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June 11, 1965 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1965-06-11

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FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1965


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Relief Force Stems Viet Cong Drive;
Saigon Poitical Situation Unstable

SAIGON, Viet Nam MP)-A bold
gamble by a Vietnamese army
commander who poured reinforce-
ments into Dong Xoai under with-
ering Viet Cong groundfire ap-
parently turned the tide of a pow-
erful Communist offensive yester-
But fighting at the district cap-
ital, 60 miles north of Saigon, had
cost Americans their worst battle
loss of the Viet Nam war.
Of the 21 Americans at a spe-
cial forces camp near Dong Xoai,
every one had become a casualty
by Thursday morning - dead,
wounded or missing. But there
were conflicting reports on the
breakdown. '
Original Defenders
The original defenders at Dong
Xoai were making a last ditch
stand when Brig. Gen. Cao Van
Vien, commander of the 3rd Ar-
my Corps, called on helicopters to
airlift his 52nd Ranger Battalion
into the battle zone.
Vien's men reportedly retook
the district headquarters com-
pound which the Viet Cong had
held for nearly 24 hours. The
rangers also were said to have
recaptured two 150 m.m. howitzers
the Viet Cong had seized earlier
In the day.
A U.S. spokesman said the Viet-
namese captured a large stock of
Viet Cong weapons, including a 57
m.m. recoilless cannon, three ma-
chine guns, a flame-thrower and
about 80 small arms.
Paid for Gains
But the rangers paid for their
gains with losses of at least 30
dead and 15 wounded. It was ex-
pected that final casualty counts
would take days to prepare.
A Vietnamese army battalion of
300-400 sent to Dong Xoai as the
first reinforcement yesterday was
cut to pieces. All three American
advisers with the battalion are
listed as missing.
An initial government force of
around 400 men at Dong Xoai
when the attack began was bad-
ly mauled and of about 21 Ameri-
cans ther'e all were believed to be
Final Assault
Then came the final ranger as-
sault with 30 more killed and 15
Losses on the Viet Cong side
could not be estimated but were
presumed to be very high, espe-
cially in view of the large num-
ber of enemy weapons captured.
All day long, Dong Xoa and the
jungle around it were saturated
with blockbusters, napalm, rockets
and cannon fire from American
The air attack also had its cost.
Two helicopters were shot down,
one of them exploding in a fire-
ball, and dozens of other helicop-
ters and planes were hit.
Battle Turned Corner
But it appeared the corner had
been turned against an enemy
force estimated to be about 1500
hard core troops.
;Meanwhile, North Viet Nam
called on its people "to be ready
to join the army" when they are
called, charging that the "U.S.
imperialists had intensified their

-Associated Press
PHAN HUY QUAT, left, premier of South Viet Nam, receives a delegation of Hoa Hao religious sect
members yesterday. The group pledged support to Quat who has accused his chief of state of balking

attempts to settle the political cris
aggressive war in South Viet Nam
and started a war against North
Viet Nam."
Hanoi radio quoted a defense
ministry communique especially
aimed at the youths to expand the
movement of army volunteers so
that they can take "direct part in
destroying the enemy" to save the
Peking Broadcast
A Peking broadcast quoted the+
North Vietnamese Communist par-+
ty journal Nhan Dan as saying;
the United States has made an
"open declaration of war" against+
the Viet Cong.
President Lyndon B. "Johnson's
open order for U.S. troops to par-
ticipate directly in the fighting in+
South Viet Nam is rousing the
deep hatred of our people as a
whole for the U.S. aggressors," the
broadcast said.+

The White House stated Wed-
nesday that American forces could
be employed in support of Viet-
namese when other effective re-
serves are not available and when
the American 'commander in Viet
Nam decides the military situa-
tion urgently requires it.
Political Crisis
In Saigon, the commanders of
South Viet Nam's four military
corps areas-some of the young
officers who wield strong military
and political power in the country
--met yesterday morning to dis-
cuss the political crisis.
Premier Phan Huy Quat has
admitted an inability to solve the
situation. He said he was calling
on Vietnamese military leaders to
settle the crisis, which was trig-
gered by his dispute with Chief
of State Phan Khac Suu over
cabinet replacements.

