iE at
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXV, No. 56-S
A;IJLAAA A. i tMXj o
Says 'U' To Attain
Drive Goal b 1967
Receives $22.8 Million in Bid for
$55 Million; Exceeds Expectations
The University's $55 million fund drive is expected to reach its
goal by the previously-announced 1967 deadline, Vice-President for
University Relations Michael Radock said yesterday.
Contributions to date, eight months after announcement of the
campaign, total $22,765,000. "Our results have exceeded our expecta-
tion at this point in the campaign," Radock said. "Organization of
volunteers around the country is proceeding very well."
Staffed by nearly 5,000 volunteer alumni, the campaign is seek-
ing contributions from alumni, corporations, and philanthropic
-foundations. The $55 million goal
is expected to be reached in con-
? junction with the University's
150th birthday celebration in 1967.
Major Breakthrough
{ One major breakthrough has
been Chrysler Corporation's gift
of $1.3 million for the establish-
ment of the Chrysler Center for
..Continuing Engineering Educa-
tion, to be located in North Cam-
pus. This is the first significant
corporate contribution in the pro-
gram, and is expected to set a
standard for others which will
follow in the next two years,"
Radock said.
By far the largest contribution
to the campaign has been a $6
million gift from the Charles
Stewart Mott Foundation of Flint
for a 200-bed children's hospital
in the medical center.
FREDERICK E. OLIVER Truly nationwide, the campaign
is continuing to establish volun-
Faxon Stays
On Fee Hike
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit)
yesterday denied published re-
ports which suggested that he
and other legislators left a meet-
ing with University officials last
Saturday relatively satisfied that
the University's recent tuition
hike was ,justified-and, he said
he expects to have a good idea by
Thursday of specific steps to be
taken in an audit of the Univer-
sity's financial records.
"I am not satisfied with the
explanation given by University
administrators and Regents Sa-
turday," Faxon remarked. "They
presented numerous comparisons
to show that the University's fees
are not out of line with those at
other institutions," but compari-
sons do not demonstrate the need
for raising fees at a given school
at a particular time.
The reports in question were
carried both by Detroit papers
and the Daily. The Daily state-
ment-that "most of the legisla-
tors seemed relatively satisfied
that the fee hike was justified"-
was based on remarks supporting
the tuition increase by Rep. Mar-
vin Esch (R-Ann Arbor) and
State Board of Education Vice-
President Leon Fill and on gen-
eralizations by several legislators
that the meeting had been pro-
Rescind Action
Faxon, chairman of a House
Ways and Means Committee group
embarking an an investigation of
University finances, said yesterday
that he had "still hoped the Re-
gents' action (raising tuition)
would be rescinded.
Faxon explained that Saturday's
meeting had been called by the
House Committee on Colleges and
Universities to give the University
a chance to present its case. Mem-
bers of Faxon's subcommittee at-
tended the meeting after only two
days advance notice.
Faxon said he plans to consult
with the legislative auditor's of-
fice and members of his subcom-
mittee on Thursday to consider
procedure for his investigation of
the University's financial records.
A representative of the auditor's
office talked with Frederick- Oli-
ver, director of the University's
Office of Financial Analysis, Mon-
day; according to Faxon, the
auditor is preparing an agenda for
the subcommittee investigation
and should have a report ready
Not MSU or WSU
Faxon said no plans have been
made to check the books of Mich-
igan State University or Wayne
State University. These two in-
stitutions have not raised their
tuition for the 1965-66 academic
teer worker committees in cities
around the country every week.
The campaign is directed by a
National Executive Committee
composed of prominent alumni
and headed by Regent Paul
Goebel, national chairman of the
West Coast Visit
Radock has just returned from
a week-long visit with alumni and
volunteers in the West Coast cities
of Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Portland, Ore., Tacoma, Wash.,
and Seattle, Wash.
Response to the drive was quite
enthusiastic even from graduates
two and three thousand miles
away, who have not seen the Uni-
versity in two and three decades,
Radock said.
Radock spent an afternoon in
Tacoma with Edgar Eisenhower,
alumnus and brother of the for-
mer President, whom he found to
be a very enthusiastic worker as
well as a significant contributor
to the fund.
