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May 07, 1965 - Image 1

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Chance of showers
by afternoon

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


VOL. LXXV, No. 3-S




Charter Clause
To Be Defended
The Sigma Chi fraternity chapter at the University is currently
gathering material to present to Student Government Council and
Interfraternity Council concerning an alleged de facto discrimina-
tion clause in its national charter, John Feldkamp, assistant to the
director of student activities and organizations, said yesterday.
The clause is a "soical acceptability" clause which forbids the
fraternity from proposing anyone for membership "who for any
reason is likely to be considered personally unacceptable as a brother
by another chapter or member anywhere."
The question of de facto discrimination arose when the Stan-
ford University chapter of Sigma Chi charged the national that

Vote Down
Attempt To
Cripple Bill
ate rejected yesterday a Southern
challenge to the automatic guar-
antee President Lyndon B. John-
son proposed to enforce the vot-
ing rights of Negroes.
With a 64-25 roll call vote, it
turned down an amendment that
would have put the federal courts
in charge of new steps to end ra-
cial discrimination at the polls.
Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich)
floor manager for the legislation
said it would have meant "total
emasculation of the bill."
"Your great-great grandchil-
dren won't live long enough to see
this problem whipped unless we
have a device such as we've in-
cluded in this bill," Senate Repub-
lican leader Everett M. Dirksen
(R-Ill) declared.
Suspend Tests
Johnson's measure would auto-
matically suspend state literacy
tests and authorize federal regis-
tration of voters in large areas of
the South.
Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr. (D-NC)
sponsored the amendment, which
would have permitted federal reg-
istration only after the govern-
ment proved in court that a state
or county was discriminating
against Negroes.
Under his plan, the federal of-
ficials would have registered vot-
ers who met current state re-
quirements - including literacy
The Ervin amendment was beat-
n by 42 Democratic and 22 Re-
publican votes. Supporting it were
eight Republicans and 17 Demo-
crats, all from the South except
Carl Hayden (D-Ariz), Robert C
Byrd (D-W Va) and Sen. Frank D.
Lausche (D-Ohio).
In North Carolina, Ervin said
997 out of every 1000 applicant
-white and Negro-pass the state
literacy test. Yet, he complained
34 of the state's counties would be
covered by the Johnson bill.

-this clause led to discriminatory
practices. The chapter then held
rush on a "non-discriminatory"
basis. On April 3 a Negro accept-
ed a bid from the local and four
days later the chapter was tem-
porarily suspended.
According to Harry V. Wade,
grand consul of the Sigma Chi
national, the Stanford chapter
was suspended because it was
"crystal clear" that the local
group was "not particularly inter-
ested in carrying on the ritual,
standards and traditions of the
No Hearing
However, this action was taken
without a hearing and without
the local chapter having any op-
portunity to answer charges. The
local has retained lawyers who
say such a procedure violates the
fraternity's own constitution.
in"If it is proven that the clause
in the Sigma Chi charter is dis-
criminatory, it could mean trou-
ble for most of the Sigma Chi
chapters, Feldkamp said.
Sen. Lee Metcalf (D-Mont), a
chapter alumnus, also pointed out
that every chapter could get into
trouble because of provisions in
the Civil Rights Bill. His concern
is based upon Title VI which bars
federal support to any institution
which practices or supports racial
Concerning the future of the
Stanford chapter of Sigma Chi,
Feldkamp explained that it could
become a local fraternity or it
could attempt to remain part of
the national.
He said that the change from
a national to a local was a drastic
one for a fraternity since a fra-
ternity national carries many ben-
efits-prestige and tradition. It
can also provide financial re-
sourcesas well as other types of
aid when it is necessary.
"Right now," Feldkamp con-
tinued, "it looks like the chapter
will attempt to remain with the
. national."
In any case, officials at Stan-
ford have indicated their support
of the fraternity's action to elim-
inate discriminatory practices.
This event has sparked response
from 14 universities and colleges
across the nation. Among them is
the University.

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi

DEPICTED HERE IS THE TYPE OF DEPRESSED AREA which will be shown to the public as
guests of the Congress of Racial Equality today. According to Mrs. Betty Powell, head of the pro-
gram, today is particularly appropriate for demonstrating the need for civic improvement. The
Women's Civic Club will hold their fourteenth annual showing of Ann Arbor's more opulent resi-
dences, and the less elaborate plan of CORE is intended to dramatize the fact that affluence and
poverty exist side-by-side here. Several substandard homes will be visited. Transportation and
guides will be provided (members of CORE have information about the history of poverty in Ann
Arbor) leaving from the Ann Arbor Community Center at 3:30 and 4:30 p.m.
Entities or Integers?

