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Sir~ ia
Humid with chance
of thundershowers
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Johnson Considering
Ma Cal I
of Draft;
h PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON said yesterday he will
appoint Thurgood Marshall (right) as Solicitor General of the
United States. He also said he would appoint Leonard Marks to
succeed Carl Rowan (left) as head of the United States Informna-
tion Agency.
Appoint Marshall, MarkCs
To Top Government Jobs
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Lyndon B. Johnson announced yes-
terday that he will nominate Thurgood Marshall, a federal judge,
to be Solicitor General of the United States. The President also named
Leonard H. Marks as head of the U.S. Information Agency.
Marshall, a Negro and prominent civil rights leader, will succeed
Archibald Cox. The p~resident said Cox is retiring to return to
The Solicitor General argues the federal government's cases
Tht Rusi
Sees Hope for Finale
Of Dominican Crisis;
May Ask Rights Bills
WASHINGTON (/P) -President
Lyndon B. Johnson disclosed yes-
terday he is considering expanding
the draft and calling up military
reservists to help fight the step-
ped-up war inVe am.
Johnson told a news conference
that no decisions have been reach-
ed, but he said "the government
is always considering every possi-
bility and every eventuality."
Other Announcements .
Covering a wide range of topics,
the President also made the f ol-
lowing announcements:
-The administration is encour-
aged because Russia has agreed to
a month-old American proposal
for resumption of disarmament
talks at a 17-nation conference in
Geneva, and the two nations will
work toward getting a specific
--He personally is "both cau-
tious and hopeful" about the situ-
ation in the Dominican Republic;
Asian Aid
-He has received an "encourag-
ing report" from Eugene Black,
former World Bank president as-
signed to check the possibilities
for U.S. economW gid in Southeast
-He may propose amore civil
rights legislation to take some as
yet unannounced form.;
-He denied rumors that Dean
Rusk may be replaced as secre-
tary of state, and
-He sees no point in arguing~
with writers who attempt to de-
scribe the circumstances of his ac-
t anc nof thet n1960 vice-presiden-
new book by Arthur Schlesinger).
Heavier Involvement?
In speaking of possible heavier
involvement of U.S. forces in the
fighting in Viet Nam, Johnson said
increased aggression may require
an increased American response on
the ground.
Johnson said U.S. forces will de-
fend their own bases and "they
will be available for more active
combat," whenever U.S. field com-
manders decide it necessary.
"It is quite possible that new
and serious decisions will be nec-
essary in the near future," John-
son said.
"We'd like to improve relations
any way we can."
Johnson also gave what appear-
ed to be a deliberately casual en-
dorsemen to te present mision
LageW.Averel Harrimn He
saig it wa versonal tri and
he had not sentrHarriman, but
"I approve heartily" of Hiarriman's
meeting with an Soiet pol
who may wish to see hi.
USNSA May Probe
Student Cost StatuMs
Student economic welfare-where college students' dollars go,
and why so fast-may become the main issue of the next United
States National Student Association congress, said Barry Bluestone,
'66, who is trying to have the issue placed there. .
"There is a good chance that the USNSA Liberal Study Group
will push the area of student economic welfare as part of a reform
movement," Bluestone said yesterday.
Bluestone, who is both a member of the USNSA Liberal Study
Group and president of the University of Michigan Student Employees'
Union, added that he has contacted other members of the Liberal
Study Group about the idea and~ -
is "fairly content that the issue 1
will be a major one at the con-
vention. PruesN
important Cjomitee ee
The Liberal Study Group,he
explained, is the most importane
committee of USNSA and its
opinion will be extremely impor -F
tant in the decision of what goes or iU
on at USNSA's convention Aug. 22
to Sept. 3.
Making student economic wel- Bhe sacolege
fare its main concern, Bluestone ties prbly wllun
added, would '"bring the USNSA fie b uget reque
congress back to campus." Past tfie to sbmtmbetr
USNSA congresses have been con- ofiei etme
cerned with more national issues, president of the Ci
such as civil rights. One of the College Presidents,
criticisms of USNSA has been after a meeting of
that it centered too much upon *The budget offi
national issues instead of student forms for the 1966
issues. tions requests fro
"We would study the issue in a school by early fa
very broad context," Bluestone unified request is
added. much heralded att
Forms of Action nate state aid req
If Bluestone succeeds in getting to wait another yi
student economic welfare into the Foust said, how
center of attention at the next presidents will co
I 'I on the unified bu
s and unersi
st prepared in
hie state budget
, Judson Foust,
ouncil of State
said last night
the group.
ce must have
-67 appropria-
m each state
.11; hence, if a
not ready, this
empt to coordi-
uests vwill have
'ever, that the
ntinue working
dget just as if
"Social science methodology,
the quantifications of human
aspirations, has always been
suspect to me, but Boulding's
book has convinced me that it
can be a good thing. And this
has always been a trial for me
and still, I want to ask: Who's
running those surveys and what
do they have in mind for me?"
