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June 09, 1965 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1965-06-09

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Low Budge ts hay Bring Fee ike

Russians Launch Luna 6


MOSCOW (M)-The Soviet Un-
ion rocketed an unmanned satel-
lite toward the moon yesterday,
apparently shooting for history's
first soft landing of the kind need-
ed to put a man on the moon.
The launch of the key experi-
ment in the race for the moon
came less than 24 hours after
America's two latest space men
returned safely-to earth.
It also came less than a month
after Luna 5, the first Soviet at-
tempt at a soft landing on the
moon, crashed May 12 into the
Sea of Clouds area near the lun-
ar South Pole.
If all goes well the Luna 6
"automatic station" will land on
the moon late Friday night, Mos-
cow time."
Race Lead
A successful soft landing would
put - the Russians possibly six
months ahead of the United States
which has yet to try a soft land-
ing on the moon.
Such a landing is expected to
permit better photographs of the
moon's surface than were possible
in all earlier moon shots. They
either missed the moon or crashed
into it.
The photographs could help pick
a landing site for a manned flight
to the moon.

The successful testing of a soft
landing system could show that a
manned moon flight is possible
with existing equipment. And it
could permit analysis of the
moon's surface by devices that
would radio back their findings.
First Failure
When Luna 5 crashed into the
moon and the first attempted soft
landing failed, the official Soviet
news agency Tass said:
"During the flight and the ap-
proach of the station to the moon
a great deal of information was
obtained which is necessary for
the further elaboration of a sys-
tem for soft landing on the moon's'
Luna 6 is believed to be the next
step in that "further elaboration."
The announcement of its launch-
ing made no mention of soft-
landing equipment. However, nei-
ther did the launch announcement
of Luna 5.
Bad Prediction
The first official word that Luna
5 would attempt a soft landing
came about 20 hours before the
satellite' hit the moon. It was
the first time the Russians had
called their shots in advance and
they failed.
This time they might return to
their traditional practice of wait-

Summer Enrollment
Reported ear 6000
Registrar Edward Groesbeck reported yesterday that close to
6000 students are attending classes in the Spring-Summer and
Summer trimester terms.
Six thousand was the attendence target announced by trimester
planners earlier this year.
Groesbeck said he was pleased that attendence is approaching
the hoped-for mark.
The Spring-Summer students bring total University enrollment
at the moment to about 8700. This figure includes students at units
~ . still on the old semester system. Of these, about 1200 are at the

ing for results before announcing
the goals of the flight.
Adjustments may have to be
made during the course of the 312-
day flight. The Russians may be
waiting until they are sure Luna
6 will hit the moon before they
announce plans for attempting a
soft landing.
Says Aid
"Withdrawal of United States
and British investments from
South Africa would bring down
the South African government
immediately," Eric Krystall as-
serted at the first meeting of the
Michigan Committee Against
Apartheid last night.
Krystall, research advisor at the
Center for Conflict Resolution and
unofficial advisor to the commit-
tee, a South African, reviewed the
South African situation and sum-
marized the argument for with-
drawing U.S. investments.
South Africa's economy is
booming. U.S. investors get 26
per cent dividends on investments,;
partially because of exploitation
of cheap Negro labor and repres-
sion. He reasoned that the with-
drawal . of foreign investments
would bring on collapse of the
He rejected the view that pros-
perity would bring about modera-
tion in government policy. Negro
South Africans are economically'
better off than any other Afri-
cans, but the division between
white and black is too great and
there are no political freedoms,
he said.
The committee's goal is to get
the University to sell its stock in
companies which have branches
in South Africa. It suggested that
one problem for the University
might be that it has stock in Ford,
General Motors and other com-
panies which are powerful politi-
cally in Michigan.
Members of the committee have
tried to get the University to take
a definite stand, including invit-
ing President Harlan Hatcher to
speak on the subject, but these
efforts have failed. The only re-
sponse has been an expression of
sympathy with the goal of elim-
inating apartheid the committee
reported. The committee said it
wants to get the University to
admit that it should be an instru-
ment of social change.

