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June 17, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-06-17

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Yi t e

dIWF 16


Showers in morning
ending by 3 p.m.

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Russia Asks UN Investigation

-Associated Press
DEBRIS DANGLES FROM THE ROOF and litters the floor at the main entrance of a civilian
terminal at Saigon airport after a terrorist bomb exploded there yesterday. The explosion blew
out every window in the building and blew down a section of the roof. More than 40 persons were
injured in the blast.

Soviet Union made an attempt to
bring the United Nations into the
Dominican Republic civil war yes-
terday, as United States forces
counted their first dead in the re-
newed Santo Domingo fighting.
In the UN, Russia called for the
Security Council to fly here for an
on the scenes investigation, and
yesterday's fighting in the Domin-
ican capital cost the life of one
U.S.. paratrooper.
Two other U.S. soldiers died of
wounds suffered in Tuesday's day-
long battle between the Inter-
American peace force and the
rebels in the heart of Santo
The rebel leader, Col. Francisco
Caamano Deno, said 67 persons
were killed and 265 wounded in
the rebel sector in Tuesday's
fighting. He accused U.S. troops
of "an act of genocide unpreced-
ented in our country."
In New York, U.S. Ambassador
Charles W. Yost told the UN Se-
curity Council that the new out-
break of fighting was set off by
pro-Castro elements and was in-
tended to provoke UN action in
support of the rebel regime.
Yost accused therebel forcesof
"launching an attack on the
Inter-American force in the most
flagrant and serious violation of
the cease fire..."
Soviet Proposal
The Soviet UN ambassador,
Nikolai T. Federenko, proposed
that the council come here. He
said such meetings "would clearly
contribute to the effectiveness" of
the council's work.
The council left the question
hanging until Friday after the
U.S. delegate suggested the move
was either not serious or intended
to make political capital out of
the new fighting.
Caamano's news conference es-
timate of the rebel sector casual-
Arrest Pickets

ties was much higher than the
previous unofficial count of 26
dead and more than 75 wounded.
List Casualties
The Inter-American peace force
announced three U.S. dead and
said there were 33 U.S. wounded
as a result of action Tuesday and
Wednesday. A Brazilian officer
wounded Tuesday was removed
from the critical list.
For more than three hours late
Wednesday afternoon, there was
heavy firing along the northern
corridor of the international se-
curity zone. Most of the shooting
was centered a few blocks from

the Ozama River.
U.S. paratroopers, firing 50 cal-
iber machine guns, recoilless rifles
and other automatic weapons
blasted at buildings in the crowd-
ed slum area where snipers were
believed to be hiding.
An Organization of American
States spokesman told a news
conference that 280 rebel pris-
oners were taken when the secur-
ity zone was extended Tuesday.
These prisoners are being held by
the Inter-American force, the
spokesman said, and are not being
turned over to the civilian-military

Asserts Fair Housing Rule
Oversteps Constitution
According to Michigan Attorney General Frank J. Kelley, Ann
Arbor's Fair Housing Ordinance oversteps constitutional limits.
Kelley, in a special release to The Daily, explained yesterday,
"The protection of civil rights in regard to the power of investigation
and enforcement is a matter of state concern. The state has the
power-complete power-to enforce civil rights in housing; and thus
there is no authority for a city to adopt an ordinance exercising this
Kelley made this statement in regard to the case of the City of
Ann Arbor vs. Hubble. The lawsuit, begun over a year ago, involves
a Negro graduate student, Bunyan

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
Defense Robert S. McNamara an-
nounced yesterday that another
16,000 to 21,000 American troops
are now moving to South Viet
He said six more battalions of
Army troops and Marines, plus
supply and other support ele-
ments, have been requested by the
S o u t h Vietnamese government
"and will be in place in a few
The announcement at a tele-
vised n e w s conference came
against a background of intensi-
fled fighting in which the South
Vietnamese have taken heavy loss-
es and U.S. casualties have risen.

House Postpones
'U' Budget alks
Once again last night, the House unexpectedly postponed dis-
cussion of the University's general funds appropriation, which was
slashed by $6.3 million in the House Ways and Means Committee last
While some sources intimated that a feud among House Demo-
crats caused the delay, most discounted the power struggle theory
and said that full restoration of theSenate higher education bill's
appropriation for the University should pass easily when it comes to
a final vote on Friday or Monday. They predicted that the long-
awaited informal discussion of the bill will take place tomorrow.
"I know of no one who opposes restoration of the funds reduc-
tion," Rep. Charles Gray (D-Ypsilanti), the man who originally
proposed the cutback in the Wayst

