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November 22, 1966 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-22

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High Court
Upholds State
Sets Deadline for
Deadlock Hearing
From Wire Services Reports
The United States Supreme
Court yesterday indirectly upheld
Michigan's state legislative ap-
portionment plan by dismissing a
suit whtich charged the apportion-
ment was unconstitutionally ger-
rymandered to favor the Dem-
The high court also set a hear-
ing for Dec. 5 to untangle the
deadlock resulting from the failure
of either Lester Maddox or How-
ard Callaway to win a majority in
the Georgia gubernatorial election.
In setting the date, the court is-
sued a stay on a lower court order
that barred the Georgia legislature
from electing a governor.
In the Michigan case, the Su-
preme Court's brief order left
standing an April, 1966 ruling, by
the State Supreme Court which
upheld the apportionment, known
as the Austin-Kleiner plan. The
court rules on a 4-3 vote with one
justice abstaining.
Petition of 34
They rejected a petition signed
by 34 citizens charging that "the
plan unreasonably and arbitrarily
splits up cities and townships
and detaches single townships
from their counties, creating house
districts of irregular and distorted
shapes, for the purpose of partisan
The three-judge panel in Atlanta
anticipattd the state's appeal and
in its Thursday order granted a
10-day stay on its own motion.
The lower court had set a Nov.
25 hearing date to consider how
the problem of the deadlocked
election should be solved. But the
Supreme Court stay precludes
furthermaction by the lowercourt
at this stage.
The order issued Monday fixed
the hearing date of Dec. 5 a set-
-back for the bipartisan voter
group which won the lower court
ruling and had objected to a stay.
Meanwhile in Georgia
In the Georgia-case, the high
court opened the possibility of an
early December ruling that might
resolve the no-majority contest
before the year ends.
Atty. Gen. Arthur K. Bolton of.
Georgia requested the suspension
of the lower court ruling until
final judgment has been made by
the Supreme Court.
Within 85 minutes of his filing
the motion, the nation's highest
tribunal issued its stay order and
set the hearing date.
Bolton, who is defending the
legislative election method, was
pleased with the rare speed of the
Supreme Court in the unusual
"We are also happy they have
acted to prevent any other action
on the election until our appeal
has been heard and a final judg-
ment entered," Bolton said.
Suspension of the lower court
ruling blocks any further attempts
to force an election under the de-
cision until the high tribunal acts.



CDU Retains Report on Warren Commission,
Majority In Tension Existed on Return Trin

-Associated Press
WEST GERMAN CHANCELLOR LUDWIG ERHARD (left) and the leading candidate as his suc-
cessor, Kurt Georg Kiesinger seen entering the Bundestag for a meeting of the Christian Democratic
Union steering committee which discussed the results of yesterday's Bravarian elections.
U.S. Forces Suffer Losses
In Encounter with North Viets

SAIGON (M)-A 40-man platoon
of "flying horsemen" suffered
heavy casualties yesterday in a
battle with about 500 North Viet-
namese in the central highlands
before reinforcements arrived. By
nightfall, 102 enemy bodies had
been counted on the battlefield.
The platoon of the 1st Cavalry,
Airmobile Division was moving out
22 miles southwest of the U.N.
Special Forces camp at Plei Djer-
eng when it was hit on all sides
by the North Vietnamese.
The North Vietnamese closedato
within grenade distance before air
strikes and artillery fire caught
them. Then U.S. reinforcements
came in by helicopter and the
figthing raged through the after-
noon. Contact was broken off at
The 'ighting, about 225 miles
northeast of Saigon, is northwest
of the Ika Drang Valley where a
year ago the cavalrymen broke a
major Communist offensive and
killed more than 1,500 of the
Farther north, South Korean,
Vietnamese and U.S. Marines re-
ported almost no contact in an
operation 50 miles south of Da
Nang, the Leatherneck base. How-
ever, spokesmen said the three-
day operation has killed 377 Viet
Cong, 91 by a battalion of the
Korean Blue Dragon Brigade in
fighting Sunday.
A convoy of the U.S. 11th Ar-
mored Cavalry Regiment was am-
bushed 28 miles northeast of Sai-
gon on Highway ,1, the main
north-south road route. U.S. casu-
alties and equipment damage were
said to be light. Fourteen Viet
Cong bodies were found.
South Vietnamese headquarters
said four government outposts
were hit by small arms fire and
mortar attacks 50 miles south of
Saigon. One platoon of defending

