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July 22, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-07-22

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See Editorial Page



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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


VOL LXXV, No. 52-S




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An Editorial.
SO WHAT IF ROGER HEYNS leaves the University? Is that
really so terrible? Aren't there always other competent ad-
ministrators around to keep house? Wouldn't Heyns, in fact, be
more useful to Berkeley than to the University, in whatever
position? And why, after all, is it of any importance to the
students anyway?
One at a time.
-Yes, it is terrible. Faculty have declared en masse that it
would be a disaster. The University's corps of seven vice-presidents
is extremely strong and effective. But the vital link, the link to
faculty throughout the University, would be lost without Heyns.
-Yes, there are probably some other competent administra-
tors around to keep the academic affairs house in order. But we
need more. We need a planner, an innovator, a persuader and a
sympathizer. We have one who is the envy of every institution
in the country. Let's not lose him.
-No, Berkeley doesn't need him any more than the Univer-
sity does. Berkeley has already got the man they need to do the
job: Meyerson. They should let him do it. This university has a
long way to go yet before it can really call itself what it pre-
tends to be-a great institution.
-It is important to the students for two reasons: Heyns is
the person most responsible for the quality of education they get
at the University; and he has shown the same sympathy and
concern and thoughtfulness about student academic affairs that
he has about faculty academic affairs. He is willing to align him-
self on the side of students interested in getting an education here.
YES, IT WOULD BE A DISASTER if Roger Heyns left the
-Judith Warren, Co-Editor
-Robert Johnston, Editor, 1965-66
-Jeffrey Goodman, Editorial Director, 1965-66
-Edward Herstein, Sports Editor

Greeks Rioting over
Papandreou Ouster
ATHENS, Greece (P)-More than 10,000 screaming demonstrators
fought club-wielding police last night in wild street fighting that
saw dozens of foreign tourists felled by tear gas hurled against the
At least one person was killed and 150 were injured as the vio-
lence over the king-versus-parliament crisis turned Athens into a
The man killed was a 25-year-old Athens student.
Police patrolled the littered and blood-stained streets during the
worst night of rioting to shake the capital of this Atlantic Alliance
nation in years.
For nearly three hours, almost up to midnight, police using clubs,
half-track trucks, fire engines and tear gas fought running battles






'FacUlty Give Regents
Statements on Heyns
Expressions .of concern over the possible resignation of Vice-
President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns to accept the
chancellorship at California's Berkeley campus reached a peak yes-
terday as the Regents were inundated with letters and other state-
ments from the faculty..
Tuesday afternoon the Senate Advisory Committee on University
Affairs held an unprecedented summer meeting and unanimously

passed a statement assuring the

Regents of support in whatever1
moves they might take to retain
Similar statements have been
prepared and passed by: the aca-
demic advisory council, consisting
of the college deans and the head;
of the library; the executive com-
mittee of the literary college; and,
a group of department chairmen
and institute directors.;
The Detroit News said yester-
day, "What some faculty members
have talked about - for many"
years actually-is an administra-
tive reorganization that would
create a. position between the
presidency and the seven second-
echelon vice-presidents."
The Regents will hold their reg-
ular monthly meeting tonight and
tomorrow. Only the afternoon ses-
sion tomorrow is public. Heyns
told the News that he would re-
turn from vacation for the public
Prof. Clarence K. Pott, chair-
man of the German department,
commenting on- the faculty reso-
lution, said, "Our only motive is to
let the Regents know that they
have the full support of the fac-
ulty in any steps they think might
be necessary to keep Heyns-to
strengthen their hand, so to{
Heyns has been mentioned fre-
quently to replace President Har-
lan Hatcher when he reaches
mandatory retirement age in 1967.
News of the Berkeley offer came
out last week when two California
regents said that Heyns was be-
ing "carefully considered' for the

