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May 11, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-05-11

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See Editorial Page

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Sunny but becoming
partly cloudy

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Committee Asks'

Wessin Leaves Armed Forces;



Funds May Lead to Dominican



The State Senate Appropriations Committee introduced a bill
last night that would give the University $1.1 million more than was
allowed in Gov. George Romney's higher education budget; overall,
the bill would add $4.9 million to Romney's proposed higher education
budget for the whole state.
Under the bill, the University would get $900,000 for its regular
activities and $250,000 to provide for the enrollment of 200 freshmen
at its Flint branch next fall.
This bill was sent back to the appropriations committee for
rubber stamp approval and is expected to come under consideration

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican of the 21,000 U.S. Marines and tendency Monday to capitulate


Republic (') - Brig. Gen. Elias
Wessin Y Wessin, whose planes
and tanks beat off Dominican
rebels in the bloody first days of
the Dominican revolt, resigned
from the armed forces yesterday
under reported United States pres-
sure. His retirement appears to
have removed a major obstacle
toward settling the Dominican
Wessin's resignation came after
meetings with U.S. Ambassador
W. Tapley Bennett, Jr. and Lt.
Gen. Bruce Palmer, commander

parachute troopers in this trou-
bled Caribbean country.
The tough career officer agreed
to leave the army and his post as
commander of the Armed Forces
Training Center, but he balked at
leaving the country. Col. Fran-
cisco Camaano Deno, rebel-pro-
claimed provisional president, has
been demanding that Wessin go

to a tank and howitzer-backed
force of U.S. and Dominican
troops surrounding them.
Scoffing at an invitation to
quit the revolt, Camaano's insurg-
ents appeared to be organizing
their stronghold in Ciudad Nueva,'
a low income residential and busi-
ness section in Southeast Santo
Caamano, the rebel chieftain,



State Board
To Release
I4White Paper
An important development in
the long controversy over the au-
tonomy of Flint College is being
awaited by state and University
officials today.
The State Board of Education is
scheduled to send a "white paper"
to the Legislature today explaining
why it feels a new state college at
Flint, rather than an expanded
University branch, will provide
greater educational opportunity
for Flint area students.
University officials remained
mute yesterday on the proposed
statement of the board's reasons
for recommending Flint autonomy.
Executive Vice-President Marvin
L. Niehuss noted that the Univer-
sity would probably not make an
immediate reply to the board's
1K statement.
"We will have to wait to decide
upon a course of action until we
have had an opportunity to study
this recentstatement in detail,"
Niehuss said.
Board members hope the state-
ment will help sway lawmakers
toward backing the board in its
attempts to separate the Flint
branch from its University parent.
The state board reportedly will
also seek a meeting with Univer-
sity officials to arrange for an
orderly transitional period, as-
suming the Legislature votes in
favor of the board's recommenda-
Board President Thomas J.
Brennan said the board's recom-
mendation has not been adequate-
ly explained to the public. He said
the "white paper" would contain
the following points in the board's
* rationale:
-There is no question about
the board's jurisdiction in the
case of Flint under its constitu-
tional mandate to plan and coor-
dinate public education (Sen. Gil-
bert Bursley [R-Ann Arbor] point-
ed out that the board's function
was merely advisory.
-There is no organized opposi-
tion to the recommendation be-
sides at the University and at
Flint where philanthropist Charles
A. Mott has threatened to with-
draw an offer of $2.4 million for
Flint expansion if the board's pro-
Sposal is followed.
-University President Harlan
Hatcher has said the University
would agree to sever ties with the
Flint branch at a future date if
this was required under the mas-
ter plan. But, Brennan asked,
"What assurance do we have that
he will follow the board's advice
five years from now?"
Charge HEW
Exceeds Law