University officials have not
yet indicated whether there will
be a tuition hike next fall.
No definite plans will be
made for either raising tuition
or cutting back proposed ex-
penditures until the adminis-
tration has a clearer, idea of
legislative appropriations for
the University's general funds
budget, according to Executive
Vice-President Marvin Niehuss.
The general funds or oper-
ating budget appropriation is
presently being considered by
the House Ways and Means
Committee. Rep. Einar Earl-
andson (D-Escanaba), said
that in the coming week he
did not expect significant al-
terations in the $51.2 million
operating funds appropriation
passed by the Senate May 18.
Short Funds
While $1.1 million larger than
the figure recommended by

Gov. George Romney in Febru-
ary, the $51.2 million figure is
still $4.6 million short of the
amount requested by the Re-
President Harlan Hatcher
has attacked Romney's recom-
mendation, implying that a
substantial portion of the gov-
ernor's reduction would have to
be restored by the Legislature
before he would consider the
appropriation adequate. How-
ever, he gave no indications as
to whether the Senate's $1.1
million increase would be
enough to avoid the "serious
consequences" for the Univer-
The Senate figure is not nec-
essarily final:
It is possible-though most
observers feel unlikely - that
the House will further increase
the University's appropriation;
and, of course, a House cutback
is also conceivable. The latter

possibility is increased some-
what by the outside chance
that Romney may veto the
higher education appropriation
bill of which the University's
budget is a part.
The governor indicated last
week that since the Legislature
has not acted on fiscal reform
during this session, he may not
sign appropriations bills in ex-
cess of his own recommenda-
tions. The higher education bill
is $4.9 million over the amount
asked by Romney in his Febru-
ary budget message.
The matter is still up in the
air, however, and University
administrators have said they
plan to wait until it is closer
to being settled before taking
steps toward adjustment of tui-
tion and expenditures.
If the $51.2 million appro-
priation is finally passed, how
will the administration adjust
to the $4.7 million cutback?

The last tuition hike was in
1962 when the legislative ap-
propriation was $7 million short
of the Regents' budget request.
No one has officially admitted
that increasing tuition is likely
this year.
One important possibility is
that reduction in expenditures
would be borne by the faculty
-a group that has been hurt
by low legislative appropria-
tions in the past and is becom-
ing increasingly sensitive both
to inadequate salaries and to
what some feel is a decline in
educational quality due to leg-
islative penny-pinching.
This year's University budget
request is about $11 million
higher than its general funds
budget for last year. More than
half of the $11 million was lab-
eled for faculty salary increases
and addition of new staff
members needed to meet in-
creased enrollment.

In submitting the budget re-
quest, administrators noted that
$4.5 million was to go for merit
faculty pay hikes in an attempt
to move the University a little
closer to the number position
in faculty pay scale rankings
that it held a decade ago.
Another $6.6 million was
scheduled for additional staff
and supplies, with which Vice-
President for Academic Affairs
Roger W. Heyns hoped to meet
enrollment pressure while at
the same time reducing the
present 1-14.6 faculty-student
Hence, if the Legislature does
not further increase the Univer-
sity operating budget, admin-
istrators will be faced with the
difficult choice of raising tui-
tion in the same year as an
unofficial but expected resi-
dence hall fee hike or econo-
mizing at the expense of a
sensitive part of the University

_ ,,_,


S1ir CtAa

Pa t't

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Senate Body
Hears CMU
Com aints
A state Senate committee held
a hearing yesterday to investi-
gate charges by Central Michigan
University professors that low sal-
aries and scant academic 'oppor-
tunity have forced their resigna-
For three hours seven faculty
members, six of whom are leav-
ing for new universities, criticiz-
ed CMU administration and de-
partmental procedures.
All six witnesses voiced distress
with internal conditions as the in-
ducement for leaving. They said
they wanted:
-Better research opportunities,
which they charge are restricted
or non-existant at CMU;
-Better salaries, and
-Opportunities to direct gradu-
ate training programs.
Prof. Bernard Meltzer, head of
the sociology department, said that
five of the 11 members of the de-
partment, all holding PhD's, had
He added, "This loss is great and
owill have a serious impact on the
department program and on the
students." He described efforts to
refill the department openings as
being "almost completely fruit-
During his 40 minutes on the
witness stand, Meltzer admitted
that he was testifying "with some
reluctance" because "my testimony
can only further impair the rela-
tionship between the sociology de-
partment and the administration."
Prof. Henry Rosenquist, head of
the psychology department, is
leaving CMU. He said that three
other members of the department
are leaving and added that "they
are all first rate men. It is a
pity CMU is losing them."
Prof. Robert Minick, head of the
geography department, said that
within two years only four of the
present 12-man department will
still be at Central.
The Senate committee, headed
by Edward J. Robinson (D-Dear-
born), has, received 100 letters'
from faculty members who support
the CMU policies and will testify
if asked.
However, for the next hearing,
scheduled in the fall, Robinson
may issue subpoenas to certain
faculty members who refuse to tes-
tify voluntarily "because of fear
of reprisal." He concluded the
hearing saying, "we'll look fur-
ther" into better communication
and testimony in the fall.
The first of the committee hear-
ings took place in Lansing, May
17, at which CMU President Jedson
Foust testified. At this time Melt-