'To Argue
Girard Case
A hundred-year-old dispute in-
volving civil rights, education and
law will come one step closer to
an end today when federal and
state officials meet with trustees
of Philadelphia's Girard College
to arrange a judicial test for a
white-only clause in Girard's rules.
The white-only clause was en-
tered about 117 years' ago when
Stephen Girard left $5 million for
a school for "white male orphans";
long standing controversy erupted
into violence on July 12 when
pickets of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People (NAACP) clashed with
police during a hearing.
Court Test
The officials.are meeting to de-
cide on a mutually acceptable
method of bringing the case to
court. Girard College's 13 trustees
have agreed to abide by a decision
of the courts-although they may
appeal an unfavorable decision all
the way to the Supreme Court.
NAACP pickets have been parad-
ing around the building day and
night since May 1. There has been
no reported violence since the
July 12 outbreak.
Controversial Clause
The first court involved in a
question would probably be the
Philadelphia Orphans C o u r t,
which handles wills.
Earlier, one court ruling had
allowed the college to keep the
white-only clause of Girard's will,
but had caused the governing body
of the college, the trustees, to
change to a body of private in-
dividuals from its previous com-
position of city officials.
The July 12 rioting occurred as
Pennsylvania Gov. William W.
Scranton and Philadelphia Mayor
James Tate were meeting with
school representatives.
At least five persons were ar-
rested outside the 20-story build-
ing where the hearing was being
held, just four blocks from City
Two policemen were taken to
Philadelphia General Hospital af-
ter being kicked during the melee.
The fighting lasted less than ten
minutes; state employees sealed off
the building's eight elevators to
prevent anyone from trying to
reach the penthouse meeting room
where the hearing was being held.
The white-only condition is now
held unconstitutional. The ques-
tion is whether Girard's will can
be broken.
This case is similar to one at
Sweet Briar College in Virginia.
The school is endowed in a will
stipulating that only white wom-
en be admitted.

with the rioters demonstrating
for ousted Premier George Pa-
Broken glass from store win-
dows glistened in the streets,
splotched here and there by blood.
In the midst of the rioting, as
the city resounded to the crash
and screams of fighting, new
Premier George Athanasiadis No-
vas went on the air to appeal for
Papandreou, at the same time,
vowed to continue his fight to re-
turn to'the job from which King
Constantine ousted him in a
royal power struggle over control
of the armed forces.
Papandreou said the basic ques-
tion was whether the king or the
parliamentary cabinet had the
real power in Greece.
Many of his followers want to
get rid of Constantine. In a
country where three kings have
been exiled in similar fights, the
crisis held crucial significance for
25-year-old Constantine and his
Danish queen, Anne Marie.
Greece was in its worst crisis
since the Communist civil war of
Police reported 40 of their men
were among the injured. Fifty
persons were arrested.
The battle raged for nearly three
hours before a degree of calm was
Rioters, coughing and weeping
from the gas, trampled one an-
other trying to flee the club-
swinging gas-masked police..
Ambulances criss - crossed the
heart of the city, bringing first-
aide teams and carrying injured
to hospitals. The streets were
littered with casualties.
In Salonika, Greece's second
largest city, 20,000 demonstra-
tors attended a mass rally for
Papandreou in the football sta-
dium. They burned an effigy of
the new premier while shouting
Athanasiadis Novas said he
would ask Parliament for a vote
of confidence July 30. If he loses
it, under Greek parliamentary
rules he is supposed to quit.

Say Viet Cong Weant To Talk

Two members of the teach-in
novement returned yesterday from!
Viet Nam and said they had news
:f a major new peace proposal
irom the National Liberation Front
)f South Viet Nam.
The two are Robert S. Browne,
economics professor at Farleigh
Dickenson University, Teaneck,
thew Jersey, and Carl Ogesby pres-
ident of Students for a Demo-
,ratic Society. A third member,
Jonathan Mirsky, professor of
hinese at Pennsylvania State
University, remained in Viet Nam
to tour the countryside.
The three Made up a fact find-
ing mission whose purpose was to
sound out Vietnamese opinion on
all questions associated with the
intensifying war. The group talk-
sd with former and present gov-
arnment officials, religious lead-
ers, students, businessmen, intel-
lectuals, and other citizens.
The group made contact with
spokesmen for the National Lib-
aration Front first in Paris on
July 5, then in Saigon on July 7,
and in Hue, Viet Nam on July 14.
It was in Saigon, from Eric Wolfe,
a German doctor who has been in
Viet Nam for many years and who

* Two Houses
Wil Approv
Compro mise
To Increase Benefits,
Establish Insurance,
Hospital Programs
ence committee of the House an
Senate agreed yesterday on tern
of a historic bill to provide hos
pitalization and other medic
services for all Americans over 6
It provides also for higher soci
was security pension payments.,
nedy Of highest priority to Presider
aedy Lyndon B. Johnson and his legit
ap- ,lative lieutenants, the bill will 1
put to the House and then to n
Senate for final approval begi
ning Tuesday. That approval ar
Johnson's signature are considere
a cinch.