on the floor of the Senate later
in the week.
Faculty Turnover
Sen. GilberthBursley (R-Ann
Arbor) said the committee i
creased the budget over the
amount proposed by Romney to
provide improvement in faculty
salary levels, and thus minimize
faculty turnover.
However, since Michigan's tenj
state-supported colleges and uni-I
versities enjoy autonomy from the
Legislature under the state con-
stitution, the increased funds
could be used as desired, Bursleyf
pointed out.
The committee also introduced;
a capital outlay bill, providingI
funds for continuing construction
of educational facilities, which
would give the University $3.7
million plus shared funds of $2.8
million with other state schools.
Continuing Construction
The bill provides $100,000 for
the east medical building and
$575,000 for the general hospital.
Medical science II building
would receive $2 million for con-f
tinuing construction (total cost
not to exceed $9.4 million) if- the
Legislature accepts the commit-
tee's recommendations, and $1
million for the dental building.
Additionally, a separate recom-
mendation of $2.8 million was
made for planning future con-
struction at Michigan's colleges
and universities under the cen-
tralized planning authority of the
state's department of adminis-
New Architecture Building
Although this amount is to be
shared in planning construction
for all 10 of the state's schools,
the University will receive funds
for planning an architecture
building, classroom and office
buildings, a heating plant, general
library, science building and a
residential college in the Huron
River area, Bursley said.
Of course, final passage of the

Rebels Persist issued this reply from his head-
Holed up in a maze of crowded quarters in the rebel-held por-
apartment houses and business tion of Santo Domingo:
buildings, the rebels showed no, "We have defeated their best

The officers had long held top By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN
jobs. in Dominican's armed forces The spectre of higher city taxes rose its head last night as the
gara aeconsideredaunr cesofAnn Arbor City Council approved, by a 7-5 margin, a record budget
aggrvatin t yougeroffiersof $5,252,616 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1965.
leading the rebellion.
City Council member Robert Weeks (D) of the Engineering Col-
A spokesman wouldn't say out- j.,~~ in y~ip htt~mir~dto~ ~s~fo
ley~ Egih det exlie tht the ao additional costs fo

troops and the best from the na-
tional police force. Do they think
that with reserves from the inter-
ior they will be able to defeat a
people whose morale is higher
than it ever was?"
U.S.-Made Cuba
In San Juan, exiled ex-Presi-
dent Juan D. Bosch said U.S. mil-
itary intervention in the Domini-
can Republic created more Latin
American Communists in a week
than the Russians, Red Chinese
and Cubans could make in five
Bosch said in an interview that
U.S. forces, "instead of stopping
another Cuba, will make another
Referring scornfully to a U.S.
list of 53 Communists said to be
inside the pro-Bosch revolt, Bosch
said: "There are going to be 53,-
000 Communists in the Dominican
Republic because of the Marine
intervention, and they will be U.S.-
made Communists."
Other Resignations
Officials announced that eight
top-ranking military officers had
been separated from their com-
mands "for the good of the coun-
try" and that most of them had
left the country.

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
AT LAST NIGHT'S council meeting, in closed session, Paul John-
son (left) and H. C. Curry (right) discuss next year's Ann Arbor
budget. The budget the council eventually passed is the highest
which Ann Arbor has ever adopted for a fiscal year.
Back Record Budget;
Project Ne w Taxes


-Associated Press

SOLDIERS STAND GUARD over a roadblock in the U.S. zone of strife-torn Santo Domingo. Three
children play around an ancient field piece in the background that was knocked out early in the
rebellion that racked the city. The soldier is from the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division. News from the
Dominican Republic indicates that a settlement may be coming soon that will send U.S. armed forces
back home.
Bill To id orm Expansion

The expansion of the Univer-
sity residence hall system may
gain impetus with the passage of
the extension to the College Hous-
ing Program pending before the
House of Representatives.

Currently, an $8 million federal
loan has been approved to help
finance the Bursley Hall project
on North Campus and the first
group of the Cedar Bend Apart-
ments, Pierpont said.
If the bill is passed and the in-
terest reduced, the University will

