Old Nuclear Monopoly Crumbles
rWhet OpininPrel!420 MAYNARD $T., ANN ARBO, Mic.
NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
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Youth Must Oppose U.S. Policies
To Prevent Holocaust
RITING IN THE UNITED STATES to- namese situation, like the Cuban situa-
day has about itself something of the tion or the Laotian situation before it, was
aura of the occult. It seems strange and something that would pass' quickly, and
inconceivable that all the various things leave us in peace.
going on about us-the Vietnamese war,
undeclared by anyone's standards; the ALL THAT IS PAST NOW. The President
draft call-up; the general apathy, "the of the United States-with or with-
Grand Consensus"-that these things are out the largely irrelevant consent of Con-
really happening. gress-now proposes to engage this coun-
Social scientists, of -course, have been try in a long and costly war. The Ameri-
telling us for a long time that the sores can people-that long dormant "if"-
festering within thebody of American life have remained inactive. The myth of the
wotld find an outlet-that all the var- "good sense" of the American people is
ious chance combinations would fall into now dead. And we may all, singly or to-
line with one another and bring about , gether, follow it.
violence in our social life. The comment most often encountered
But somehow even this was unreal. We among members of the present college
have known, of course, that, at root, the generation relates to personal security: "I
myth of the "good sense" of the American intend to avoid the draft.. ." in thus and
people was, in a limited sense, false: that such a way.
the majority of Americans subscribed This is on the one hand a rather dan-
to one party allegiance or another on the gerous approach, while on the other, a
basis of their parents' beliefs, not "com- rather naive one.
mon sense." To those of us interested in social re-
But even this has lacked concision: to form within the United States, a war at
all but the most aware of us, the Viet- this time means an end. War both under-
- ----mines the social bases of society and de-
moralizes the proponents of social action.
W hy Not'P THOSE OF US interested in further-
ing the cause of human knowledge,
Ask Students? this war means an end: war imposes its
own values on a society. These both con-
tradict and oppose those of the intellec-
ALTHOUGH IT IS EDIFYING to know tual life.
that University . President Harlan To those of us, too, who seek, in any
Hatcher has consulted with the faculty in form, a saner mode of living, war means
his quest for a new vice-president for aca- an end. War is, in itself, the institution-
demic affairs, it is equally deprecating alization of unreason-it is insanity as
that he has not conferred with members an image of social man. The lies, the vili-
of the student body about the appoint- fication, and the cliches which we have
ment. suffered up until this point are but the
One of the lessons learned from the beginning: when Lyndon Johnson says
Berkeley demonstrations is that the im- "let us continue" this is what he intends
position of administrators who do not to continue.
take into consideration the attitudes of What is the answer to all this? What is
the student body can lead to disastrous the way out?
consequences. The only alternative to peaceful sub-
To get into office a man whose policies mission to evil is opposition. Substantive-
would not alienate the student body it ly, it is the duty of the younger genera-
would seem logical to let knowledgeable tion today to forcefully assert its opposi-
student representatives have at least a tion to the slaughter. It must make it
consultative voice in administrative ap- clear ,to those who wield power that it will
pointments. not simply docilely accepts its role as can-
The administration has nothing to lose nonfodder in the Great Society's wars for
in student consultation on major appoint- moral uplift.
ments since student advice, like that of
the'faculty, would not be binding, and has WE, AS A GENERATION, are faced now
something to gain since such consulta- with the choice that the intellectuals
tion might create more campus harmony, of Germany faced before us. This admin-
istration seems determined to make
STUDENTS DESERVE a voice in the ap- America the tyrant of the world-using
pointment of the man whose policies the threat of Bolshevism as its excuse
will have a major effect on their Univer- for the exercise of unprecedented power.
sity careers. We must stop it now, or we-like our
-BRUCE WASSERSTEIN German predecessors-will die within the
'__stomach of the beast.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Mie -STEPHEN BERKOWITZ
Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning.
