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July 31, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-07-31

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Draft Quotas- How





First of a Series
There are 14.3 million American men between the ages of 17
and 26 and, in the words of one commentator, "28.6 million fingers
were crossed" when President Lyndon B. Johnson began his an-
nouncement of the next moves in Viet Nam Wednesday.
But all the finger-crossing did not work; Johnson raised the
monthly draft quota from 17,000 men per month to 35,000 men per
month in October and left room for even more call-ups. Yet mil-
itary men in all services were disappointed, reported the New
York Times, and hoped for an even higher draft to fill large gaps
in personnel both in Viet Nam and in the other potential trouble
spots. The machinery exists right now for draft quotas of up to
500,000 per month.
What, asks the student secure in his II-S student deferment
and two-point, does this mean?
One thing it might mean, according to Col. Arthur A. Holmes,
State selective service director, is that student deferments will be
harder to get.
"In the past," Holmes said yesterday,"'deferments have been
given on an individual-case basis, and generally we have been
lenient with the boys, particularly with those going to school on
part-time credits." He said he had not received any instructions
from the government as yet, and could only guess what they
would be.

"In the future," he said, "deferments will probably. be given
only to boys taking a continuing program of studies that will give
them their degree in the usual time. We are waiting for a directive
from Washington right now on student deferments."
If selective service officials tighten up on the deferment stand-
ards as Holmes indicated they might, it would mean an end to the
relative draft-free safety of what has almost become an institution
among some circles-the five year bachelor's degree.
What about students who drop out of school for a semester
or so-deliberately or on academic "request."
"If a boy does not show the sincere intention of acquiring an
education," Holmes said, "then we'll give him an education-in the
United States Army."
He said that if a student shows good cause for dropping out
then he would be treated as an individual case and probably would
not be classified I-A-draft bait.
But otherwise, if a student declares he's sick of school and
wants to take off for a semester he does it at his own risk.
The quantitative matter of how many hours a student must
take to qualify as a "student" is not the concern of the Selective
Service officials. "The university certifies the boy as a student
and we accept that," Holmes said.
The present average draft age, 20.8 years, will drop quickly
under the new draft calls, but Holmes doubted whether "it would
touch 19.0."
Even so, the new draft calls will send a lot of men into the

army. In Michigan, the draft quota from June to September this
year averaged 639 men per month. But the new draft quota, Holmes
said, would send the draft quota spiralling to 1400 per month in
The I-A single men would probably be first to be drafted, he
epplained, starting with the oldest; then the boards will start
drafting I-A married men. But Holmes doubted whether the mar-
ried men will be touched in the present draft call.
Most students' II-S classification is secure, Clark said. But
some who haven't filled out the proper forms, are in danger of
being classified I-A, particularly married students who had become
convinced that they could not be drafted.
The University's system of student deferments is based on
Fall registration, the orderly disorder of the long lines in Water-
man Gym. Students are required to fill out an IBM card at a
selective service table, which is later sent to local boards. Those
who missed the procedure in the rush of registration are advised
to contact Clark at 764-1575.
In just two monthsi the big call-up will begin: 35,000 Ameri-
cans, 1400 from Michigan. Once a boy gets the long brown
envelope, he has ten days to appeal the draft. Then he is sent
into training camps, k.p. duty-and maybe into battle.
Fingers can cross; but President Lyndon B. Johnson's words
of last Wednesday still stand.
AND PSYCHOSES-Avoiding the call-up.

line the sides of a troopship landing yesterday in Cam Ranh Bay
in South Viet Nam. Forty-three per cent of new Army troops
have to be drafted, and most enlistments are made under the
threat of the draft.