Dominican Strife Fells
Four, OAS Votes Help
SANTO DOMINGO (A)-Gunfire operating near the East-West cor- later to newsmen by cabinet
crackled again in Santo Domingo ridor set up to ferry supplies to spokesman Pierre Dumas.
yesterday despite a cease-fire, the international zone for refu- Foreign Minister Maurice Couve
bringing death to four United gees. He said unfamiliarity with DeMurville reported that the new
States marines and wounding the Dominican capital caused the proviisonal regime of Col. Fran-
three other American servicemen. marines to go into rebel territory cisco Caamano Deno "seems" to
Two marines were released after instead of returning to their own have the support of the Domini-
being captured by Dominican lines. can parliament. But in the same
rebels. Earlier in the day, Washington breath Couve DeMurville said
Meanwhile, Brazil and Argen- had reported the U.S. toll in the France has not yet made any de-
tina, Latin America's two largest 13-day-old Dominican strife at cision to recognize Caamano.
nations, took the lead yesterday ten dead, one missing and 58 "France disapproves the Ameri-
in moving to organize military wounded. can intervention and wants the
contingents for an Inter-American In Paris, President Charles De withdrawal of troops who have
peace force in the rebellion-torn Gaulle moved his vaunted "inde- landed in Santo Domingo," the
Dominican Republic. pendent diplomacy" to a new cabinet spokesman said in re-
The Organization of American front yesterday by condemning counting De Gaulle's attitude.
States voted yesterday to establish American intervention in the De Gaulle's action is the latest
the Inter-American military force, Dominican Republic and calling in a string of statements or ac-
which will include some of the for withdrawal of U.S. troops tions contrary to American policy
approximately 20,000 U.S. marines from the island republic. following the Cuban missile crisi
and paratroops already in the De Gaulle spoke in a meeting and the British-American agree-
country. of the French cabinet and the ment at Nassau for joint contro
Partial Withdrawal tenor of his remarks was relayed of Britain's nuclear submarines.
Ellsworth Bunker, U.S. ambas-
sador to the OAS, said that as
other nations contribute to the
joint force part of the U.S. con-
tingepit will be withdrawn.
There was no indication on the "
total forces the Latin American ib a i s Id e u t
nations eventually might contri-
bute. Five countries - Uruguay, a
Mexico, Chile, Peru and Ecuador
-voted against the OAS proposal By JAMES TURBETT
and Venezuela abstained. Students at Michigan State University protested the inadequacy
Three marines were killed in a of their library system on April 27, in a demonstration organize
fierce encounter in the heart of by the Committee for Student Rights. The protestors, all students
the capital's rebel territory. Two sat on the library steps with signs.
others were wounded in the clash, The purpose of the protest was to point out the "already wel
one of whom died later after he known need for more books and more staff." Charles Wells, campus
was taken to a aircraft carrier, editor of the Michigan State News, feels that since the problem ha
U.S. sources said. already been recognized and since the director of libraries, Richar
fighting erupted after a marine Chapin, can do nothing independently, the protest probably ha
patrol took a wrong turn. The little real effect. He thinks the
rebels at first charged a cease- solution lies with increased state
fire violation, then said they be- aid from the legislature. Urges Trade
lieved the story of the wrong turn. The administration has been
wounded two U.S. paratroopers system for five years and has
and hit a helicopter, wounding the been pressing for more funds from
pilot in the legs.) the state.
Believes Story John Fuzak, vice-president for WASHINGTON (R) - A blue
The rebels released the two cap- Student Affairs, agrees that the ribbon panel urged President Lyn
tured marines to theOranza library needs improvement and don B. Johnson yesterday to us
tion of American tes Commis that it has been anarea of major trade with the Communist bloc a
sion, which handed them over im- emphasis in recent years and still an instrument of foreign policy.
ia U.S. authorities, is. Vice-President Philip May con-
mediately to U.S.autoedtes. ncurred that even more money is "The time is ripe to make mor
They were not allowed to be in- iieeded to be spent than is being active use of trade arrangement
terviewed, Cos mission in Santo spent now. as political instruments in rela
About the demonstration itself, tions with Communist countries,
Domingo, Robert Satin, quoted all the administrators emphasized the special committee on trade re
Col. Francisco Caamano Deno, the right of the students to pro- lations with the Communist blo
rebel-elected provisional president, test. But most of them doubted told the chief executive.
as saying he believed their story the value of picketing in focusing
of wandering into rebel territory attention to problems, because 'Trade should be brought int
accidentally. usually the problems are known the policyarena. It should be o
Blames Unfamiliarity by the administration. fered or withheld, purposefull
A U.S. military spokesman said Fuzak said that the students and systematically."
the patrol took a wrong turn while often do not realize the complex- The committee was establishe
ity of some problems. after Johnson announced his de
He feels that the students termination "to increase peacefu
Try Takeover should make more use of regular trade" with the bloc. In his Stat
channels for complaint before of the Union message in Januar
they resort to demonstrations. As the President said he was explor
At Em bassy do the other officials, he affirms ing the possibility of trade ex
the right of the students to dem- pansion.
BOGOTA, Colombia (I)-Four onstrate peacefully. As thde its reo
hundred demonstrators tried to Chaplin feels the value of the public a p ivate udy group, th
take over the United States con- protest is in showing that the Committee for Economic Develop
sulate at Barranquilla City yester- MSU students are not Apathetic mee Eonmd h eve
day, but were repelled by the na- about campus problems. "Mich- ment, recommended that the Wes
tional police. Three policemen were igan State hangsrits librarian in seek expansion of trade with th
hit by rocks thrown by the dem- effigy; the University hangs its bloc, yet maintain its no-trad
ontators. rep emn coaches ihn igy, hnoted ttitude toward Comm unist Chin
In Bogota, U.S. offices are re- Vice-President Milton E. Muel- and Cuba.
ceiving special protection from po- der said that although the stu- Similar private study groups i
lice. The streets near the U.S. dents always should have the France, Germany, Italy and Japa
Embassy are being patrolled by right to demonstrate, this one reached the same conclusion o
detectives and uniformed police- had no effect since MSU is im- trade with the Communists, bi
demen armed with clubs and tear proving its library facilities as they do not want to exclude Re
gas grenades. fast as possible. China.

