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:43 a iig
Scattered thundershowers
in the morning
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Democratic Group Explained
Rebels Ask 'Active' Hanoi Help;
Some new light was shed on the
political controversy at Michigan
State University yesterday as a
prominent Ann Arbor Democrat
explained the nature of a party
group involved in the dispute and
a member of the MSU Board of
Trustees clarified some of his ear-
lier statements.
The Committee on Higher Edu-
bation for the Democratic Party in
Michigan is being formed "to draw
people from the state's schools to
formulate positions for the party,
not to tell state universities how
to run their business," Prof. Ger-
hard Weinberg of the history de-
partment said.
A June 17 meeting at MSU to
begin organizing a campus chap-
ter of the proposed education com-
mittee had been cited Wednes-
day in MSU's student news-
paper as evidence of a Democrat-
ic campaign to increase the par-
ty's influence over tax-supported
"The committee is merely an
attempt to give organization to
the kind of help solicited from fac-
ulty on an informal, ad hoc bas-
is in the past," Weinberg, a mem-
ber of the Democratic State Cen-
tral Committee, said.
"Because higher education in
Michigan is largely a public func-
tfon, most of the faculty advising
the party are from state univer-
sities," he continued. This, he sug-
gested, may be at the root of the
problem at MSU-that is, the in-
evitable preponderance of state
university faculty members may
have resulted in confusion about
the purpose of the proposed com-
According to State Democratic
Chairman Zolton Ferency, groups
to advise the party will be formed
eventually at all, or at least
most, college and university cam-
puses in Michigan. He indicated
that organizational efforts at the
University will probably begin in
the fall.
Almost Complete
Organization of the MSU group
is now almost completed, and it
Under grad utes To
Conduct Research
Learning is an experience, and the National Science Foundation
in coordination with university professors is endeavoring to make
it more so.
Rep. Weston E. Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) announced recently that
the chemistry department had received a grant of $21,800 to finance
research projects conducted by undergraduates. The zoology depart-
ment also received a grant of $21,000 for the same type of program.
According to Prof. Robert Taylor of the chemistry department
and director of the chemistry department's project, this is the fourth
will serve as a model for similar
committees at other institutions,
Ferency explained. The initial ef-
fort is being made at MSU be-
cause its campus is convenient to
Democratic headquarters in Lans-
ing and because of personal con-
tacts at the school.
Both Ferency and Weinberg
said that education undoubtedly
will be one topic considered by
the groups, but that their involve-
ment will be strictly limited to ad-
vising the party on policy posi-
Stephen Nisbet, one of two Re-
publican members of MSU's Board
of Trustees, said last night that
statements attributed to him in
the State News' article should not
be interpreted as allegations
against the Democratic Party.
Partisan Basis
Nisbet was quoted as saying 7
that he "is disturbed the Demo-1
crats are trying to organize the
faculty on a partisan basis be-
cause higher education should be
Last night, Nisbet said he "ob-;
jects to the Democratic Party or1
Democrats on the board trying
to organize the faculty on a par-;
tisan basis if this is the case, but,
I have no personal knowledge of
the meeting in question."
The if clause in this comment,
is vital, he said ,emphasizing that,
in his earlier statement he was
only objecting to running the uni-.
versity on a partisan basis, not
himself accusing the Democrats,
of playing politics.
Restrict Board
Referring to charges by Frank'
(Merriman that the board has
become too involved in running
the university, Nisbet said he
agrees the board should restrict
itself to laying down general
policy guidelines but does not
think the trustees have interven-
ed too much in the past.
Charles Wells, State News edi-
tor-in-chief and author of the
controversial article, has stood by
his story. Wells said yesterday that
no one has exerted any pressure on
him or attempted to discipline him
since the article appeared.
Says Delay
President Joaquin Balaguer con-
tended yesterday the delay in
settling the Dominican crisis is
encouraging Communist expan-
sion in the Dominican Republic
and increasing distrust in the
Organization of American States.
The remarks, in a printed leaf-
let distributed through this city
by his Reformist Party, offered no
details as to how Communist ex-
pansion might be manifesting it-
Balaguer blamed'what he called
two minority groups-the extreme
left and ultra conservative right-
for delays in solving the three-
months-old problem.
In the leaflet the ex-president
called for public support of the
OAS formula to create a provi-
sional government as a first step
toward general elections. So far
the three-man political committee
of the OAS has made little ap-
parent progress.
While supporting the OAS peace
formula, Balaguer was critical of
the inter-American peace forces
for acts he said made their pres-
ence "more hateful day by day."
The existence of the military
supply corridor that divides Santo
Domingo, he said, has become a
"source of friction between the
civilian population and the
Balaguer also cited economic
deterioration and loss of faith by
domestic and foreign investors as
results of the prolonged crisis.
successive grant the University
has received to conduct this type
of program in chemistry.