See Editorial Page

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74E ait0br

Low-S 6
Partly cloudy with
possible showers

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Greek Government Weak

suce'Crommittee Sets Student

ATHENS OP)-An extraordinary bate the tense political situation
meeting of the Greek Parliament which has pitted King Constan-
broke up in a shouting march tine's government against ousted
last night, apparently killing Premier George Papandreou and
Premier G e o r g e Anthanasiadis his supporters.
Novas' chances of winning a vote Athanasiadis Novas had hoped
of confidence. to get a vote of confidence next
With less than a sixth of the week, after a few days of debate.
300-member chamber present the With Parliament suspended in-
speaker disbanded 'the tumultuous definitely, the odds appear against
session declaring Parliament in- his chance of getting the con-
definitely suspended. stitutionally required mandate.
"Lack of a quorum constitutes, After a cabinet meeting later,I
in my opinion, an indication of the government issued a state-
disapprov.l of the government," ment denouncing Baklatzis for
he said. saying the lack of a quorum indi-
Forced Out cated disapproval of the govern-
Authorities predicted that the ment. It accused him of a "reck-
72-year-old Anthanasiadis Novas less and biased attitude."
would be forced to turn over the LndU
leadership to a compromise can- Baklatzis is a Center Unio
Parliament had convened to de- Party leader lined up with Pap-
The statement also appealed to
all political parties to cooperate in
"the normal functioning of the
parliamentary system."
Only the 20 Center Union Party
deputies, who make up Athanasia-
dis Novas' 15-day-old cabinet, ap-
% :peared for the start of the session.
::;..After the first recess, total at-
''tendance rose to 80 deputies, with
some members of the pro-Com-
munist United Democratic Left
(EDA), the Rightist National
Radical Union (ERE) and the
* Progressive Party joining in the
heated exchanges.
Boycotted Meeting
As he had vowed, Papandreou
and 142 Center Union Party depu-
ties who supported him boycotted
the meeting. But they said they
would be present if a vote of con-
fidence comes up. With 22 pro-
Communist lawmakers, they have
GEORGE PAPANDREOU Votes to topple the government.
Papandreou's deputies sat out
" the debate in the parliamentary
lounge, ready to rush in at any
sign of a vote.
The issue never came near a
Re ect nr t test.
After the second recess, even
fewer deputies were in the cham-
PITTSBURGH WA)-The United ber. The remaining deputies bang-
Steelworkers Union told the basic ed their desks and tossed papers
steel industry yesterday it would about when the speaker called it
strike the nation's mills Sept. 1 a night..
if no agreement is reached on a Several hundred persons milled
new contract. outside the Parliament building as
The union and companies were Anthanasiadis Novas rose in the
reported to be nine cents an hour assembly hall to read the Royal
apart with the union demanding Decree formally reconvening the
18 cents and the companies offer- single-house legislature. It had
ing nine cents. been in summer recess. King Con-
The union called the industry stantine arrived in Athens from
inflexible, penny-pinching and un- his summer palace on Corfu.

outside tried to push past police
guards to enter the yellow stone
Parliament building. The minister
of public security, John Toum-
bas, banned all public demonstra-
tions in the vicinity.
Tension Eased
Although tension eased with a
lull in rioting that last week
brought one death and 300 in-
jured, police were still on the alert
in downtown Athens. They ringed
the Parliament building on Con-
stitution Square, scene of some of
the bloodiest rioting.
The fall of the government
could bring back an era of un-
certainty similar to that which
existed in Greece when nine gov-
ernments collapsed between 1950
and 1152.
Constantine could be forced to
call new national elections. That
is what Papandreou wants.
The crisis arose out of a plan
by Papandreou to purge the Greek
armed forces of officers he called
political. The armed forces are
the main foundation of Constan-
stine's strength and he fought
Papandreou on the issue.
'To Review
Court Order
An order stating the findings
in the recent Circuit Court appeal
of Ann Arbor's fair housing or-
dinance has been prepared by the
city attorney's office, according to
the Ann Arbor News.
Circuit Court Judge James R.
Breakey Jr., at 2 p.m. Monday,
will review the prepared order for
possible signing. Breakey ruled
June 18 that Michigan cities have
the right to enact fair housing
legislation, a position contrary to
that taken by State Atty. Gen.
Frank J. Kelley.
But Breakey said certain pro-
cedures in the ordinance were un-
constitutional. Municipal Judge
-Francis L. O'Brien had found the
city's ordinance unconstitutional,
also on these precedural grounds.
The order prepared by City At-
torney Jacob F. Fahrner Jr. states
that the third, fourth and fifth
paragraphs of the ordinance "are
unconstitutional insofar as the
said paragraphs purport to invade
either the jurisdiction of the duly-
constituted law enforcement of-
ficers or the functioning of the
judiciary . .."

