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July 08, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-07-08

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VOL. LXXV. No. 42-S






Senate OK's

Asks Attack on Viet Nam Sites Retirement




publican Leader Gerald R. Ford
said yesterday the United States
should bomb the Russian-built
missile sites in North Viet Nam.
"Sites designed for firing sur-
face-to-air missiles should be
knocked out by United States air
superiority before the enemy uses
the weapons against the side of
freedom." the Michigan congress-
man told a news conference.

Ford brushed aside suggestions
that the antiaircraft bases may be
defensive in nature - to protect
the North Viet Nam capital of
Hanoi and its port, Haiphong.
"The sites," he said, "are a
threat to the lives of American
military personnel in Southeast
Asia." Besides, Ford said, "the
bases aren't being put there solely
for defensive purposes."

In reply to other questions, O p tion/#60 1
Ford recommended U.S. bombingat
of North Viet Nam air bases if
planes are sent from there to re- By the Associated Press
pel his suggested strike at the'
missile sites. WASHINGTON - The Senate,
And, he deferred to the Joint wading into a stack of proposed
Chiefs of Staff a judgment on amendments to the Health Care-
whether the United States should Social Security Bill, voted yester-
use conventional or nuclear weap- day to permit optional retirement
ons to attack the bases. However, at age 60 with monthly payments
he observedI, "I'm sure such sites reduced to two-thirds of the age
can be made non-operational with .165 rate.
conventional weapons." But a 43-39 roll call vote re-
Other Action jected a proposal by Sen. Abra-
Meanwhile, fresh U.S. Marines ham A. Ribicoff (D-Conn) to pro-
poured ashore yesterday and U S. vide unlimited hospitalization, fi-
Commander Gen. William C. nanced out of general revenues,
Westmoreland declared that more for the elderly faced with "the
"substantial confrontations" may crushing burden of catastrophic
be expected before long in Viet illness."
Nam The bill as it came from the
He told reporters in Honolulu Senate Finance Committee limits
that the Viet Cong "are less con- social security-financed hospitali-
fident of success than they were zation to 120 days. Sponsors esti-
earlier." mate this would cover 98 or 99
Inland from the landing points, per cent of all hospitalization of
170 miles apart, another highlands people 65 or older.
district capital fell before a Viet p
Cong onslaught. A Cong force Eligible
overran Dak To Tuesday night The bill's sponsor, Sen. Robert
and the spokesman said the town. Byrd (D-Va), calculated that 3.5
280 miles northeast of Saigon, was million persons would be eligible
believed to remain under enemy for earlier benefits under his pro-
occupation. About 150 South Viet- posal. He 'estimated that 900,0001
hamese troops have been based would take advantage of it in the
there. next year. The initial extra cost,
It is in these mountains that he said, would be about $500 mil-
intelligence sources believe the lion a year, but that the reduced
regulars of North Viet Nam's payment figure had been worked
325th Division that U.S. forces are out actually so there would be no
hunting are -operating. They said long-run drain on the social secur-
one battalion of that division is ity system.
known to have infiltrated several The initial Senate voting on this
months ago. far-reaching bill, after a day of
Viet Cong ambushed and forced warmup debate, began briskly with3
back a South Vietnamese unit quick action and little discussion
moving to relieve Dak To. Casual- on a string of proposed amend-
ties among the troops were not ments. But the pace slowed con-
determined, but an American ad- siderably when senators began
viser who was with them was bringing up unrelated subjects.
wounded. And the debate heated when Ribi-
Elsewhere in the highlands coff called up his proposal.
about 200 Viet Cong attacked a Senate Majority Leader Mike
marching detachment of govern- Mansfield (D-Mont) agreed with
ment irregulars, killing one and the floor manager for the bill,
wounding five. Sen. Russell B. Long (D-La) that
There was another heavy strike passage can come by Friday. Since
at Ba Gia, the district capital the Senate's bill will be changed
overrun last week by a regiment from the House-passed version, a
that inflicted about 200 casual- conference committee will try to
ties on the garrison and made offih
with two 105mm howitzers. 'A
spokesman said, however, the new Wide Program
raiding force was never able to In addition to higher social se-
get closer than 300 yards to the curity payments and costs plus
, gost permether.other changes in the system, the
post perimeter, bill contains the milestone health
care program for 19 million
z Americans 65 or older.
Show Viet Cong The proposal to permit earlierj
sretirement under social security,
- lain at Base but with reduced payments was
approved by voice vote. Byrd said
y DA NANG, Viet Nam () - Two his primary interest is in persons
5 bodies were put on display at. a "in the twilight zone over age 60"
- village near Da Nang yesterday, who lose their jobs and can't find
and signs said they were two new ones.
North Vietnamese soldiers who Long accepted Byrd's amend-
-.....4ment. although he indicated he

