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December 03, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-12-03

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(See Editorial Page)

4 43U

Cloudy; brief periods
of snow flurries

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


The Student Movement'

on Campus: Is it Dying?

Associate Managing Editor
Daily News Analysis
It was fun when it started,
but now . . . brother!" said a
sleepless Student Government
Council member Monday night.
Th e "movement" which has
been holding the campus' attention
since the middle of November now
seems to be described pretty well
by that statement: tired and a
little confused.
Everyone at all close to the stli-
dent movement, faculty members
and administrators included, have
- Ultimatum,
Class Boycott'
At Berkeley
Heyns Denounces
Outsiders Involved
Ini Student Protest

spent a great deal of time with
it for the last two weeks. Lack of
sleep is frequent on all ,ides and
talk of incompletes among the
students are common.
But the movement's members,
opponents and moderators are
tired in another sense. They've
been answering one another's
repetitive charges for weeks now
mutually sadding their creativity
in the process.
Confusion probably would have
set in anyway. Be definition, a
broadly-based movement like this
one must take in a variety of di-

verse interest. On a campus like faction, plus the problems of than most students how far Hat- So the movement has eased off,
the University, where even the maintaining active interest among cher's concessions to student de- of that there can be li-ttle doubt.
moderate-liberal split has always so large a group of people, has mands have gone. Is it dying? That all depends.
been a fairly large one, that di- in turn alienated many of tne In addition, they are aware o Student interest has been bat-j
versity is all the greater. movement's more. "radical" mem- the intense pressure on the ad- tered by this week's seemingly
Whatever was inevitable about bers from its unmoved main ministration to renege on those contradictory events, but the same
the confusion has been helped stream' concessions and to take strict concerned students are still here,
along-intentionally or not is a The President's statements have measures against student actions with the same ideals which can
subject of heated argument-by also created a split between the which make the University look be offended by the same com-
President Harlan Hatcher's Mon- faculty and the students. Many bad. plains as in the past. Its leaders
day statements and proposals to influential faculty members were The student distrust of the ad- are also here, with their same
the Faculty Assembly. active in helping Hatcher draft ministration which helped p r hetorical and organizational skills.
Within the student body itself, those statements and so are not the movement in the first place How the administration and the
Hatcher's proposals have partly particularly happy to see them has begun to look pretty dis- movement's leadership use that'
satisfied many of the movement's attacked by students as "sweet reputable to many important fac- interest will largely determine the
original participants. That satis- talk." They also understand better ulty members. movement's future.{

If the administration gives the the traditional pattern of student
majority of those concerned stu-|protests, they will spend the rest
dents reason to feel offended by of the year apologizing to a
its upcoming dealings with them shaken administration for the
radicals conduct.
concerning Hatcher's three com- If that happens-and after
mittees, it will help preserve the Thursday's chaotic Hill Aud. meet-
movement's activist character. But ing there seems to be a reasonable
though the administration realizes chance that it will-the movement
this, there seems little chance that in its present form is dead.
it can satisfy the extensive de- Campus reforms may stem from
mands of most student dissidents. Hatcher's committees, but the
Thus the faculty and -tudent movement which forced them into
leaders of the movement will have existence will not be around to
a great impact upon it. Following see them.







Late World News


4 A four-point student ultimatum
was drawn up Wednesday for
presentation to the Berkeley ad-:
ministration as the classroom boy-
cott extended into a second day
Chancellor Roger Heyns mean-{
while denounced the "outsiders"
who participated in the riots. He
said in a news conference that he!
disapproved of the classroom
strike, backed up actions of police
at the outset of the emergency and
warned teaching staff members
that he expected them to stay on
the job.
Heyns also allegedly indicated
that he will not meet with the
strike negotiating committee be-
cause a non-student, Mario Savio,
a leader of the 1964 Free Speech
Movement, is a member.
Student Demands
The demands, written by an ex-
o ecutive committee composed of
members from the Council of
Campus Organizations, the Grad-1
uate Coordinating Committee and
an independent group, include:
-that policemen never be al-
lowed on campus to solve campus
political problems;
t -that no disciplinary action be
taken against participants in+
Wednesday's demonstrations, and
elect Ronald Reagan told strik-
ing students yesterday at the
University of California's Berk-
eley campus to "accept and obeyI
the prescribed rules or get out."
"The people of California pro-
vide free access to an education
unmatched anywhere in theI
world," Reagan said. "They have
a right to lay down rules and a
code of conduct for those who
accept that gift."
that administrators seek publicly
and forcibly to have charges drop-
ped against the people arrested;
-that university disciplinary
hearings be open and that the
hearings be bound by canons of
due proces comparable to those al-
ready published by CCO, and
-that negotiations begin which
will establish a system of just and
effective student representation in
the formulation of a new set of
policies regulating student acti-
The ultimatum came in reac-
tion to an incident Wednesday
night when six non-students were
arrested for protesting a Navy re-
cruiting drive.
Both the Student Senate of the
Associated Students of the univer-
sity and teaching assistants have
endorsed a boycott of classes,. pro-
* testing the arrests. According to a
reporter on the Daily Californian,
the campus newspaper, about 30
classes were cancelled yesterday.:

