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Sir iga
Sunny; continued.
pleasant Sunday
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
House Gives OKKtrprL ye ui r Yllll
Measure Affects Deepest South;
Goes Now to Conference Committee
WASHINGTON {g)-The House, spurred on by Southern voices
supporting the measure, passed a bill last night designed to sweep
away the last resistance to Negro voting in the Deep South.
This sent the legislation, a major follow-up to last year's sweep-
ing civil rights law, to a Senate-House conference committee to work
out a compromise. The Senate passed a somewhat different version
May 26.
Seven Southern states-Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia,
South Carolina, Virginia and parts of North Carolina-would have
High Official
Missing in
Soviet Union
MOSCOW (R)') A member of the
Soviet Union's top command was
missing Wednesday and yesterday,
without public explanation, from
a session of the Supreme Soviet
(parliament) of the Russian Fed-
erated Republic.
The missing official is premier
of that republic, the Soviet Un-
ion's largest, and, more important,
a member of the top-level Com-
,munist Party Presidium. He is
Gennady I. Voronov, who rose to
prominence in the era of Nikita
S. Khrushchev. Voronov's last re-
ported public appearance was
June 4.
Three other prominent Soviet
! leaders have been missing recent-
ly from important functions:
Nikolai V. Podgorny, former
Ukraine party chief who became
a top Soviet party secretary under
Khrushchev; Pyotr Y. Shelest,
Ukraine party chief who became
a candidate member of the top
Presidium under Khrushchev and
a full member after Khrushchev's
fall last October, and Pyotr N.
Demichev, a light industry spe-
cialist and candidate member of
the. ruling presidium.
Voronov has been considered a
member of the collective leader-
ship which took over the Soviet
reins after Premier Khrushchev
was deposed last fall as party and
government chief.
Voronov's absence coincides with
the disappearance from public
view of presidium member Pod-
gorny, a party secretary who pre-
sumably was'second to Communist
party chief Leonid I. Brezhnev.
Diplomatic sources considered
the absence of Voronov from his
own parliament's session strange,
but the more cautious ones hesi-
tated to jump to a conclusion that
he had been ousted from the
their voting rights literacy tests
suspended under the House bill.
Federal officials could be sent in
to register Negroes.
Poll Taxes
The bill also outlaws poll taxes
in state and local elections, a pro-
vision that could lead to difficul-
ties with the Senate in working
out a final version of the legisla-
tion. The Senate refused to ban
poll taxes, but would subject them
to a quick court test.
Rep. Emanuel Celler played a
crucial role yesterday in the pass-
age of the bill, defending it several
times against weakening amend-
ments. His has been a central role
throughout the bill's stay in the
The House adopted several
amendments to the 4ill but re-
jected a Republican substitute by
a 215-166 vote, a far wider margin
than had been expected.
Rep. Robert McClory (R-1)
offered the poll tax amendment
and it was promptly endorsed by
Celler. Rep. William M. McCul-
loch (R-Ohio), author of the GOP
substitute, opposed the amend-
ment but the House put it in by
a 82-33 vote.
The house also reversed itself
on another amendment it had
adopted earlier, which would have
permitted Spanish-speaking Puer-
to Ricans in New York to qualify
to vote under the state's literacy
The amendment, offered by
Rep. Jacob H. Gilbert (D-NY),
would have declared that a person
educated for at least six years in
a non-English speaking school
under the American flag would
meet a state's literacy require-
ments. It is already in the Senate
bill and the House approved it,
110 to 74, on a non-record vote
while it was considering the legis-
Rep. Paul A. Fino (R-NY) led
the fight against it and demanded
a separate roll call on the issue,
which resulted in its defeat by. a
216-202 vote. Rep. John V. Lind-
say (R-NY), a candidate for may-
or of New York, voted for it, but
most of his party colleagues voted
against it.
FCC Speaks on
Ad Loudness
eral Communications Commission
will raise an official eyebrow next
week at what it deems to be ex-
cessive loudness in radio and
television commercials.