'U' State Funds 'Safe'

Regents To
Meet Friday

CHARLES ORLEBEKE (center) said last night that Gov. George Romney (left) definitely will not
veto any portion of the University's general funds budget appropriation, and University President Har-
lan Hatcher .(right) yesterday called a special Regents meeting for Friday afternoon to consider the
budget. Orlebecke said, however, that Romney probably will not sign the higher education bill of which
the University budget is a part, for another ten days - a factor which could stop the Regents from
acting on the budget this week.
UMSEU Blasts 'U' Policies

AN AMERICAN SOLDIER approaches the wreckage of a light
spotter plane downed yesterday by Viet Cong ground fire. The
Viet Cong continued to score successes in the highlands area of
South Viet Nam, yesterday, taking over one town.
Senate Democrats See
Voting Rights Victory
WASHINGTON (UP)-House Democratic leaders appeared confi-
dent yesterday they have the votes to knock down a Republican sub-
stitute for the administration's Voting Rights Bill.
Although they concede the vote could be close, they say they
expect victory when the showdown comes, possibly late today or
Republicans continued to bid for support, with House GOP Leader
Gerald R. Ford of Michigan taking the floor during yesterday's debate
in an attempt to build party solidarity behind the measure he is
The GOP is proposing a bill of uniform nationwide application,
unlike the administration's, which frankly aims at what it regards
-as the hard core area of racial

By MICHAEL BADAMO The statement offered such so-
lutions to economic problems of
The University of Michigan Stu- University students as a Univer-
dent Employes' Union issued a sity-operated book store, low cost
manifesto yesterday attacking ad- University - constructed housing,
ministration economic policies and state funds for student housing,
calling for immediate action on a and the introduction of low profit
series of proposals designed to and non-profit organizations to
eliminate, what it calls "economic invest in student housing.
discrimination." BookstoreI
"The University administration UMSEU asked for a University
hides behind old worn out poli- operated book store, suggesting
cies against 'competition,' as they that "the University should inves-
compete in dozens of enterprises, tigate and establish a University-
including residence hall living, stu- run bookstore as exists on other
dent accessories such as laboratory campuses including Wayne State,
equipment, allowing a Cinema Michigan State and Minnesota to
Guild, low cost blueprinting, mi- help offset part of the tuition in-
crofilming, and concessions in the crease."
dormitories," the statement charg- On the issue of the proposed
ed. tuition hike, the statement said!

McNamara To
Alter Criteria
For Promotion
WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara
is preparing to shake up the old,
established officer promotion sys-
tem in order to reward military
talent ovei' seniority, it was dis-
closed yesterday.
The move may cause a clash
between McNamara and the pro-
fessional officer corps, particular-
ly those who gained the i high
ranks by a slow climb up the lad-
der of age and length of service.
In his four and a half years as
Pentagon chief, McNamara has
enforced a number of major
changes that have roused service
objections, chiefly involving tight-
ening and centralizing control over
the military.
The Associated Press learned
that McNamara sent the secretar-
ies of the Army, Navy and Air
Force a memorandum on June 18
expressing his "increasing con-
cern" over policies and procedures
for picking generals and admir-
als "and the related problem of
the advancement of highly quali-
fied officer personnel to the sen-
ior grades."
McNamara told his subordinate
service secretaries that "consid-
erably more attention must be giv-
en" to the "timely advancement
of the best qualified officers" to
senior rank and selection of the
top officers for the highest respon-
He added: "I am also concern-
ed that age in grade and seniority
criteria are having a deleterious
impact on the caliber of our gen-
eral and flag officers and on the
morale and retention of promising
younger officers who should pro-
vide our professional leadership
base of the coming decade."
The memorandum probably cry-
stallized from McNamara's long-
;xpressed view that not enough
recognition is given to merit in
promotions and that men selected