These weei theoen com-a
Dan Burke, as he presented
Professor Boulding's "The
Meaning of the 20th Century:
The Great Transition," the
second Office of Religious Af-
fairs Noon Book Discussion.
Burke told over 100 people at
the Union, "This is a fine yet
very deceptive book. First, it is
short and written in a decep-
tively simple §tyle, But there
is a reservoir of profunditity
behind this simple presentation.
Second, it gathers diffuse
theories about cultural change
into huge generalizations that
look deceptive, but are brilliant
upon reflection, like sparks
from flint.
Transition of Society
"'The compression of thought
breaks loose from the grandiose
and general and is immediately
illuminating. This book in its
analysis of contemporary so-
ciety as the second great tran-
sition of human society, co-
ordinates, compliments and ful-
fills the traditional Judeo-
Christian Weltanschaung as I
see it.
"The first, Boulding suggests,
was from hunting to agricul-
ture, or pre-civilization to civili-
zation. While the second, post-
civilization if you will, is the
transition from agricultural so-
ciety to technological society."
Informed by the tone of Harvey
Cox's "Secular City," Burke
continued, "Boulding means by
this transition, not just a
change in the way things are
made or the way life runs, but
the way people think.
"Meaning is to be found in
the new norms, change and
openness, as opposed to "bal-
ance" or the "equilibrium" of
the 19th century thinkers. With
this mode of thought, Boulding
lifts the lid on ennui and exis-
tential despair."
Burke described the move
--Daily-Thomas R. Copi
DAN BURKE, an Episcopal chaplain, spoke yesterday in the
second of the Noon Book Discussions, on Prof. Kenneth Bould-
ing's book, "Melaning in the 20th Century: The Great Tran-
Meaning in the 20th Century
~~MaySte U
Rce Potest
In Bogalusa
BOGALUSA, La. (P) - Negro
Johner Mc ihn' personal pe
for a suspension in street marches
In this city and said the "demon-
strations may be stepped up."
The Louisiana governor had
flown here during the afternoon
to urge the Bogalusa Civic and
Voters League to give him a 30-
day cooling off period in which
to seek a solution of their griev-
ances "by lawful means."
A. Z. Young president of the
leagu, anouncd the decision to
reject McKeithen's request. Young
expiained that the governor was
asking, the civil rights movement
to give up something without of-
fering anything in return.
"There is no end in sight to the
demonstrations," he said. "We are
just as far away from a settle-
ment today as we were the first
Advised of Young's announce-
ment, McKeithen told newsmen at
the city hall that he knows of
nothing else "I can do at the
present time."
MVcKeithen said he stands ready
to return here whenever he feels
there is anything he can do to
lower tensions.
After meeting with Negro lead-
ers at the Bogalusa Airport, the
governor went to city hail where
he waited with Mayor Jesse Cutrer
for the league's answer.
"I think they made a tragic
mistke,"h Mc eithen said we
Lusa and Washington Parish toc
See Earlier Sory Page 3
~before the Supreme Court.
Johnson noted that Marshall
has served on the 2nd Circuit
Court of Appeals since 1962 and
is a former legal counsel for the
National Association for the Ad-
vancenient of Colored People.
In that capacity he successfully
aainst school segreaAti'n befor
the Supreme Court in the case
that resulted in the court's 1954
ruling that segregation is un-
Marks, who has been serving on
the board of the Communications
Satellite Corporation, succeeds
Carl Rowan. Rowan resigned the
$30,000-a-year post last week to
return to what he termed more
lucrative opportunities in the
newspaper field.
Johnson hinted that some
changes are in store for USIA,
which runs the government's over-
seas information program, includ-
ing the Voice of America short-
wave radio.