Broadcasters will be urged to
exercise their control room skills
on pre-recorded commercials so
that the noise. level doesn't come
as a jarring contrast to the sound
level of programs they interrupt.
The FCC statement of policy-
declaring that the public interest
requires some action to reduce
the noise level of commercials-is
the result of a two-year study
spearheaded by Chairman E. Wil-
li'im Henry, a frequent critic of
commercial noise.
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
REGENT EUGENE POWER (left) converses with Regent Carl Brablee after yesterday's special Regents meeting at which the Uni-
versity's governing body raised tuition rates. The previous differences between freshman-sophomore and junio-senior rates was
Approv e Fial Budet Fiure
By a 5-2 vote, the Regents
approved a record high $69.47 mil-
lion general funds budget at a
special meeting yesterday after-
The $69.4 million figure brings
the total University budget for
1965-66 to $167.63 million, an in-
crease of $20.4 million over last
year's budget.
According to Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns,
merit faculty pay hikes and money
for employing new teachers are
the top priority budget items.
'Need It All'
"We need every bit of money
allocated in the budget," Heyns
said, "and to fall short in any re-
spect would have serious conse-
quences for the University."
The general funds budget, which
covers most of the basic costs of
instruction, consists of a $51.25
million state appropriation. (up
$7.16 million from 1964-65) plus
anticipated gross student fee rev-
enues of $18.72 million (an in-
crease of $3.30 million).
This boosts the general funds
budget only $10.4 million, com-
pared to a $13.2 million increase
projected last October when the
Regents submitted an appropria-
tions request to the state and a
819 million request to the adm'~n-
istration from the deans of the
schools and colleges.
Heyns said the final budget will
not take care of all the deficien-
cies foreseen last fall, but he call-
ed the $69.47 million figure a
"gratifying improvement."'
The fall general funds budget
projection totaled $72.28 million,
divided into an appropriations re-
quest of $55.73 million and esti-
mated gross fee revenues of $16.89
million. The amount approved
yesterday is the result of the low-
er state appropriations, offset in
part by a tuition rate increase.
Additional revenue from the
rate hike, when adjusted to dis-
count extra money designated to
help needy students pay the high-
er fees, will total about $1.45 mil-
lion. When this is deducted from
the amount by which the state
appropriation differs from the Re-
gents' fall request, the University
is left with a discrepency of
roughly $3 million between incom-
ing revenues and spending plans
worked out last fall.
Heyns explained that the budget
has been brought into balance by
economizing in a number of dif-
ferent areas.
"We shaved the least off merit
faculty salary increases," he said.
"Last fall we hoped to increase
this area of the budget by $4.5
million; now we are settling for
$3.8 million."
Breaking this figure down, he
explained that this year the
budget provides $2.8 million more
than in 1964-65 for faculty salary
increases (compared to a project-
ed $3.3 million raise). The re-
mainder of the $3.8 million hike,
he said, will go toward raising the,
pay of supporting staff, such as
secretaries and other office per-
Heyns said that all faculty pay-
hikes are merit increases-that is,
increases resulting from such fac-
tors as promotion and seniority.
"There will be no across the board
faculty pay-raise this year," he
Since 1957-58, when economic
recession in Michigan forced the
state to keep higher education
appropriations to a minimum, the
University's faculty pay-scale has
severely dropped from its position
as fourth highest in the nation.
In the 1964-65 American Associa-
tion of University Professors rat-
ings, the University fell from a
"B" to a "C" rating in the mini-
mum salary classification. The
overall salary rating continued to
be a "B."
Heyns pointed out, however,
that this rating is based on very
limited criteria and noted that, if
the University considered the rat-
Halt Graduated
Fee Schedules
To Assess State Residents $348;
Out-of-Staters To Pay $1000
Reports of an impending tuition hike were substantiated
yesterday as the Regents approved with two dissenting votes
a student fee increase at a special budget meeting.
As opposed to the University's old fee schedule which had
different assessments for upperclassmen and lowerclassmen,
the new undergraduate tuition charges are flat rates for all
For undergraduates the new rate is $174 per semester
for Michigan residents and $500 for out-of-state students.