discrimination - seven Southern
Only states having literacy test:
and low voter registration wouk
feel the main impact of the ad
ministration bill, whereas the Re-
publican bill would apply in an3
county in the nation where 2
persons complained they were un
able to vote because of race.
There are other major differ
-The administration bill, a
amended by the Judiciary Com
mittee, would outlaw poll taxes
The Republican bill would subjec
them to a court test of constitu
tionali ty.
-The administration bill wouli
suspend literacy tests in the af
fected states. The Republican bi
would suspend them only for per
sons with at least a sixth grad
-The administration bill woul
permit the vote of a voter whos
eligibility has been challenged t
be counted pending the outcom
of the challenge. The Republica:
bill would make such votes provi
sional, to be counted only afte
the challenge is set aside.


Center Uses Computers
For Political Research


took part i
on the Da N
An infor
shot "while1
On a ba
the bodies
read: "The
who shelled
and killed tY
Another s
in the area
our women
The displ
the first in
sons. had b
of the Viett
trated the1
damaged six
Air Force
and threeZ
but there h
any Vietnan

n the attack last week
Lang air base.
mant said they were
trying to escape."
rbed wire fence near

doubts- the House will accept the
change. It provided an age 60 re-I
tirement with reduced benefits for


were 'three signs. One Opposition
se are two Viet Cong The administration had strong-
the Da Nang air base ly opposed an amendment similar
hree civilians July 1." to Ribicoff's unlimited hospitali-
aid: "Kill all Viet Cong zation plan in the Senate Finance
a when they terrorize Committee, where it once was
and children." briefly adopted and then rejected.
lay of the bodies was And senators who normally speak
dication that two per- for the administration health care
een seized as members also opposed it in yesterday's de-
Cong squad that pene- bate.-
base and -destroyed or One, Sen. Paul H. Douglas (D-
x planes. One American Ill), a member of the finance com-
policeman was killed mittee, said he feared unlimited
U.S. Marines wounded hospitalization would place too
had been no report of heavy a burden on the system in
mese casualties. its trial stages.

An institution has evolved at the University to combat the
rapidly exploding body of facts in the field of politics by advanced
data programming: the Inter-University Consortium for Political
A recent bulletin of the Institute of Social Research explains
the need for the group.
The consortium attempts to facilitate the storage of quantitative
data concerning political events in computers. This is done in such
a way that it can be retrieved in any combination according to
the interests of the individual

"We would like to see a Univer-k
sity where tuitions might not
exist, but at the same time we
fully realize and acknowledge that]
there may exist a need for a tui-
tion raise at this time. If so it is
at least in one sense justified.1
However, this raise must be made
only in a context of a general pol-
icy which also attempts to lowerj
the overall costs to U. of M.
students. Alternatives to the highj
cost of the total educational pack-
age must be sought and immedi-
ately put into action. There hasj
been little evidence that alterna-
tives have been suggested or act-
ed upon." .
UMSEU recommended a number
of possible alternatives to be ex-
plored by University officials on'
low cost housing.
"Rent in Ann Arbor has risen
to the point of ridiculousness. Ma-
jor programs are necessary to off-
set the high cost of rent and to
bring rents down to a sane and
moral level. To do this the Uni-
versity must begin building low
rent non-supervised apartment-
type student community housing,"
the statement said.
"To finance this housing the
University should use a part of
the large mutual fund, now in ex-
cess of $55 million and utilize
federal housing grants under the
Title Three program. The Univer-
sity should divest-itself of some of
its stocks and bonds, take this
money, add federal grants, and in-
vest it in University services such
as housing, at the same profit as
it makes on the mutual fund,
"Thus instead of the 21 per cent
debt service which students now
pay for University housing, which
is comparable to what is known
as 'profit' for capital investment
and is used for securing mortgages
on new housing, the University
would charge about 7 per' cent to
students for the use of 'mortgage'
money and invest their own
Ask Action
UMSEU called for immediate
action on all the proposals out-
lined in the statement.
"We must begin now, however,
at the next Regents' meeting if
that is possible by drawing up a
new philosophy which commits
our state university to a policy of
opposing de facto financial dis-
crimination in every student con-