Flint and Dearborn campuses.
Earlier this year, officials had
expressed concern that summer
enrollment would fall far short
of the planned figure.
Few students participated in
the early phases of the new pre-
registration system, which allowed
students to complete the regis-
tration process during the winter
term. On April 15, only 3400 un-
dergraduates had enrolled.
However, in the final days of
registration, enrollment picked up
quickly, and the administration's
fears were allayed.
At the time, some officials at-
tributed the final spurt of en-
rollment to the fact that a num-
ber of prominent faculty mem-
bers had agreed to stay and teach
in the Spring-Summer term.

Viet Protest
Rally Meets
In New York
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-A rally protesting
U.S. policy in Viet Nam filled
Madison Square Garden almost to
its 17,500-seat capacity last night.
The sponsors - the National
Committee for a Sane Nuclear
Policy and 29 other groujps -
called for a halt to bombing of
North Viet Nam, a cease-fire and
pressure for negotiations.
The other sponsoring groups
included religious, professional,
student, peace, civil rights and
reform Democratic organizations.
Speakers included Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Ore), Prof. Hans Mor-
genthau of the University of Chi-
cago, Norman Thomas, veteran
socialist leader, and Bayard Rus-
tin, civil rights leader.
About 100 pickets, some for the
rally and some against, marched
outside the hall. They represented
such various organizations as
Young Americans for Freedom, the
Cuban Workers Revolutionary
Front and an American Legion
Morse said he was not calling
for the United States to with-
draw from Viet Nam, but that he
believes a United Nations or in-
ternational conference is the only
hope for peace.
Morgenthau told a prerally news
conference that an international
agreement unifying Viet Nam un-
der President Ho Chi Minh of
North Viet Nam is the only solu-
tion. He called Ho and "indepen-
dent"' Communist.
Rustin urged negotiations with
all parties, including the Viet

The University will be one of
117 colleges throughout the coun-
try training teachers for Project
Head Start, a part of President
Lyndon B. Johnson's "War on
Poverty," University officials an-
nounced recently.
Project Head Start will enroll
some half-million children in pre-
school development centers this
summer. About 41,000 teachers,
most of them from regular school
systems, are being sought to staff
these centers.
The University will present a
one-week training program for
75 teachers from June 28 to July
3. The program is being organized
by the University Extension Serv-
ice, with Lawrence Berlin, super-
visor of course programs, as the
training officer. Faculty from the
education, social work, psychology,
sociology, pediatrics and public
health departments will partici-
Provide Instruction
"Although the teachers selected
for Project Head Start will be al-

ready trained as teachers, few of
them will have had direct exper-
ience with the deprived pre-
school child," Berlin explains.
"The purpose of the training pro-
gram which the universities are
giving is to provide specific help
to the teachers in working with
children from economically and
culturally deprived backgrounds.
Instruction will also be given in
working with volunteer staffs and
the parents of the children.'
Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti are but
two of the communities participat-
ing in the Head Start Program
which will be ninety per cent sub-
sidized by the federal government.'
Each training session will con-
sist of six days of concentrated
study, six to eight class hours a
day, plus associated outside read-
ings. These six days will be cen-
tered on a prepared "core cur-
riculum" which is designed to:
Curriculum Aims
-Orient more fully the pro-
fessional staffs of Child Develop-
ment Centers to the aims and
activities of thl Centers;

Hails Gemini 4 Flight
As Unqualified Success*
Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson of the aeronautical and astronautical
engineering department, who was in the Gemini control room in
Houston, Texas, as "unqualified success." The failure of the astro-
nauts to rendezvous with the booster and the failure of the
computer were minor problems, he added.
According to Nelson, if the computer had been working it would
have allowed the astronauts to pilot the ship themselves instead
of following a predetermined course coming down. The astronaut's
goal was to land within four miles of the Wasp's deck. The next
Gemini shot will attempt to study.

