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June 30, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-06-30

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Slir iai

4Ia it i

Partly cloudy with
chance of showers

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Hart Hesitates on Appointment'

Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON-Senator Philip
Hart (D-Mich), a prominent
member of the Senate Judiciary
Committee, voiced concern here
last night over the nomination of
former Mississippi Governor James
Plemon Colman to a federal
F judgeship.
Hart, who observers believe will
play a crucial role in the judiciary
committee's vote on the nomina-
tion of Colman to the fifth ju-
dicial circuit, said he was still
undecided and would be "uncom-
fortable whichever way I vote."

The outcome of the committee's
vote approving, or disapproving,
the nomination is expected to be
Speaking informally before a
group of University students here
for the summer, Hart noted that
Colman has a reputation as a
racial moderate and had support-
ed Sen. John F. Kennedy for
president after his nomination.
Hart said that "persons whose
opinions I respect" had praised
Colman. He added that he had
been informed that the fifth ju-
dicial circuit judges "would wel-
come him" and declared that "if

W eeks, Cappaert Question
R 0
Rghts Plan's Effectiveness
Two Democratic members of the City Council last night ques-
,tioned the potential effectiveness of Mayor Wendell Hulcher's (R)
proposal to incorporate the state constitution's civil fights provision
into a local ordinance, but Hulcher staunclily defended his own
Councilman LeRoy Cappaert (D), who plans to introduce amend-
mentsj'o broaden the scope of the Ann Arbor Fair Housing Ordi-
nance, called Huicher's plan meaningless as it now stands.
More specifi cdelineation of what would constitute a violation
and of enforcement procedures would be needed to make the plan
veffective, he said.

you want to simplify matters, you
could say that Attorney General
Nicholas Katzenbach selected
But balanced against this, Hart
said, "are statements which, un-
less clarified by Colman himself,
would make one think he didn't
belong on the judicial bench."
"A 'no' vote might discourage
other moderates who are trying to
change the political situation in
Mississippi," Hart said. "A 'yes'
vote might discourage liberals
elsewhere who had read Colman's
public statements.".
Discussing his activities as Sen-
ate floor manager for the 1965
voting rights bill, Hart praised the
bill. "By any standards," Hart
added, "the administration had
accommodated" Senate Minority
Leader Everett M. Dirksen of Il-
But he added that, in most
cases, this had not been detri-
mental to the bill, save that of a
ban on state and local poll taxes.
The administration, reportedly
prompted by Dirksen, opposed an
amendment introduced that Sen-
ator Edward M. Kennedy (D-
Mass)-which Hart supported-
which would have imposed the poll
tax ban It was narrowly defeat-
ed in a! 49 to 45 vote.
The defeat of the poll tax ban
was viewed by most observers as
a moral victory for the Kennedy
forces, since the forces of the ad-
ministration and many other
Democrats were aligned against
them. The split maong the Demo-
crats was the most significant
and complete of the Congress and
was a blow to the political power
of President Johnson. Many sen-
ators had to resist very heavy
Johnson pressure to support the
poll tax ban.
Great Advance
But despite this defeat,, Hart
said, the bill was a great advance
particularly for its reliance on
automatic "triggering" formulas
rather than seemingly endless
court action.
Turning to Dirksen's proposed
constitutional amendment to al-
low state referendums to be held
on apportioning one house of the
legislature on factors other than
population, Hart said that despite
the administration's lack of public
opposition to the measure, we
haven't got to the end of the line
Last year Senate liberals, in-
cluding Hart, Senator Paul Doug-
las (D-Ill), Senator Gaylord Nel-
son (D-Wis) and others, success-
fully filibustered against a similar
/Dirksen proposal. Observers here
say that the opposition to the
Dirksen proposal had no support
from the Johnson administration.