Roman Catholics are seeking
Quat's ouster. They accuse him of
discrimination against Catholics
and of leaning toward neutralism
in the war.
Maj. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu,
defense minister and the only
military man remaining in Quat's
cabinet, conferred with Suu.
American Raids
American planes continued to
bomb Viet Nam yesterday.
For the sixth consecutive day,
the planes bombed Vinh, a large
city with a variety of important
military installations, 160 miles
south of Hanoi. Eight air force
F105 fighter-bombers hit the
Vinh supply depot with support
from 16 fighters. Hours later,
eight U.S. Navy A4 skyhawks
from the carrier Bon Homme
Richard hit the Vinh army bar-
racks with 10 tons of bombs.

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New Soviet
Moon Shot
MOSCOW W) - Luna 6, the
latest Soviet moon probe, will
miss its target by about 100,000
miles, Tass news agency said yes-
The unmanned spaceship was
expected to attempt a soft land-
ing on the moon today. Tass said
Luna 6 would miss the moon be-
cause an engine failed to turn
off after correcting Luna's course.
Scientific experiments are con-
tinuing with the moon rocket,
the announcement added.
Second Try
The Russians tried last month
to land Luna 5 on the moon
softlyenough for its instruments
to send back the first data col-
lected directly on the lunar sur-
face. Its braking engines appar-
ently failed to slow the unmanned
spaceship enough and it crashed
May 12.
An announcement then said in-
formation had been gained for
another try.
Luna 6, launched Tuesday, ap-
parently was the second try, al-
though in there was no advance
word on exactly what was being
Admit Failure
An announcement distributed
by Tass contained an unusual
Soviet admission that something
had failed in their space program.
It said:
"The automatic 'Luna 6, sta-
tion will pass at a distance of
160,000 kilometers from the moon.
"During a correction maneuver
on June 9, an engine was suc-
cessfully turned on and function-
ed. But it was not possible to
switch it off.
"As a result the flight's trajec-
tory deviated from the planned
The Tass announcement was
the first report of a change in
the flight course. Tass said the
correction maneuver was attempt-
ed "toward the end of the day."
Broke Silence
The announcement broke a
silence of more than 24 hours on
the progress of the flight. The
last official announcement, is-
sued Wednesday said Luna 6 was
143,000 miles from Earth and all
systems were functioning nor-
The official announcement said
that during the correction ma-
neuver, the engine was turned on
and oriented properly "but the
command for switching off the
engine was not complied with and
the station's trajectory deviated
from the planned course"
The Russians never admitted
officially that the last moon shot,
Luna 5, had failed. They only
implied it.
Luna 5
They had announced in ad-
vance that Luna 5 would test
soft landing equipment for the
first time. After the landing they
said only that it had "hit the
moon" and that valuable data
was gained for further testing of
the soft landing system.
7 and 9 p.m.-The Cinema Guild
will present James Cagney in
"Yankee Doodle Dandy" in the
Architecture Aud.

8 p.m.-The University Players
will perform "Triple Threat: A
Bill of Three One Act Plays" in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
University Activities Center
Rescheduled for
Sunday, June 13, 5-8 p.m.
West Park Band Shell
Less than a mile
from campus between
Huron & Miller Rds.
In case of rain again,
concert will be held
in Union Ballroom
Please Note Schedule

Soviet Plan Faces
Conflicting Forces
EDITOR'S NOTE: Last weekend, seven experts on Soviet policy came to
the University to address the "Conference on the Khrushchev Era and
After." This is the fourth in a series of five articles covering the last
three sessions of the conference.
"Soviet educational policy is confronted by two conflicting forces,"
Prof. Nicholas DeWitt of Indiana University said at last weekend's
"Conference on the Khrushchev Era and After."
"On one hand is the role of education in the transformation of
Russian society; on the other is the educational ideal of developing
the Soviet citizen as an individual."
At the moment, according to DeWitt, Soviet education is aimed


at developing the basic functional
skills needed for productive em-
ployment as soon as possible.
"This conflicts with the indi-
vidual's interest in upward social
mobility," he said.
Speaking on "Recent Shifts in
Manpower Training Policy," De-
Witt outlined several key issues
facing Soviet education today.
Near the top of the list, he said, I
is the controversy over the best
method of preparing students forc
technical employment.1
Under Stalin technical training
was given in an academic context.
The Russians have since broken
away from this, DeWitt said, with
policy in the Khrushchev era
ranging from very specialized
technical training to a broad
background in industrial skills.
Problems of Specialization
"Very specialized training has
created problems because students
often do not end up in the par-
ticular line of work for which
they were prepared," he explain-
ed. "Some contend, however,
that a broader background is so1
general that it is useless.";
The current trend, he said, is
toward a shorter, accelerated pro-
gram with practical industrial ex-f

perience included in the final he sees "no reason for gloom or
phases of a student's education. doom" at this time.
The speedup is dictated by press- Johnson summoned reporters
ing needs for more manpower; to the cabinet room after the con-
the national increase in labor ference and predicted "solid but
supply between 1961-1980 will moderate gains".for the economy
not be able to meet the need. during the rest of the year.