NEW YORK O'P)-A strike threatened against Pan American
Airways, largest U.S. international carrier, was averted yesterday
night when tentative agreement was reached on a work contract
with the Transport Workers Union, AFL-CIO.
The agreement is subject to ratification by the union mem-
The agreement came after hours of negotiations during
which the strike, originally set for noon Friday, was set back on
an hour-to-hour basis.
* * * *
AMMAN, Jordan ()P)-King Hussein of Jordan made a bitter
attack last night on neighboring Syria and Egypt, charging them
with attempting to undermine Jordan's existence.
Without mentioning names, Hussein said "certain Arab
revolutionist Socialist countries" wanted to see him removed and
destroyed and "that's why they're sending saboteurs into Jordan."
WASHINGTON, (A')-The Pentagon called today for a Febru-
ary draft of 10,900 men, the lowest monthly manpower request
since March 1965.
Only a few days ago the Pentagon cut the January draft
from an originally set 27,600 to 16,600.
The low 1966 draft calls were forecast by secretary of De-
fense Robert S. McNamara after recent discussions with Presi-
dent Johnson on future military needs.
McNamara has said the United States is approaching a level-
ling off point in both manpower and defense production require-
The 10,900 men requested of the Selective Service will go to
the Army.
The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that lower draft
calls will ease a squeeze on 26-year olds and college students.
Next years' slash in induction of new soldiers will save the 26-
year olds indefinitely from being called; some were to be taken
in early 1967. Also the tighter standards for student deferments
which were in the works for next year are being shelved now.
proposal to introduce a pass-fail option for students, according
to Dr. Thomas E. Colahan, the college's associate dean for aca-
demic affairs.
The broad outlines of the proposal were laid down this sum-
mer by the college's administration. The college's committee on
instruction is currently working out details of the proposal prior
to submitting it to the faculty for a vote of approval, said
As it currently stands, the proposal is expected to permit
students to take one course with a pass-fail option each semester
outside their major fields.
UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Harlan Hatcher and Vice-Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Allan Smith are in Lansing today on
business concerning the 1967 University budget. They will dis-
cuss the proposed budget with state legislators in preliminary
budget hearings.
A PILOT PROJECT geared to the needs of approximately
120 intellectually gifted children in grades five to eight in the
Detroit inner city schools will be offered by the Education Stim-
ulus Center of the Archdiocesan Opportunity Program, according
to Dr. Robert O'Neil, director of the new center.
College instructors and graduate students are needed on a
paid basis to guide classes on a two-hour per week schedule, he
said. Further information may be obtained by calling Dr. O'Neil
at 832-2600, Ext. 34.

-Daly-Chuck Soheran
LOUNGING LEISURELY ON THE FLOOR and around the walls of the Administration Bldg., students discussed recent campus events
through an improvised loudspeakers yesterday. Particularly topics of interest included class ranking, the possibility of withholding
grades and the sending of a student delegation to the literary college faculty meeting on Monday.

ifem bers
For atc
By SUSAN SCHNEPP 6 methodt
Several Student Government members. M
Council members agreed last night tioning proc
that the student representatives but Cindy
to Pres. Hatcher's newly formed Executive Vic
Commission on Student Partici- thought SGC
pation should represent a broad members fro:
spectrum of campus opinion. submited by
They did not agree, however, on meeting. M

Suggest Plans
,her Commission

Dean Haber
Talks With
Approve Proposal
To Send Delegates
To Faculty Meeting
More than 200 students and
faculty members crowded into the
lobby of the Administration Bldg.
yesterday at 12:15 for. a three-
and-a-half-hour "talk-in."- At
about 3:30 p.m. a large majority
of the group voted to leave the
building and to reconvene the
"talk-in" at the Administration
Bldg. Monday at noon.
While students were debating a
proposal to go to the office of
Dean William Haber of the liter-
ary college to discuss the question
of abolishing formal letter grades
for male students, Haber unex-
pectedly arrived.
At no time were students asked
to leave.
Haber was questioned for al-
most an hour on the possibility
of student admittance to Monday's
meeting of the faculty senate com-
mittee and the submission of pass-
fail grades for male students.
Haber informed the group tha
he did not have the authority to
invite any non-faculty member to
a literary co-llege faculty meet-
ing. He said that such an invi-
tation would have to, come from
the faculty as a whole.
Haber refused to comment on
faculty submission of pass-fail
grades for male students. He said,
"I do not wish to influence the
faculty on a question which is
on the agenda. I think that I
serve the interest of the faculty
best by not making a decision be-
fore they act."
While students and faculty
members at the "talk-in" discuss-
ed student power and its impli-
cations and inmplementation, the
normal functioning of the build-
ing continued. The "talk-in,"
chaired by Michael Zweig, Grad,
chairman of Voice Political par-
ty and Roger Manela, Grad, also
of Voice, lacked the tension and
excitement of the 1500 students
who jammed the building for Tues-
day's sit-in.
Delegation to Faculty
The "talk-in" ended when a pro-
posal to reconvene Monday at
noon in the lobby of the Admin-
istration Bldg. was overwhelming-
ly passed. At the Monday "talk-
in" the discussion of student pow-
er will continue until 4 p.m., at
which time a delegation will be
sent to the literary college fac-
ulty meeting.
The delegation will ask the fac-
ulty to approve the submission of
pass-fal grades for male students
and to make a statement oppos-
ing the administration's policy of
class ranking for the Selective
See STUDENT Page 2 *