City Vote
On Asia
Plans, for a city-wide referen-
dum on United States policy in
Viet Nam were announced last
night at a joint meeting of mem-
bers of local religious and political
action groups, faculty members,
students and interested citizens.
The proposed referendum is ten-
tatively sclheduled for mid-Sep-
tember. According to Ruth
Schwarz, a spokesman for the
group, it will attempt to allow
people who are opposed to aspects
of U.S. policy but who haven't the
time or the inclination to parti-
cipate in the more traditional
forms of protest to speak out.
Alexander Pollatsek, Grad, an
organizer of the National Teach-
In, said he hoped that the ref-
erendum, if taken up by groups in
communities across the nation,
would show the administration
that dissatisfaction with U.S. Viet
Nam policy is not confined to the
college campuses
"The government has consistent-
ly assumed that because the loud-
est protests have ,come from fac-
ulty and students, the rest of
American society is lined up sol-
idly behind the war," Pollatsek
said. "This open and eminently
necessary forum for registering
active support or disagreement
with the unexamined adminis-
tration policy will serve as a
means for the people to perform
the duty which Congress has fail-
ed to carry out. If the U.S. is to
commit itself to a massive land
war and continued bombings in
Viet Nam, someone ought to both-
er to find out if the country ac-
tually wants a war," Pollatsek
Mrs. Nancy Gendell, a mem-
ber of Ann Arbor Women for
Peace said that 18-year-olds will
be urged to, participate in the ref-
erendum. "They will have to fight
the war, and there is every reason
for allowing them a voice in de-
ciding on its value and morality."
Miss Schwarz said that there
will be polling places set up at
various locations on campus.
Spokesmen stressed that the
referendum was to be conducted
completely independently of mu-
nicipal election facilities.
The referendum is one of two
major activities planned for the
early fall in the Ann Arbor area.
The other is a proposed inter-
national gathering of concerned
intellectuals to discuss the moral
implications of the war in Viet

For Rebels UnSU
USSR Head-:.
Says Rebels
Near Victory
Demands U.S. Exit
As Basis of Peace
MOSCOW (M)-Premier Alexei
Kosygin boasted yesterday that
Communist forces are closer to
victory in Viet Nam than ever
The Soviet leader repeated stiff"
Communist demands, including an
American withdrawal, as the only~
basis for peace in Viet Nam.
bai o ec nVe a.Addressing a Kremlin rally, he
ridiculed American peace propo-
sals as maneuvers designed to de- ;.
lude world public opinion.
"For about four months Ameri-
can aircraft have attacked the
Democratic Republic of (North)
Viet Nam," Kosygin said. "But the
imperialists of the United States
failed and they will continue to
fail to break the heroic spirit of
the Vietnamese -people.;
"Never before have the Viet-
namese partisans reached such
successes. Large troops of South These American soldiers were injured in the massive jr
Vietnamese guerrillas are more of U.S., Vietnamese and Australian troops yesterday
and more successfully attacking o U ie, tnese ans Autrain tos estay.
the punitive troops, even in the some fire, these forces never cae in visual contact
suburbs of Saigon." Viet Cong.
Kosygin pledged further military
aid to North Viet Nam if the war HEAVY TRADING:
expands, but did not spell out
what kind of aid.
He said: Stocks Mak
"The American military will tsB est
have to reckon with the increased
aid and support the Vietnamese-
people get from the entire social- Ao nei Wild Fhtctuat
ist commonwealth m different
fKosygin reiterated the Co."- NEW YORK ( P)-The Stock Market went into puz
unist position that a Vietnamese tions yesterday, one of the busiest days in the history of th
peace settlement must include Stock Exchange.
these terms: Shortly after the opening bell, a tremendous wave of1
-An endsto American raids in prices soaring. The market then abruptly somersaulted
North Viet Nam. heavy trading only to come roaring back to close with th
-Strict adherence to the Ge- of the year.
neva agreements of 1954. "This has got most of us flummoxed," said Robert Stc
-Withdrawal of all forcesof president of E. F. Hutton & Co. brokerage firm. "It was
the UnitedrStates andisallies. a day as I can remember."
-Withdrawal of all U.S.weap- Both on the way up and down the furious pace of t
-A political settlement reached speeded the exchange's new highspeed ticker, which reco:
by the Vietnamese people them- abbreviated form, as much as six
selves without outside interfer- minutes at one point. sars ed
ence. Nearly 10.5 million share s School

OK's Cigarette
Warning Label
ALBANY, N.Y. ())-Gov. Nelson
A. Rockefeller yesterday signed a
bill to require that packages of
cigarettes sold in New York state
carry this label - "Warning. Ex-
cessive use is dangerous to
The law, passed by the legisla-
ture, which adjourned last
Wednesday, will go into effect
June 1, 1966.
In signing the bill, the Republi-
can governor sail:
"The state . . has a responsi-
bility to make the public aware of
health measures, and this bill
would serve especially as a cau-
tion to our youngsters."
Rockefeller said that many
"sincere persons" had urged him
to veto the bill because Congress
now has under consideration a
similar. warning-label measure.
In a memorandum with yester-
day's approval the governor noted:
"In view of the delayed effec-
htive date of the bill, the legisla-
ture can take whatever action is
appropriate after similar federal
legislation, if any, is enacted."
Under terms of the law, ciga-
rette manufacturers will be re-
quired to imprint the warning-
label op each package for sale in
New York state.
Violations of the law will be a
misdemeanor. Offenders will be
subject up to a year in jail and a
$500 fine.
The law was partly a result of
the- public attention given to the
health hazards of smoking after
U.S. Surgeon General Luther Ter-
ry released a report in early 1964
detailing alleged dangers of smok-
The report, which had a great
initial impact, has had little ef-
fect on overall cigarette sales,
which are now as high as when
it was issued.

