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July 21, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-07-21

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Warming trends
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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


The Phenomenon of Man



"One can walk a mile with
Teilhard. Or, daring to leap as
far as thought cant project, one
can come to stand on the edge
of the cosmos and share his
hope that nothing can be lost."
Sister Zoe Barry was speak-
ing to the third Office of Re-
ligious Affairs "Noon Book Dis-
cussion" in a packed room of
over 200 in the Michigan Union
on Teilhard de j Chardin, the
French Jesuit who was restrict-
ed by his Church from publish-
ing his revolutionary thoughts
about evolution and what it
meant for Christianity. Since
Teilhard's death in 1955 and
the subsequent release of his
manuscripts, he has become
something of a phenomena
himself -this sincere, charm-
ing, simple man who suffered
restriction of his thought, in
Reference and Parallel
Sister Zoe found it impos-
sible to approach the book un-
der discussion - "The Pheio-
menon of Man" -without ref-
erence and parallels to earlier
works. "A focus on 'The Phe-
nomenon of Man' by way of
such works as 'The Divine
Milieu,' 'The Future of Man,'
and 'The Hymn to the Uni-
verse,', may disappoint anyone
who has a nodding acquaint-
ance with the book and who is
after a scientific treatment of
the scientific minutiae behind
his vision.
"Surely Teilhard d e s e r v e s
such treatment," she continued,
"and is receiving i$. However,

he does not deserve to be re-
stricted in test-tube analyses.
"In his own preface he
wrote: 'This book deals with
man solely as a phenomenon;
but it also deals with the whole
phenomenon of man . . . my
only aim in these pages-and
to this aim all my powers are
bent-is to see; that is to say,
to develop a homogeneous and
coherent perspective of our
general experience of man. A
whole which unfolds.'"
A Whole Which Unfolds
T h o u g h Teilhard suffered
one "little death" after another
in restriction, he continued to
write and to think in terms of
,wholeness, continued to see
man not as fragmental, but as
the axis of the Universe. "Not
a static centre of the world-
as he for so long believed him-
self to be-but as the axis and
leading shoot of evolution,
which is something much finer.
"I ask you to share with me
the vision he held, and to sus-
pend for the moment a scrutiny
of the lens through which he
saw," said Sister Zoe. "For the
biologico - pelientologico - an-
thropologico-physical lens is a
technical instrument which can
only be adequately handled by
specialists in the various fields.
"For all who are interested
in the human, in our common
heritage, our present milieu
and our common goal, Teil-
hard's vision is exciting and
Sister Zoe outlined "The
Phenomenon" as a continua-
tion of themes in earlier works.

"He is well aware that he is
trampling through well-kept
gardens. This sense of motion,
of change and progress can be
seen in the first essay in the
earlier collection, 'The Future
of Man.'
"Teilhard's theory-that we
have been moving, are still
moving and will continue until
we reach what he calls the
'Omega Point' - results from
his studies and investigations
in anthropology and paleon-
tology, as well as from his in-
tuition." He visualizes the
emergence of mail from a "gen-
eral groping of the world," and
sees him now, as the controller
of the evolutionary process, di-
recting the unity of mankind.
What happens in the future
then, is our task.
Spiritual and Intellectual
Teilhard's vision was present-
ed as a spiritual as well as an
intellectual construct. Unlike'
his influences, the Bergsonians,
the Existentialists, the Marx-
ists, Teilhard's vision could
suggest more than mere direc-
tion, unity, simple "together-
Sister Zoe ended with a
question to the audience; a
question that had bothered her,
a student of the humanities:
"Which side, scientific or aes-
thetic, was Teilhard on?" One
man replied that he thought
"sides" were contrary to Teil-
hard's concept of wholeness,
but that he was "a poet; a
scientist who uses poetic lan-
guage to express what is be-
yond the language of science."

Approves $601 Million

Protect 1Pr
BOGALUSA (A)-City police show
and officers scattered a group of whites
white restaurant yesterday.
The change came as public officials
moderation. There have been no maj
Several hecklers from across the s
as five Negroes integrated a ,restaura
whites to disperse. The Negroes were se
rants without incident. Thee

-Associated Press

LAWYER AND LABOR Consultant Arthur Goldberg was named
yesterday to replace Adlai Stevenson as United 5tates Ambassa-
dor to the United Nations. Goldberg reluctantly accepted the job
--leaving his Supreme Court post-because President Lyndon B.
Johnson had asked him to do so
5G.oldberg Named
U.N. Ambassador
WASHINGTON M)-President Lyndon B. Johnson plucked a re-
luctant Justice Arthur J, Goldberg from the relative calm of the
Supreme Court yesterday and thrust him into the maelstrom of
world politics as ambassador to the United Nations.
"I'd ratherthe President hadn't asked me to assume this duty; in
all candor," Goldberg said after his surprise appointment to succeed
the late Adlai E. Stevenson.
He said he agreed to step down from the Supreme Court-"the
culmination of everything I could have hopel for in life-" only