rias contacts with the NLF, that
they first learned of the specific
four-point proposal of the Front.
According to Browne and Ogles-
by, the NLF apparently no longer
insists on the withdrawal of U.S.
forces as a precondition for ne-
;otiations. The four points of the
plan are
-Immediate cessation of all mil-
itary action in both South and
North Viet Nam
-A temporary freeze of both
sides' zones of occupation in South
Viet Nam.
-Negotiations between all in-
terested parties, including North
and South Viet Nam, the USSR,
China, the United States, and the
-Withdrawal from the South
of all non-Vietnamese interests
when the -basis for a coalition
government had been achieved.
Oglesby said, "The two major
obstacles to peace so far have been
the NLF's requirement that the
U.S. withdraw before talks can be-
gin and Washington's refusal to
recognize the NLF as a separate
voice in negotiations. The first ob-
stacle now seems to be removed.
If the U.S. will remove the sec-
onli, there may be a distinct op-

Urge Federal Participation.

ALTHOUGH MEDICARE LEGISLATION was proposed in Harry Truman's administration, it
labeled a "socialistic" measure and was defeated. Similar legislation supported by John Kenn
was bogged down in Congress, but yesterday the conference committee of the House and Senate
proved a medicare bill backed by President Lyndon B. Johnson.



portunity for an honorable cessa-
tion of conflict."
Browne pointed out further
that "the new NLF proposal does
not oblige the U.S. to agree to an
unacceptable downgrading of the
South Vietnamese government. It
is now possible for the U.S. to
test the sincerity of the other side
by calling for a temporary and
unconditional cease-fire during
which time all movement of men
and arms would be frozen and
opportunities for negotiation could
be explored."
The new NLF proposal, which
was also presented to the Ameri-
can delegation of ministers to
Viet Nam, a group of church of-'
ficals who sponsored their own
fact-finding mission, was report-
ed to offilcals at the U.S. embassy
in Saigon, the two said.
According to Browne, the group
found strong support for an im-
mediate cease-fire among the vast
majority of the Vietnamese to
whom it spoke. Oglesby noted one
official of the present regime of
Gen. Kao Ky as saying, "This war
is murdering Viet Nam."
The trip to Viet Nam was made
by Browne, Mirksy, and Oglesby
under the sponsorship of the In-
ter-University Committee for Oe-
bate on Foreign Policy, a group
which represents a continuation
of the teach-in movement on a
national level.
The results of the trip were
aired at a meeting of members of
the teach-in group last night, at
which Oglesby spoke in detail of
the trip.
The mission to Viet Nam war
was made by Browne Mirsky, and
Oglesby under the sponsorship of
the Inter-University Committee
for Debate on Foreign policy, a
group which represents a contin-
uation o fthe teach-in movement
on a national level. Similar mis-
sions are being considered forsthe
near future.
Booth To Open
A new information center will
begin operation next Monday on
the diag.
The center, valued at nearly
$3000, was the gift of the Class of
1964. It will be used for adver-
tising signs by student and Uni-
versity organizations.
"It is hoped the center will con-
trol the haphazard display of big
board signs around the diag and
serve as an attractive and func-
tional improvement to the main
campus area," Lauren Bowler,
president of the Senior Board for
1964, told President Harlan Hatch-
er in presenting the gift.
The nine-foot center has ver-
tical alumnium pillars, topped
with decorative four-foot plastic
squares and globe lights.
Four - foot - square signboards,
with burlap coverings to, allow'
pins. will be placed between the

This majorkbreakthrough in
social legislation will attempt to
strike at the burdens of old age in
three major ways:
* Establish a comprehensivi
hospitalization, nursing home and
home nursing program for every-
one over 65.
* Set up a voluntary insurance
system providing payment for
some doctor and dental surgeon
* Increase by 7 per cent al
cash benefits under the already
established old age, survivors an
disability insurance program.
Benefits Retroactive
The increase in benefits is retro
active to last Jan. 1. If the bil
becomes law before the end o
July, the social security admin
istration plans to mail checks fo
nearly $1 billion in-retroactive in
crease along with the regula
September checks.
This broadest expansion of th
social security system since it waE
established 30 years ago will bring
with it higher social security taxes
A worker earning $6,600 or mor
will pay $277.20 next year and hi
employer a like amount. This yea
the tax on each was $174.
Final agreement was reached a
a sixth meeting of the conferees
They began last Wednesday th
arduous business of resolving th
513 changes the Senate made it
the House-passed bill.
Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La
exulted when the conferees wor
was done: "The many provision:
of the bill that, provide for tb
aged, the poor people, the children
the blind and the disabled mak
me want to cheer."
Senate Version
As the bill cleared the Hous
April 8 it carried about $6 billio
in benefits. The Senate was mor
liberal, and when it was done wit
the bill July 9 it carried about $7.
billion for America's pensioners.
At the same time, the Senat(
wrote in a larger tax bite than tb
House had.
In general, the conferees fol
lowed the Senate's course with on(
especially significant exception:. :
junked a Senate amendment t
allow workers to retire at 60 an
receive two-thirds of the benefil
that normally would come to ther
at 65.