)n Finances
Orlebeke Announces
Governor Won't Sign
Budget Bill This Week
The entire $51.2 million Uni-
rersity general funds budget ap-
ropriation is "absolutely safe"
rom being vetoed by the Gover-
or, Charles Orlebeke, Gov. Rom-
ey's special assistant for educa-
;ion, said last night.
However, he added, "the Gov-
rnor definitely will not sign the
higher education appropriations
Aill this week"-a fact which
ould complicate plans, announced
yesterday, to hold a special Re-
ents meeting Friday for consider
tion of the University general
funds budget.
The Regents cannot approve the
general funds budget without a
final figure for the state's appro-
priation, which provides by far
the largest share of revenues sup-
porting this portion of the Uni-
versity's expenditures.
University President Harlan
Hatcher indicated yesterday after-
noon that the Regents meeting
had been called on the assump-
tion that the Governor would sign
the bill by Friday. He said he had
had no official confirmation that
this would be done, but that in-
formal contacts with Lansing of-
ficials made it a safe working as-
sumption. He added that he had
tried to reach the Governor's of-
fice yesterday without success.
When the Regents do act on
the budget, they will have to
adjust planned expenditures to
conform with the $51.2 million ap-
propriation, which, assuming it is
approved, will leave the University
with $4.7 million less from the
state than originally hoped for.
High administration sources
have indicated that about $1.6
million of this deficit will probably
be made up by a tuition increase
of approximately $50 for Michigan
residents and $100 for out-of-state
students. The Regents would then
have to cut back expenditures by
only $3.1 million.
In Limbo
The 1965-66 general funds bud-
get, which finances the basic
costs of instruction, would have
gone into effect July 1 if the
state had determined an appro-
priations figure in time for the
Regents to act by that date. Since
July 1 this section of the total
University budget has been in
limbo; but, because the first July
payday for University employees
has not yet arrived, this has not
created serious problems to date.
Explaining the expected delay
in Romney's consideration of the
higher education bill, Orlebeke
said that the Governor has not
even received an official copy of
the measure from the printing
office. (However, another Lansing
source, contacted two days ago,
had been under the impression
that Romney had the bill on his
desk at that time.)
Orlebeke added that, once the
Governor receives the bill, he will
have 14 days to act on it.
Ten Days
"I would guess that he (Rom-
ney) will sign it in about ten
days," he said.
The $51.2 million University ap-
prbpriation comprises two "line
items" in the higher education
bill. One of these includes the
$50.35 budget recommended by
Romney in February plus about
$285,000 for expansion of the
University's Flint College branch
inthe fail. The other is a $900,000
addition forfaculty salary in-
creases inserted by the Legislature.
While theoretically the Gov-
ernor could veto either or bot
of the line items, Orlebeke em-

phasized that no such action is
"The Governor is considering
rejecting several items in the
higher education bill,"- he said,

utilizing the data.
Material Extension
This extends the amount of ma-
terial a researcher can utilize by
placing information in a more
easily stored form. Previously, po-
litical research was limited to
what the individual researcher

'Red' Tape
Same, Russia
Or Ann Arbor


couldclcerically nandle. MOSCOW (P)-A Soviet youth
The result of the changing newspaper, complaining of night-
trend toward scientific studies has marish government red tape, sug-
been more quantitative studies in- gests that the country must be
to the area of political behavior, run by a "ministry of inconven-
the bulletin says. fences."
The ICPR was originally form- "It is a pity the mounting in-
ed to develop these potentialities conveniences have not been in-
of factual material already in vestigated in a proper way," Ilya
existence. Zverev wrote in a biting satire on
Expansion Soviet bureaucracy.
In three years of existence, its To illtstrate his case, Zverev
member institutions have grown described his attempts to get two
in number from the 18 founders to new lenses for his eyeglass frames.
50 universities at present. This is what he said happened:
As it has grown ICPR has been He went first to the optical de-
encouraged to develop other re-
positories for data which can be partment at a drug store. There
utilized by other universities. a saleswoman told him she could
severalonly sell him one lens.
The consortium has "Toeesevaesticl frbd
plans to develop its resources as "Two lenses are strictly forbid
well as continue training new den," she said. "Only two drug
scientists. stores in Moscow have this right
Tap Resources (to sell two lenses)."
Among these are tapping the So Zverev went to one of them
numerous sources to add to the and this conversation ensued:
data in the repository already Salesman: "We cannot accept
available. Immediate plans in- your frames because they are in
clude storing data collected from a soft case. According to the rules
United States Censuses. theyshould be in a crush-proof


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