An office has just been .:et up
in San Francisco to service cam-
paign workers among the 12.000
alumni in that area, Radock in-
This month staff members are
surveying interests in other states
in preparation for $55 million
Dollar Campaign Committees in
cities there, he said.
Claims 60,000
U.S. Birchers
BOSTON (p-) - Robert Welch,
founder and head of the John
Birch Society, says the militantly
conservative society has 60,000 to
100,000 members and its member-
ship is "increasing quite rapidly
at the present time . . . especially
since last summer."
Asked if he could give a closer
estimate, Welch said, "Well, that's
close enough because people have
thought we had a million or half a
million or ten thousand . ."
Owner May
Appeal Case
Grounds Are Sought
By Defense Lawyer
The Michigan Civil Rights Com-
mission, handling its first formal
case on alleged racial bias in pri-
vate housing, yesterday ordered
the Cutler Hubble Co. to stop
discriminating in renting apart-
The CRC decision could be the
wedge needed to open housing
areas long closed to Negroes.
"I've always believed that the
impact of what we do is more far-
reaching than just the statistics
of our complaints," Sidney M.
Shevitz, one of the eight commis-
sion members, said yesterday.
100 Complaints
The commission has studied
more than 100 housing complaints
since its inception in January,
1964, but until yesterday all were
settled without resort to formal
hearings and legal orders.
The CRC ruled that the Hubble
realty firm, 5700 Woodward, De-
troit, acted unlawfully in March,
1964, when it told Bunyan Bryant,
a Negro University student in the
social work school, that there were
no units open in the Parkhurst
and Arbordale apartments in Ann.
In hearings held a month ago,
three white witnesses testified
that they were shown severall
availableapartments in thesame
buildings the week Bryant was re-
The commission ordered Hubble
to cease and desist from such
practices and to offer Bryant the
next available apartment in the
Arbordale-Parkhurst complex if
he wants it.
Hubble's attorney, John L.
Starrs, said he was studying the
decision, seeking .grounds for
Starr argued at the hearings
that the leasing of the apartment
is a privilege of a realty firm, not
a civil right of the tenant.
The commission disagreed, clas-
sifying the leasing of an apart-1
ment is the civil right of a ten-
ant and concluding that Hubble
was violating the civil rights of
Bryant in not renting to him.
The Ann Arbor chapter of the
Congress of Racial Equality has
led protest actions over the past
two years aimed at forcing Cutler1
Hubble to stop alleged discrimina-
tion at their apartment houses in
both Detroit and Ann Arbor.
Besides supporting Bryant in his
legal action, the protests have fea-
tured picketing at both the Cutler
Hubble offices in Detroit and the
Parkhurst-Arbordale complex in
Ann Arbor.
Tenants in the Hubble apart-
ments in Ann Arbor who have1
shown sympathy to CORE charged
last year that they were exicted
from their apartment before their
lease was due to expire. Alan
Jones and Daniel Grey asserted
in August, 1964, that they were
evicted from Parkhurst - Arbor-
dale because of connections with
The Hubble Co. was charged
with two cases of discrimination1
before the case of Bryant. Both
of these dated from early 1964. 1
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# h 4
-Associated Press
NORTH VIETNAMESE anti-aircraft emplacements around Hanoi are shown on this map released
yesterday by the Department of Defense. The two numbered six and seven gust left of center)
were attacked yesterday by U.S. Air Force planes. The arrow to the left of the bombed bases in-
dicates where a U.S. fighter plane was shot down Saturday.
MVissile Sites
Johnson To Disclose Next
Moves in 11:30 A.M. Speech
Three U.S. Planes Shot Down in Raid;
Humphrey Hints Raised Draft Quotas
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Air Force jets streaked in at low level yesterday
and bombed two Russian-made antiaircraft missile sites in North
Viet Nam. Pilots reported one site destroyed and the other damaged.
Three F105 fighter bombers out of an attacking force of 46
planes were shot down by intense antiaircraft gunfire, U.S. spokesmen
Meanwhile, President Lyndon B. Johnson announced a televised
news conference for 11:30 this morning to repott his next moves in
Viet Nam.
