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Viet Cong Attack Da Nang
By The Associated Press.
SAIGON - The Viet Cong
launched a brief attack against
Da Nang air base in South Viet
Nain yesterday, continuing the
increasing war in the South. But
peacemaking efforts for the first
time are showing hopeful signs,
according to reports from Hanoi.
In the Da Nang attack, one
American was killed and $5 mil-
lion in damake reported.
U.S. military spokesmen said
five other Americans were injured,
none seriously, in the attack on
the launching point for U.S. air
strikes on the Viet Cong and
North Viet Nam.
Mortars, Small Arms
Official reports said the Viet
Cong opened fire on the big base
--one of the three largest in South
Viet Nam - with mortars, auto-
matic weapons and small arms
fire. The mortars were presumed
to be 81mm with a range of
slightly less than two miles.
It was the first mortar attack
against the base, guarded by some
9500 U.S. Marines who landed in
the Da Nang area last March.
U.S. Air Force and Army person-
nel have been at the base since
early 1962.
-Associated Press
SOLDIERS POKE THROUGH wreckage of destroyed helicopters
downed by earlier Viet Cong action. Yesterday $5 million worth
of American planes and supplies were destroyed by a surprise
Viet Cong mortar attack on Da Nang airbase.
Only 90 miles from the North
Vietnamese border, the base has
been considered a prime target of
the Viet Cong since the United
States began air strikes against
North Viet Nam in February. The
base is located about two miles
from Da Nang city, South Viet
Nam's second largest city with a
population of 160,000.
Although the war in the South
is showing few signs of letting up,
actions by the North Vietnamese
yesterday indicated they may be
willing to listen to proposals made
by a peacemaking team sent by
the Commonwealth of nations.
Informed sources said the Brit-
ish consul general in Hanoi had
een called in by the North Viet-
namese government for a talk on
the question.
And William Warbey, a leftwing
labor MP who visited Hanoi ear-
lier this year, issued a statement
saying he had received informa-
tion from the Communist capi-
tal that any Commonwealth prime
minister would be welcome pro-
vided his government accords di-
plomatic recognition to North Viet
'No Division'
Th 'British consul general in
Hanoi is officially accredited to
the South Vietnamese government
since British policy has never rec-
ognized the .permanent division of
the country. It was supposed to
be unified by elections under the
1954 Geneva agreements which
were never held.
British officials took it as sig-
nificant that the North Vietna-
mese took the initiative in calling
in the British diplomat, and then
did not formally reject the pro-
posal for a visit. This was taken
as evidence that they are still con-
sidering it.
No further details of the meet-1
ing were disclosed here, although
exchanges were reported continu-
Warbey's statement indicated1
that recognition of the Commu-
nist government may be its price
for receiving the peace mission. 1
He said any visiting prime min-
ister would be welcome "providedt
he first of all officially and pub-
licly recognizes the government of
the Democratic Republic of Vieti
Nam as the legitimate and legalt
government of that area, and is
prepared to talk and negotiate
with its prime minister on the bas-
is of the sovereign equality of all
Claims GOP t
Will Not Back
Viet Policies
Mansfield (D-Mont) said yester-
day House Republican leaders are
threatening to withdraw support
from President Lyndon B. John-
son unless he orders the "indis-
criminate slaughter of Vietnamese
by air and naval bombardment."
Declaring there is no room for
partisan politics at this point,
Mansfield, the Senate Democratic
leader, told the Senate the House
GOP leaders are calling for "com-
plete victory" in Viet Nam. But;
he added they want it "at bar-
gain basement rates in American
Mansfield said House Republi-;
cans are advocating an escalation
of air and naval attacks on North;
Viet Nam which "can only amounti
to an indiscriminate slaughter oft
Vietnamese by air and naval bom-
bardment-a slaughter of combat-t
ants and noncombatants alike, ofI
friend and foe alike."I
Role, ofVPas Dean
Claims Restructuring Reflects
Development Beyond Classes Idea
Announcing a major overhauling of his office that goes in
effect today, Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard Cut]
explained that the restructuring reflects the modern concept th
a student's development at college is not limited to the classroom
Basically, the restructuring will eliminate the role of t:
vice-president for student affairs as a dean of students, he sa:
transforming him in practice to "a man among equals at t
vice-presidential level."