capital outlay bill and planning The bill proposed by the House ask the government for more
funds recommendation falls to the Subcommittee of the House Bank- funds to construct the rest of the
discretion of the Senate, which ing and Currency Committee pro- Cedar Bend development, he said.i
will probably pass on its appro- poses to continue the program Commercial Bids
priations committee's recommen- with an appropriation for $300 Before the University takes out
dations later this week, according million a year for the next. four any government loans, it seeks
to Bursley. years.' and considers bids from commer-{
In addition to the $900,000 given The bill also proposes a decrease cial finance corporations.If any
to the University, $400,000 was in the interest rate on loans from of these offer an interest rate
added to Eastern Michigan Uni- 3.75 per cent to 3 per cent. This lower than that of the federal
versity's budget. Largest addition decrease in interest could induce government, the University will
was made to Wayne State Univer- the University to seek more gov- accept it. As collateral for the
sity, the committee recommending ernment loans for residence hall loan the University usually mort-
$1.2 million be added. Michigan construction, Vice - President f o r gages an older dormitory.
State University was also given Business and Finance Wilbur K. If Congress passes the bill with{
$900,000 more. Pierpont said last night. the 3 per cent interest rate, the
-__- commercial firms may not be able
to offer the University a lower
rate and still maintain a profit.
State Y DG vTherefore, it is possible that the;
University may reply more heavily
G ' on government loans.
Club Two Top Awards The bill, if passed by the full
committee, will go to the House
of Representatives. Its passage will
By MARK KILLINGSWORTH be a continuance of the College
Special To The Daily Housing Program in which the
LANSING-The University Young Democratic Club and its University has been active, Fran-
chairman, Michael Grondin, '66, were honored Saturday evening as crprises, said.
the outstanding Young Democratic Club and the outstanding Young Same Type of Bill
Democrat of the year at the annual State YD Convention here. Four years ago, Congress pass-
Grondin accepted the awards for himself and the University ed essentially the same type of
club from newly-elected state Young Democratic President Eugene bill which is in the House appro-
Konstant of Detroit and also-
brought back a distinguished WHY NOT BE SOCIABLE?
achievement award for Ellen Co-___
hen, '67, editor of the State Young
Democratic newsletter.1
The state Young Democratic oin The Daily an(
convention that afternoon elected
Grondin as college coordinator.
Grondin is starting his second By THOMAS R. COPI
term in the post, which was pre-
viously appointive. Mark Twain and a cohort of his once emerged from a lecture
Also elected at the conven- hall only to find that while they had been inside, the weather had
tion was M. David Vaughn, '66, a taken a turn for the worse, and it was now raining the proverbial
past president of the University cats and dogs. After watching the downpour for a period of several
YD club, first vice-president; Earl minutes, Twain's companion turned to the famous wit and asked,
Henry, of Central Michigan Uni- "Do you think it'll stop?" Twain turned nonchalontly to his friend
See related story, Page 3 and said, "It always has." Which brings us to the question of
-'- 'whether or not you should join the Daily staff. But before you
versity, second vice-president; rush blindly to the student publications building at 420 Maynard,
Lynn Hason, of Wayne State Uni- relax. Consider the alternatives. Consider, for example, the fact
versity, secretary; Janel Shogan, that attendance at concerts in the United States is greater than
of Michigan State University, re-' the attendance of all baseball and football games combined. And

priating about $350 million with
a 334 per cent interest rate, Shiel
Loans from this federal grantt
helped build Mary Markley Resi-
dence Hall, Oxford Housing, and'
part of the Northwood Apart-E
ments on North Campus.
Pierpont said that although the
University takes the original loans,1
it is the students in the housing1
unit who are actually paying back
the money. These are long-term
loans,30-35 years, "paid backrout
of the revenues'' obtained from
the residence hall fees. Once built,
these units are completely self-
supporting, he said.
Study Revision
Of Congress
WASHINGTON (R) - A special
Senate-House group opened a
study of the operations of Con-;
gress yesterday, and the first wit-
ness said the legislative process is
"no longer in tune with the gen-
eral thinking of the times."
Sen. Joseph S. Clark (D-Pa),
the initial witness, called for
changes that would:
-Abolish the Senate filibuster
-Limit speeches lasting longer
than three hours
-Permit the televising of his-
toric 'congressional debates and
votes on bills, if authorized by a
specific vote.

right that the move was a con-
cession to the rebels, but answer-
ed a question by saying this was
"as far as we'll go."
The eight removed were:
Big Fiesta
The rebels returned three Amer-
ican Seabees they captured Fri-
The Seabees said they got into
rebel territory while trailing a lost
jeep. They said they were well
fed, guarded part of the time. by
a teenage girl with a machine gun
..nd "invited to a big fiesta that
will last for 30 days once this war
is over."
In Mexico City, Uruguay and
Cuba lashed out at the United
States for its troop landings in
the Dominican Republic.
Resent U.S. Landing
The attack came during a meet-
ing of the Economic Commission
for Latin America (CEPAL). U.S.
delegate Robert M. Sayre had
pleaded Friday with the conferees
to stick to economics.
Uruguayan delegate Raul Ibar-
'a San Martin replied that eco-
nomic development and politics
cannot be separated. He said the
United States had violated a prin-
ciple of the Organization of Amer-
ican States (OAS) charter by its
unilateral action in the Domini-
can Republic.
- "No Uruguayan troops will land
in Santo Domingo," he declared.
His pledge aroused strong applause
among many delegates.
Cuba Agrees
Cuba's Francisco Garcia Valls,
deputy minister of economics ,took
a much stronger line, charging the
dispatch of American troops was
"typical" of U.S. policy.
"History once more proves us
right. The U.S. aggression is there
(in the Dominican Republic) to
stay," he said.
The Soviet Union's ambassador
to Mexico, Semion T. Bazarov, an
observer at the conference, said
his country "joins in the indig-
nation" at the U.S. troop landings
in both the Dominican Republic
and Viet Nam.