Reveal Next Move
Johnson's press secretary, Bill D. Moyers, was asked whether the
President would disclose at his news conference the results of recent
policy sessions. He said Johnson
could be expected to reveal any
conclusions he has reached as a
result of the talks.
Gamson Discusses 'Taking a Stand'
"That the Teach-In at the Uni-
versity of Michigan was a success
is clear; yet what quality did it
have that the University professed
to have, though in fact, lacked?"
Prof. William Gamson of the
sociology department then began
to answer replies to this and oth-
er questions, at the fourth Noon
Book Discussion at the Michigan
Union. Gamson did not comment
specifically upon the two "read-
ings"-Clark Kerr's "Uses of the
University," nor Nathan Pusey's
"Age of the Scholar." He also
curiously skirted his announced
topic, "Purposes of the University:
The University and International
But he did say a great many
good things: about the "shift in
commitment on the part of edu-
cator and public," about a will-
ingness on the part of both to risk
futile actions, about decision-mak-
ing on the international scale,
and about our own Teach-In and
its importance in relationship to
the "shift," international decision-
making, and other such actions.
"A recent cartoon by Jules Feif-
fer in the Michigan Daily is one
quite visible symptom of what I
call a changed atmosphere in
American society," Gamson began.
"The professor looks anguished
and says he has published, is liked
by faculty, colleagues, and stu-
dents, yet no one has asked him
to sign a petition on ending the
war in Viet Nam! The situation
has been gradual in developing,
say from the end of the McCar-
thy era. What has ended? Briefly,
it is the reluctance to take public
"Certainly the violent attacks
may have not ended-yet some of
these new 'name-signers,' picket-
ers, seem to be emerging from the
thirties or forties. The shift is
evident by asking 'Where now is
the burden of proof?' Before the
shift, a group of activists were
on the defensive. Now it seems,
there is a special kind of guilt
for non-involvement, non-commit-,
ment; fear of not taking a stand!"
"The shift ,then, is a normative
one to engagement, involvement,
commitment. And I think we
must look to the Civil Rights
Movement as the impetus of this
shift. For they have made this
changed atmosphere legitimate.
Civil Rights'
"There is, in short, no longer
a passive acceptance of deci-
sions. What civil rights have shown
us is that you can fight city
hall; more, you can fight the
White House-and win."
Gamson then went onto talk
of the willingness on the part of
the public to confront seemingly
"unchangeable" situations and in
spite of everything, attempt to
change them. He gave several
homely anecdotes in his delinea-
tion of the "rationality of irra-
tionality." "Direct action now is
not seen as eccentric," said Gam-
son. "And these actions are not
just those of isolated individuals
but collective entities.' '
From this point, Gamson went
into a discussion of the sense of
futility direct action has been
confronted with in the area of
foreign policy. "It is difficult to
begin. Who do we influence; who
has the responsibility?"
Little Effect
"For a variety of reasons in the
past, public opinion has had little
effect upon foreign policy. There
is the simple problem of lack of
knowledge, data, to make judg-
ments upon."
Samson concluded with an an-
alysis of the Teach-In in relation
to this normative shift and for-
eign policy impotence. "To see the
Teach-In against this massive im-
potence and to realize that it has
had some effect is monumental.
We have a great debt to civil
rights, but also there were many
who Were waiting, waiting for
that one phone call to respond."
He ended by giving an example
of how the Teach-In had actually
taught, how it had involved peo-
ple-hecklers and supporters alike
-in the common goal of some
sort of settlement. "It was no
longer a case, in the seminars, of
a "debate" atmosphere. These
people became involved in team-
work toward a solution. Their dif-
ferences were accommodated and
they worked together for change."
Send Doctors
To Viet Nam
Johnson has been presiding at
a steady round of top level meet-
ings to hammer out, new policies
in the wake of Secretary of De-
fense Robert S. McNamara's spe-
cial five-day mission to South
Viet Nam. These talks, under way
since McNamara returned last
Wednesday, reached their climax
Thedraid on the missile em-
placements had been called for
by many Republicans, and yester-
day's raid was hailed by many of
U.S. officials have presumed
that, as in Cuba, Soviet techni-
cians and possibly Soviet service-
men have been installing the sites
and probably would man the
weapons at first.