icces sful

Hulcher's Plan
Hulcher's proposal, presented at
Monday night's council meeting,
requests passage of a local or-
dinance identicle with the word-
ing of Article I, Section 2 of the
state constitution, which states:
"No person shall be denied the
equal protection of the laws; nor
shall any person be denied the
enjoyment of his civil or political
rights or be discriminated against
in the exercise thereof because of
religion, race, color, or national
Although he said he will vote
for Hulcher's proposal, Council-
man Robert Weeks remarked that
he "doesn't think the solution to
the local problem is for us to
adopt a section of the state con-
stitution. We need specific or-
Amendment 14
He pointed out that the Amend-
ment 14, section 1 of the United
StateshConstitution-the section
on which the state's civil rights
provision is based-has outlawed
such discrimination since 1868,
but that specific federal civil
rights legislation in the last dec-
ade was needed to make it effec-
Hulcher, however, defended his
plan,N saying that it is enforceable
until such time as the courts
might restrict its coverage.
"Therstate Civil Rights Com-
mission is presently operating on
the assumption that the constitu-
tion's broad provision can be en-
forced,"he said, "and so far the
courts have not acted to curtail
the CRC's power."
Hulcher added that he will be
glad to discuss Cappaert's sug-
gestions for broadening the Fair
Housing Ordinance, but that adop-
tion of the section from the state
constitution would "supplant the
need for any amendments."
He explained that the con-
stitution's provision is all-inclu-
sive and that incorporating it into
a local ordinance would smipl3
offer citizens another avenue for
redress of grievances

with the

First Joint
Operation in
Asian War
Historic Offensive
Fails To Discover
Viet Cong Troops
SAIGON, Viet Nam (AP)-A task
force of Americans, Vietnamese
and Australians-more than 2,000
strong-probed for Viet Cong in
the D-zone jungle yesterday with
as little apparent success as in
past actions where Vietnamese
battalions hunted alone.
The international offensive
made history as the first such
joint operation by U.S. paratroop-
ers, Vietnamese airborne soldiers
and Australian infantrymen, ar-
tillery boomednand aerial bombs
exploded on suspected guerrilla
positions in the zone, 30 miles
north of Saigon.
But visual contact with the
enemy was slight.
No Viet Cong Troops
No masses of Viet Cong troops
were uncovered and the opposi-
tion, as in past strikes into that
stronghold, was limited largely
to sniper fire: Some Communist
stores were found and destroyed.
In the air war, the U.S. Air
Force made its deepest announced
strike into North Viet Nam. An
American military spokesman said
a fighter-bomber fleet dumped 27
tons of bombs on a barracks and
supply depot at Thuan Chau, 150
miles west northwest of Hanoi
and 75 miles south of Red China's
Pilots said they destroyed 32
buildings and damaged 20.
The spokesman said all return-
Plane Shot Down
He reported, however, that an-
other American plane was shot
down during an attack on the
previously raided military center
at Son La, 15 miles southeast of
Thuan Chau, and the pilot was
presumed killed.
Two planes were lost in the war
south of the border Briefings of-
ficers gave these details:
Guerrilla fire hit a U.S. Air
Force 557 jet as it supported a
ground operation 15 miles from
Saigon and set its left wing afire.
The two crewmen ejected. The
iparachute of one failed to open
1 and he fell-'to death. The second
man parachuted into a river and
disappeared. A hunt was started
for him.

1 s
zling gyra-
e New York
buying sent
in equally
le best gain
ovall, a vice
as volatile
rading out-
rds sales in


Housing Bill May Be Slashed

Special To The Daily
will meet today to amend
ly controversial section of
dent Lyndon B. Johnson
housing b il1, highly
sources said yesterday.
The House leadership is
ed to move to alter the bill
private housing rent sup
proposal - which Johns
called "the heart" of the\
bill-to combat mounting
cism of the idea.