DIAL 8-6416
at 7 and 9 p.m.

fWorld News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - A bill to
prevent states from outlawing
union shop agreements was en-
dorsed yesterday by the House
Education and Labor committee.
. * *
PISA, ITALY - Pope Paul VI
came to this leaning tower city
yesterday and was cheered by
close to a million persons.
* * *
ACCRA, GHANA - Ghana's
new parliament yesterday unani-
mously elected Kwame Nkrumah
President for a second term of
five years.
Nkrumah will be sworn in to-
* * *
WASHINGTON - President
Lyndon B. Johnson said yesterday
after meeting with Chairman Wil-
liam M. Martin of the Federal
Resesrve Board and other advis-
ers on economics and finance that,

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the 'ay. preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on reqi.est; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organisation notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
IBureau of Industrial Relations Per-
sonnelt'Techniques Seminar-George S.
Odiorne, Bureau of Industrial Rela-
tions, "Management by Objectives -


Triple Threat
an evening of one-act plays

Results-Oriented Appraisal Systems":
Michigan Union, 8 a.m.
Center for Programmed Learning for
Business Workshop-Geary A. Rummler,
director, "Use, Evaluation, Selection,
and Writing of Programmed Materials":
Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m.
Training and Development, Personnel
Office, University Management Seminar'
-Charles M. Almand, personnel offi-
cer; William P. Lemmer, University
attorney; Clark C. Caskey, Bureau of
Industrial Relations, "Orientation to
Supervisory Practices": Michigan Un-
ion, 8:30 a.m.
Cinema Guild - James Cagney in
"Yankee Doodle Dandy": Architecture
Aud., 7 and 9 p.m.
University Players, Dept. of Speech
Production-"Triple Threat: A Bill of
Three One Act Plays": Mendelssohn
Theatre, 8 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Susanne Ilse
Schumann Carpenter, Psychology: thes-
is: "Psychosexual Conflict, Defense and
Abstraction," Fri., June 11, 3410 Mason
Hall, 10:30 a.m.
Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Forms are available in Room
1011 SAB.
Folk Dance Club, Folk dance with
instruction, Fri., June 11, 8-11 p.m.,
Women's Athletic Bldg.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, Bible Class, 9:15: "The
Parable of the Unjust Judge"; Service,
10:30: Communion, Vicar Stephen Stein,
speaker: Gamma Delta, 6: an outdoor
supper followed by preview of Synodi-
cal Convention beginning June 16 at
Cobo Hall in Detroit. All welcome.

General Notices
Wanted: Students to work as Regis-
tration Assistants at Summer Registra-
tion, June 24 and 25. Interested stu-
dents should report to the Registra-
tion Office, Room 3501, Admin. Bldg.
as soon as possible.
Local Firm - Systems Engr. Recent
grad, BSIE and/or MBA. Exper. not
req. Immed. opening with consulting
Encyclopedia Britannica Films, Inc.,
Wilmette,11.-Research Assistant for R.
& D. in social studies field. Man or
woman. Strong knowl. of soc. sciences.
Teaching exper. req.
Unitcast Corp., Toledo, Ohio-Chem-
ist. Supv. mixing, testing plastics in
mfr. of fiberglas plastics.
Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., Chi-
cago-Attn.: Graduating seniors & re-
cent grads. College Textbook Salesman.
Degree with broad liberal arts bkgd.
Territory of 2 or 3 states with 60-65
State Farm Insurance Co., Marshall,
Mich.-Various openings for grads in-
:luding Mgmt. & Underwriting Trainees.
Also Acctg. Manager Trainee. Econ. or
Bus. degree plus 12 hrs. acctg. 12
mos. trng. with possible relocation after
Forster-Hoover Electronics, Ann Ar-
bor-Stock Clerk. Young woman to is-
sue parts from stock room. Immed.
opening. Call 66-54407.
* * *
For further information, please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.
212 SAB--
Manpower, Inc.-Interviews Thurs.,
June 17, 10-12 & 1:30-5 for gobs avail-
able in Ann Arbor, Lansing, Saginaw,
Flint, Pontiac & Detroit, for girls with
office exper. Men interested in work
in Ann Arbor apply at 111 Miller for
general labor and other temp. sum-
mer work.



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