"It's a great university," said
Robert Marble, "but I wouldn't
send my son here for his first two
years of college. I've seen too
many freshmen who are complete-
ly lost here.
"Too often a student at the
University is only student six-six-
five-nine, only a number. Faculty
and administration try to change
it but it's almost impossible."
Robert Marble is an administra-
tor, one of the men who has to
face the problems everybody talks
He is manager of the depart-


ment of English, the man who
decides on drops and adds, and
various other requests from stu-
His job is to tell you that you
can't get into an English course
because there are 25 or 30 or 50
students already in it, no matter
how much you need it in your
During the early bays of any
semester, hordes of students wait
outside his office, patient, angry
and often disgusted, waiting to
ask for a course drop or add or
section change.
"We have to say no to a lot of
them because otherwise one teach-

Senator Seeks Amendment
Endangering 'U Autonomy
The Flint controversy-whether the University's branch college
there should remain under University control or become a separate
institution-took on a new dimension yesterday when Sen. Edward
Robinson (D-Dearborn) proposed a constitutional amendment that
would strip Michigan's colleges and universities of their legal
Although not the first such amendment to be introduced in the
Legislature, it comes at a time when legislative action will probably
decide the direction of University expansion. The Legislature first

er would have 50 students and
other ten, and that would be un-
fair to the teachers."
"This morning I came to the
office at 7:15 and found someone
sitting outside the door, waiting to
see me. During the Fall and Win-
ter semesters I often have four
aspirins and a glass of water for
lunch because there are so many
students outside," recalled Marble.
A low department budget causes
some of the problems. "If we just
had a little more office space, I
could make the system one-third
more efficient immediately,"
Marble said. "But that's the way
it has to be."
Faculty have their problems too.
"The 'publish or perish' syndrome
does exist," admitted Marble, "but
there are two sides to it.
Marble told stories he had
heard about a controversy some
years back within the English de-
partment when some excellent
teachers but 'unprolific publishers'
were denied tenure or promotions.
Colleagues fought for the teachers
and in several cases won extension
of publishing 'deadlines'."
Listening to Marbletalking on
the phone with another adminis-
trator sheds light on the role of
an administrator.
On one hand, he treats the stu-
dent as a case, as he must in
handling his share of the 27,000
students-cases that make up the
University. "We've got another
late registree for a closed course
-,." he will begin.
But on the otheruhand, he
treats the case as a student, as he
must in handling a young person
probably a little scared by the
machinery of the University. "Of
course, I'd hate to keep her out
of the class, because she's already
rented an apartmentandimoved
in . . ." he will add, frowning.


