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November 22, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-22

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(See Editorial Page)


Sijr' I9aI

7471 L tii

Light rain in the morning,
continuing through evening

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom












f i

Senate Asks
Sit-In Ban,
Requests Examination
Of Ranking Policy,
Decision Processes
Associate Managing Editor
The faculty Senate Assembly
asked a re-examination of the
University's class ranking policy, a
suspension of both the Office of
Student Affairs' sit-in ban and
student demands to make last
Wednesday's d r a f t referendum
Sbinding, and an immediate exam-
ination of the decision-making
process at the University.
One University official indicated
last night that the asembly state-
ment will "have great weight"
with the nadministration, and an-
other highly placed source said
the administration'"is not wedded
todany fixed policy" on Selective
Service and ranking.
Observers interpreted this as a
major change in position from
the administration's heretofore
andamnait opposition to altering
present class ranking policy.
The resolution passed by the
assembly specifically recommends
-"The OSA suspend the dem-
onstration regulation and inmned-
* iately re-examine it in consulta-
tion with Student Government
Council and the Student Relations
Committee" of the Senate Advis-
ory Committee on University
-"The Office of Academic Af-
fairs re-examine the draft rank-
ing policy in consultation with the
appropriate student and faculty
-"Student organizations sus-
pend their demands that the draft
referendum be recognized as bind-
ing and that they work with fac-
b ulty and administrative'authorities
to resolve the current issues with-
out disrupting the Universiiy com-
munity;" and
-"Faculty, students and admin-
istrators undertake an immediate
examination of the decision mak-
ing process within the University
Veto Unlikely
The Senate Assembly is a 65-
member body selected from the
faculty Senate. The Senate, slated
to meet next Monday. nas the
power to veto . assembly actions.
but observers called a Senate veto
of yesterday's recommendatious
highly unlikely.
The resolution states th t the
assembly "views with grave con-
cern recent events whin have led
toward an apparent confrontation
between students and the admin-
Tt singles out two issues as be-
ing at the root of the present con-
flict: First it notes the OSA's in-
terim regulation banning all dem-
onstrations which "interfere with
the vital processes of the ni-
versity," with penalties for viola-
tion including possible expulsion
from the University Second, it
cites the administration's policy of
compiling class r'niks fo male
undergraduates and sending them
to the student's draft board at his
The resolution emphasizes that
the assembly took no stnd on
the substantive mn9"its of these
issues yesterday, but acte-i to

"avoid an event which we feel
would have most unlortunate con -
sequences for the University com-
* t Beautiful'

Class Rank

y 1 " Option Faces
Proposed Resolution
_________ _____Asks Inlstructors To

by near unanimous votema resolution emphasizing that its dis-
association with the Office of Student Affairs was intended to
lead to a "responsible effort towards re-evaluating and re-analyz-
ing the role of the student in University decision making."
The motion asserts that SGC's action "should not be uised
to make unreasonable demands' on the administration or to en-
courage 'illegitimate' means of protest." It further acknowledges
that "there can be no total 'student power.'"
The motion was sponsored by Interfraternity Council Presi-
dent Richard Van House, '67, and University Activities Center
President Jay Zulauf, '67.
Campus, an ad hoc committee co-chaired by Arthur Collings-
worth, '67, and Young Republican President Robert Sharp, '69,
continued circulating a petition yesterday asking for establish-
ment of a presidential commission to re-evaluate student par-
ticipation in Univeristy affairs. Smart claimed last night SRRC
has 1500 signatures to date.
ABOUT 20 STUDENTS at Michigan State University con-
tinued yesterday to stage a sit-in protesting the decision of the
American Thought and Language (ATL) department not to
rehire three instructors.
John Dennis, a spokesman for United Students of MSU, the
group responsible for the protest, said the demonstrators are
trying to contact Warren Huff, chairman of the Board of
Trustees, in order to make a statement before the Board to-
morrow asking it to delay action on the ATL decision until the
ATL reviews its original decision.
The demonstrators will march from Bessey Hall, which
houses the ATL department, to the administration building when
the trustees meet. They plan to stage a demonstration at that
The students were reportedly going to be evicted from Bessey
Hall at midnight Friday but Edward A. Carlin, dean of university
college which heads the ATL department, told the students they
could remain all week-end.
However, the students demonstrated in front of the football
stadium Saturday. A few students demonstrated on the lawn of
MSU President John Hannah's house.
REP ADAM CLAYTON POWELL'S scheduled speaking en-
gagement here yesterday was cancelled because the United States
congressman is afraid to set foot on American soil. There is, a
court order out for his arrest on a charge of criminal contempt,
as a result of his failure to appear in a libel case, and a spokes-
man for Powell, Charles Stone, said that therefore the congress-
man will stay on vacation outside the U.S. (in the Bahamas) for
the present time.
Powell was scheduled to speak on "1966-A Turning Point in
Negro-White Relations." This was scheduled as part of a larger
University Activities Center symposium on "Urban Ghetto's in
THE ANN ARBOR CITY COUNCIL, at its meeting last night
on first readings an amended version ofa motorcycle regulatory
ordinance. The new version omitted requirements for safety
glasses, as well as reflective areas on safety helmets.
It is now in closer conjunction with the state law on these
and other items. Both the ordinance and the state law require
passengers and drivers of motorcycles to wear helmets. Second
reading of the ordinance is expected Dec. 5. If the ordinance
passes the second reading, it becomes law. The state law goes into
effect next April.
The new version also was changed to include small cycles
with as little as 45 cc's engine displacement under the definition
of a motorcycle.