Tie Nam Force

McNamara estimated, the new
deployment will boost the total
U.S. troop commitment to between
70,000 and 75,000, of which about
20,000 will be ground fighters. The
figure is roughly triple the Ameri-
can force commitment of early
McNamara reported the num-
ber of Communist Viet Cong
troops, regular full-time fighters,
in South Viet Nam is now esti-
mated at 65,000-18,000 more than
the latest official estimate used
publicly only a week ago, and that
over-all Communist strength is
up to 195,000, counting part-time
guerrillas and political propaganda
He said there are indications
that as many as eight more Viet-
namese regular battalions may
have infiltrated before the air
attacks on North Vietnamese rail
and highway lines began in Feb-

ence: "We're not seeking to de-
stroy the government in the north
-we're not seeking bases," he
He said the strategy is to con-
vince North Viet Nam that it can't
win in its objective of destroying
the government in the South and
then to bring about negotiations
designed to insure the future
peace and security of the country.
"We will do whatever is neces-
sary to achieve our objectives,"
McNamara said.
The defense secretary said the
air attacks against infiltration
routes in North Viet Nam have
caused * substantial damage. He
made the same claim for bomb-
ings of barracks, oil dumps and
ammunition depots.
Bridges Destroyed
A total of 22 out of 23 bridges

"Moreover, the Viet Cong forces
have been increasingly equipped,
$: through the infiltration process,
with modern individual and crew-
served weapons which are stand-
:. r{.ard issue today in North Viet Nam
and Communist China," the sec-
.. retary said.
The new deployments will "not
effect the draft calls in any way,"
McNamara said.
The mission of the American
reinforcements wil be to protect
bases where the United States has
aircraft and supplies and to come
to the aid of South Vietnamese
troops which need them to beat
off specific Communist attacks,
McNamara added.
Asked the U.S. objective in
South Viet Nam, McNamara said
it is to help that country to de-
SECRETARY McNAMARA fend its freedom and independ-
Hanoi Complains to ICC as
Fighting Increases Further
TOKYO (P)-North Viet Nam protested to the International Con-
trol Commission yesterday that the United States is extending its
aerial "war of destruction deeper and deeper into North Vietna-
mese territory," Radio Hanoi announced.
This followed a Communist declaration Tuesday that American
planes based in Thailand had raided the Moc Chau area, about 125
miles northwest of Hanoi, and that the pilot of an F-15 fighter-
bomber was shot down and captured. There was no American con-
U.S. Air Force squadrons have concentrated on areas well south
of Hanoi and the industrial complex that extends eastward from
,Hanoi to the port of Haiphong.

along the North-South route have
been destroyed or made impass-h
able, he said, and to rush repairs _In
the North Vietnamese have moved
in "tens of thousands of people." CHICAGO (W)-Representatives
The North Vietnamese have of pro-integration groups march-
been building up oil supplies, get- ed on City Hall for the fourth
ting them from Red China and by time in six days yesterday in a
sea in ships chartered by some demonstration aimed at speeding
free world nations, McNamara racial integration in public schools.
e defense secetary sad the Meanwhile, Mayor Richard J.
The efese screary aidtheDaley publicly announced his will-
South Vietnamese forces now total ingness to confer with the leaders
more than 500,000 men, but with of the integration groups. He says
the rise of Communist strength, they have a right to march, dem-
the over-all ratio of South Viet- onstrate and picket but asserts
namese troops to Communist they will be arrested if they break
troops is less than 4-1. the laws.
He said this ratio is "consider- Albert Raby, a Negro Chicago
ably less than the force required school teacher in charge of the
to deal effectively with the type demonstrations as organizer of the
of military and terrorist threat Coordinating Council of Commu-
that now exists in South Viet nity Organizations, set up three
Nam." N d conditions Tuesday for talks with
Needed Ratio the mayor:,
Normally a 10-1 to 15-1 ratio is 1) That charges be dismissed
considered a requisite for dealing against all persons arrested in the
with guerrilla insurgency. demonstrations.
McNamara also announced the
pending creation of a new, fast- 2) That a mutually agreeable
moving type of Army division date be set for the meeting.
which could be used in the type of 3) That on the agreed date the
guerrilla warfare now b e i n g marchers be permitted to make
fought in South Viet Nam. the 2-mile walk from Bucking-
He disclosed he has authorized ham Fountain in Grant Park to
the Army to remold some of its City Hall in two lanes of any
units into a fast-striking outfit streets the police choose.
of light infrantry and paratroop- Daley said the leaders can ap-
ers which would be flown into ply for a parade permit to use
combat mostly in its own aircraft. tle street lanes. But he added the
McNamara said this division be- arrests are now in judicial juris-
ing organized at Ft. Benning, Ga., diction over which he has no au-
"will be made combat ready as thority.
expeditiously as possible." The demonstrators are protest-
He said it could be in shape to ing the reappointment of Benja-
deploy in eight weeks if it were min C. Willis, school superintend-
needed, because development of ent whom they accused of main-
the concept has been under way taining de facto segregation in the
for three years. But he declined schools.
to say it would go to Viet Nam. 1. _