For graduate students, excepting those in medicine and
Law, the rate is $190 for state residents and $550 for students
But, he conceded that the Uni-
versity has not yet recovered from
the "lean years" of low state
appropriations and cited this as
a major reason behind the $10.4
million budget increase.
"The relative drop in faculty
pay has become a morale factor,"
he said, "and backed-up needs
can't be removed in a single year."
Another area adjusted to cor-
respond to the lower-than-plan-
ned state appropriations figure is
the allocation for increased en-
rollment and augmented pro-
grams. This figure, set at $6 76
ance, and research and public
Libraries were cut from $604,000
to $446,000, although Heyns said
that the book purchase fund was
increased by 45 per cent. New
building services, rehabilitation
and maintenance was reduced to
$579,918 and research and public
health dropped from $723,455 to
about $149,000.
Heyns explained that the deans
of the schools and colleges are in
close contact with the administra-
tion throughout the period of
budget adjustment. The process
Yesterday the Regents approved a tuition hike at a special
meeting. The following figures present a view of the Univer-
sity's fees compared to those of the other state universities.
Residents Out of Staters
University (1964-65)
Juniors-Seniors ..................310
University (1965-66) ................$348
Although the following figures are for 1964-65,
schools listed below have so far hiked tuition.
Michigan State ................. .... 324
Wayne State........................312
Central Michigan....................250
Eastern Michigan ....................300
Northern Michigan .................. 300
Western Michigan .................. 250
Michigan Tech ...................... 300
Ferris State........................275
Grand Valley.......................300
none of the
not living in Michigan.
Law school fees are $260 for
for nonresidents, and medical
school assessments are $400
for in-state students and $800
for non-Michigan residents.
Effective Soon
The new rates will go into ef-
fect this fall.
For Michigan residents the in-
creases reflect an increase over
last year of $34 for freshmen and
sophomores, $14 for juniors and
seniors, $15 for graduate students,
$20 for law students and $25 for
medical students.
Tuition charges for out of state
students were raised by $50 for
freshmen and sophomores, $20
for juniors and seniors, $50 for
graduate students, $50 for law
students and $50 for medical stu-
The tuition hike follows the
approval by the Regents last
month of a dorm fee increase of
$50 for the fall.
University President Harlan
Hatcher explained that the hike
was necessary because of the dis-
crepancy between the budgetary
increase of $13,244,800 requested
from the Legislature and the
$7,169,127 appropriated by them.
The tuition hike is expected to.
yield gross additional revenue of
$1,750,000, of which $250,000 will
be appropriated to the Office of
Financial Aids to help offset the
cost of the hike for needy stu-
dents, Executive Vice-President
Marvin Niehuss said.
"Under the new budget,"
Hatcher said, "the University will
be a stronger institution than it
was a year ago."
Hatcher commented, however,
that next year's budget will not
completely eliminate the backlog
of needs that have accumulated
since the tight budget year of
1957 when the state was under-
going a fiscal crisis.
He pointed out that last year's
tuition rates at the University
were the lowest in the state, and
that student fees have not risen
as much as the increases in fam-
ily income.
Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Roger Heyns said that
although the budget represents
progress there are still needs
which cannot be fulfilled because
of the limitation of funds.
The two dissenting votes were
cast by Regents Irene Murphy and
Carl Brablec. Brablec advocated
amending the budget by cutting
the hike for in-state freshmen
and sophomores by $30. This
would retain the differential be-
tween tuition charges of juniors
and seniors and those of under-
classmen, he said.I'
University President Harlan
Hatcher noted that this institu-
tion was the only school in the
country which had charged grad-
uated undergraduate tuition rates
and said he believed the standard
flat fee was a better system.
Mrs. Murphy, who supported
Brablec's amendment, said that
the raising of freshmen tuition by
$68 per year' would have deleter-
ious repercussions. She comment-
ed it would be fairer to have a
differential between the rates for
underclassmen and upperclass-
men because the juniors and sen-
million last fall, has been cut to
$4.28 million.