The missiles and their related
equipment are Russian made.
The raid yesterday was aimed
at two previously undiscovered
surface missile sites about 40 miles
northwest of Hanoi. Also struck
were barracks used by personnel
at the sites.
Semimobile Equipment
The two new sites, the Pentagon
said, used semimobile equipment
which could be installed in as little
as 24 hours.
They are in addition to five
missile sites around Hanoi previ-
ously identified and described as
under construction.
Two pilots of the raid were seen
parachuting from their stricken
planes, 'the Defense Department
said. Radio Hanoi reported six
U.S. planes were shot down and
three American pilots captured.
The raid came three days after
an Air Force F-4C Phantom jet
fighter bomber was downed in a
raid near Hanoi.
First Incident
At the time, the Defense De-
partment said there were indica-
King To Start~
Voter Crusade
For Cleveland
By The Associated Press
At a meeting of seven Cleveland
civil rights groups last night, Mar-
tin Luther King, Ji. pledged him-
self and the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference he heads
to a massive voter-registration
drive in Cleveland.
The aim of the drive, centered
on Cleveland's Negro population,
is to remove by ballot all city of-
ficials and members of the city's
board of education who are con-
sidered to be against the civil
rights movement.
At the end of the discussion
King's assistant, Ralph D. Aber-
nathy said the main goal of call-
ing for a "grand alliance of labor,
civil rights groups and religious
organizations is to attack the pri-
mary problems of education and
police brutality."
Ready for Jail
"We are ready to go to jail in
Cleveland," Abernathy said, "and
we will stand with you and do
whatever you want us to do-as
long as you want us to. They had
better get the Cleveland jails
King, who arrived earlier yes-
terday, said he wanted to get a
"first-hand picture" of housing,
employment' and educational con-
In New Orleans a federal judge
dismissed civil contempt charges
against one Bogalusa police officer
yesterday and told the justice de-
partment to get more information
about a civil rights arrest in the
troubled town.
Fight Interrupts
The complex legal proceedings
were interrupted by a rhubarb be-
tween a white man and a Negro in
the Federal Courts Building. They
were hauled before the judge for
obstructing the administration of
The hearing deals with charges
that police didn't obey the judge's
orders to protect legal protest
riomn n -tn
See Related Stories
Page Two
Street Fair To Offer Objets d'Art
The sixth annual Ann Arbor Street Fair opens today on closed-off
East and South University Avenues.
The fair, sponsored jointly by the South University Business-
men's Association and the Ann Arbor Art Association, will run for
four days and will-offer objets d'art of 350 artists from Ohio, In-
diana, New York and Michigan.
For the first time in the history of the fair the works have been
juried to raise the quality of the art exhibited. All media from
ceramics to painting, sculpture, weaving, and hand-done jewelry
will be represented.
With a budget of $4,800 this year, the fair is also supported by
the University, the Ann Arbor Jaycees, the Chamber of Commerce,
and the Ann Arbor Recreation Department. The street fair will be
composed of wooden booths.
Individual artists and organizations such as the Ann Arbor
.T_ . I -_ .. . 3. . _ - . 7 1- - .- . . .. .1
tions that the Phantom was struck
by a ground-to-air antiaircraft
missile. Assistant Secretary of De-
fense Arthur Sylvester confirmed
this yesterday.
Sylvester said there were no re-
ports of missiles being fired at
yesterday's attacking planes or of
any hostile air action.
An Air Force spokesman said
that the 46 striking fighter bomb-
ers were protected by fighter es-
corts that probably stayed above
the battle in a combat air patrol.
They were there to meet any
challenge but the Communists evi-
dently chose not to send up their
MIG fighters based at fields near
Johnson Speech
There has been considerable
speculation that Johnson might
call to active duty some National
Guard and reserve units and ex-
pand draft calls in order to in-
crease the number of American
combat forces in South Viet Nam.
Johnson's decision to consult
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