Bryant, who claims to have been
denied an apartment in the Park-
hurst - Arbordale Apartments,
managed by C. Frank Hubble, be-
cause of his race.
Question Legality
The major cause for the delay
in the issuance of a verdict is that
state and local officers have been
arguing about the legality of Ann
Arbor's Fair Housing Ordinance.
The issue involved is whether the
state or the city has jurisdiction
concerning cases involving dis-
crimination in local housing.
According to Kelley, the power
was vested in the state Civil
Rights Commission by the con-
stitution. Kelley explained that
the constitution grants the com-
mision "plenary (complete) power
to investigate and secure oppor-
tunity in the~field of housing, and]
that included within such a grant,
is the enforcement of civil rights
to purchase, mortgage, lease, or
rent private housing."
Opinion Is Law
"The opinion of the attorney
general represents the law of the
state as long as no court of record
overrides that opinion," Kelley
asserted. To date, this opinion has
not been overridden.
City Attorney Jacob Fahrner,
however, is not in agreement with
Kelley's decision.
Fahrner contended at t h e
March 12 hearing that the state
Civil Rights Commission is rely-
ing on some "erroneous" law and
that a court decision is needed to
clarify the commission's respon-
sibilities and duties.
Fahrner said earlier that the
article dealing with discrimina-
tion was merely a policy state-
ment which should be acted upon
by legislative action. Since no
such action has come from the
state, Fahrner contends that it
is the responsibility of individual
cities to implement this state-
Opinion Not Law
Furthermore, it is not clear that
the city is bound by the attorney
general's decision, nor that the
city cannot adopt an ordinance
nor enforce an existing ordinance
contrary 'to an opinion of the at-
torney general.
Tomorrow, Municipal C o u r t
Judge James Breakey will render
his opinion on this matter. It is
within his power to override Kel-
ley's opinion and declare the Ann
Arbor Fair Housing Ordinance to
be legal.

and Means Committee, said last
night. "The slashback was only a
tactical maneuver that has now
served its purpose; there is no
reason to oppose putting the fll
$6.3 million back into the bill on
the House floor."
Gray himself has a proposal
awaiting discussion on the House
general orders calendar to do just
that. However, Gray's proposal
omits a specific amendment to
provide $285,000 for expansion of
the University's Flint branch this
But Gray discounted the im-
portance of this, explaining that
the actual funds for Flint are in-
cluded in his motion.
"The difference is only a mat-
ter of language," he said. "The
Senate bill specifically includes a
statement of legislative intent
that $285,000 should be used for
Flint, a statement I did not re-
He added that there is some
dispute as to whether this would
have a significant effect on the
the University's Flint plans, not-
ing that the Genosee County del-
egation in the House probably
will make a move to restore the
legislative intent clause when the
bill comes up for a final vote.
He said that he doesn't consider
this move particularly impor-
Gray attributed last night's de-
lay in discussion of the Univer-
sity budget to the fact that a
great deal of time was consumed
by an afternoon caucus and dis-
cussion of other bills.
Deliberate Stall?
However, several sources said
that House leadership deliberate-
ly stalled last night because heat-
ed debate on several measures had
created too tense an atmosphere
to discuss an issue as controver-
sial as the University budget.
They added that some younger
House Democrats still wanted to
hold off on restoring the Uni-
versity's funds and have the
House pass the $44.08 million
appropriation reported out by the
Ways and Means Committee Fri-
The bill would then have to go
to conference committee, where,
supposedly, these legislators would
hope to exert pressure on Senate
Democrats to restore slashes
made in several House-passed
Test Vote?
They pointed to the vote on a
capital outlay bill (not the Uni-
versity's) passed by the House at
night as a test of strength be-
tween the young Democrats and
the, House leadership, notabl
House Speaker Joseph Kowalski
(D-Detroit) and Ways and Means
Committee Chairman Einar Earl-
andsen (D-Escanaba), both of
whom advocate full restoration of
the slash in the University's budg-
The vote was solidly in favor
of the leadership.
However, Gray said that inter-
preting this as a power struggle is
completely inaccurate.


Predicts Boom
In Economy
NEW YORK W) - Gardner
Ackley, President Lyndon B.
Johnson's chief economic adviser,
made a qualified prediction yes-
terday that 1965 will be a better
year for the United States econ-
omy than 1964.
In an address to the American
Marketing Association, Ackley said
the present economic expansion
"seems destined to continue many,
many months into the future."
Ackley cited numerous statistics
which he said "confirm the ex-
pectation we presented at the turn
of the year that the advance in
the economy between 1964 and
1965 will exceed the advance in
our capacity to produce."
In what some said was a partial
reaction to Ackley's statement,
the stock market yesterday ad-
vanced again. It was a continua-
tion of a rally that got underway1
Tuesday after a seldom interrupt-
ed month-long slump.
Brokers indicated that investors
found encouragement in Ackley's
statement, in addition to state-
ments to Congress yesterday by
President Lyndon B. Johnson and
Secretary of the Treasury Henry'
H. Fowler. The Dow-Jones aver-
age of 30 industrials rose 3.50
points to 878.07.

