president, officially
proposed uniting the two exist-
ing student government bodies.
Calling the merger a necessary
adaptation to the changing char-
acter of residence hall living, Miss
Loomis said that a unified organ-
ization would increase student in-

fluence with the administration,
improve communication between
the house governments and their
superior authority, provide a "cen-
ter of contact" between Bursley
Hall and main campus, eliminate
duplication of work and give the
residence h a 11 government a
broader base from which to re-
cruit staff.
Recommends Review
She recommended a review of
the present government system by
a merger committee, and both
IQC and AHC approved this idea
in February.
A major problem facing the
committee is the determination of
an equitable system of representa-

Special Textbook Service
(No Cash Required)
Every year-without fail - the Bookstores or the
Publishers run short of certain titles at school
opening-and many students are without a text
for 2 or 3 weeks.
Reserve Books This EASY Way-

tion, a difficulty expected to be
resolved by a formula based on
The committee must also decide
whether to provide representa-
tion for former residence hall
students now housed in private
apartments. At present, such stu-
dents are classified as associate
members of AHC but are not rep-
resented at all on IQC.
Moreover, the relationship be-
tween the proposed organization
and the new Off-Campus Housing
Board must be defined, and com-
mittee members must agree on
provisions for a judicial branch of
the new residence hall govern-

the chairmen of various boards
which it establishes.
The Assembly president is the
official representative on Student
Government Council. She takes
part in national residence hall
conferences involving women and,
sometimes, the National Student
Association congress in the late
Her power--along with the en-
tire structure of Assembly - has
been explicitly defined in a Def-
inition of Authority which the
Office of Student Affairs approv-
ed last year. It was written by a
five-woman committee.
The definition delegates author-
ity down the administrative scale
from the OSA to Assembly to the
houses to individual house women.
Juniors and seniors living in
apartments may become associate
members of Assembly and share
its benefits.
Veto Power
Under the document, the vice-
president for student affairs has
the right to veto any legislation
or decision of Assembly within
two weeks.
He doesn't like to. For admin-
istrators recognize that you have
to give women-drivers or Assem-
bly members-the right of way.



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