OSU Students Balk at Ban

The student protest at Ohio
State University over the ad-
ministration ban on Marxist
speaker Herbert Aptheker has
developed into an overall pro-
test against administration con-
trols on academic and political
The newly formed Free
Speech Front, a loosely orga-
nized protest group similar to
Berkeley's Free Speech Move-
ment, has held a numberof
rallies and sit-ins, and one
teach-in to protest and exam-
ie the OSU's speaker ban
clause in the OSU charter.
The controversy arose last
April 21 when OSU Vice-Presi-
dent John Corbally, Jr. inform-
ed the student organization
which had invited Aptheker to
speak that in all probability
such a speech would not be al-
In a letter addressed to Prof.
David G. McConnell, faculty
advisor to the sponsoring Stu-
dents for Liberal Action, Cor-
bally stated, "It is my opinion
that the provisions of Faculty
Rule 21.09 (Guest Speakers'
Rule) would not permit Dr. Ap-
theker to appear as a guest
sneaker on this camnus."

April 23 when 1000 students sat
in the halls of the adminis-
tration building and picketed
outside for about four hours.
FSF resolved to take no fur-
ther action until April 28 to
give university officials time
to examine the possibilities of
liberalizing the speaker ban
regulations. However, the ad-
ministration and a faculty
committee decided to postpone
consideration of the question
until July. Finding this unsat-
isfactory, FSF decided to hold
an overnight sit-in in the ad-
ministration building on April
After the building closed
about 500 students remained
and kept an all night vigil.
There were no incidents and no
arrests. The demonstration was
orderly and quiet.
Claims Victory
Jeffrey Schwartz, a spokes-
man for FSF, said that "the all
night sit-in was a victory be-
cause we were all orderly. We
will be persistent in our de-
mands, and we will continue
to work until the rule is chang-
President of Ohio State, Nov-
ice G. Fawcett, said during the
all night sit-in, "All channels
of communication are still open

cerning the all night demon-
A number of independent
faculty groups are in the proc-
ess of lobbying with the Fac-
ulty Advisory Committee and
directly with members of the
administration for the imme-
diate consideration of the rule.
Meanwhile, the Ohio Civil
Liberties Union has pledged
support for the student dem-
onstrators in the event of any
arrests. All students wishing to
participate in FSF demonstra-
tions are required to sign a
pledge to obey a list of 10 con-
duct rules for demonstrations,
including such items as the
maintenance of order at all
times, a promise not to in-
dulge in alcoholic beverages or
gambling, and the obeyance of
all official orders. If the rules
are not abided by, OCLU sup-
port will be withdrawn froni
the transgressing student.
Another rally to be held on
the steps of the administration
building Wednesday was post-
poned until toda; so arrange-
ments for speeches by a num-
ber of faculty members from
the political science and eco-
nomics departments could be
made. The administration has
refrained from commenting on
th -m'wrA Amon'aatin and

entered the picture officially when
University President Harlan
Hatcher (representing the Uni-
versity position that Flint should
remain under guidance from Ann
Arbor) stated on April 28 that
the University would abide by a
decision from the Legislature. Pre-
viously, Gov. George Romney's
State Board of Education has
recommended that Flint be made
into an autonomous four-year
college, and the question will now
come to the floor in Lansing.


So if Robinson's proposal re-
flects the prevalent mood among
Ithe state's 148 Senators and Rep-fetth prvlnmoda nge Ai zmj u(
lose its battle to maintain control B
of Flint and also lose $2.4 million
pledged by Flint philanthropistByHOA R.C I
Charles Mott who has threatened By THOMAS R. COPI
bto witd raw nissuppor is follThe opinions of The Daily are highly regarded by most of the
aed 's te L e at nse. faculty and administrative personnel of the University, not to men-
tion the students (although we occasionally do mention them).

4elebrity.- Join
. rmsg l " " o !!!?iiilill!!!iillmi2 ||5IliM G E i n

But President Hatcher was not You can express your ideas through the Daily-known as the
too apprehensive. He said yester- "New York Times" of college newspapers-by simply coming to the
day that legislators would prob- Student Publications Building and saying "I would like to express my
Uanr boltautonoy simply b-iideas through the Daily." Of course you have to make sure someone is
cause the board and the Univer- listening.
sity have differed over Flint. Once you have joined the Daily, you will have a refuge from
- -academic pressure since you will be able to substitute for it a different
Meanwhile, nearly a dozen other kind of pressure-a newspaper deadline.
educators lined up yesterday
a sprostdal But at the Daily there is no roommate or parent standing over
against the Robinson proposal. your shoulder forcing you to study. Our smiling, jovial linotypists
screaming at you to write faster will make a nice substitute, though.
Cla NazFor those of you who feel that you don't have the writing abil-
ity necessary to become a Daily reporter, don't despair-our friendly
senior editors will instruct and train you in the finer points of Daily
Lead Birchers ~ style. The only requirement for prospective Dailyites is that they be
hle m to rol aiece of naner into a tvnewriter.



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