THE MTCJIIItAN ily ar na.As..
Twenty-Four Players Involved
In Pro Hockey Transactions
AFL, NFL Battle for Atlanta Franchise
By The Associated Press volved center Earl Ingarfield, Gor-
MONTREAL-Ten players were don Labossiere, Noel Price and
traded, 12 drafted and two more, Dave McComb.
claimed on waivers at the annual The amount of cash involved
National Hockey League 'meeting was not disclosed.
yesterday. Complete Deal
The ten traded players were in- The Toronto Maple Leafs and
volved in two deals. In the first, Boston Bruins formally announc-
the Montreal Canadiens traded ed completion of a deal whereby
goalie Cesare Maniago and center veteran Ron Stewart, Toronto
Gary Peter to the New York center, goes to the Bruins in ex-
Rangers for four players and cash. change for three players. Boston
The New York-owned players in- gave up Pat Stapleton, a defense-
Leaders Win
In Baseball
By The Associated Press
The Los Angeles Dodgers and
the Minnesota Twins held firm to
first place in the National and
American leagues last night.
The Dodgers edged Philadelphia
2-1 on Maury Wills' two-out sin-
gle in the ninth inning that scor-
ed the winning run. The Twins
whipped Cleveland 6-2tas Camilo
Pascual won his eighth straight.
Runner-up Milwaulee stayed
3% games back of the Dodgers
with a 10th inning six-run explo-
sion that defeated the Chicago
Cubs 8-2.
Joe Horlen pitched and batted
the second-place Chicago White
Sox, 2Y2 games back of the Twins,
to a 7-2 victory over Boston.
Three-hit pitching by John O'-
Donoghue and Ed Charles' two-
run.single in the sixth paced Kan-
sas City to a 3-2 victory over the
New York Yankees. Washington
defeated Baltimore 2-0 on Frank
Howard's RBI triple in the fifth
followed by Doug Camilli's single.
Hal Woodeshick's bases-loaded
balk with two out in the 11th in-
ning forced Bil Virdon home with,
the winning , run as Pittsburgh
edged Houston 7-6.
Near Michigan Theatre
Major League
man, and forwards Orland Kur-
tenbach and Andy Hebenton.
In the inter-league draft De-
troit and New York each took
three players, and Boston and
Montreal each took two. One each
were taken by Chicago and
Players drafted are those on
the reserve lists of NHL clubs and
have been playing largely in the
minor leagues. The draft price
was $20,000.
Three goaltenders were drafted,
including Don Simmons, owned by
the Toronto Maple Leafs, who was
picked up by the New York Rang-
ers from Rochester of the Ameri-
can Hockey League.
Detroit Choices
Detroit took Pat Hannigan from
Buffalo, Irv Spencer from Pitts-
burgh and Duncan McCallum
from Baltimore, all of the AHL.
In addition, when several other
players were transferred from the
reserve .list of one minor league
club to another, the owning NHL
club had to ask waivers on them.
In this way, forward Don Mc-
Kenney was claimed by the De-
troit Red Wings from the Toron-
to Maple Leafs and William
Knibbs was claimed by the New
York Rangers from the Boston
Bruins. Knibbs is a center who
played most of last season with.
Boston. The waiver price is $30,-
American Football League grant-
ed a 1966 franchise to Atlanta
Tuesday, but found itself engaged
in a giant tug of war with the
rival National League for entry
into the Dixie metropolis.
While AFL directors were
gathering here to make plans for
expansion, Commissioner Pete
Rozelle of the NFL flew into At-
lanta to present the NFL case
Immediately, confusion devel-
oped over rights to the new $18
million Atlanta Stadium.
The question arose: Who gets
the stadium? Who moves into At-
lanta-the AFL or the NFL?
$7.5 Million
The Cox Broadcasting Co. of-
fered to put up $7.5 million, a
record figure, for the AFL fran-
chise, the money going to the
eight existing teams partly to pay
for 32 players to be selected from
a pool.
Thernew team also is entitled to
two first round draft picks.
However, the deal was clouded
somewhat by failure of the At-
lantaStadium Authority to give
the AFL sponsors a definite com-
mitment. The authority said it
wanted to delay a decision until
July 1, indicating that the NFL
still was in the picture.
