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June 18, 1965 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1965-06-18

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Sg AI1Ifgal Daily
-~ Sev enty-Third Year
"Where Opinions Are Free
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Civil Rights Movement
Must Shift Emphasis
Civil rights workers in the South this summer must shift their
focus and concentrate on educating Negro voters so that they can
vote intelligently, not simply as tools of a political party.

Aid Must Be Better Allocated

rights movement today is the ballot.
The voting-rights law, recently passed
and signed into law by the President, has
given legal federal backing to the Negro's
quest for the vote. But what good will it
The Southern Negro (also applicable in
the North) is, for the most part, unedu-
cated and uninformed. He, like all too
many Americans, is simply not qualified
to cast a knowledgeable ballot.
Already Poth major political parties
are starting their ,propaganda mills
churning in an effort to sway the as yet
unregistered Negro bloc in the South into
their camp. Tactics will undoubtedly be
emotional with almost total disregard
for facts. The uneducated Southern Ne-
gro will be bandied back and forth be-
tween the parties and American politics
will achieve a new low for moral degen-
The Negro wishes to be recognized as a
human being but such crass buying and
selling of Negro votes would be nearly as
bad as the actual buying and selling of
their bodies.
THE FAULT LIES not with the law but
in the civil rights groups who, this
summer, plan to spend enormous amounts
of money to boost Negro voting rolls.
If plans are successful civil rights lead-
ers would have an effective club to use
against the established system. They
would have a more direct control over the
new block of voters. This puts the leaders
in a position of greater power. There is
no way to foretell how and if they will
use it.
In many small Southern towns, such as
Selma, Alabama, the Negro population
is nearly or more than half the total
population of the town. The effect upon
such towns of Negroes voting at nearly
fully force could prove disastrous. A cen-

tury of intolerance and resentment on
both sides of the color line could provide
the fuel to allow the racial discrimina-
tion issue to burst into an open and
violent flame.
The Negro, determined to win his long
battle for equality, and the white, fearful
of losing his position in the community,
might clash openly at the polls at elec-
tion time.
CIVIL RIGHTS in the South is a deli-
cate matter and should not be han-
did with boxing gloves. The civil rights
worker is encouraged to move even faster
in light of past successes but past vic-
tories do not insure future success.
The path for optimum success and min-
imum failure should be carefully thought
out and not rashly blundered into.
The emphasis of the civil rights move-
ment should now be placed on educatioh
rather than the acquisition of the vote
for the ballot is meaningless unless it is
backed by education and knowledge of
candidates and issues.
The money which is now being devoted
to a voter registration drive should be di-
verted to educational purposes. The civil
rights lobbies in Washington would find
thei'r time better spent if their energies
were concentrated in badgering Congress
for additional funds for Negro education
rather than the futile drive to oust Mis-,
sissippi Democrats from Congress for
being illegally elected.
A DRIVE for better education would not
be as sensational or as headline grab-
bing but would prove much more bene-
ficial to Negroes in the long run.
If Southerners are not allowed to di-
gest the still relatively new civil rights
-movement, all the gains made in behalf
of Negroes will perhaps be negated.