popular forces suffered heavy agrees to negotiate a prisoner ex-!
casualties while the dead anid change, this might open the way'
wounded at other posts were con- fo: wider talks on the war itself,
sidered light. informed sources said yesterday.
Low clouds and rain limited But so far, attempts to work out
air strikes over North Viet Iam an exchange with Hanoi have not
Sunday to 45, mostly in the pan- gotten off the ground.
handle of the south and along One problem is that the Inter-
the coast. U.S. pilots flew 480 sor- national Red Cross Committee has
ties over South Viet Nam. South no official contact with the Coi-
Vietnamese added 140 more. - munist North. Hanoi has brushed
In support of Operation Attle-off third-party offers to negoti-
boro, B-52 bombers from Guam ate.-
rained high explosives Monday ona .
suspected Communist positions in By unofficial estimate, there
Tay. Ninh Province about 65 miles are between 25,000 and 30,000
northwest of Saigan., prisoners-including possibly more
than 100 Americans-in the north
SAIGON (P)-If North Viet Nam and south.
GOP Readies, Battle 'Plans
For 90th Congress Wears

Bavaria Vote
State Elections Place
Gaullist Strauss in
Key National Position
BONN, Germany ()-An up-
surge of nationalist sentiment in
the Bavarian state election put
the key to the West German po-
litical crisis today in the hands
of ex-Defense Minister Franz
Joseph Strauss, an admirer of
French President Charles de
Despite the gains of the extreme
right National Democrats, Strauss'
Christian Social Union succeeded
in holding its absolute majority in
the Bavarian legislature. It even
increased its vote slightly, con-
trary to predictions, after taking
a strongly nationalist line.
Strauss called the outcome "an
answer to the insults, to the jeers
and scoffs against the Federal
Republic." He demanded that
"Germans must once more be
treatedas a normal nation."
Adenauer Warm
He got a warm message of con-
gratulations from former Chancel-
lor Konrad Adenauer, who has
joined him in criticism of Chan-
cellor Ludwig Erhard's government
as not being friendly enough to
In Bonn, all political parties
were busy deploring the success of
the National. Democrats, who won
7.4 per cent of the Bavarian votes
and 15 of the 204 seats in the
The press service of the domi-
nant Christian Democratic party,
and Mayor Willy Brandt of West
Berlin, the candidate for chancel-
lor of the rival Social Democrat
party, used the' same words in
statements aimed at opinion
abroad. There was, they said, "no
reason to manufacture panic."
Careful Analysis
Brandt suggested that careful
analysis was called for, while the
Christian -Democrats pointed out
that over 92 per cent of the Bava-
rians had voted for other parties.
Karl-Guenther von Hase, chief
spokesman for Erhard's govern-
ment, warned newsmen against
branding the National Democrats
"either as harmless or a heretics."
They should be given a chance to
show whether they are democratic
or not, he said.
He noted that neither of the
two major parties had gained or-
lost as much as one per cent of
its strength in Bavaria. This, he
said, was evidence of political
Asked whether the new party
is anti-Jewish, a spokesman for
the Interior Ministry said some of
its leaders may be, and If the
party turns out that way it could
be banned.
Von Hase declined to speculate
on the influence of the election on
the choice of a new chancellor.
Kurt George Kiesinger, whom
Strauss helped make the Christian
Democratic candidate, was still a
leading contender despite criticism
of his Nazi past.
The most likely solution seemed
a deal between the Social Dem-
ocrats and the Christian Dem-
ocrats, with Strauss playing an
important role in the new govern-

U.S. Inches Toward
Two-Chlna Position

i. 1r/ .+Li A../ A. V .R.i -w-M.A. JOL..m N-" W'%!