It was originally hoped that
enough new teachers could be
hired to reduce the present 14.6:1
faculty-student ratio in spite of
an expected enrollment increase
to 30,900. Heyns predicted that
some reduction could still be
made, although not as much as
originally projected. _
Other adjustments of plannedl
Michigan residents and $600
summer, when the deans submit-
ted requests to the administra-
tion for fund increases totaling
$19 million.
When a more realistic estimate
of a feasible budget was worked
out, Heyns said, the deans were
again consulted and the figures
were lowered. This produced the
$13.2 million projection announced
at the time of the state appro-
priation request last fall.
View Delay
Of NDEA Bill..
In Congress
A $700 million NDEA higher ed-
ucation bill will probably not
reach the House floor until some
time in August, an informed
source in Washington said yes-
The source, a member of an edu-
cation lobbying group, said that
President Lyndon B. Johnson has
expressed a desire that the bill go
on the floor in the first week of
August, shorter than the normal
But, the source also said, it
would probably not make the
floors of the House and Senate
as quickly as the President wanted
unless Johnson exerted special
At present, the bill is being "re-
ported," being printed and sent
to legislators.
The source said that there have
been several changes in the copy
of the bill which was publicized
last month.
The higher education bill would
allow more use of National De-
fense and Education Act (NDEA)
funds for freshmen who need fi-
nancial help to go to college and
would guarantee loans to college
students from banks, credit un-
ions, etc.
The most important changes in
the bill, the source said, centered
around the guaranteed loan claus-
es of the bill. The new bill would
use state institutions to distribute
and administer the loan guaran-
tees, not federal agencies.
Combat Rebels
In Malaysia
7,600 Chinese villagers have been
herded into relocation camps in
the heart of Sarawak in a secur-
ity program to crush Communist
terrorism, the government an-
ing game a major objective, it increases hit the Unive
could climb back into the "B" braries, services for nex
range by only spending $20,G00 ings, rehabilitation and r
more than at present. for the 1965-66 budget be
Local Poverty Group Plans Program
By BARBARA SEYFRIED Students participating in this program will also be all
take courses for high school credit during this period.
The Washtenaw County Citizens' Committee for Economic 'xAnother job the citizens' committee will undertake is t
Opportunity recently received a developmental grant of $39,500 to sugested programs from other organizations. "We have alr
work on its programs for creating new job opportunities for low in- ceived proposals from the Planned Parenthood Commission
come groups and helping to train unskilled workers. as other agencies," Wheeler said.
The approach the committee intends to use is to involve those : Rg n
whomh pogra cocers-thse "omlowincme goup-inRight now the main job of the committee is to identify
whom the program concerns-those from low income groups-in every
phase of each program, including planning and implementation. the neediest groups in the countyfind out what their n
Several programs are envisioned by the citizens' committee for =wants are and devise practical programs, Wheeler explained.
Washtenaw County. One would be conducted in coordination with For this project the committee will have the aid of th
the Law School and the County Bar Association. This would create Research Center. Although there is no formal agreement
a legal aid clinic manned by juniors and seniors from the Law School SRC's role will be in the project, the committee is discus
rsity i- eys Discussion
s build- Heyns added that recent altera-
w nain- tions in the general funds budget
maintlas-were also made after discussion
gan last with the deans.
In addition to the general funds
budget, the Regents approved the
mental health activities budget
yesterday. The state appropriation
for this area was $4.1 million-
exactly as requested by the Re-
gents last fall. When added to
patients' fees at the Children's
lowed to Psychiatric Hospital and the Neu-
d ropshchiactric Institute, the $4.1
million appropriation gives a total'
o review mental health activities budget of
eady re- $4.75 million.
as well ! In addition to the general funds
budget and the mental health ac-
who are tivities budget, the University
budget includes the budgets of
Beds and the expendable restricted fund
and the auxiliary activities fund.
e Survey These two portions of the budget
on what were approved on June 18; they
sing the total $93.4 million.