Talks Continue
To Ban Latin
Nuclear Arms,
Latin American sources said yes-
terday that the United States,
Britain and the Soviet Union had
agreed in principle to support a
proposal to keep Latin America
free of nuclear weapons. They said
France was reserved.
The informants told reporters
the United States was agreeable
provided there was proper verifi-
cation of the agreement and proper
delimitation of the zone to be
They said the Soviet Union de-
clared it favored nuclear-free zones
in general and would support one
for Latin America provided Cuba
was included.
Cuba Declines
However, they explained, Cuba
declined to enter into such an
agreement unless the United States
wolud abandon its bases on Cuba's
Guantanamo Bay and in Puerto
Rico and Panama.
Brazil first proposed in 1962 that
the general assembly endorse the
idea of a nuclear-free Latin Amer-
ica. Mexico took up the idea in
1963, and sponsored a resolution
with Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecua-
dor and Uruguay.
The resolution, which the assem-
bly adopted, approved the idea
that Tatin American countries

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - A group of
about 1000 leaders in education,
business, labor and government
submitted a report to President
Lyndon B. Johnson yesterday urg-
ing the federal government to ex-
pand its participation in educa-
tional matters from the pre-school
to the graduate levels.
Presentation of the report mark-
ed the end of a two-day White
House conference on education,
attended by several University
representatives, including Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher and Regent
Eugene B. Power. Johnson ad-

dressed the conferees shortly
after receiving the report.
The conference pressed for ex-
pansion of Operation Head Start,
a program started last summer to
aid culturally deprived children
who will enter the first grade in
the fall.
More Preparation
Eight weeps of pre-school prep-
aration as now provided by Oper-
ation Head Start isn't enough, the
conferees contended; help should
begin no later than age three for
youngsters who otherwise would
begin first grade with no vocabu-
lary and no incentive to learn.

Dentistry Research Grains New Impoetus,

A panel agreed that the pro-
gram should be expanded to help
children earlier and continue giv-
ing them help through the second
and third grades. Several speak-
ers also noted the value of getting
parents of slum children involved
in the program.
Dr. Benjamin. Spock, noted
authority on child care, warned,
however, that it is important to
think in terms not of educating
the parents, but of accepting
them. The parents too often feel
despised by the schools, he said.
During discussions on desegre-
gation Tuesday, the conferees
blamed Congress, the federal gov-
ernment, parents, clergymen andl
educators for slowing the pace of
Also on Wednesday, Gov. John
Reed of Maine and President-
Emeritus James B. Conant of
Harvard both asserted that the
states must take the lead in guid-
ing education with the federal
government serving only when
asked. However, Reed said that
he was happy because the federal
government has been active in the
educational sphere.
Summarizing the position of a
panel, Reed said: "I'm delighted
to see the federal government take
an increasing role in education,
but the states should remain
prime movers."
Conferees Praised
Johnson praised the conferees
vYsterdav. saying we are "busy

In an effort to determine guidelines for restoring damaged or
destroyed teeth, scientists at the dentistry school have constructed
what may be the world's most elaborate tooth.
The purpose of the development of the 'tooth' is to provide a
delicate measuring system which can measure muscle forces in
human teeth.
Scientists have crammed six miniature radio "stations," which
have 28 electronic components with special bondings and two re-
chargeable batteries into an artificial tooth.
More than two years of planning and assembly as well as a
number of refinements in miniaturization, telemetry and solid state
physics were needed before the 'tooth' could be created.
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Otherwise, the conferees agre
with the Senate that the fi:
$6,600 of income should be subje
to social security taxes. The Hou
had chosen $5,600 for 1966 throu
1970 and $6,600 afterward.
And, although social securi
statisticians are still counting
the dollars and cents, they es
mate the benefits will approach
A health care program for olc
Americans was first advanced,
a limited scale, in the Truman a
ministration two decades ago.
ran into charges of socialized me
icine and never got off the grour
These cries were no less stride
when the late President John
Kennedy advanced a broaden
program and when Lyndon
Johnson embraced it upon acce
ing to thepresidency. They ha
largely subsided of late, thou

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