WASHINGTON (J')-The press'
aide in charge at the presidential
changeover at Dallas. Tex., three
years ago confirmed Monday night
there was friction between Kenne-
dy and Johnson factions aboard
the funeral plane flying back to
"I think that there are things
that happened, especially on the
plane coming back, that could be
embarrassing to both the Ken-
nedys and the Johnsons," Mal-
colm M. Kilduff said. He refused
to describe the events he referred
But Kilduff said President
Johnson "continued to show"
aboard the plane, after taking
over the presidency, concern for
Mrs. John F. Kennedy and mcm-
bers of the Kennedy family.

United States edged closer to a
two-Chinas policy yesterday by
endorsing a proposed study that
would take into account "political
realities" in considering a seat for
Red, China in the United Nations.
The Soviet Union, however,
firmly rejected both the study and
the idea of ending the 16-year
stalemate by seating both the
Peking government and National-
ist China.
Soviet Ambassador Nikolai T.
Fedorenko and U.S. Ambassador
Arthur J. Goldberg outlined their
conflicting positions before the
U.N. General Assembly. Fedorenko
spoke briefly but he pressed for
the seating of the Peking govern-
ment now despite the differences
between the Soviet Union and the
Chinese Communists.
The ChineseProblem
The Soviet diplomat told . the
121-nation assembly the study of
the China problem had been sug-
gested only with "a view to im-
posing further delays and post-
ponements. There is;absolutely no
need to call for any studies," he
Goldberg focused his speech on
keeping Nationalist China in the
-United Nations, rather than on
barring Red China.
In accepting the idea of a study,
put forward by Italy and five
other nations, the United States
appeared to have made a major
policy shift, since the study group
might recommend a two-Chinese
solution to break the 16-year
deadlock over the seating of Red
Political Realism
Under the Italian resolution the
study would take into account
"the existing situation and the
political realities of the area."
While not anticipating the re-
sults of the study, Golberg said,
the United States will "refuse to
countenance any soluiton. to the
problem of Chinese representa-
tion which involves the expulsion
of the Republic of China on Tai-
wan from the United Nations."
But Halim Budo of Albania,
Red China's mouthpiece in the

United Nations, flatly rejected any
two-Chinas solution..
One Nation Indivisible
Budo charged that "the plot of
two Chinas" was aimed at the
perpetuation of the U.S. "occu-
pation" of Formosa, and he added
that the government of Chiang
Kai-shek "represents no one and
Golberg said the annual China
debate had "always foundered on
one rock."
This, he sai4, was "Peking's in-
sistence that we repudiate our
solemn treaty commitments to the
Republic of China, and leave
Peking a free hand to take over
the people and territory of Tai-

"There was no grossness on his
part, as has been implied by others
in the recent past," Kilduff said.
In a taped television-radio in-
terview with Westinghouse Broad-
casting Co., on the eve of the third
anniversary of the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy, Kil-
duff dismissed as "pure garbage"
the rash of speculation that ques-
tions the Warren Commission's
basic conclusion that Lee Iarvey
Oswald alone killed Kennedy.,
Kilduff rode in the fourth car
behind the Kennedy's in Dallas.
"I have absolutely no doubt that
Lee Harvey Oswald committed the
act on his own and that there
was no conspiracy involved," he
However, Kilduff said he does

disagree with the commission's
finding that the first bullet that
struck Kennedy and p a s s e d
through his neck was the one that
wounded Texas Gov. John B. Con-
nally. A second shot in the head
killed Kennedy.
Noting that the bullet that
wounded Connally passed through
the governor's shoulder, ribs, wrist
and thigh, Kilduff went on:
"The Warren Commission report
shows a bullet, a perfect bullet.
I have talked to ballistic experts,
who say that it would not be pos-
sible for a bullet to travel through
that much mass and come out in
such a perfect condition."
Kilduff said he had talked to
Connally who agrees he was hit
by a separate bullet, that the gov-
ernor said he heard the first shot
and was turning to look back when
he was hit.
"As a matter of fact," Kilduff
said, "I have on the highest au-
thority information that parts of
that bullet are still in Gov. Con-
nally's leg. So therefore itwould
not be possible, as the Warren
Commisiion states, that the bullet
came out as clean as it did."
The same view by Connally that
he was hit by a separate bullet is
reported in this week's issue of
Life magazine. The magazine said
he is more firmly convinced of
this aftereviewing blown-ups of
movie film of the assassination
taken by Abraham Zapruder, a
Life, calling for a new inves-
tigation, said there is "reasonable
doubt" that Oswald acted alone.
"The evidenet," Life said, "par-
ticularly that given by Gov.,.Con-
nally and his interpretation of the
Zapruder film, does not prove that
Oswald had a coconsprirator. Nor
does is disprove it. It does show
that reasonable-and disturbing-
doubt remains."