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First of Three Articles
E NGLAND'S proposal to create a
Geneva treaty which would
slow or halt the international
spread of nuclear weapons again
brings up the issue of nuclear pro-
This particular proposal may or
may not be successful; if its re-
ception by the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization's permanent
council is any reliable indicator
at all, it is certainly all but a
hopeless case. But whether or not
it is accepted in any form, its
proposal raises several questions
about the world's nuclear situa-
tion and the United States' posi-
tion in it that should be consid-
First, a key question: why, spe-
cifically, eare the world's three
major nuclear powers interested
in an antiproliferation treaty?
What are the trouble spots they
are concerned with?
IT MUST occur to almost
everyone that China is the first
example of such a trouble spot for
several reasons.
Its great and growing political
influence in East Asia is a clear
fact. Immense economic and mil-
itary potential stand out as two
other dominant factors. But
overriding, them all must be
China's seemingly boundless Com-
munist-oriented sense of national-
ism. At the base of China's nuc-
lear efforts has always been the
support of a nationalism deter-
mined to establish China as the
equal toany Western threat.
Add an atomic capability to
that combination and it is easy
to see why the Big Three are
concerned. Of course, China's
im m e d i a t e nuclear potential
should not be overestimated.
The Arabs, meanwhile, cannot
be expected to sit by idly. The
UAR must possess a wealth of
technical information and mis-
siles gleaned from the Soviet Un-
ion. And her economy, poor as it
may be, would merely choke a bit
while producing the five or so
bombs needed to lay Israel waste.
WHATEVER the differing rea-
sons, atomic proliferation and the
use of the weapons looks more
than likely in the cases men-
tioned. Once it has been accom-
plished, there seems little reason
why other small countries like
Pakistan or Sweden might not
consider it profitable to begin
atomic programs of theirown.
Almost overnight, the basic na-
ture of atomic war seems to have
altered. What used to be the ulti-
mate instrument of disagreement
between the world's two halves
has become, through thetprocess
of proliferation, available to settle
the many petty struggles among
the splinters from those blocs.
In fact, proliferation may not
be proceeding as fast as many
may imagine, though it could
easily snowballsbyameans of tech-
nological loans among smaller
sympathetic nations. But how bad
must things get before they be-
come obvious?
THE WORLD is already saddled
with two nuclear powers suffer-
ing from varying degrees of na-
tionalist irresponsibility. To ask
whether one more or two more
would be too many is to miss the
point. The two already in exist-
ence are more than enough to un-
leash a holocaust. More should
not be permitted.
TOMORROW: The inability of
the United States to recognize
Communist China and the impli-
cations this has for the future of
atomic proliferation.
THIS MISSILE, BELONGING to the United States Army is just one of a giant nuclear force. At
one time, only the U.S. and Russia had such weapons but atomic weaponry and knowledge is prolif-
erating throughout the emerging nations.
Double Bill:
Split Rating
At the Campus Theatre
BETWEEN THE Old Wave and
the New Wave Cinema there
was the Calm. During this latter
period, "The Liars" was filmed.
But placidity is not the uniform
expression that all members of
the French cast carry. It's close to
an unhappy melange of chagrin
and ennui.
"The Liars"i is de trop-a con-
trivance. A financier returns from
fifteen years in the African bush.
He moves into a country manor
complete but for one accountre-
ment-a woman.
No problem. He puts an ad in
the newspaper: "Wanted. One
wife. Cultured, etc. . . . No one
under age of forty need apply."
Small wonder that. it attracts a
couple of Left Bank baddies, bent
on breaking the middle-aged fool's
banque roll.
What happens to him and them
shouldn't have happened to Na-
poleon. But, then, the producer of
this insult must also have had
delusions of grandeur.
If you have the sense to skip
"The Liars," or- pace back and
forth in the theatre's lobby after
seeing its first reel, you can enter
the theatre refreshed and ready
for a cinematic experience so in
contrast to the disgust which "The
Liars" engenders that you'll won-
der how the two films got on the
same bill.