The President said that after
Marks makes a review of the
agency "he will come up with
suggestions and recommendations'"
and "I believe that they will be
In announcing the appointment
at a news conference, Johnson did
not indicate who he is considering
for two other high positions in
the global agency. Donald M. Wil-
son, the present deputy director,
is returning to magazine work at
then end of this month. The Voice
of America directorship has been
vacant for several months.
SAIGON (/P) -- Between 150
and 200 United States and Viet-
namese planes bombed a sus-
pected Viet Cong jungle head-
quarters 40 miles south of Da
Nang early today, a U.S. Air
Force spokesman said.
For three hours the planes
saturated a 1.5 square mile area
with 500- and 750-pound
bombs, the spokesman contin-
ued. He called it one of the
biggest aerial attacks in months
In central Viet Nam.
However, pilots said they
could not determine the extent
of damage because 90 per cent
of the area was heavy jungle,
the spokesman added.
guerrillasoverwheme a g-
ernent outpost 25 miles south-
west of Da Nang early today,
killing 26 defenders and wound-
ing one, a U.S Army ,spokes-
ma anucd
congress, he said, action would
probably be taken in two forms,
basic statements and particular
A Basic Policy Declaration, as
it is called, would present a more
philosophical statement of the
issue and USNSA's solution.
Bluestone said he would like to
see the policy statement say that
"education is a right, not a privi-
lege; and financial discrimination
at colleges must be eliminated."
Program mandates would pre-
sent particular suggestions. Three
program mandates that Bluestone
said he would try to have passed
-USNSA coordinators should
try to get a nationwide $1.25 min-
imum wage for student employes
and shouldecouragec fnormations
-USNSA coordinators should
try to arrange low-cost housing
for students, and
--USNSA as a whole should
indulge in federal lobbying to try
to improve the students' lot.
it were to be sub
He explained that yesterday's
meeting was devoted largely to
discussion of general policies and
guidelines. He said that problems
have been encountered because
different state schools use differ-
ent accounting systems, and a
standard will have to be~ worked
out before the proposed unified
budget can take form.
He added that more discussion
with the State Board of Educa-
tion, the Legislature and the state
budget office will probably be
needed before plans for the uni-
fied budget can be finalized.
Foust~1 emp-nhasized hvrc~'P thant
from society as conceived as
static to society thought of in
terms of change and he de-
lineated its ramifications for
man. He spoke of the explosion
of Western culture and with
that "the tremendous increase
in knowledge and communica-
tion, the real source of the dy-
namic, open society of the 20th
Burke added, "the key to
understanding this transition,
what it means, what the mean-
ing of the 20th century is, is
the resultant "objectivity" of
knowledge, the wide use of the
methodology of science. Bould-
ing says that this plurality of
truth makes life richer and re-
duces the possibilities of con-
flict because it removes knowl-
edge from the private sphere
into the public arena where I
and my "opponent" can argue,
but without frustration and
anxiety because truth is "prov-
ed" by events. Where truth was
closed before, now it can be
verified and thus no one man
or nation can claim the savior
role for all humanity."
Traps for Change
Burke listed the four "traps"
for change and the good it can
bring as "the war trap, the
population trap, the entropy
trap, and the boredom trap.
Additional impediments could
be the refusal to accept change
or grudging acceptance of It."
The conclusion was enlivened
by a sharp question or charge
that Prof. Boulding was "ma-
terialistic" as opposed to "tran-
scendental," and a "cold be-
ing." Burke refuted this by
saying, "I am a material being
andc have material problems.
Boulding talks in material
terms and offers corresponding
solutions, the realities of this
world. As to coldness, his book
is replete with references to the
poets, mystics and statements
such as "agape'is the real solu-
tion, the most anti-entropic of
all human relationships; it does
not tear down, but always
progress is being made."h
main thing ista we're stl work- ONE CHILD IN 17:
ing," he said
suportedi schoolsh in Melichia tenter Sti
have been considering the possi-
OiliY U. J~iiL'i ueu i thu~ui
idies Birth Defect Treatment
schools' budgets for a long time.
Proponents of the plan believe
that officials of the ten schools
can combine forces to fight for
their one proposal, eliminating
the inter-instiutional bickering
that has often handicapped the
state schools from getting desired
However, some educators, in-
cluding a number of University
administrators, have said that the
large differences between various
state schools will handicap fair
and realistic budget requests.
There have also been objec-
tions raised about the role of the
State Board of Education, which
would participate quite fully In
the budget planning.