Norvell Enters Guilty Plea
In Meredith Shooting Trial

Army Squelches Attempted
Overthrow of Togo Regime

WASHINGTON ()-Republican
leaders in Congress counted their
reinforced troops and began pick-
ing specific targets, assigning.
bullseyes to some aspects of Pres-
ident Johnson's 'financing, pov-
erty fighting and urban renewal
House Minority Leader Gerald
R. Ford of Michigan demanded
repeal of a 1966 law, hardly used
as yet, by which the administra-
tion planned to raise $4.2 billion
outside the regular appropriations
by selling participation rights in
government-held loans.
Rep. Charles E. Goodell of New
York, chairman of the House Re-,
publican Planning and Research
Committee, forecast a major ef--
fort to reduce what he called
"wasteful bureaucratic slippage"
in the poverty program.
Not Out to Kill
Goodell said in an interview
Monday that Republicans are not
out to kill off the program, or to
abolish the Office of Economic
Opportunity, which administers it.
But he said they believe some
antipoverty activities, such as edu-
cational ones, should be trans-
ferred for more efficiency to reg-
ular government departments. And
they feel the preparation of im-
poverished young people to takec
productive jobs could be speeded
by using more resources of the
states and private industry.
Goodell said Congress must con-
sider whether the problems of the,
nation's cities and suburbs "can be
dealt with more effectively by a1
federally directed, centralized pro-
gram or by grants-in-aid to the
Most Republicans, he said, favort
giving more responsibility to .rhe
states. He said many of his col-
leagues think the idea of demon-7
stration cities is a mistake. This1
is Johnson's proposal to give to a
limited number of communities
special help for massive attacks
on physical and social slum con-
Ford Assails
Ford assailed the 'participation
certificate sales plan in a speech
to the U.S. Savings and Loan
League convention in New York.
The plan was to create pools of
loans which the government had

LOME, Togo (R)-Backed by the
army, President Nicolas Grunitzky
quickly squelched an uprising yes-
terday after a small band of in-
surgents seized Lome's radio and
proclaimed a revolution in Togo.
Elements of Togo's 1,500-man
army drove the rebels from the
radio station after they had
broadcast an announcement say-
"The Togolese revolution has
just started. The Togolese people
want their rights. The people want
the immediate dissolution of the
unpopular Grunitzky government
and-of Parliament."
By sundown, a curfew was in
force, political demonstrators had
been dispersed, and Lome was
4 calm.
Grunitzky took to the radio to
say that "some instigators of
trouble have come into the radio
station and had a prepared tape
recording broadcast."
Government sources said two
opposition, leaders had been ar-
rested. They identified the leader
of the uprising as Noe Kutuckluin,
42, a leader of the opposition.
Political unrest began Saturday
with the resignation of two min-

isters, Benoit Malou, national ed-
ucation; and Pierre Adossama,
labor. Both were reported to be in
police custody, but it was not clear
whether they were arrested or had
given themselves up.
On Sunday, Grunitzky -dissolved
the Cabinet, blaming ,rivalries
among members. He said however,
he hoped the ministers would stay
on until he could form a new gov-
Kutucklui was 'a supporter of
President Sylvanus Olympio when
the latter died in the 1963 army
coup that put Grunitzky in power.
Kutucklui still held the reins of
Olympio's 'party, the party of
Togolese Union.
Kutuckly held a rally earlier in
the day attended by 5,00 persons.
Then an official of the Informa-
tion VIinistry, took the lead of a
partly armed 25-member party in
a rush of the government radio
The army backed Grunitzky
despite reported disagreement be-
tween him and the chief of staff,
Lt. Col. Etienne Guassinbe Ey-
adema, over the size of the mili-
tary budget.