year, warned, however, that a city+
income tax may be necessary to
raise revenue inthe future.
Record Budget
She noted that, despite the rec-
ord high budget, many of City Ad-
ministrator Guy Larcom's original
requests for funds had been cut.
Yet, "In spite of these cuts of
things that are needed in a dy-
namically growing city such as
ours, our tax rate is almost to the
limitation set in the city charter.
It is certainly apparent to all of
us that there is, or will be before
we face the budget again, a need
for more revenue.
"Many different sources of rev-
enue have been suggesetd by tax
authorities, but I believe the one
we must focus on is the income
Although F. C. Pierce (D) also
said that the city would soon be
reachingits legalceiling for prop-
erty taxes, instead of advocating
an income tax, he suggested the
possibility of raising the property
tax ceiling.
Adequate Source
On the other hand, City Coun-
cil member Ricnard E. Balzhiser
(R) of the University's chemical
engineering dept. said that the
current legallimit on property tax
would be an adequate source of
revenue for Ann Arbor because of
the city's expanding tax base.
Currently the legal limit on
property taxes in Ann Arbor is
7.5 mils. The city is now taxing
at a rate .17 of a mill lower than
the legal limit.
Among the cuts made from
Larcom's original requests was
part of the appropriation for an
Ann Arbor committee to aid the
University's Sesquecentennial Cel-
ebration from $15,000 for the first
year to $12,500.

FreSe ec
eehNight Vigifl
The student protest of April 28
at Ohio State University organized
by the Free Speech Front proved
successful yesterday.
The Faculty Advisory Commit-
tee announced' that it will sub-
mit the results of its deliberations
on the Speaker's Rule controversy
to the Faculty Council June 8 in-
stead of the original date in July.
The Free Speech Front, a loose-
ly organized protest group similar
to Berkeley's Free Speech Move-
ment,rhas held anumber of ral-
lies and sit-ins and one teach-in
to protest and examine the OSU
speaker ban clause in the OSU
The original controversy arose
last April 21 when OSU Vice-
President John Corbally, Jr. in-
formed the student organization
which had invited Marxist speaker
Herbert Aptheker, to address them
that in all probability such a
speech would not be allowed.
This ban by the administration
precipitated a 1000-student picket
and sit-in at the administration
FSF resolved to take no further
action until April 28 to give Uni-
versity officials time to examine
the possibilities of liberalizing the
speaker ban regulations. However,
the administration and a faculty
committee decided to postpone
consideration of the question until
July. Finding this unsatisfactory,
FSF decided to hold an overnight
sit-in in the administration build-
ing on April 28.
After the building closed about
500 students remained and kept
an all night vigil. There were no
incidents and no arrests. The dem-
onstration was orderly and quiet.
Jeffrey Schwartz, a spokesman
for FSF, said recently that "the
all night sit-in was a victory be-
cause we were all orderly. We
will be persistent in our demands,
and we will continue to work un-
til all our demands are met."
Dean of Student Relations John
T. Bonner said, "The students
have lost considerable support
from those who were on their
side before this (concerning the
all night demonstration)."
It became apparent yesterday
that the all night vigil had ac-
complished its aims when it was
announced that in fact the Facul-

the $4,990,608 budget of fiscal 1964 were incurred by a 4 per cent
across the board wage hike to all city employes and an additional 5
per cent raise to members of the police force.
Council member Eunice Burns (D), who was defeated by the
incumbent Wendell Hulcher (R) in her bid to become mayor this

A Michigras Parade on
was also approved by the

Oct. 15

d See Your First Nickel Coke


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