Problems to Study
He explained that undergradu-
ates usually work on problems
proposed by chemistry professors
which they run across in their
work. The problems may be of a
minor nature such that the pro-
fessor does not want to have a
PhD candidate spend his time ar-
riving at a solution.
For this reason, these problems
are ideal for the undergraduate
student, Taylor noted. They do
not take up a great deal of the
student's time, a minimum of two
afternoons a week during the
regular school year, yet they pro-
vide the student with an intro-
duction to the "non-routine" of
original research.
Taylor emphasized that these
research studies differ consider-
ably from problems proposed by
a professor in a chemistry class,
to which the answers are already
Does Not Know
In this case, he said, the pro-
fessor proposing the problem does
not know the answer. He is rely-
ing on the student to find the
information out. The student has
no criterion to determine whether
the results are what they should
be. In this case neither the stu-
dent nor theaprofessor know the
answer, he said.
The results from the experi-
ments run by the undergraduates
are taken very seriously, Taylor
said. Many of them are published,
he emphasized; sometimes as a
separate paper and sometimes as
part of another paper.
During the academic year, us-
ually 15 to 20 students are work-
ing on this type of program.
States U.S. F
Has No Plan
To Hit Hanoi~
Delegate Delivers
Note from Nkrumah
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President
Lyndon B. Johnson conferred yes-
terday with Ghana's foreign min-
ister and indicated to him that
the United States has no present
plans to bomb Hanoi.
Johnson met with Foreign Min-
ister Alex Quaison-Sackey who
brought a personal message from
Kwane Nkrumah of Ghana. John-
son promised a prompt reply and
the White House said all details
would be made public later.
The message, according to Quai- THE RE
son-Sackey, should advance the
cause of peace in Viet Nam.
Nkrumah is a friend of Presi-
dent Ho Chin Minh of North Viet l
Nam and received a letter Wednes-
day from him.
It is assumed the message By M
Quaison - Sackey delivered was
connected with the letter from Sp
Ho Chi Minh but U.S. officials DETROI
voiced initial doubts that it would DETRong
do much to break the deadlock cial cong
over holding negotiations to end wide variet
the war. wd ait
Diplomatic sources suggested ent aspects
that the Ho Chi Minh letter, situation.
brought to Nkrumah by a Ghanian The hear
emissaryiju s t returned from ed by Re
Hanoi, did not mark any notable (R-.Mich)e
change in Ho's refusal to talk (D-Mich),
peace on any terms that would be of the Hou
acceptable to Washington. mittee wit.
These sources indicated that ing memb
Nkrumah was using the occasion Asian affa:
nonetheless to urge moves for a Diggs o
peaceful settlement. sion with
Bill D. Moyers, White House committee
press secretary, reported that congressme
Quaison-Sackey said "that be- hearings.
cause of the bombings (of NorthU
Viet Nam by American planes),
Hanoi has expressed some concern Heing's usaid
about the president of Ghana that the h
coming to Hanoi." ho the k
The Polish government televi- of their k
sion also reported that women, Broomfi
children and the aged had been were valu
evacuated from Hanoi in antici- far too li
pation of U.S. air raids. that part(
"Only men remain in Hanoi," said the "s
Polish TV correspondent Jerzy error.
Telpi said in a voice report from Prior to
Viet Nam. He added,r"However, to Broomf
the Americans have so far not field's sup
arrived. The people are quiet and policies in
administration is orderly." was part o
the aide te
Moyers, who later said he did port of a
not know whether Nkrumah plan- also said
ned to visit Hanoi, said further in President's
his statement that "the President
said that concern (about bomb- The aide
ings) was unnecessary because men were
there is no U.S. military action concerning
against Hanoi. As the President would hav
said, 'Not a bomb has fallen igan cong
there.'" participate
Asked if this means there is no igan Demo
plan to bomb Hanoi in the fore- Weston Vi
seeable future, Moyers said "I ested cong
would not read into the statement A full x
anything beyond what is obvious." which will
Moyers added that the Presi- brought b
dent "remains very hopeful that fairs Com
peace will come to Southeast Asia" it is expec
and reiterated to Quaison-Sackey Brig. Ge
the long-held American position military a
that "the quickest way to peace is Detroit Ne
for aggression from the North to ness to t
cease." mittee.
all Produci
: "A black time for the sceptred isle" pr
ground for the trilogy, according to histori
perhaps the most chaotic and tyranical periodc
Through special arrangement, "The Days
sented as the first work in the winter semE
way production. The play is to be producec
American Playwrights Theatre, an organizat
enable "the best works of substance and idea
and nationally on the stages of America's educE
Anderson's "The Days Between" relate
attempt to live up to standards of creativity
his students. The play will be directed by
-Associated Press
CENT LANDING OF MORE UNITED STATES forces in Viet Nam and promise of more to
come sparked an angry response from Russia yesterday.