Pianist Says U' R



4because the President told him it
was his duty.
The WAhite House said Johnson
announced the appointment only
about an hour after coming to a
final decision yesterday morning
to pick Goldberg from among a
list of some 30 prominent Ameri-
Goldberg, former secretary of
labor and before that a noted la-
bor lawyer and mediator, pledged
to work for peace through inter-
national law.
"It is that or doom-and we all
know it," he said at the White
Goldberg takes a $9500 yearly
salary cut in the $30,000 post.
The questions raised most often
in private conversation were: Why
did Goldberg leave a lifetime job
of great power to take a post he
could hold only at the President's
pleasure? How would the Arab
delegations react to U.S. represen-
tation by a Jewish delegate?
Those who know Goldberg ex-
plain his decision by saying he is
a very dedicated man and a man
of action and that for these rea-
sons the UN job appealed to
him. He has long been an ardent
supporter of the world organiza-
Some non-Arab delegates ex-
pressed belief that the Arabs
were going to be unhappy about
Goldberg's appointment, but Arab
diplomats reacted cautiously. Dr.
Izzat Tannous, New York repre-
sentative of the Palestine Liber-
ation Organization, said that if
Goldberg proves to be a Zionist
"it's a very bad choice."
One Arab delegate said the ap-
pointment wouldn't make much
difference because U.S. policies are
made in Washington and not at
the United Nations.

Pianist Philippe Entremont's
last stop on a busy American tour
was the University. He knew this
last performance before a two-
month vacation would be before
"I have never been disappoint-
ed by a University audience," said
the 31-year-old French prize-win-
ner yesterday before his Summer
Concert Series performance. He
said that he found collegiate aud-
iences more responsive to perform-
ances than "so-called sophisticat-
ed authorities."
Because of this, Entremont
Plan World
Embassy Area
Department newsletter says legis-
lation is being drawn up for -the
establishment of a 30-acre inter-
national complex here which,
among other things, would pro-
vide space for foreign chanceries.
The complex would furnish
acreage for foreign chanceries
which would be built under long-
term lease agreements, as well as
additional offices for the State
Department and Organization of
American States (OAS).
The Washington Post said last
night the White House would sub-
mit such legislation to Congress
within the next two weeks.
A foreign service institute also
is being considered for the com-
pldx. No site was named, but pre-
sumably the Federal government
would clear off an area.

said, he often presents unusual
or contemporary compositions at
University performances. However,
he felt these same audiences were
also attuned.to romantic and oth-
er earlier forms of concert works.
Tours U.S.
Entremont's American tour in-
cluded performances with the
Philadelphia Symphony Orches-
tra, and the New York 'Philhar-
monic at the Franco-American
Festival in New York. He com-
pleted tapes for imminent record-
ings at sessions the day before
his appearance on campps.
Though alert and responsive at
an interview before his perform-
ance, Entremont showed strain
from the intensive work and trav-
el schedule. He spoke of a vaca-
tion "only three hours" from the
But the pianist has already for-
mulated plans for another ten-
month season. He will revisit
America in early 1966, although
his plans for further perform-
ances in Ann Arbor were indefi-
New Recordings
Several new recordings are
scheduled for 1966. The pianist
said he would record two Saint-
Saens Piano Concertos, one of
which he performed at the 1964
Summer Concert Series.Entre-
Mont will also be soloist in a re-
cording of Leonard Bernstein's
"Symphony for Piano and Orches-
tra." He has recorded in the
United States for eight years.
Entremont has been referred to
as "the most interesting and in-
dividualistic pianist France has
produced since Corot." He has
received attention for his inter-
pretations of works by Debussey,
Stravinsky, and Prokofieff.