In effect, Cutler said, the old Office of Student Affairs wi
cease to exist after the restructur--
Defines Administrator's Job
,,Reveals Summer
Attende nce Fires
Enrollment in the Spring and Spring-Summer terms totaled
8,991, according to statistics released by the Office of Registration
and Records yesterday, and Registrar Edward Groesbeck predicted
that Summer term enrollment should approximately equal last
year's figure of 14,015.
When the 8,991 total is adjusted to exclude students at Flint
College, Dearborn Campus, the medical school and the public health
school, it is reduced to 6,680-still 'above the projected enrollment
of 6000. None of these schools are on the trimester schedule and
thus their regular second semester
classes extended into the Spring
*." .* t°and Spring-Summer terms.
Figures for the Summer term
are stil highly tentative. Groes-
beck explained that, while his
M ..'>...office is in the process of com-
piling statistics for this period, in-
formation about late registration
I a for the Summer term and attend-
ance in the approximately 30 con-
ference programs scheduled for
;; { July and August is very incom-
plete. Also his staff has not fin-
ished sorting out duplicate regis-
trations--that is, students signed
up for courses in both the Spring-
Summer term III and Summer
term IIIb.
However, Groesbeck said that
there appear to be no significant
A. GEOFFREY NORMAN deviations from the attendance
figures anticipated for each di-
Rvvision of the University.
Included in the 14,015 total (and
in the projection for this summer)
Grants from are roughly 1,000 students taking
courses through extensions.
The basic job of an adminis-
trator is to implement in a prac-
tical way the ideas of his faculty,
Prof. John Diekhoff of the educa-
tion school said yesterday.
"In general the faculty is right,"
Diekhoff said. But, he added, ad-
ministrators are essentially faculty
members, both in the sense that
they are a part of a student's ed-
ucation and in the sense that
they have been teachers them-
Diekhoff was speaking at an
institute on college administra-
tion put on by the University's
Center for the Study of Higher
Education and attended by 77 ad-
ministrators :from colleges in 32
states and three countries.
Diekhoff, in keeping with the
"T w o - W a y Communication"
theme of the institute, said the
most important need right now is
for each side-administration and
faculty-to understand the other's
"Right now colleges will let a
faculty member be completely ig-
norant of the problems of admin-
istration. Many faculty members
have no convictions about educa-
tion or the rationale of the
school," Diekhoff said.
To remedy this, administrators
should urge faculty members to
be aware of the basic issues in-
volved in running the school and,
more than that, to take a part in
the formation of policy, Diekhoff,
an ex-dean himself, said.
Two Sides
Not only should the faculty be
aware of administration problems,
but the administrator must con-
stantly keep in touch with the
problems of the teacher, Diekhoff
said. "An administrator's job in-
vites him to forget," Diekhoff
added. "The job of a dean is to
remember, to accept and to share
the faculty point of view,."
But the picture the faculty of-
ten gets of the administrator,
Diekhoff said, is that of someone
who always agrees in principle,
then always adds "but. ..
Faced with this "but . . ." fac-
ulty members sometimes "charge'
that administrators give only lip
service to educational ideas or
that they are only businessmen,"
Diekhoff said. A realization by
both sides of the other's position
would change this, he said.
One of Diekhoff's suggestions
for administrators was to free'
faculty from menial tasks. "The
future of education depends on
acceptance of some industrial
principles of specialization and
division of labor," he said.
Diekhoff asked for clerks to do
the routine grading, filing and
correspondence that teachers must
now do themselves.
He also said schools should have
examination consultants who
could serve the whole college,
helping teachers make better tests
which could be half machine-
scored test, half, essay test.
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
PROF. OHN DIEKHOFF of the education school gestures during
a discussion yesterday afternoon following a speech he gave.
- r
Aerospace Class Subm its
Plan for Weather Satellite
Students in Aerospace Engineering 481 have recently designed
a weather satellite which may be submitted to the National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration, perhaps to be used in the near
To design a "poor man's" weather satellite was the only re-
quirement Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson, chairman of the aerospace de-
partment, gave his class.
This is exactly what the class of 18 seniors and four graduate
students did. The result is the Polar Orbiting Satellite System of
the University of Michigan.
Ultimate Purpose
"The ultimate purpose of the
reorganization is to allow the vice-
president for student affairs to
serve as a vice-president repre
senting the student interest to
the Regents and, the President,"
Cutler remarked.