orngressmen Hold Hearings
ecial To The Daily
[T-Yesterday's unoffi-
essional hearings on
heard testimony from a
y of experts on differ-
of the Southeast Asian
rings are being conduct-
. William Broomfield
and Rep. Charles Diggs
both ranking members
se Foreign Affairs Com-
h Broomfield a rank-
er of subcommittee on
pened yesterday's ses-
praise of the citizen's
which had asked the
*n to participate in the
nofficial Status
he regreted the hear-
icial status, and added
earings were the third
md in the nation.
eld said the hearings
able because "we have
ittle understanding of
of the world." He also
takes are too high" for
the hearings an aide to
ield said that Broom-
port of the President's
Viet Nam in the past
of broad support which
ermed "bi-partisan sup-
ny administration." He
Diggs supported the
Invite Others
He contended the air attacks on
North Viet Nam were worthless
from a tactical standpoint and
that not enough emphasis was be-
ing placed on effective land op-
erations in South Viet Nam. He
said the mistake in American
policies was the retention of a
defensive or holding attitude
which could never result in vic-
Representing t h e University
were Professors Martin Patchen,
of the Survey Research Center,
William Gamson of the sociology
department, Marc Pilsuk of the
psychology department, J. David
Singer of the Mental Health Re-
search Institute, and Philip Con-
verse of the political science de-
Gamson addressed his remarks
in a historical perspective, refut-
ing the purpose of the bombing
raids on North Viet Nam, citing
the failure of the bombing of
London during the German blitz
as a histoi'ical precident. He said
the German attacks did nothing
to deter England's determination
to fight.
Korean Conflict
He also mentioned the partici-
pation of China in the Korean
conflict as in large degree the
fault of United Nations forces at
the instigation of General Doug
las MacArthur in the massive
Yalu offensive which brought UN
forces within a few miles of the
Chinese border.
He said "the inflexible aim o
the U.S. in negotiations should be
amnesty for all political crimes
and protection for all religious
and political minorities and th
creation of a Vietnamese govern
ment which could participate in
and help to further the economi
development of Southeast Asia."
Today's morning session will b
devoted to the hearing. of private
individuals who wish to testify
before the committee.
Og lesbyGitlin.Discuss
Southeast .Asia Experience
Carl Oglesby, Grad, and national president of the Student's
for a Democratic Society and Mrs. Nancy Gitlin representing two
groups working for peace in Viet Nam, spoke last night at a public
meeting in the Ann Arbor Public Library about their recent fact-
finding missions to Southeast Asia.,
Speaking first, Oglesby gave details of his trip from Paris
Want Me n
To Combat
Viet Cong Indicate
Desire To Step Up
Resistance in South
By The Associated Press
TOKYO--The political front of
the Viet Cong, the National Lib-
eration Fron, has asked North
Viet Nam for active assistance
against the Americans in the
South, and to prepare to send men
into battle, Hanoi radio said yes-
Hanoi, which has said it would
send volunteers if asked, quoted
a Viet Cong statement as saying
the guerrillas want help "to in-
crease our forces and step up the
resistance of the war 10 times
more vigorously. .
.Up to now, North Viet Nam has
disclaimed direct involvement in
the war, although United States
officials say units of the North's
I regular army have been identified
in the South and that there has
a been steady infiltration.
At the same time the Hanoi
statement was released, the Soviet
- Union declared in a formal state-
a ment through Tass; that the
e 50,000 additional American troops
t ordered to Viet Nam are intended
- to "break the will of the people
e of Viet Nam."
e. See Related Story, Page 3
Parks To Joie.
'U' P-R Staff
An assistant for Michael Ra-
dock, vice-president for Univer-
sity relations, was appointed yes-
David G. Parks, director of
development and assistant to the
vice-chancellor for public affairs+
at the University of Denver, will
join the University's public rela-s
tions staff on Aug. 15. He will also1
serve as national corporations di-1
rector for the $55 Million Capital
Fund at the University.+
'U' Players Announce F
e said that if congress- to South Viet Nam and then to J
more sure of themselves leigh Dickenson University and
the hearings they State University, both experts on
ve invited other Mich- Southeast Asia.
ressmen to attend or He described the country as a
He mentioned Mich- "political ghetto" in which there
crats John Conyers and was, nevertheless, a great amount
vian as possible inter- of political freedom. The reason
ressmen. for the outspokenness that he
report of the hearings discovered in many high officials
continue today will be of the government, he said, was in
efore the Foreign Af- their fatalistic attitude toward any
mittee but no action on government's chance of survival.
ted. Every Extreme
n. S.L.A. Marshall, ret., He indicated that he had talk-
ffairs analyst for the ed to people of every extreme
ews, was the first wit- of political ideology, and had dis-
estify before the com- covered that the most pro-Ameri-
can view is one of fear of the
Viet Cong combined with exas-
peration at the clumsiness and
cruelty of the Americans in their
prosecution of the war.