"A young French pianist who
is nothing less than a genius was'
heard at the Festival Hall," said
London critics on Entremont's de-
but in 1958. Earlier, in 1954, he
had received standing ovation
from the Philadelphia Symphony
Orchestra on his U.S. deubt with
Eugene Ormandy.
At performances like last
night's, Entremont holds lively
conversation with his audiences.
He speaks in rich tonal phrases,
emphasizing his statements with
displays of well-executed tech-
Audience Answers
His audience answers his state-
ments with vigorous applause, as
they did last night. Often, though,
they must think about the emo-
tion and meaning of what he pre-
At University concerts, Entre-
mont has often held lively dia-
logues. Just as last night, he is
glad to be with friends. ,

fourth establishment, converted
into a private club, was locked.
Bogalusa's police order followed
a Justice Department suit Mon-
day asking the federal court to
hold two top police officials in
contempt for allegedly failing to
protect demonstrators.
An Associated Press summary
reported the following rights ac-
tions across the nation.
Washington - Nomination of
former Gov. James P. Coleman of
Mississippi to the Fifth U.S. Cir-
cuit Court wins 13-2 approval of
the Senate Judiciary Committee in
face of vigorous protests by civil
rights groups. The full Senate
votes on the nomination later.
Chicago-Negro night club en-
tertainer Dick Gregory sued for
$100,000 damages by two police-
men who alleged they are suf-
fered injuries while arresting
Gregory during a racial demon-
stration. Gregory has been a lead-
er in the integrationist move-
ment aimed at removal of Ben-
jamin C. Willis as superintendent
of schools.
Winretka, Ill. - This white,
high income suburb of Chicago
was added to the schedule of
weekend rallies planned by Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. The rally
is sponsored by the North Shore
Project which is promoting inter-
racial housing in Chicago's north-
ern suburbs.
Americus, Ga: - Four Negro
women arrested during a special
election and charged with block-
ing a polling site entrance marked
"White Females." They are jailed
under $ 000 bond. Two other en-
trances were provided voters, one
for white males and one for Ne-

DirksTren T
Drie oFight Voting
District Rule
iWASHINGTON --Senate Re-
publican Leader Everett M. Dirk-
sen indicated yesterday he will try
to bypass the Judiciary Committee
ana 'bring directly to the Senate
his effort to revise the Supreme
Court's 'one-man, one-vote' legis-
lative reapportionment ruling.
"I am playing for keeps," the
Illinois Senator said in hinting at
a new strategy to win approval of
his proposed constitutional amend-
"I am prepared to use whatever
the rules book offers to get this
before the Senate," Dirksen said
after blocking action by the ap-
parently deadlocked Judiciary
The committeeappears split 8 to
8 on the proposal and when three
of his supporters failed to show up
for a committee meeting, Dirksen
argued away the time until the
Senate met and forced adjourn-
ment of the committee session.
Dirksen, although not disclosing
details of his plans, indicated he
will try to attach the proposal as
a rider to some other bill in the
His proposed constitutional
amendment, if aproved by Con-
gress and ratified by two-thirds of
the states, would permit the voters
in each state to decide if they
want one house of their state legis-
latures apportioned on some basis
other than population.
The Supreme Court in a historic#

Military Curtails Use of
Lie Detectors, Probes

use of lie detectors and the sc
tronic or mechanical probing si
The Pentagon action, sp
made public yesterday by Re
of the House Foreign Open
Moss hailed the directive
fense Cyrus R. Vance, as "th


''Players ume agter
A pair of imaginative comedies, described by the New York Post
as having in common "humor, sympathy, and fresh characteriza-
tion," will be presented today through Saturday by the University:
"The Private Ear" and "The Public Eye," written by Peter Shaf-
fer, author of the well-known "Five Finger Exercise," will be per-<
formed at 8 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Tickets may be purchased at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Box Office from 12:30-5 p.m. daily and until 8 p.m. curtain on per-t
formance dates or by writing the University of Michigan players,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor. Prices for the twin bill are
$1 and $1.50 plus 25c per ticket for Friday and Saturday evening
"The Private Ear" is the "first love" story of "Tchaik," a
<_t.wm i n l - r - nt'h tinn17c - -ti nnr-o - -...t nl.cin+l mtet u ;.::- }

Defense Department has curtailed the
ope of questioning in cases where elec-
till is authorized.
elled out in a week-old directive, was
p. John E. Moss (D-Calif), chairman
rations and Gocernment Information
e, signed by Deputy Secretary of De-
e first step taken by any government
agency to curtail the widespread
use of so-called 'lie detectors'."
The directive applies to all the
military services and agencies of
the defense establishment. It lim-
its the use of polygraphs to crim-
inal investigations where there is
a clear showing that "the al-
leged crime is an offense punish-
able under the U.S. code of the
Uniform Code of Military Justice
by death or confinement for a
term of one year or more."
Noting that the Defense De-
partment conducted more than
16,000 lie detectordinvestigations
in 1963, Moss said in a state-
"Hopefully, this new policy will
put an end to the giving of poly-
graph tests to military personnel
accused of disciplinary matters."
In addition to curbing the use
of lie detectors, the directive pro-
hibits the "probing of a person's
thoughts or beliefs and questions
which have no security implica-