Little action has been taken in
selecting atsuccessor for Edward
Litchfield who resigned Tuesday
as chancellor of Pittsburgh Uni-
versity, Emil E. Narick, trustee
of Pittsburgh University, said last
According to Narick, the board
of trustees is waiting for the' re-
sults of a study being conducted
on university which deals with
the university's i'ole within the
academic community as well as
with its internal, administrative;
However, some repercussions of
Litchfield's work as chancellor
are being felt. Litchfield allegedly
resigned because of bad health
amid a storm of controversy over
p o s s i bl e mishandled financial
Criticism had been leveled at
Litchfield because he centralized
the budget and placed it under
his own control.
Because of this a vice-chancel-
lor, in charge of finances David
Kutzman, has been selected. Kutz-
man is directly responsible to the
Narick explained when Litch-
field took office in 1955 he in-
itiated a $208 million expansionj
program. During his term of of-
fice operating costs have risen
from $11.3 million in 1952-53 to
$46.3 million in 1963-64.
Faculty Grows
The number of full-time faculty
have also increased from 561 to
1,091 during his term as chancel-
lor and their average salary has
increased from $6,548 per year'
to $12,128 per year.
The reason for the university's;
financial change, Narick attribut-
ed to an attempt by Litchfield to;
change Pittsburgh University into
an "ivy league" school.
The increased salary attracted
better faculty and raised the
standard of education greatly, he
In fact, there were several years
in Litchfield's ten year term in
which the university did not meet
its expected enrollment figures.
Pittsburgh University has been
having financial difficulties. Litch-
field was forced to ask the Penn-
sylvania legislature for an emer-
gency loan of $2.5 million to meet'
payrolls for June and July be-
cause of lack of funds.

Fee Probe for Next Week

Reverses Decision;
Faxon Changes Sides
The House Ways and Means
Committee yesterday approved a
$60,000-planning funds appropria-
tion to meet architects' expenses
for a new classroom-office build-
ing at the University.
The $60,000 was one of several
appropriations for state-supported
schools recommended by the
group's capital outlay subcommit-
tee. It had failed to gain approval
Thursday when Rep. Jack Faxon
(D-Detroit) questioned the effi-
ciency of classroom utilization at
the University. With six members
of the 16-man committee absent, a
no vote by Rep. George Montgom-
ery (D-Detroit) and abstentions by
Faxon and Rep. Charles Conrad
(R-Jackson) had been sufficient
to kill the measure.
However, yesterday the vote was
11-0, with Montgomery and Con-
rad absent and Faxon switching
sides to support the measure.
Faxon explained that he had
held out Thursday, for more in-
formation on use of classroom
space. He' said there have since
been indications that the Univer-
sity will cooperate in providing
this information.
"Yesterday's action does not as-
sure approval of the project it-
self," Faxon said, indicating that
he hoped to have more details
about classroom use before voting
more money for the proposed new
He added that he has sent a
letter to Robert Cross, an assist-
ant to Executive Vice-President
Marvin Niehuss, requesting facts
about "the occupancy of class-
rooms at various hours of the

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-Associated Press
AMERICAN ANI$ VIETNAMESE troops take part in a raid on
suspected Viet Cong installations. Most of the mutual sorties in
the Asian Monsoon season have met with little success. The Viet
Cong attacked a remote outpost yesterday with heavy government
Viet Cong Attacks .base
In Monsoon Offensive
SAIGON (P)-Viet Cong guerrillas revived their monsoon offen-
sive with a strong attack yesterday on a militia training center at Tan
An, 75 miles southwest of Saigon. A United States spokesman said
government casualties were heavy.
Briefing officers speculated the band that hit Tan An numbered
from 125 to 500 men. Some were armed with machine guns and 57mm
recoilless rifles. The militiamen managed to turn back a demolition
squad that sought to blow up anO