In view of this, a spokesman
for the Cox Broadcasting Co. said
its offer to the stadium authority
would be reconsidered. Details of
the offer were never disclosed.
Rozelle met Tuesday with of-
ficials of the stadium authority.
He gave indications the NFL was
ready to accept Atlanta in its
1966 plans. Originally, the NFL
expansion blueprint called for the
addition of two teams in 1967.
Arthur Montgomery, chairman
of the stadium authority, said,
"Reports that we already have
accepted a franchise are com-
pletely false. We have not signed
with anybody."
Not Unexpected
The announcement of Atlanta's
selection was not unexpected but
there was considerable surprise at
the AFL's inability to reach a
decision on a 10th team.
Commissioner Joe Foss said he:
was "not disappointed. There
'Monday Goes to KC in First
Maj or League Baseball Draft
were several applicants still in-
volved from other cities to be
considered and we decided to move
on it systematically."
Foss then listed Philadelphia,
Miami, New Orleans, Chicago, Los
Angeles, Anaheim, 'Calif., Detroit,
Cleveland and Milwaukee as still
in the running.
Meet Later
He said the expansion commit-
tee would meet later this summer
to reach a decision.
could accomplish that by today
but we simply decided to give the
expansion committee more time
for research."
The stocking plan is liberal
with each existing team allowed
to freeze only 23 players initially.
That would mean a team could
protect only its first string of-
fensive and defensive units, plus
one additional player,
Assuming two new teams for
the 1966 season, the teams would
Los Angeles
New York
Kansas .City
W L Pct.
32 16 .667
30 19 .612
25 21 .543
26 23 .531
27 24 .529
28 28 .500
23 27 .460
23 28 .451
23 30 .434
12 33 .267
Kansas City 3, New York 2
Minnesota 6, Cleveland 2
Washington 2, Baltimore 0
Chicago 7, Boston 2
Los Angeles 3, Detroit 1
Chicago at Boston (n)'
Washington at Baltimore (n)
Cleveland at Minnesota (n)
New York at Kansas City (n)
Detroit at Los Angeles (n)
NEW, YORK (A)-The 20 big
league baseball clubs, eager to cut
down onthe bonus binge, skimmed
the cream off the college and
high school player crop Wednes-
day in a revolutionary free agent
Although Rick Monday, an
Arizona State sophomore out-
fielder who was the No. 1 draft,
probably will get as much as
$100,000 to sign with the Kansas
City A's, the general bonus level
is expected to drop.
The top brass of the game par-
ticipated in the unprecedented
draft, supervised by Commissioner
Ford Frick. After each of the 20
big league teams took one pick,
each of their 20 Triple A minor
league farms got twobpicks and
each of their 20 Double A farms
got four selections.
A total of 140 top high school
and college prospects were se-
lected by the high-ranking teams.
Each of the 122 Class A teams was
free to make unlimited number of
The draft, patterned after the
pro football system, gave a club
the exclusive right to negotiate
with the player for approximately
six months. If the player does
not sign, he goes back into the
draft pool for the next regular
draft, to be held in January.
Prodded to give a fuller ex- j alternate in making one selection
planation for the league's failure from each of the existing clubs
to grant a 10th franchise when for two rounds. That would pro-
he had said Monday it seemed a vide each new team with 16 play-
virtual certainty, Foss denied. that ers.
NFL expansion plans had entered The existing clubs then would
into the owners' decision at all. freeze one additional player and
"It is still our plan to bring in the new teams would make two
the 10th team for the 1966 sea- additional rounds of selections for
son," Foss said. "I thought we the total of 32.
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Los Angeles
San Francisco
St. Louis
New York
W L Pct. GB
34 20 .630 -
27 20 .574 3
28 22 .560 4
28 24 .538 5
25 26 .490 72
25 26 .490 72
26 29 .473 82
23 28 .451 92
21 29 .420 11
20 331 .377 13%2
Milwaukee 8, Chicago 2 (10 inn)
San Francisco 2, New York 1
Cincinnati 5, St. Louis 4
Los Angeles 2, Philadelphia 1
Pittsburgh 7, Houston 6 (11 inn)
Milwaukee at Chicago
San Francisco at New York (n)
Los Angeles at Philadelphia (n)
Houston at Pittsburgh (n)
Cincinnati at St. Louis (n)
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