JACKSON, Miss. () - Police
broke up for the third straight
clay yesterday an attempted pro-
test march on the state capitol
by civil rights demonstrators.
Moving swiftly, officers arrest-
ed 51 marchers for parading with-
out a permit. Nearly 100 others
eluded police by dashing through
back yards and down side streets.
The arrests brought to more
than 700 the number of demon-
strators taken into custody since
Special Session
The marches, organized by the
predominantly Negro Freedom
Democratic Party, are' in protest
to a special legislative session
called to repeal Mississippi's strict
voter registration laws. Negro
'leaders claim the legislature is
trying to circumvent the voting
bill pending in Congress.
Gov. Paul Johnson called the
legislature to consider revisions of
voting laws to bring them in line
with federal requirements. John-
son said this would place Missis-
sippi in a better position when the
federal voting rights bill passes.
Wirt Yerger, chairman of the
Mississippi Republican party, ac-
cused Johnson, a Democrat, of
calling the special session to win
Negro votes.
Win Votes
"The proposed legislation is a
poorly disguised attempt to win
the state's Negro vote for the
Democratic party," Yerger said.
A shortage of participants de-
layed yesterday's march for sev-
eral hours. Finally it began with
about half the number of per-
sons that took part in previous
Robert Stenson, a Negro leader
from Laurel, called for a major
march through the streets of this
clapital city at noon Friday.
"We will march in the streets
until everybody knows about the
Freedom Democratic party," he
CORE Wires
In New York, Congress of Ra-
cial Equality Director James Far-
mer sent, atelegram to the White
House protesting the action of
United States marshals here Tues-
day in shoving Negro demonstra-
tors from post office property.
"Federal intervention is neces-
sary in the South to protect the
rights of citizens and not to deny
them," Farmer wired President
Lyndon B. Johnson.
"We urge immediate action be
taken to instruct Marshal (Jack)
Stuart and all U.S. officials to
end this collaboration with the

Briton Charges'
New Viet Acts
OXFORD, England (A')-British
Foreign Secretary Michael Stew-
art said yesterday at least one
battalion of the regular North
Vietnamese army is operating 200
miles inside South Viet Nam.
"This is a new and rather dis-
turbing situation," he told a
teach-in at the Oxford Union.
"We now know," he said, "that
the North Vietnamese, not con-
tent with supplying the Viet Cong
with weapons and men, have reg-
ular formations deep inside the
territory of South Viet Nam."
Stewart spoke after Henry Cab-
ot Lodge had defended the U.S.

The closest announced approach
to Hanoi was a raid May 30 on
an ammunition depot 45 miles
The Hanoi broadcast said the
deepened penetration of the at-
tacks showed that the U.S. is
"stubbornly expanding its war of
destruction against the Democrat-
ic Republic of Viet Nam."
The message also accused the
Americans of bombing and, straf-
ing populated areas.
This followed by a few hours a
Hanoi broadcast that U.S. raiders
killed 82 patients, wounded 30 and
destroyed or damaged more than
50 dwellings at the Quynh Lap
leper sanitorium Sunday. The ra-
dio account lacked independent
Rnt arfh ati ,,RmihAn-



Reacts to Deeper U.S. Asian Involvement
By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN in the conflict and the second is whether the North Vietnamese
have control of the Viet Cong.
This week the state department declared that American military Past maneuvers by the U.S., such as the bombing of the North,
commanders in Viet Nam have been authorized to send American have had little effect in intimidating Hanoi, he said. Their only
troops to overtly fight alongside the South Vietnamese, if they felt effect has been in temporarily strengthening the political govern-
it necessary. ment in Saigon.
In reaction to this first official U.S. commitment of a major Chinese Involvement
number of military forces since the Korean conflict, the Viet Cong Furthermore, Singer believes that although the chances of
issued a statement that "if the United States government gives itself Chinese intervention in the conflict are slim they are greater now
the right to fight in South Viet Nam, the National Front for than they were a week ago before the new U.S. commitments.
Liberation also gives itselfsthe righthto call, whennnecessary, for On the other hand, he remarked that the Russians are less
volunteers from the armies of North Ve a n ffinl ieyt nevn hnteCieeuls the Chinese intervened
countries to go south to oppose U.S. aggression." and were suffering severe setbacks.
Meanwhile Rnhrt McNamara confirmed at a news conference The Russian policy seems to be that of letting the Chinese and

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