Sources were silent on the
SHousenature of the amendment how-
a high- ever.
f Presi- As the rent supplement proposal
's 1965 now stands, the Federal Housing
reliable Agency would survey localities
and determine the minimum rent
expect- required for decent housing in the
's novel area. Families earning less than
plement four times that amount per
on has month, the "income cut-off point"
housing -and who would thus have to
g criti- pay more than 25 per cent of
their income for standard hous-


'U' Players To Give Threepenny Opera'

ing-could receive subsidies.
The rent subsidies would go to
such families living in sub-stand-
ard housing or with poor, handi-
capped, or elderly members; it
would make up the difference be-
tween 25 per cent of the f-amily's
income and the actual rent re-
quired to move into the standard,
'decent' private housing.
Thus, in an area where mini-
mum standard housing costs $100
per month, families in those three
categories-poor, handicapped, or
elderly-with incomes less than
$400 per month would receive sub-
sidies. A qualifying family with
a monthly income of $300 could
enter a standard private housing
project, pay $75 (25 per cent of
its income) in rent, and the gov-
ernment would pay the $25 dif-
ference to the landlord in a rental
The Republican minority on
the House Housing Subcommittee
began criticism of the proposal-
which yesterday became intense-
by charging in its minority re-
port that families with incomes
well over the national average
would be able to participate un-
der the plan.
The bill's supporters, however,
said that a preliminary survey by
the Federal Housing Agency indi-
cated that this would not happen.
Other opponents of the bill'
charged that it would destroy in-
centive to raise income or to buy
private homes; some opponents
charged it a "collectivist" measure.
k But the bill's backers argued
that it would stimulate private
rental housing and that it would
provide decent housing for 500,000
families now awaiting public

changed hands, and the first-hour Ater Grade Flan
volume of 2.63 million shares was
the biggest since the exchange The medical school is consider-
began keeping hourly records in Thmeiascolicnidr
1933. ing changes in its grading sys-
tem, but no administrative deci-
The advance camehafter fou
esuccessive days of losses, including so has been made as yet, Dean
the biggest one-day loss of the William Hubbard of the medical
year Monday, the sharpest decline school said yesterday.
since Nov. 22, 1963, when Presi- It may use a "high pass, pass
dent Kennedy was assassinated. or fail system," sources indicated.
Most of the gains yesterday
were scored by the blue chip stocks
of the big, established corpora-
Despite the big gain in the pop-
ular averages, not a single stock
hit a 1965 high and 452 stocks
dropped to their lowest prices of
the year-28 more than during
Monday's sell-off.
Through much of the day, es-
pecially during the lunch hour,
brokers' offices were thronged
with traders and observers watch-
ing the rapidly changing prices
and averages.


The University Players' summer playbill gets off to a rollicking
start tonight with the presentation of "The Threepenny Opera."
The musical, with libretto by Bertolt Brecht and music by Kurt
Weill, concerns the story of the universal villain, Mack he Knife,
played by Roger Wertenberger, '66M. Other leads are performed by
Karen Emens, '65M, as Polly, Mack's "bride," and Sandra Goetz, Grad,
as Jenny, the jealous prostitute. Others include members of Mack's
gang and professional sisters of Jenny.
Based on John Gay's "The Beggar's Opera," written in the 1700's,
"The Threepenny Opera" is just that-an opera for and about beggars.
"The Threepenny Opera" satirizes everything from public corrup-
tion to moral values in a libretto following the saga of Machaeth
from his "marriage" to Polly to his betrayal for Jenny and subse-
quent sojourn in Newgate Prison. He is saved from hanging finally
by the benevolent but corrupt prison keeper.
The score, directed by Prof. William P. Halstead of the speech
department, combines traditional German beer-hall music with
American jazz, representing the dissonance of a disoriented world.
John Gay's original "Beggar's Opera" was little more than an


Rann of Kutch
Shooting Ends
NEW DELHI, India (A) - With
prompting from Britain, India
and Pakistan will put a cease-fire
into effect Thursday in the Rann
of Kutch, a desolate region on
India's western frontier.
An official spokesman, announc-
ing this yesterday, said an agree-
ment will be signed today, but
declined to go into detail. It was
reliably reported, however, that
both sides had agreed to give up
some outposts.
Both sides charged the other
with aggression after heavy fight-
ing erupted in Kutch in April.
Each side claimed it had inflicted
600 casualties on the other.
When it became apparent that
war was possible, both India and
Pakistan began backing down.

-Daily-Thomas R. Cops
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