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July 15, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-07-15

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jcj: C


471 t
0- ao

Winds light
and variable

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Successor to


US. May Call

Up 200,000 Guard Reserves

Post Considered
- Stevenson's Death Causes Gap
In American Ambassadorship
WASHINGTON (A)-Adlai E. Stevenson's death opened unex-
pectedly for President Lyndon B. Johnson a vacancy in what many
consider the most prestigious United States foreign affairs post next
to Secretary of State.
Administration officials were reluctant to speculate at this early
stage on who might succeed the two-time presidential nominee as
U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
Johnson presumably will want to make a choice fairly soon,
however. The U.N. General Assembly is slated to reconvene in Sep-
If the President follows the pattern of previous appointments to

All Services










RequisitionH u s e
More Troops 0




McNamara Says War
May Increase Draft




the U.N.' position, he probably

4Mariner 4
Fails To Take
Mars Photos
ADELAIDE, Australia M -
American tracking officials at
Woomera range reported today
that Mariner 4 had failed to take
any pictures of Mars.
There was already doubt at
Mariner headquarters in . Pasa-
dena, Calif., whether the United
States had obtained, as planned,
a scientific bonanza of close-up
There was no amplification of
the statement.
Earlier Richard J. Fahnestock,
U.S. space representative in Aus-
tralia, said at Woomera rocket
range tracking station that infor-
mation received from Mariner
showed there was no radiation
belt around Mars.
Important Finding
He called this an important
early finding and added, at that
time, that Mariner 4 seemed to be
operating normally.
Mariner responded promptly
this morning to its first Earth
command in five months, order-
ing it to warm up its instruments.
And it responded again when its
electronic eye was ordered to stop
scanning the sky and position the
camera at the best possible angle
for its run. It did so, within seven-
tenths of a degree.
At 5:32 p.m. came word that
the camera tape had started roll-
ing as planned at 5:20, transmit-
ting across 134 million miles of
After the hint-of-trouble an-
nouncement a - spokesman said
there were conflicting sets of
signals from the spacecraft.
Ended Play
One set indicated the tape re-
corder had ended its play earlier
than it should have. Another in-
dicated it operated properly dur-
ing its 25-minute run.
The spokesman said it might
take exhaustive analysis to deter-
mine which is correct.
Milton Goldfine, Mariner engi-
neer, said there was a possibility
a resistor in the tape recorder
failed, allowing the tape to spin
through without stopping as
planned between frames.
This, he said, possibly could
account for the conflicting signals.
Failure of the resistor would let
the tape finish its run earlier than
planned but would not have an
effect on stopping of the tape
which apparently did take place.
Declines Comment
Goldfine declined to speculate
on whether the quality of the pic-
tures would be affected by such a
Camera turn-on came with the

will search for an American of
national stature to represent the
United States before the world
In the meantime, U.S. officials
said the No. 2 man on the U.S.
delegation, Francis T. P. Plimp-
ton, will serve as acting chief of
the U.S. mission.
Henry Cabot Lodge, former Re-
publican senator from Massachu-
setts and the 1960 GOP vice pres-
fdential nominee, was President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's pick for
the U.N. ambassadorship. Johnson
has just designated Lodge, 63, for
reappointment as U.S. ambassa-
do'r to Saigon.
James J. Wadsworth, a Repub-
lican who was Lodge's deputy at
the U.N. and also represented the
United States in disarmament
See Related Stories, Page 3
talks, was mentioned by some as
a possibility for the U.N. ambas-
sadorship. Johnson recently ap-
pointed Wadsworth, 60, to the
Federal Communications Commis-
Sen. J. W. Fulbright, 60 (D-
Ark), chairman of the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee, might
be in the running if he shows in-
terest. Fulbright is reputed to have
removed himself from considera-
tion for Secretary of State when
President John F. Kennedy was
lining up his cabinet in 1961.
Another possibility from the
F o r e i g n Relations Committee
might be the second ranking
Democrat, John J. Sparkman, 65,
of Alabama.
Johnson knows Sparkman and
other senators well from his long
congressional service.
Among Republican possibilities
is Richard M. Nixon, 52, the 1960
presidential nominee and for'mer
vice president.
Stevenson died yesterday ap-
parently of a heart attack. He col-
lapsed on the street as he was
walking with Mrs. Ronald Tree, a
U.S. representative on the U.N.
Trusteeship Council.
City Delaying
High-Rise Bid
Plans to construct a 10-story
apartment building on the banks
of the Huron River at Fuller and
Oakway were dealt a setback at
Tuesday night's meeting of the
City Planning Commission.
Although the commission did
not vote on the proposed R4D
multiple-family zoning for the 3.4
acre parcel, several commissioners
indicated they were against such
a high-rise building at that loca-
The question of zoning the par-
cel was postponed until the first
meeting in September. However,
the commission did vote to recom-
mend approval for annexation of
the land, now in Ann Arbor town-
ship, to the city.