Nevertheless, University officials
are cooperating with the presi-
dents' council in its work on the
1966-67 proposal and generally
express cautious optimism about
prospects for the future.
The University's Birth Defect
Clinical Study Center, founded in
1962, is working to improve the
lot of that one child in 17 who is
born with a birth defect. .
The center's main interest is
improvement of care, diagnosis
and treatment of children with
birth defects, explained Dr. Don-
ita R. Sullivan of the medical
"c'But if we should stumble in
the meantime onto something
which would result in preventive
measures against these birth de-
fects," she added, "this would be
an extra benefit."
Research at the center is clin-
ical in nature, emphasizing the
teaching and improvement of
medical techniques already in ex-
istence, Dr. Sullivan explained.
This is not the same as basic re-
search, which is mainly concerned
with the fundamental causes of a
Responsibilities at the center
have doubled in the three years
that it has been operating, Dr.
Sullivan noted. The main reason,
she said, was the opportunity for
more individual care.
The center, unlike a private
family physican, can provide con-
certed, individualized attention to
each child, Dr. Sullivan said.
But in anotesrense, the cen-
ter could offer things that a f am-
ily physician can not have access
to. It can provide required tech-
niques and facilities that are not
easily handled by the family phy-
sician, Dr. Sullivan said.
Although it has been estimated
that there are some 600 to 800
different classifications of birth
defects-and probably that is an
underestimate, noted Dr. Sullivan
-the center does not handle all
A great many types of birth de-
fects are treated outside the cen-
ter yet within the University Hos-
pital, Dr. Sullivan explained. One
example of this would be con-
genital heart disease.
But the center does treat most
cases of children with defects in
their backs or spines, children
with enlarged heads due to dia-
late brain cavities and cidren
Sullia sad.
One larg targent fo center re-
searchers, Dr. Sullivan said, is
Loses Battle
Abiraham Adedire, the young Ni-
gerian who took a chance on a
delicate kidney transplant in Feb-
ruary, died yesterday in his bed
at University Hosmital.
cases of paralyzed bladders which
occur in conjunction with defects
in the spinal cord.
In these cases, Dr. Sullivan re-
ported, the results had not been
But, she added, researchers
were hoping that electronic equip-
ment could help in solution of
the problem.
Mariner 4 To
PASADENA (/P)-Mariner 4 cli
maxes a historic 228-day 325-
million-mile voyage to Mars today,
to obtain the first close pictures
of the mystery planet.
Scientists hope the shots will
answer a question that long has
intrigued man: Does life exist on
the planet most like Earth? But
they aren't optimistic.
Unless evidence of life is in the
form of objects at least 1%/ miles
across, the cameras won't show it.
Most experts doubt that life, in
any form, exists there.
Greater Details
Clear pictures still should re-
va l , h o e e r , fr g r e a t e r d e t a i l
A variety of non-photographic
eerimns are expetedtot pro
surface and atmosphere of the
red planet.
As the finale neared in the
$200 million Mars exploration pro-
gram, scientists still were unsure
just how many pictures the 575-
pound spacecraft might take, the
exact areas they will show and
how soon they will be made public.
Depends on Camera
The number of pictures and area
covered depend on whether the
camera starts operating on sched-
,<r 'T'n- . -- na efolnoc fra i
Tonight the University Players will present a produto fTS
Elo The Confidential Clerk" as the second offering of the Summer
ignore these marchers and pick-
eters . . . If you'll ignore tem,
they'll soon get tired.'"
Young pledged to continue dem-
onstrations, saying they may be
"The Civic and Voters League
wants the National Council of
Churches to senid workers into the
city," Young said. "If violence con-
tinues, we will ask for federal
ma -'ha 1 "
The play is directed by Prof. Richard Burkwin of the speech
department with Thomas St. Charles, Julia Lacy, Nancy Berg, Thomas
Manniny, Kenneth Chomont, Charles Patterson and Deborah Packer
comprising the cast. h
According to Burgwin, poet-dramatist Eliot has combined the
humor of Oscar Wilde and the metaphysics of the absurd theatre in
writing "The Confidential Clerk." Eliot employs epigramatic lan-
guage and high comedy in this classic story of mistaken identities.
Shuffle 0f Life
Sir Claude and Lady Elizabeth Mulhammer each have an illegiti-
mate child who has been lost in the shuffle of life. Although Sir
Claude thinks he knows the identity of his, he finds out differently,