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Ai~d Propsa
-- Reulicans
E i Com plain oflAt
testors n 'ressuring
Freshman Grants,
ed a new "get tough" policy Student Loans Would
heckling Negroes eating in a
Be Covered by Bill
and civic leaders here urged By BARBARA SEYFRIED
or incidents in the past 48
After a month's delay, a com-
treet began shouting insults prehensive $601 million Higher
nt. City police ordered the Education Bill was rushed through
rved at three of four restau- a House Committee yesterday-in
20 minutes - a m i d Republican
complaints of "getting the word
from downtown," from President
Lyndon B. Johnson.
Rush action was taken, accord.
ing to the dissenting GOP mem-
bers of the committee, so that
President Johnson could list it as
an accomplishment in a speech
last night at a $100 a plate Deio-
cratic dinner.
caThe vote was taken at a hastily
called meeting which lasted 20'
minutes yesterday, with only four
of the committee's 10 Repubhicans
present. Two of the Republicans
voted for the bill.
Month's Delay
At the time the vote was tgk
yesterday, the Higher Education
Bill had been stalled for more
than a month after the committee
rejected one scholarship provision,
A new scholarship plan, which
had not been previously discussed
by committee' members, w a s
ANTONIO IMBERT adopted in the brief session.
One section of the bill concen-.
Strgates on first-year "education
o m inicans opportunity grants" to talented
but needy freshmen and on more
substantial foundations for stu-
dent loans.
Over the next three years,
funds for freshman opportunity
Force grants would be raised by
~ace million.
Included in the freshman grant
ITED NATIONS () - The program would be a requirement
inican junta, -like its rebel that participating colleges would:
demanded in the UN Secur- have to begin studies aimed at
identifying and en c o u rag in g
ouncil yesterday that the in- youth wth the intelligenc but
American peace force benot the funds to go to college.
drawn from the Domnican ndContracts
blic. The Office of Education would
e United States said the de- be authorized to grant contracts
ds only showed that the force to institutions which would study
stay to prevent a clash. the status of students with ex-
S. Delegate Francis T. P. ceptional financial n e e d and
pton told the 11-nation coun- would organize publicity programs
hat each faction had, made to encourage college dropouts and
it wanted the withdrawal so poor students into getting degrees.
iay be free to extend its sway A second portion of the higher
the entire country . . . by education bill would set up a pro-
"> gram of guaranteed, subsidized-
said that proved "the vital interest student loans.
rtance of the inter-American Under the program student
force remaining where it is loans made by eligible institutions
der to avoid the otherwise (banks, credit unions, etc.) woulI
able resumption of a bloody be covered in full by the federal
war." He said the force must government by insurance. The ixn
until the Organization of surance would cover all the un-
ican States gets a political paid principal, but not the in-
ment, and indicated chances terest, with a maximum insurable
ood for that. loan for graduate students of
mpton said there was no $2,000.n
ad for the expressed fear of Besides the principal, the bid'
Foreign Minister Jottin Cury would also help students out with
the force planned to join helprtudetsyounwit
the junta to crush the rebels. iterest payments.
harged that the council presi- Other areas of higher education
Soviet Ambassador Platon covered by the bill, other than stu-
orozov, had called the council dent grants and loans, would re-Y
ng without good reason. Mor- ceive added funds under the bill
accusing Plimpton of "un- Construction grants will be raised
ded cynicism," adjourned the doubling the funds made available
ing to Thursday morni'g. by the last Congress for construe-
Lng o Thrsda moring. tion.
viously the junta had stipu- The bill is now awaiting clear-
that the force of 12,400 U.S. ance by the House Rules Commit-r
s and 1,700 Latin troops tee. After that it must pas. the
d leave only after formation Senate and the House.
provisional government.

e unqualified demand that
get out came in a message House
the junta "Government of
nal Reconstruction" that was
to the council by its repre- G.1. Pay Hike
tive, Ambassador G u a r o a
quez. WASHINGTON (P) - A 410-0
e junta thus tookka position House vote yesterday whipped a
ar to the one taken at the $1 billion a year military pay
meeting by the Dominican raise bill to the Senate-for al-
s, Cuba and the Soviet Un- most certain shrinkage.
This put it in opposition to The bill's price tag is twice as
nnited States. big as proposed by President Lyn-
nta leader Antonio Imbert don B. Johnson, whose House lieu-
believed responsible for his tenants made no effort to trim it
,n1o hfarP the SourityIa. __

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