'U' To Train Poverty, Workers

Says Bundy

U.S. Poverty Grant Deemed
Insult' by Willow Villagers
A government poverty grant to Willow Village has caused heated
controversy among some residents who charge the grant is an
The Office of Economic Opportunity had granted $188,252 to
Willow Run, a small town near Ann Arbor, to be administered by
the Willow Run Association for Neighborhood Development
Many residents now claim the grant is an "insult," because
there was no real need for it. This opinion was expressed yesterday
f by Arthur Amelsch, a junior high

-Give special focus to the
physical development and typical
health problems of economically
disadvantaged children;
-Explore some of the charac-
teristics of the disadvantaged
child; particularly the influences
of poverty on family relation-
ships, on socialization of the child
and on the development of his
self image;
-Study the role of the pro-
fessional teacher and adminis-
trator in Child Development Cen-
ter 'activities, and
-Help the professional staff of
the centers to cope with the con-
crete problems they are likely to
Prime the Pump
Project Head Start is a sort of
"economic pump priming," said
Berlin. It will aim, first of all, to
reduce the school-failure rate of
the disadvantaged children. Sec-
ondly, it hopes to integrate poor
families into the social and edu-
cational context of modern so-
Finally, it hopes to give educa-
tional and social agencies an in-
sight into the problems of the dis-
advantaged in general, and to aid
all the federally-supported pro-
grams which are attempting to
break the "poverty cycle," Ber-
lin explained.
Ira Walsh, special assistant to
Sargent Shriver, director of the
Office of Economic Opportunity,
had forecast Project Headstart
earlier in one of a series of Uni-
versity Lectures on Journalism.
He had also explained another
administration anti-poverty pro-
gram-VISTA (Volunteer in Serv-
ice to America).
VISTA is a volunteer program
aimed at relieving the poor, Walsh
explained. People at least 18-
although the present range is from
21 to 81-serve one year for $600
working with the poor.
The volunteers put in six weeks
.of special training and 10 /2
months in the field, he explain-
ed. He said it was a good oppor-
tunity for college students.
Walsh had worked in radio, tel-
evision and newspapers, and is
presently on leave from the Hearst
Consolidated and Publications.
Walsh had been asked by Shriv-
er to be his special assistant in
April, 1964.

Undecided on
TV Debate.
A meeting yesterday between
representatives of the Inter-Uni-
versity Committee for Public De-
bate on Foreign Policy and Mc-
George Bundy, special assistant
to the President on foreign af-
fairs, proved to be inconclusive,
Prof. Richard Mann of the psy-
chology department reported last
Mann and Prof. Jonthan Mir-
sky of the University of Penn-
sylvannia, an authority on jnod-
ern China, met with Bundy at 1
p.m. Tuesday at the White House
to discuss arrangements for a
televised confrontation between
Bundy and members of the aca-
demic community."
The discussion of the television
debate, which will take place in
approximately two to three weeks,
centered on the details of the
form of the debate and the time
of the speeches. Since a final de-
cision was not reached, the pro-
fessors will return to Washington
on Thursday to complete the ar-
Mann described their reception
by Bundy as "cordial" although
the presidential advisor was also
"insistent." He said that there'
were "no disagreements but there
were no agreements either."
Because of the indecision about
the details of the confrontation
Mann said, the Inter-University
Committee representatives had not
been able to present their choices
for speakers. Therefore they did
not receive any indication of
Bundy's opinion on their accep-
When questioned on Bundy's
failure to appear at the national
teach-in, Mann said, "There is
no question in my mind that his
absence was valid."
Mann, asked about the possibil-
ity that Bundy would include
other officials of the government
in the debate, said that it was
unlikely that other government
officials would be included. How-
ever, the format of the May 15
teach-in, which had members of
the academic community present
to defend as well as attack the
government position, would be fol-
lowed, he added.
At the May 15 teach-in, Bundy
was scheduled to appear on a
panel with two other professors to
debate against another panel, on
American Vietnamese polices.
Bundy's team was to be in favor
of the policies, the other panel
against. But Bundy was unable to
appear because of an unexpected
call for his services in the Do-
minican Republic crisis.
The debate went on as sched-
uled without Bundy, as another
professor took his place. There
was criticism of Bundy's failure
to appear at the debate, though
a written opening debating state-
ment from him was read at the
outset of the session.
The television arrangements of
the debate have been finalized. A
scheduled Monday night "prime
time" position with the possible
telecast over Early -Bird satellite
to Europe will carry the debate.
Generally Mann was pleased
with the afternoon metin with
Bundy at the White House and