made under various programs and
to sell to investors the right to
participate. He said it seems clear
that the law "contributed to the
tightness of money this year and
helped force Up interest rates.".
The government announced in
September, after only one offering
of participation sales certificates,
that it would offer no more until.
market conditions improve, or at
least until Jan. 1.
"But it is clear that administra-
tion officials plan to resume par-
ticipation 'sales as soon as they
believe it feasible to do so," Ford
said. "I demanded repeal of the
Participation Sales Act during the
last session of congress, and I do
so again, here and now."
Goodeel said his planning com-
mittee will meet, probably early
in December, to lay out specific
studies for its' various task forces
in preparation for the coming ses-
By The Associated Press
LANSING-The state of Mich-
igan, which once fought a non-
violent "war" with Ohio over a
disrupted boundary, took to the
U.S. Supreme Court yesterday a
130-year squabble over which
state controls a valuable wedge of
Lake Erie.
Michigan Atty. Gen. Frank Kel-
ley said he has filed for permis-
sion to ask the high court to rule
that a triangular, 200-square-mile
section of the lak and lake bot-
tom is part of Michigan rather
than Ohio, as some maps now in-
This area, Kelley told the court,
"contains many valuable natural
resources such as fisheries, bot-
tomlands and minerals in the form
of gas and oil.'
DETROIT - American Motors
financial fortunes went into re-
verse yesterday as it reported a
for simple experiment involving
senititation to a chemical. No
drugs or shots; drops of the
chemical are put on the skin.
Chemistry students not eligible.
Must be 21 or over, and plan
to be in town for at least 6
Male subjects only at this time.
$20 for a series of 5-minute
visits spread o v e r several

HERNANDO, Miss. OP)-Aubrey
Norvell, charged with the shotgun
wounding of civil rights leader
James H. Meredith, entered a sur-
prise plea of guilty yesterday af-
ternnon and was sentenced to five
years in prison. Three years of the
sentence were suspended.
Norvell will remain free under
$25,000 bond until Dec. 2 when he
will surrender to start serving his
- Earlier yesterday, the 50-year-
old Memphis hardware salesman
sat quietly in the courtroom as his
attorneys asked dismissal of two
indictments against him. Circuit
Judge Curtis M. Swango overruled
the motions to quash.
Norvell pleaded guilty to a
charge of assault and battery with
intent to kill.
Meredith, first known Negro to
attend the University of Missis-

I News Roundup

$12.6 million loss for the fiscal
year, second biggest deficit in its
12-year history.
The drop was the biggest since
the $25.4 million loss in 1956 and
compared with a profit of $5.2 mil-
lion last year.
AMC's earnings report came as
the stock market took a stiff loss

for the fifth quarter in a row to
omit payment of a dividend.
North Carolina Superior Court
judge made it clear yesterday he
doesn't want members of the Ku
Klux Klan serving on juries in his
He didn't comment on other ex-

near Huron

sippi, was peppered from ambush
by a shotgun blast shortly after
he set out on a "freedom march"
through Mississippi last June 6. He
recovered from his wounds and re-
joined the marchers before they
reached their destination.
Norvell was indicted by a Desoto
County grand jury last week. A
second indictment, returned simul-
taneously, charged him with aim-
ing and discharging a firearm at
N. Z. Troutt, a member of the
state highway patrol detail as-
signed to guard Meredith on the
march. Tiial on the -second in-
dictment was to be set later.
In seeking dismissal of the in-
dictments against Norvell, his at-
torneys argued that he had been
deprived of his constitutional
rights, that women were barred
from serving on Mississippi juries
and that Negroes were systema-
tically included.

comes to Ann Arbor
froi the oyster

a .most unusual selection of jewelry
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NOW OPEN Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

in what was regarded as a reaction tremist groups.
to auto industry production cut- It was the first time, he said,
backs. Stocks of all the big auto- that he had asked Klansmen not
makers were off 50 cents to $1 to serve, but that he felt the time
with American down 75 cents to had come in North Carolina for
$7. the judiciary to speak out on the
AMC's board of directors voted subject.
tPetitioning Petitioning
Petitions available at 1011 SAB
Petitions must be returned by Nov. 29, 5 P.M.


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