"The Steppe" is adapted (faith-
fully, at least in spirit) from a
Checkov tale. It is an allegory of
"coming of age," something not
necessarily limited to adolescent
A child makes the arduous
journey from the warmth of his
cottage birthplace to the village
and school. He fravels with peas-
ants transporting wool across the
Yugoslav steppes.
In a series of anecdotes, the
innocent witnesses lust, death
and barbarism with human coun-
terpoints of emotion: pride, ob-
sequiousness, viciousness, despair
and love.
But abstractions won't convey
the technical mastery with which
Checkov's story has been relocat-
ed filmed and acted One scene
Technologically, China is years
from the successful development of
either a deliverable bomb or of
something to deliver it with. Such
development projects are not
cheap, especially for a nation
with a small industrial establish-
ment, and the Chinese economy
is strained enough as is. More-
over, with every atomic advance,
China suffers a diplomatic setback
in the intensely anti-atomic Asian
China's danger is thus two fold.
First, though she faces intense
difficulties, most experts believe
that in five or ten years China
will have between 50 and 100 de-
liverable atomic bombs and the
means to use them.
The second danger is the guid-
in, principle of atomic prolifera-
tion, the principle which cannot
help but put pressure on China's
enemies in an attempt to obtain
atomic weapons to defend them-
IF CHINA is the action, India
seems the most likely reaction.
Indian experts have boasted that
they have the abilityto turn out
a usable atomic bomb in 18
months. What is more they have
the plutonium and the purifica-
tion plants to make many Wash-
ington experts believe they are
not boasting idly. Making Indian
response to Chinese armaments
all the worse is the fact that,
unlike China, India has advanced
planes quite capable to delivering
nuclear bombs. The Indian gov-
ernment would probably consider
building a bomb quite defensible
if a Chinese invasion became im-
Yet here too, as in China's case,
there are, internal difficulties
which mitigate against the, pro-
duction of a bomb in the near
future. The economy is, if any-
thing, worse off than the Chinese
in many respects. There has also
been a good deal of pacifist sent-
iment attacking atomic produc-
Though there are certainly
great proliferation problems in
Asia, for the most part they ap-
pear distant. A place where they
are not so distant is the Middle
ISRAEL AND her declared Arab
foes are moving closer to a war
footing than many realize. Nas-
ser has recently increased the size
of the United Arab Republic's
army by one-half; Jordan's King
Hussein has just increased his
forces by over 20 per cent.
Behind the situation, of course,
is Israel's determination not to
give an inch to her declared Arab
The frightening thing about it
all is that it seems as though the
only thing preventing Israel from
producing an atomic bomb is her
belief that she does not really
need one. In this sense, it is prob-
ably just as well for the Arab
nations that they are so dis-
united for as soon as Israel be-
gins to feel herself pressed upon
by threats of a united Arab com-
mand, an atomic bomb cannot lag
far behind.
ISRAEL IS ALL the more dan-
gerous because she is not bothered
by whatever technological defici-
encies may be bothering China
and India. Her economy is strong
and growing to the extent that
an atomic program would make
only a small dent in it.
It need not be much of a pro-
gram-10 or 15 bombs would be
more than enough to neutralize
the Arab nations completely, as
opposed to India, which would
need about a hundred to think of
taking on China. And, like India,
Israel possesses the. delivery sys-
tems already.
ANN ARBOR'S OWN ROCK 'N ROLL sensation, The Rationals, above, are on the road to musical
success with the release of their first record and forthcoming personal appearances.
Rock 'n Roll --Race to The Top
A LOT OF lively rock 'n' roll of
1965 never made the Top Ten,
and some of it got lost in the
scramble toward hit ratings. Many
fine songs keep getting tucked
away in those albums that every
group makes once they get one or
two big hits.