WHETHER we are dealing with
Viet Nam, the Dominican Re-
public or with the foreign aid
program in general, there is one
common problem which is crucial
and central for all the many
things we are undertaking.
It is hard to find governments
that we can support which are
reasonably honest, efficient and
progressive and are trusted Dy
their own people.
We are learning in Viet Nam
how difficult it is to defend a
country in which there is no gov-
ernment which can rally its own
Dominican Republic what happens
when there is no recognizable le-
gitimate government to receive
our military backing and our eco-
nomic help.
The same difficulty is at the
root of the disappointment, which
is so great in this country today,
at the results of the foreign aid
programs, We are, to be sure,
much more vividly conscious of
spectacular incidents like the
burning of a library than we are
of the quiet successes.
Nonetheless, there are disap-
pointments, so many of them that
the Senate has now voted another
installment of foreign aid with
the proviso that there is to be a
radical re-examination of the
whole policy within the next two
WITHOUT attempting to guess
what conclusions will be reached
in these two years, it is. already
quite evident that trouble arises
when aid is funneled through
corrupt, reactionary or highly in-
competent governments.
It is not easy to find enough
good governments in all the
emerging and underdeveloped
countries, and, if we are philo-
sophical about it, we must not be
surprised at the difficulty of find-
ing them.
The condition is baffling, but
that is a concomitant of inexperi-
ence and backwardness.
MOREOVER, American officials
who have to administer the pro-
grams are frequently in a quan-
As a general rule, the most im-
peccably anti-Communist govern-
ments are more often than not
reactionary, stupid and corrupt-
as, for example, the Batista gov-
ernment in pre-Castro Cuba or the
Trujillo government in the Do-
minican Republic.
On the other hand, the more
progressively minded parties or
factions include almost inevitably
not only the left but the Com-
munists on the left of the left.
IT TAKES a -lot, more acumen
and political courage for an Amer-
ican official to back a progressive
faction than it does for him to
embrace a rightist faction.
This dilemma donfronts us con-
tinually in our role as champion
of the free world in Asia, Latin
America and Africa.
Nevertheless, in the task of con-

taining the expansion of Com-
munism there is no substitute for
the building up of strong and vi-
able states which command the
respect of the mass of their people.
THE PRESIDENT, of course.
knows this and has frequently
said it. But the tragedy of our
entanglement in Viet Nam is that
we find ourselves fighting what is
in fact an American rear guard
action to stave off the collapse
and defeat of the Saigon govern-
In this cramped position there
is little opening or opportunity for
us to use our power and our re-
sources constructively in South-
east Asia.
We may leave itto the historians
to say how and why we are paint-
ed into a corner. Our task is to
bring up our resources to power
and wealth, which are intact, in
order to cut down our unavoidable
losses to the lowest possible cost
in lives and in influence.
disservice, I think, to inflate and
emotionalize the stakes in Viet

Nam to make it appear that the
whole future of America and of
the western world in Asia and the
Pacific is going to be fought out
and decided in the Vietnamese
It is not going to be decided
there, and it is not going to be
decided in any other single place.
Thus, for example, we must
prepare our minds even now for
the possibility that Britain will
not be able to carry much longer
the whole burden of her respon-
sibilities from Aden and the Per-
sian Gulf through the Indian
Ocean to Singapore.
There looms ahead of us the
prospect of having enormous new
responsibilities thrust upon us, re-
sponsibilities which do not begin
and will not end with our en-
tanglement in Saigon.
THAT IS WHY, though we can-
not and must not scuttle and run,
we must use our resources and our
wits to avoid becoming bogged
down in a large land war on the
Asian mainland.
(c)1965, The washington Post Co.

Wear i n Viet Nam
Makes The News

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
Teach-In-Was It A Harangue?

Teach-In Proponents
Have Their Say.

Affluence Produces U.S. Apathy

one has the sensation of living in an
era in which history is being made.
I mean this statement not in the sense
that one conventionally uses it-"These
are the times that try men's souls . ..-
but in a less commonplace and perhaps,
more meaningful one.
For I believe the U.S. today is embark-
ink upon a new course in its history and
as such we are entering into that sphere
of scholarship which we have known only
secondarily until now. We are entering
into a period in our history which will be
remembered by historians three or four
generations from now as one in which we,
consciously or inadvertantly, cast aside
our finest values.
REFER TO THE SORT of history that
William Shirer wrote about in the "Rise
and Fall of the Third Reich": the his-
tory of a society which is unable to ad-
just itself to the pressures being put upon
it by an expansion of the democratic eth-
ic and which is retreating into authori-
It would have seemed inconceivable (or
at least almost so) to most Americans a
few short months ago, that anything
like "Seven Days in May" could really
take place. But it is.
I mean this, of course, not in the literal
sense that we face the imminent pros-
pect of a military takeover. This seems
More generally, however, we must now
come to grips with the subtler point of
the film: with the infusion of anti-intel-
lectual and traditional military values
(obedience, stoicism, psychological sub-
servience) into our traditional culture
JUDITH WARREN........................ Co-Editor
ROBERT HIPPLER.................. Co-Editor
EDWARD HERSTEIN................... Sports Editor
JUDITH FIELDS...................Business Manager