to select committee
ost felt that a peti-
ess 'should be used,
Sampson, '67, SGC
ce-President, said she
C should select the
m a list of nominees
y a "town council"
Membership selection

will be discussed at an SGC meet-
ing Monday night.
Equal Representation
Pres. Hatcher established the
commission Monday, on which the
administration, faculty and stu-
dents will be equally represented.
At a meeting with SGC Thursday,
Hatcher told Council members'

Diversity in Science Education
Lacking, Says M[HRI Scientist

States Must Coordinate Educati

"Students are probably the most' In a feature article of Science
overworked and underpaid class in Magazine entitled "Diversity," re-
our society. . treated like a monk leased yesterday, Prof. John R.
with a vow of poverty, austerity Platt, associate director of the
and overwork-a vow which is not Mental Health Research Institute,
even his own vow but has been challenges the university commun-
taken for him." ity to develop more humanized
education for students and more
diverse support for scientific re-
search programs.
'Scientific Bandwagon'
Charging that overemphasis and
on N eed s hascreated a "scientificbnw
on," Platt argues that too many
high-cost areas such as graduate areas have been entirely neglected.
Iand professional work where an He suggests many scientists would
undue proliferation of programs be willing to take up challenging
result ' in both waste and medio- problems in such fields as visual
crity Some of the commissions or pigmentation, marine biology, con-

programs" because they tend to
produce one-dimensional men.
With so many scientists now ris-
ing to executive positions-almost
a third of all physicists do so--
Platt fears a situation in which
major decisions of technological,
military and international matters
are made by persons insensitive to
the problems of men outside their
fields, in art, history, philosophy.
The professorial emphasis on
learning quantities of factual in-
formation is a great contributor to
this condition. The educational
goals of universities are distorted
by teachers' "hypnotism with
grades." And women are largely
still discriminated against intel-
lectually, charges Platt.

SGC could select the student mem-
bers of the commission. In his
original statement Hatcher had'
asked SGC to submit a list of 12
names from which he would pick
four to serve on the commission.
Mark Simons, '67, SGC Admini-
istrative Vice-President, said he
thinks SGC should choose the
commission members from stu-
dents who submit petitions to
SGC. Petitioning should be open
to the entire student body, he
Town Meeting Nominations
Cindy Sampson suggested that
a "town meeting of interested
students" nominate perhaps ten
students from which SGC and
GSC would select four for the
commission. It is necessary to have
as large a group as possible par-
ticipate, she said.
She did not see the necessity of
selecting the students immediately,
but said rather that time should
be taken to "do it right" so that
"the most students are satisfied."
Ruth Baumann, '68 and Neill
Hollenshead, '67 agreed that SGC
should consider suggestions from
an open meeting, but Hollenshead
added that SGC "should not be
restricted to nominations from a
teach-in." They also cited the need
for a broad-based group repre-
senting a wide spectrum of view-

Logan Wilson, president of the Wilson cited the study of J. G.
American Council on Education, Patridge of the Berkeley Center
pointed out last night that greatly for Research and Development in
Higher Education, who noted'
inCreased demands for funds by i t

of adding more noninstitutional
representatives and placing insti-
tutional members in nonvoting
Partiinate in Programs


CAr L11:lUULC 117 .Cll/ilalllm ; VL1t"Y. JULatc. va V-a a.vaaaaaasUUav aau vs

higher education call for unified -Voluntary coordination is giv- In addition to engaging in mas- boards also make recommenda- sumer goods, organ regeneration
views of needs and plans among ing way to legally established ter planning, settingpriorities fo tions aboutpolicies ergarding fa- sexual rejuvenation and controlled Education Revolution
thewsta. nBut Wilson expressed agencies. as exemplified in such new buildings, reviewing budget ulty and students." heredity "if they thought the move Platt sugests that excellence be
concern "about any move which states as Colorado, Ohio, and rand recommen- ilsonstressed that the major they could see how to make a liv-fdenmsered ithsoiperssyedhay st-
in effect displaces the most ex-IsMichigan;udations to the governor and leis issues of higher education are too dg and get research support while nancial and constant academic
perienced institutional leaders- -Coordinating agencies which lature, boards also are engaged in vital a concern of the public at making the change." problems that they can't enjoy life
including those on the faculty- had only limited regulatory pow- college and university progams. large to be settled by educators makigthne chage'k s e proble d t . he dca'tesy ife
"Virtually all of the boards haveaa Resistance to work in such

Dean Haber's Statement

"I recognize the depth and
intensity of student concern.
Many of the questions were un-
fortunately emotionally laden. II
sought to avoid those."
"I thinr tha eet contnutinn

"I favor the development of
proper procedures here for
maximum student involvement,
participation and discussion on
all matters, particularly those
in which students ,a directly

l ]


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