services have submitted tentative
estimates for reserve and national
guard call-ups totaling more than
,0 0 0 m etn , it w a s tle a r n e d y e s-
Informed sources stressed that
the estimates were still for plan-.~
ning purposes in the event a de-
cision should be made to order up
reservists and guardsmen in>> ::" the
growing crisis over South Viet
Nam.>>i >< >> <
The Army listed possible needs
for 120,000 guardsmen and re-.
servists, including six independent h
Sources said the Navy came in"'
with an estimate of need for
about 40,000 individual reservists.
Marine Corps
The Marine Corps was said to:
have listed a call-up of the 4th
Marine Division and its air wing, '
which totals about 44,000 men.
The Secretaries of the Army,
Navy and Air Force conferred
early this week with Deputy Sec-
retary of Defense Cyrus Vance to
discuss the possibility of a reserve
guard call-up and planning that
should be done to get ready for~
such an eventuality.
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara said yesterday:
"It is, I think, reasonable to McNAMARA DISCUSSES POSSIBLE CA
assume that if the United States that new United States troop increases in
forces assigned to South Viet Nam draft calls.
or to southeast Asia increase in
strength, it will be necessary to
consider calling up reserve and BUILDING PROGRAM:
guard forces, extending the tours
of duty of personnel presently in
the forces, and increasing theCTVy a p St
draftlcall." i [

LL-UP OF RESERVES-Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara yesterday told
Viet Nam would make it nessary to call up military reserves, extend tour duty an


ortage of Skilled Tradesn

Declined Comment.
McNamara declined to be pinned1
down on how big a force of U.S.
regulars would have to be assigned
to the war in South Viet Nam be-
fore the point of calling up re-j
servists and guardsmen was1
In all likelihood, defense of-
ficials would prefer to extend en-
listments and tours of duty and
possibly increase the draft call
before dipping into the reserves.
At a news conference yesterday,
McNamara said that if U.S. forces
in southeast Asia are increased,i
"almost surely this will require
additions to the fiscal 1966 bud-
Accompanying McNamara, am-
bassa'dor-designate Lodge and
Wheeler to Saigon will be Leonard
Under, head of a state department
task force on Viet Nam. He will
make the trip instead of William
P. Bundy, Assistant Secretary for]
Far Eastern Affairs. A spokesman
said that on a doctor's advice,
Bundy is remaining in Washing-
ton because of a leg infection.
As a mission prepared to head
for the on-the-spot assessment in1
South Viet Nam, the total U.S.
military manpower in that coun-
try stood at about 70,000. Within
months, it is expected to mount to,
100,000 and quite possibly climb
well above that level.
McNamara emphasized that
what the United States does in
South Viet Nam will be related to
what the Viet Cong does-"The
situation is changing and as it
changes we must change ourf
plans." Changes in the situation,"
he commented, "are beyond our

v AL wvvv .. vim,

_The_,University is literally beg-
ging for skilled trades workers to
build nearly $100 million in build-
ing structures planned for the next
two years ,James F. Brinkerhoff,
director of the plant department,
said recently in an article in the
Ann Arbor News.
Last week the University was
short 155 skilled trades workers
on construction already under-
way, Brinkerhoff commented, and
more construction is due to get
The aid of two skilled trade
unions has been enlisted to help
supply the manpower demand.
Brinkerhoff, Jack Wheatley,
president of the State Building
Trades Council, and Edward J.
Kantzler, president of the Ann
Arbor Building Trades Council ,are
principal planners in the effort
to relieve local labor shortages.
The union leaders and Brinker-
hoff plan a nationwide campaign
to attract workers to this area
and have offered to house these
transient workers at a "nominal
charge" and pay costs of adver-
tising foi' workers in communities
Wheatley and Kantzler point to as
having a surplus labor force.
The trades workers will be lodg-
ed in large University-owned
rooming houses whichshad been
slated for demolition. Brinkerhoff
said he would order demolition
suspended to "house as many skill-
ed trades workers as we can get."
Rooming Houses
Two such rooming houses, large
enough to house up to 50 men,