pattern-with the denudation of the ethic
of democracy.
sent remains part of a society not
simply as a formal opportunity, but as a
viable and habitual aspect of the think-
ing people of that society.
This is becoming increasingly less true
in the U.S.
In the first instance America today is
a comfortable place to be. The greater
diffusion of the wealth among some of
the groups which comprise the society has
led to an increasing unwillingness to en-
gage in activity which in any way, shape
or form presents a threat or potential
threat to this affluence.
Michael Harrington and others have
told us that this "included" group is not
nearly so large as might be imagined,
but still this statement is true of a signifi-
cant and strategic portion of our culture.
OF COURSE this statement is more de-
scriptive of the social psychology of
some groups in the U.S. than it is of oth-
But the fact remains that the people
most integrated into our society-those
who are businessmen, who are people of
middle age, who are white-are the peo-
ple that hold the potential balance of
power. The others, the "marginal people"
-youth, Negroes, lower class people-are
the people most likely to be effected by
the drastic actions which our government
now contemplates.
Thus the submissiveness of the com-
placent majority-the gray flannel mil-
lions tamed by the McCarthy era-be-
comes a sort of fratriticide. Today's apa-
thetic clubwomen are tomorrow's gold
star mothers.
THE WAR the Johnson administration
is launching in Viet Nam is one which
fits well into the middle class pattern of
life in the U.S.: it is subtle, it is being
run for "us" by the experts, and, we are

To the Editor:
IN THURSDAY'S Daily there was
quite an array of letters con-
demning the teach-in which took
place prior to and during the en-
trance of the astronauts into the
I think the purpose of this
teach-in was misunderstood by
some of these critics. It was not
a "blockade" in any sense, and
neither was it a "haranguing"
demonstration, unless all speeches
with feeling and conviction be-
hind them are harangues.
If the convocation had been
simply a ceremony honoring two
mhen, many of the criticisms of
the teach-in would perhaps be
McDivitt and White was not
simply such a ceremony. It was
essentially a pro-government cele-
bration. The flags, the telegram
from President Johnson with the
inevitable word "peaceful" in it,
White's statement that "America
was the victor"-these and other
aspects of the celebration make
this clear.
The teach-in questioned these
statements and presumptions. It
questioned whether America was
in fact "the victor," if the vast
sums of money used in the space
program were worth this final all-
American moment, this final "vic-
tory" (Over whom? Must all
things result in "victory?").
It questioned especially the dis-
crepancy between the glowing tri-
butes, President Johnson's con-
cern with ". . . the exploration of
space for the benefit of all man-
kind," and his willingness to
spread death among the people of
Viet Nam.
ment are unable to see the ex-
ploration of space as beneficial.
They are concerned with more
basic problems: food, clothing, life
The American people, too, can-
not count the Gemini flight as
the greatest of benefits. After the
brief fanfare is over, what signi-
ficance and importance will the
flight have, in comparison with
the ever-present problem of peace
in this world?
Who were the astronauts of last
year and the year before? Can
their names be remembered? Have
their achievements helped to
create a better world? Is it, in
fact, true, as President Hatcher
said at the convocation, that
"man's only key to his future is
represented by space?"
THESE ARE the kinds of ques-
tions posed by the teach-in. Per-
haps it appeared a kill-joy to
many people, an annoyance in
the day's festivities, the vented
spleen of a few sour grapes. It was
The participants had no inten-
tion of disrupting the ceremonies.