Finalized Program
Approved; Discussion
With Administrators
Two auditors from the legisla-
tive auditor general's office will
begin an examination of the Uni-
versity's records next week to in-
vestigate the collection and dis-
tribution of student fee revenue.
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit),
chairman of the House Ways and
Means Committee group which
initiated the audit, said that sim
ilar studies of Michigan State
University and Wayne State Uni-
versity will follow the University
Faxon expects the auditors to
be finished in Ann Arbor in about
eight weeks.
Report Ready
"The auditors should have a re-
port ready for us in late Septem-
ber or early October," he said.
"The subcommittee will then de-
cide if additional information is
needed and probably will meet
with University officials."
Yesterday, Faxon's subcommit-
tee held its first official meeting
and approved a program for tho
probe. The plan was prepared by
the legislative auditor general's of-
fice after preliminary discussions
with University administrators last
"The program ,simply outlines
the major points we will consider,"
Faxon explained. "It in no way
limits us if we want to investigate
Present Plans
According to present plans, the
audit will focus on the following
-What essential services will
the University provide with the
additional $1.7 million in revenue
from the recent tuition hike?
-Is revenue from each student
fee being spent for the purpose
designated at the time of collec-
tion? In particular, are any stu-
dent fees other than those desig-
nated for self-liquidating opera-
tions such as residence halls be-
ing diverted to finance these proj-
-How do tuition and housing
charges at the University com-
pare with those at other state
institutions in Michigan when
they are evaluated in terms of
service per dollar?
-How. does the University fi-
nance debt servicing-that is, in-
terest payments on bonds issued
to finance construction-for its
residence hall system?
-How do the University's con-
struction costs compare with those


The galleries were filled. Crows'


Community College Plans Advancing Very Well'


Plans for the establishment of the Washtenaw County Com-
munity College are "moving along very well," Ralph C. Wenrich,
college trustee, said last night.
A young University of Michigan graduate will be named presi-
dent of the college within a few days, and the site committee is
continuing to study specific locations, Wenrich said.
At the trustee's regular session this week trustee Evart W. Ardis,
chairman of the presidential selection committee, reported that
the board had agreed unanimously to offer their choice a three
year contract.
The new resPient's name will be withheld until he is able to

recognize broad social problems and encourage people who don't
normally attend college to take advantage of this new community
facility," Harmon said.
Wenrich indicated that "we have not compromised our objectives
in selecting him."
Trustee Richard Creal reported at the meeting that with the
help of the Washtenaw County Metropolitan Planning Commission
the site committee is down to identifying specific locations within
the 11 areas the commission has studied.
Options will then be taken on several proposed sites and in
depth studies of the utilities, roads, terrain, and soil will be made
by the board's architects and engineers, Creal said.


ammunition dump at .the center.
Militia reinforcements moved
into the area, but reported no
contact with the Viet Cong.
Enemy casualties, if any, were not
Drew Criticism
The use of Okinawa as the
jumping off point for the B52
raid drew criticism in Naha, Ok-
inawa's capital, and in Tokyo,
which turned over Okinawa and
the rest of the Ryukyu Islands to
U.S. administration under the.
fJapanese World War II peace
treaty. The Ryukyu's 29-man leg-
islature adopted a resolution of
The eight-engine jets of the
U.S. Strategic Air Command had
taken refuge on Okinawa Wednes-
day from a threat posed by a ty-
phoon to their Guam base.
Brig. Gen. Nguyen Cao Ky, the
premier who still commands South
Viet Nam's Air Force, announced
the U.S. will turn over 25 jet
fighters to the Vietnamese next
Monday. The Vietnamese pilots
have been flying only propeller-

Johnson Signs
Medicare Bill
President Lyndon B. Johnson sign-
ed his $6.5 billion Medicare Bill
yesterday after journeying more
than 1,000 miles to share "this
time of triumph" with former
President Harry S. Truman.
The new law, said the 81-year-
old former President, will mean
dignity, not charity "for those of
us who have moved to the side-
Then, one hand on his cane,
Truman stepped aside as Johnson
said the vast program of medical
insurance for the elderly will
bring "the light of hope and real-
ization" to millions of Americans.
Truman sat at Johnson's el-
bow as the President etched bits
of his signature with dozens of
pens, then passed them out. The
first went to Truman himself and
another to the Senate leader, Mike
Mn~ffaPfclrl (D-Mofnt)

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