were made available yesterday.E
Wheatley said, "This will help us
in our efforts to attract work-
One of the biggest problems fac-
ing in-coming workers is finding
housing. Some of the workers are
staying in hotels in Chelsea, Ypsi-
lanti, Ann Arbor and neighboring
towns. Others have had to sleep
in their cars up to three days be-
fore finding lodging.
Others, who have come in house
traliers, have had to park as far
away as Adrian.
However, with lodging now read-
ily available, trades union business
agents are trying to attract labor
to jobs at the University.
The amount of building in the

University area promises to require
more labor and keep workers al-
ready here busy.
Eastern Michigan University is
expanding under a multi-million
dollar program. A $30 million ce-
ment plant in Augusta Township
is planned. Two new hotels, sev-
eral new motels and several high-
rise apartment buildings are be-
ing planned.
$47.5 Million More
At the University $47.5 million
more in new facilities have been
authorized for this year with an
additional $55.8 million more with-
in the next two years.
The entire Residential College
will be built within two years at
a cost of $15. million. A $6 mil-

lion psychology buildi
be under constructi
The University ha
contractors' bids on
in new facilities and
bids August 7 on th
Mott Children's.Hospi
Other scheduled b
in between August 16
ber 15 include $13 to
for a new dental sch
$2 million for a de
parking structure, $1.
ministrative office b
$400,000 for an anima
In total, approx'i
million in new struct
underway or complete

~To In~uire
-Reasons for
Fee Boost
Romney Hits Ferency
ja For His Criticism
Of 'U' Fiscal Policies
The House Committee on Col-
leges and Universities will meet
with the Regents and University
officials July 24 to discuss last
Friday's tuition hike, Rep. Vincent
J. Petitpren (D-Wayne) disclosed
And, in Lansing Gov. George
Romney blasted State Democratic
Chairman Zolton Ferency for a
statement made Tuesday, which
attacked the governor for defend-
ing the University fee increase.
At a press conference yesterday
morning, Romney labeled Feren-
newsmen :y's comments "a flagrant misrep-
d enlarge resentation, sheer poppycock, half
truths and another in a series of
------ Ferency fantasies.''
aFdery charged that "Romney
andhisfellow Republicans on
the University Board of Regents
have placed their stamp ofa-
on higher tuition rates as
1 te he means of weeding out appli-
cants for admission."
ing will also Petitpren's announcement came
on at that after he had conferred with Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
s asked for by phone yesterday afternoon.
$23 million Hatcher said he welcomed the
will ask for committee's visit.
e $7 million "We would like to probe the
tal. reason behind presenting the tui-
ids to come tion hike in the manner it was
and Decem- done," Petitpren said. "We had
$14 million thought that the $51.2 million
ool complex, state appropriation had satisfied
ental school the University's needs."
5 for an ad- Support Amendment
uilding and He said that ,if he had real-
.l care build- ized the University was going to
be short of money, he would not
mately $119 have been averse to supporting
tures will be an amendment to the higher edu-
d by 1967. cation bill to increase the Univer-
sity's state support.
"When the House Ways and
Means Committee slashed $6.27
million from the University's $51.2
million appropriation, all efforts
were directed toward restoration
of this amount, not at raising the
figure to the $55.7 million orig-
inally requested by the Regents,"
nent position he said.
on-student- "We were told that the cutback
ward main- would curtail students' opportuni-
id organza- ties for higher education. I sup-
ver, if it canported restoration of the funds on
permanent the basis that it would meet the
elp will be University's need; there was no
s well as on indication that the University
the floor, would be dissatisfied with a $51.2
e SBX is to million appropriation."
to sell their Now, Petitpren said, "the Uni-
r prices and versity's supporters have been put
If we get a in an embarrassing position."
wartz com- Concerned
reason why He went on to say that he is
y year, year concerned that the tuition increase
"will put the University out of
Government reach for many students."
"will take a Moreover, he added, he is afraid
he University that it has set a precedent for
n interest is other state schools to raise their
ant economic fees.
of off-cam- Petitpren noted that the Uni-
nd dorm and versity did not consult with the
State Board of Education, the
Michigan Coordinating Council for
Public Higher Education or any
ten s legislators before announcing the
tuition hike.