In these areas, our government
is failing to do its job, and those
participating in the teach-in re-
fused to let this fact be obscured
by the noise, the flag waving, the
pseudo-doctoral degrees changing
hands, and the like.
WHAT MATTER all this when
our country is an aggressor?
-Cory Mullen, '66
To the Editor:
WE ARE TOLD that there is a
chance that there are think-
ing, reasoning beings on other
planets and solar systems.
We are asked why we chose to
cry our outrage at the Viet Nam
atrocity on the occasion of the
astronauts' honorary "day."
The situation here on earth is
bad enough. But can men of good
will remain silent when there is
a chance that Lyndon Johnson's
government will mutilate the
whole universe?
DO YOU WANT to go to Mars
to defend the "free world" against
Communist aggression from North
--Peter A. DiLorenzi, Jr. '64
To the Editor:
O NE OF the letter-writers who
attacked the teach-in on the
Union steps Tuesday said the pro-
testors made him feel "ashamed."
Perhaps it might be suggested to
him and to those who agree with
him that this was precisely the
purpose of those staging; the
Each of the speakers at the
teach-in is an American, and each
would like to be as proud of that
factbas the letter-writers pretend
to be.
But they find it impossible to
hail our nation for this endeavor,
while tragic and immoral acts are
being perpetrated by the same
government at many spots on this
AS THE "teach-inners" pointed
out, most of us will not have
the good fortune of Lt. Cols. Mc-
Divitt and White. It is our fate
to live out our days on earth;
many of us may be sent to Viet
Nam to help our government
"safeguard democracy."
It is for this reason that some
of feel shame. It is for this reason
that we feel it our duty not to
celebrate while so many are dying.
It is for this reason thattsome of
our teachers feel bound to teach,
even when the University has
cancelled classes.
If Tuesday's teach-in "revolted"
some, then I can only wonder
what they feel when they read
the reports coming from Viet
ALL THREE of the letters in
The Daily criticize the teach-in

SAIGON-Fighting 60 miles
north of here cost Americans
their worst battle loss of the
-Associated Press, June 11
SAIGON - Military chiefs
seized power in South Viet Nam
today after serving notice on
civilian leaders that they no
longer had confidence in the
politicians of this embattled
-United Press International,
June 11
THE WAR in Viet Nam is not
going well. However, informed
sources in Washington indicate
that President Johnson is plan-
ning key personnel changes and
new offensive strategy to reverse
the trend of late. He plans to get
tough and win peace through
You can look forward to reading
dispatchs like these in the near
water flew here today for top-
level talks with President Johnson
and the National Security Coun-
cil. The ambassador to South Viet
Nam came to give a firsthand
report on his nuclear defoliation
campaign, that has been called
the key factor in recent U.S. vic-
tories in Viet Nam.
NEW YORK-Before national
television cameras last night,
President Johnson told the Na-
tional Convention of American
Chimney Sweeps that he is open
to unconditional peace negotia-
tions over Viet Nam. In this, his