M The most important aspect of
I- w ~ 'E~ ~ the mission was the conveyance
tio n s of a new peace offer, which, Ogles-
by said, had come from reliable
spokesmen who had extensive
rovides historical back- contact with the Viet Cong. The
ans. Henry VI displays new peace proposal contained four
of English history. points, the most important of
s Between" will be pre- which was a call for a cease-fire
Lestr bfor it Brad-and negotiations without the" prior
ester before its Broad- condition that the United States
Sin New York by the its troops.
ion which attempts to Oglesby also received a similar
as to be presented first peace proposal from a group of
ational theatre." powerful, wealthy professionals
s a college professor's and businessmen in the South
he works to inspire in who, although they feared the Viet
Burgwin and will be Cong, wanted to find a way to
peace at any cost. They did this
apan with Robert Browne of Far-
Jonathan Mirsky of Pennsylvania
Protest Policy
Of .Asian War
WASHINGTON (i' --Several
hundred critics of United States
policies in Viet Nam sweltered
through what their. leaders called
a "civil disobedience" demonstra-
tion in front of the White House
Some sat on the sidewalk while
others milled around in 90-degree
weather after trying unsuccess-
fully, to send a 100-member dele-
gation in to see President Lyndon
B. Johnson
The sit-down followed a four-
hour rally in Lafayette Park,j
across the street from the White
House. Speakers denounced the
fighting in Viet Nam, called for
the admission of Red China to
the United Nations, and noted
that this was the 20th anniver-
sary of the dropping of an atomic
bomb on Hiroshima.
City police were assigned in
large numbers to reinforce the
rglrWhite House security de-
tail, but their only official activ-
ity was to arrest one youth who
tried to throw a bag of water.
Police commanders estimated
the demonstrators n ul m b e r e d
The Soviet news agency said it
had been "authorized to state that
the decision of the U.S. govern-
ment to dispatch another 50,000
soldiers to Viet Nam is regarded
in the leading USSR circles as an
aggressive act tending to widen
the war in Viet Nam.
"The statesmen who frame
United States policy should have
no delusions that American ag-
gression would go unpunighed,"
it said.
Other action included a deci-
sion . of South Korea's defense
ministry to send one combat divi-
sion of about 15,000 men to South
Viet Nam.
Meanwhile the U.S. ambassador
to Japan, Edwin O. Reischauer,
warned that the Viet Nam war
represents trouble for Japanese-
American relations.
He said he believed that until
recently Japan had "finally been
getting over the .stigma of defeat
and the embarrassment over the
past" and had been reaching for
a more "positive and independent"
role in the world.
He said the American bomb-
ings in Viet Nam worried the
Japanese and made the outside
world look more dangerous than
before. It made a close relation-
ship with the U.S. seem less de-
sirable to many Japanese, he said.
Meanwhile in Saigon, a govern-
ment spokesman said Lt. Gen.
Nguyen Khanh, former prime
minister and armed forces chief,
is being ousted from his post as
roving ambassador and being re-
called to South Viet Nam for in-
The spokesman did not make
clear the grounds Khanh would
be investigated on and did not
indicate whether Khanh would
heed the call to return.
The Hanoi statement also urged
all "the Indochinese peoples to
unite and assist one another to
resist the barbarous aggression by
the U.S. imperialists."
This seemed a call for help to
neighboring Laos and Cambodia
which, with the Viet Nams make
up the states of old Indochina.
The significance of the state-
ment, and its timing, immediately
aroused speculation. U.S. officials
have reported the Viet Cong as
taking heavy losses recently in
Viet Nam, raising the possibility
the movement is feeling a man-
power pinch. It also seemed pos-
sible that the statement is part of
a preparation for Hanoi itself to
take new action or for bargaining
should there be some sort of new
approach to the conference table.
Several new innovations in programming will be featured in the
50th anniversary season of the University Players this fall.
The series will include the Department of Speech's first curricu-
lar production, "The Servant in the House," by Charles Rand Ken-
nedy. The trilogy of plays of the life of Henry VI by William
Shakespeare will also be a feature.
Other presentations will be "The Days Between," by Robert
Anderson; "Peer Gynt." by Henrik Ibsen; an unnamed opera to
feature the opera department of the music school. and a work writ-
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