Cutler said the realization that
the nonacademic side of a stu-
dent's college experience is as im-
portant as the academic side, is
the philosophy underlying the re-
structuring. He remarked that
through giving the OSA-which
is basically concerned with the
nonacademic areas of a student's
education-more influence on the
executive level, this nonacademic
side of campus life can be better
reflected in University decisions.
He commented that the reor-
ganization was in line with the
concepts of the Reed report, which
recommended an overhauling of
the OSA during the period when
it was headed by James Lewis.
Under the old system, Cutler
said, the vice-president for stu-
dent affairs functioned as a "dean
of students" even though he did
not have this as an official title.
He termed such a structure an
"anachronistic concept," and
claimed that the "dean of stu-
dents" function of the vice-
president for student affairs could
better be performed by specialists.
In contrast to the new role
Cutler hopes for his office, a "dean
of students" type of OSA relies
more on the authority of other
executive offices, he said.
"The question is whether you,
have one or two vice-presidents
with some other deans, or several
vice-presidents of equal status,"
he remarked.
The restructuring would trans-
form the vice-president for stu-
dent affairs, Cutler claimed, from
a "line officer" to a "true execu-
tive leader."
For example, Cutler said that
he would be participating -more
actively in such matters as the
location, financing, construction
and operation of residence halls
and other student facilities.
Student Interest
While recognizing the need to
maintain fiscal integrity, the vice-
president for student affairs would
also represent the student inter-
est in such projects, he comment-
In order to implement his plan
to have specialists in each field
taking over the duties of the
"dean of student" form of vice-
presidency, Cutler has reorganiz-
ed his office into nine major sub-
These include placement, health
service, the international center,
religious affairs, counseling, com-
munity relations, financial aids,
residence halls, and student ac-
tivities. John Feldkamp will re-
main as Cutler's general assistant.
Under the new structure, Cut-
ler said, he will set down the
basic policy lines but will not in-
trude on most of the decisions
of the divisional experts. On the
other hand, he commented, all di-
India, Paks
From Kutch
KARACHI, Pakistan ()-Pres
dent Mohammed Ayub Khan d
clared last night he and India
Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Sha
tri have agreed to withdraw the
troops all along their borders.,
His announced agreement on
general pullback came after t
two quarreling neighbors signed
ceasefire for the Rann of Kute
a desolate border region near t
Arabian sea. Late in April a:
early May, Indian and Pakista
units fought there.
(There was no immediate co
firmation from New Delhi of a
agreement for a general tro
withdrawal beyond the Rann
Kutch cease-fire.)
Ayub said the two agreemer
reached constitute "an act of hi
statesmanship." He said the se
ond agreement is in some respec
"more important than the pact
the Rann of Kutch dispute."
He declared in a statement t
sued in Rawalpindi:
"Never before have India a:
Pakistan been closer to war th
during recent weeks when t
armies of both countries ha
stood in menacing confrontati
along the entire India-Pakist
border. Never therefore has the
been a greater need for a co
calm and realistic approach
India-Pakistan relationships."
Ayub and Shastri met in Lond
at the recent Commonweal
prime ministers conference.
A Pakistan foreign office spoke
man said the order for a gener
pullback would be issued withc
delay. The Rann of Kutch cea
fire goes into effect Thursday.
The spokesman said the ceas
fire constitutes a most importa
landmark in India-Pakistan rel
tions" and may "Well set a pa
tern on which other territor
disputes between Pakistan and I
The University received three
grants totaling $453,780 recently.
Among these grants was a gen-
eral grant of $140,412 awarded by
the National Science Foundation.
This type of grant is available
to any academic institution con-
ducting federally sponsored re-
search. It can be used for either
educational purposes or to spon-
sor research projects.
Vice-President for Research A.
Geoffrey Norman will oversee the
administration of the funds in
the grant, which will be used in
various sections of the Universi-
ty's research programs.
A second grant of $135,000 came
from the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration to sup-
port the second year of a three-
Both Poles
POSSUM, as designed, would
orbit over both the poles accord-
ing to Don Dieck, '65E, project
manager of project POSSUM. It
would also be able to fill in boun-
dary gaps in weather prediction
by taking pictures of cloud cover,
This would result in more accur-
ate weather prediction, Dieck ex-
The satellite would pass the
same point on earth at the same
time every day. This is an ad-
vantage, Dieck said, because it
makes tracking the satellite and
running long range meterological
studies easier, he added.
The cost of one POSSUM would
be about $3 million dollars. This.
includes the cost of boosters, per-
sonnel and launch equipment. To
. v. +