man's ability to function in space
while doing more complex ac-
tivities than Edward White did.
The astronaut will carry a jet
filled with hot gases which will
be more efficient than the fuel
used in the jet this trip. One
astronaut on the Gemini 5 will
leave the capsule, do some service
work on the ship and return.
The Gemini 6, will at-
tempt a complicated rendezvous.
A ship will attempt to lock onto
a second capsule. There will be
electrical connections made be-
tween ships and exchange of fuel,
among other exchanges, is plan-
ned. This will initiate the first
"all out" attempt at rendezvous,
Nelson said.
"The results Of the attempted
Gemini 4 rendezvous will be of
invaluable aid in this attempt, he
added. The information will help
us accelerate our space program."
The astronauts were reported in
good condition after they landed
at approximately noon yesterday.
White was reported to have high
heart beat and high blood pres-
sure. However, Dr. Charles A.
Berry, astronaut flight surgeon,
attributed it to the excitement of
the splashdown and of the space
Berry explained that- both as-
tronauts had lost some weight,
but that the amount of loss was
proportionately less for the 98-
hour flight than for a 34-hour
Mercury flight. Most weight loss
is due to sweating, Berry said.
The only medical problem ap-

school teacher from Ypsilanti
Township, who said that Willow
Village is not an impoverished
area and did not need the grant.
According to Amelsch, the grant
was offered under false pretenses.
Not Poverty Center
"Willow Village is not a center
of hard-core poverty, is not a
depressed community, and is not
an urban-fringe area, whatever
that is. The people who live there
are not socially isolated," Amelsch
Additional opposition came from
Gordon Mattson, chairman of
REPLY (Return Every Penny,
Leave Ypsilanti) the organization
opposing the grant, who said that
the report which culminated in
the grant was "nothing more than
a pack of lies."
This report had been prepared
by the Institute of Labor and In-
dustrial Relations, an organiza-
tion combining the efforts of Uni-
versity and Wayne State Univer-
sity faculty.
The grant has been declined by
the township, nevertheless, the
money is currently being used,
George Fields, acting chairman of
WRAND, said.
WRAND is a nonprofit organ-
ization which will give assistance
to needy persons regardless of
whether they are from the Willow
Run area, he said.
According to Fields, a rumor
which said that $120,000 of the
grant would be used for Univer-
sity salaries is not true. He added
+th nt the m nc v i s; nP'anty heinn

-Associated Press


UNDER THE FOCUS OF CAMERAS mounted on the capsule, Maj. Edward White took his famous
space walk during the third orbit of the Gemini 4. His golden "umbilical cord" hangs from his suit
above as White soars above a cloud-covered Texas.
Gemini 4: Facts and Forecasts

C. Welsh, executive director of
the National Aeronautics and
Space Council, said yesterday the
United States now has a more
powerful operational b o o s t e r
rnlif fhn n 1cein

Pickup-Monday, 12:47 p.m.
On Carrier - Monday, 1:09 p.m.
Orbits - 62, covering 1,609,684
Flight Time-97 hours, 57 min-
Ttnir Anhiavas rt--+ _. T nn

the pilot inside remains in unal-
tered comfort and equipment in-
side the ship does not have to be
adapted to operate in a vacuum.
"The American scientists picked
another way because in the small
IGemini cahin there was simplv nn


Dean Stephen S. Attwood of
the enzineerinz collee died in

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