ninth televised peace offer, Pres-
ident Johnson said, "I have said
it before, and I will say it again
-we want peace in Viet Nam at
any cost.
HANOI-American forces scor-
ed a major victory yesterday kill-
ink 5,700 Viet Cong in the latest
assault only six miles from the
heart of this city. Only 300 Ameri-
can troops and 146 advisors in
South Viet Nam were killed in the
heavy fighting, that was led by
U.S. Army General Edmund E.
ANN ARBOR--The 14th in a
series of debates on U.S. policy
in Viet Nam was held here last
night with Presidential Advisor
McGeorge lBundy facing Univer-
sity of Chicago Professor Hans
Morgenthau. The question was,
"Resolved that Communists start-
ed the teach-in movement."
TAIWON - Nationalist Premier
Chaing Kai Shek announced to-
day that he is committing his
entire armed forces to the Ameri-
can effort in Viet Nam. Nation-
alist China joins Spain which sent
95,000 troops Monday as the sec-
ond nation this week to be allied
with the U.S. forces in South
Viet Nam.
DA NANG-320 U.S. jets suc-
cessfully completed bombing raids
on defense plants, railroads and
bridges 75 miles south of Canton
yesterday. According to state de-
partment spokesmen this latest
peace offensive was designed on
the premise that if China felt a
little pressure from the U.S.
bombers , they would withdraw
their support of Viet Cong guer-
rillas in South Viet Nam and'
open the way to a negotiated
settlement. However, Chinese of-
ficials refused to recognize a U.S.
peace offer until the U.S. grants
recognition of China.
SAIGON-The last 8,000 Bud-
dhist monks arrested Monday were
cremated here this morning.. The
monks were extecuted after stag-
ing a four-day hunger strike in
protest of government national-
ization of their pagodas. South
Viet Nam Premier Madame Ngo
Dingh Nhu was present through-
out the executions and told news-
men afterward," I am the state.

Cinderella's Marvelous;
'Flash' Holds His Own


it the state Theatre
WHAT CAN WE say about
Cinderella? We can't really
describe the plot, since you all
know it. We can't commend the
actors for their fine performances
-there aren't any actors. We
can't compliment the camera
crew for its fine work, since the
movie is a cartoon feature.
All we can do, then, is simply
say "thank you" to Walt Disney
for bringing this marvelous, time-
less fairy tale to the screen once
And just in case you who have
already seen Cinderella think that
it's just for little children, you're
wrong. Go again-you'll be sur-
prised how much you've forgotten,
and how much the film still holds
for you.
A suggestion, however, is in
order. For the added comfort and
convenience of viewers over the
age of ten, go to the late show
and avoid the mob of kids. For
even though everyone is familiar
with the story, it is still more en-
joyable to watch it unfold on the
screen instead of having to listen
to a miniature chorus in the
background telling each other
what is going to happen next.
FOR THOSE of you who go to
the movies only to see the main
feature (and possibly the car-
toon), avoiding all featurettes,
travelogues and, newsreels, change
your plans for this one. The other
half of this program, "Flash the
Teenage Otter," isn't as silly as
it sounds.
To begin with, Flash is not a
teenager. This in itself should
bring into the fold all those who

the bottom of a mill pond to the
inside of a beaver lodge (which
Flash appropriates for the win-
ter), Disney's cameramen lead you
through their lenses into the
world of Flash the otter-and it's
a trip worth taking.

One Film Mana ges
To Redeem Five
At the Cinema Guild
THE NEXT TIME your mother makes a nasty crack about the Frug
ask her what she did at the two and a half cents-a-dance dance
halls in 1926.
That's the best part of the six C[ know the ad says five) comedy
classics being offered this weekend at Cinema Guild.
"The Nickelhopper," a silent starring Mabel Normand, shows that
a paternity suit could be slapped on the Charleston for fathering the
Paddy (Miss Normand) is a virtuous girl who works in a dance
hall by night and scrubs floors by day to support herself, her slaving
mother, young brother and lazy slob of a father. Sounds like a tear-
jerker doesn't it.
BUT WAIT! With no respect for continuity or theme, Paddy turns
out to have a lot of moxie. After 15 minutes of slamming swinging
doors in the face of policemen, she and her newly-met suitor take the
plunge. She's one of those "girls you just know life would never be
dull with."
As a brief side attraction, Boris Karloff (that's right, Boris Karloff)
does a glorified walk-on as-what else-the heavy.
Unfortunately the other five films in the grouping aren't nearly
as much fun. They tend to drag a bit. It's obviously pretty hard to
write good comic dialogue (four of the remaining five are talkies).
For example, W. C. Fields in "The Golf Specialist," just grinds
a routine right down to the nitty gritty. Ten minutes fighting sticky
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