Regents' Prerogative
ra sRa "It is, of course, the Regents'
prerogative as an autonomous gov-
le from the erning board to act independent-
in. Bogalusa, ly," he said, "but we would like
civil rights to have a better understanding of
il rights of- the University's expenditures and
d yesterday. sources of revenue."
blicity direc- He emphasized that the commit-
ights groups, tee has not passed judgment on
ht that oth- the tuition hike.

SG-C To Operate Bookstor

A large tent situated on the
Diag will be the temporary
headquarters of the Student Book
Exchange (SBX), to be financed
and operated by the Student
Government Council beginning
approximately three weeks before'
the end of Summer Term IIB,
Council member Steven Schwartz,
'68, said yesterday.
The SBX, which will be perma-
nently located on the second floor
of the Student Activities Building
thereafter, will be set up at the


end of this month to accumulate
used book stocks for exchange in
the fall.
Because the SBX will deal in
sophomore, junior and senior
texts, Schwartz said, the SGC an-
ticipates no competition with the
forthcoming Student Book Service
(SBS) which plans to deal mainly
with freshman introductory mate-
rials. "I see the SBX store and
the SBS as having the same basic
idea-to give the student a better
economic break," he added.
S Financial Advantages
The financial advantage in
dealing with the SBX will be the
result of it being a minimal profit
investment. The SBX plans to
charge only the amount necessary
to pay a store manager and the
costs of upkeep.
"It may be possible," Schwartz
said, "for a student to sell his
books through the SBX for 55 per
cent of their original cost, and
buy others for 65 per cent-sub-
stantially more savings than most
students can presently hope for."
The main problem involved will
be that of assuring reasonable
prices. The three-man board of
directors for the SBX, consisting
of chairman Jennifer Jackson, '67;
Michael Dean, '67, and Sarah
Mahler, '67, may find it useful
to provide a reference price scale.
Pricing Methods
In addition to determining
pricing methods, the SGC-ap-
pointed board will meet at the

probably be a perman
for an experienced n
this with an eye to
taining financial an
tional stability. Howe
operate without a
manager, student h
used in this positiona
a part-time basis on1
Sell Books
"The object of th
enable the studentst
used books at higher
buy them cheaper.I
good response," Sch
mented, "we see no
this can't go on ever
"The Student
Council," he added,
more active role in th
this year." It's mai
"specifically in stude
welfare in the areas
pus housing, wages an
tuition rates."
Area Citib
Go to Bog
At least four peopl
Ann Arbor area arei
La., taking part in
demonstrations, a civ
ficial in that town sai
Charles Currier, put
tor for the area civil r
told the Daily last nig]

The future road for Lutherans is unity with t
under the Pope, but such unity must come thro
reunion" or union of the bodies of the two chu
individual conversions.
This was the analysisoffered last night by Ar
Lutheran monk and secretary of the American Le
Catholic Renewal. Kreinheder spoke in a talk at t
Individual conversions cannot effect a unity
churches principally because there is no steady tr
other-neither the Lutherans or the Catholics ar
from each other on a worldwide scale, KreinhederL

View s Ecumenicism
would allow priests to marry, would use both species (bread and wine)
of the Holy Eucharest at Communion, and would have its liturgy
entirely in the vernacular.
he Catholic Church I He noted that Catholic atuhorities agree to these provisions,
ugh the "corporate which a few years ago would have caused some concern. The break-'
rch-not through down of barriers separating and hurting the churches of Christianity
is an example of the ecumenicism of the age, Kreinheder said. "We
rthur Kreinheder, a are living in a great age."
ague for Lutheran- Kreinheder pointed out that talks between Lutherans and Catho-
-he Gabriel Richard lics working toward unity are now proceeding on at least two fronts.
In the most recent effort, the Vatican on July 7 set up, through its
y between the two Secretariat for Christianity Unity, a group of Lutherans and Catholics
end one way or the who are now discussing the issues that separate the two churches. j
e gaining members Earlier, a second body-selected by the Roman Catholic Bishops',
said. Pfllmnita nrA ,,,+hn.. nrn ,- ,a4.ric-rnAa in +nmat,. nf ,olnmn, n

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