The general category of under-
played and little-mentioned rock/
includes songs from both poles of
the pop-sound world: the one next
door-Detroit-and the one across
the ever-narrower Atlantic-Eng-
land. Perhaps the best of the neg-
lected American albums was Mary
'And It Came To Pass':
Soon, We Hope
At the State Theatre
AND IT CAME to pass that, during the time of the celebration of
Christmas, Robert Mitchum (Mr. Moses) was found entangled in
the bull rushes of a stream in Africa. And when Carroll Baker (Julie)
revived him, he explained, "Moses is my name. Joe Moses." Now this
is a switch.,
"But what we need is Noah and his ark," Julie said, looking a gift
horse in the mouth. "The Government has erected a dam, which will
cause the water to back up over the African native village where my
father is a missionary," she added, spilling the entire plot.
"What we must do is wait for an hour, until your only hope lies
in my helping you, because that is more theatrically suspenseful. In
the meantime, I can give you sexy looks and you can coyly persuade me
to give aid," replied Moses.
AND IT ALSO came to pass that Moses led the Israelites (oops,
natives) to the promised land, the land of milk and honey. And just
to prove that an old story could be improved, he rode an elephant
and used a Chinese robe that emitted fire.
Wells' 1965 LP. Mary's power of
projection keeps on growing, and
people who know the "My Guy"
sound-which is just about every-
body-will be surprised by "Time
.After Time," on the recent LP. It's
a real Streisand-nightclub soul
song, if nothing else.
But mainly it is her slightly
modified, highly personalized De-
troit sound that really carries.
Mary's Motown training sneaks in
everywhere like in the beautiful
female gospel response to "Now,
Ain't It The Truth, Baby", but it
is no longer the open, early sound
of piano and drums, but some
rather elegent orchestral effects
that accompany her buoyant voice.
"Now Ain't It The Truth," "Good
Enough for Me," and "Stop Tak-
ing Me For Granted" are classic
Wells, and "Let Yourself Go" sets
Mary's high on the seductive rat-
EVEN CLOSER to home, Ann
Arbor's own Rationals must be
mentioned. They are slowly mak-
ing the climb to fame and fortune
(t w o "Teentown" appearances
forthcoming), and if all their discs
are as professionally engineered
and performed as their single of
"Gave My Love" and "Look What
You're Doin' (to me, baby), you
can imagine a single hit with a
fresh sound shooting their for-
tunes higher within a few months.
Crossing the Atlantic - which
seems to be the new English
Channel-you run into a wealth
of inventiveness among such
groups as The Zombies and Them.
I would include The Kinks if they
weren't so consistently careful-
at least, on their "Kinks-Size" '65
album - about staying homo-
"The Zombies" clearly are the
symphonists of rock 'n' roll. The
fine sound they get on the Parrot
"THEM" (THAT ungrammatical
group that confuses almost any
sentence) hit it big here with the
off-beat "Here Comes, the Night."
Strictly speaking, they are not
exactly English, since four out of
five of "Them" come from Ire-
land ((at least it's Northern Ire-
land). "Mystic Eyes," a swinging
instrumental number, and a nice
version of "Route 66" are also on
the album. A fine study of folk
music--real or imagined-turned
rock is furnished by "I'm Gonna
Dress in Black," in which lead
singer, Van Morrison, almost
sounds like he knows what it's
like to live "out in the hills of
Georgia in an old tin shack." How-
ever, Morrison tries a little too
hard on some of the other songs.
Over and beyond the hustle-
bustle of such little groups reign
the grand and glorious Beatles.
Their "Beatles '65" album, like
most of their LP's, spotlights some
interesting group features that
most of the top singles pass over.
The Beatles seem to be most pop-
ular when they are not being
American (apart from the early
hits), but they spend a lot of time
on the first '65 album (like on
the flip side of the "Something
New" album) showing their un-
English colors.
"Honey Don't" is a somewhat
ineffective bit of Americana.
"Rock and Roll Music" is a sly
jest, moving smoothly from rock
to ,cha-cha-cha beats. "Baby's in
Black" is a far, far cry from "Oh
Dear, What Can the Matter Be,"
and doesn't quite make it, for my
taste. The openings of "I Feel
Fine" and "Everybody's Trying to
Be My Baby" are beautiful ex-
amples of one of the Beatles' sec-
rets of success-a willingness to
play with all kinds of recording
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