Use Pass-Fail System
A resolution proposing that
faculty member s of the literary
college be allowed to grade male
undergraduate students on a pass-
fail basis has been added to the
agenda of the Dec. 5 literary col-
lege faculty meeting.,
The proposed resolution, signed h
-b five professors of -the history,
psychology, and sociology depart-
ments, states that "those teachers
who indicate that they cannot, for
reasons of conscience, assign letter
grades to their male undergrad-
uate students, as long as these EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT Marvin Niehuss addresses student
grades are used to compute class last night. Others who addressed the capacity crowd of 4000 stud
rank for submission to the Selec- Douglas Ross, Grad, Barry Bluestone Grad, Prof. William Brown J
tive Service System, be allowed to Robinson '67, President of SGC.
grade these students on a Pass-*
Fail basis ..
The proposal encourages in-'
structors choosing this option to 's
turn in letter grades for students; AM
explicitly requesting such grades,
and requires the faculty to write A
a "one-paragraph q u a lit a t i v e
particular course for students not
receiving a letter grade.
Literary college dean William By ROGER RAPOPORT ministration to make overall Uni-
Haber explained that current A quartet of student, faculty and versity decisions."
grading procedures are defined administrattive speakers took to Prof. William Brown, Jr., chair-
within a faculty code and that the stage of Hill Auditorium last man of the faculty Senate Ad-
changes in these procedures can night urging students to choose visory Committee on University
only legally come through a spe- varied courses to change the Uni- Affairs, suggested that the student
cific alteration of code itself. versity. body should work within the ex-
"It may be," Haber commented, Faculty and administration of- isting administrative framework.
"that the faculty will want to ficials told the students they could Finally, Executive Vice-President
change the code, but I don't think best achieve a greater role in Marvin Niehuss told the student
it can be set aside by a few faculty University policy-making through group that students should try to
members just because they don't a moderate course, while student change the University "through
like American foreign policy," spokesmen exhorted the student n the process of suggestion, com-
Haber was speaking in reference masses to action. plaint, rational discussion and de-
both to any faculty action which Barry Bluestone, Grad, a mem- bate, and not by ultimatum or
may be taken on the proposal and ber of Voice Political Party, im- force."
to a petition now being circulated plored students to "fight for Best received of the four speak-
among staff which would com- power over all decisions that af- ers on the teach-in platform was
mit individual members to the fect their lives." Bluestone, who was given a stand-
Sprocedures outlined in the pro- Student Government Council ing ovation.
posal. President Edward Robinson, '67, He charged that "students with-
Prof. William A. Ganson of the urged the student assembly to out the power to make decisions
"work with the faculty and ad- can't be responsible, and it's about
sociology department and one of ----
the initiators of both the petition
and the proposed resolution, said R
that such faculty action is neces-
sary now in order to allow stu-
He said further, however, that A d
"we hope in the next three or A 1 0om m1itees
four weeks some kind of settle-;
ment will be reached on this whole'
question of decision-making proce- By ROBERT KLIVANS tee composed of three faculty
dues which will make it unneces- members who are assigned one of
sary for us (the faculty) to make' The Regents met yesterday with five areas such as private colleges
use of any pledge to withhold the faculty and student advisory or large public universities.
grades." committees on Presidential Selec-
Gamson made it clear that if tion to discuss nominees under They do this by requesting bi-
the administration attempts to consideration to succeed University ographical information on a par-
coerce students into turning in President Harlan Hatcher when he ticular man from the research
their grades' by recording a fail- retires in 1967. staff, headed by Prof. Howard
ing gradeif no letter grade is sub- Conferring with the students in Peckham, director of the Clements
mitted, then the faculty would be the morning and the faculty in the Library.
forced to consider other action. afternoon, the Regents focused on Any name requested from the
He said that petition-signers the list of Presidential candidates central research staff is forwarded
numbered 30 to 40, including at' that the two committees submitted to the students and alumni, so
. 10 tenured faculty members, last month. that each group keeps abreast on
Prof. Albert Coniard of the Law the activities and considerations
School, vice-chairman of the fac- of the others.
= ulty advisory committee, described

-Daily-Robert Sheffield
ts at Teach-in in Hill Auditorium
ents are, seated left to right,
r., Chairman of SACUA, and Ed
Jer ation
r~ Actio

time the students are given power
so they can be responsible."
"The administration has been
giving us a lot of play money so
we can all go out and put hotels
on Park Place. But it doesn't mean
anything, it's not for real. When
you play with real money, and
wield real power, that's when you
learn responsibility."
Bluestone said that SGC's break
with the Office of Student Affairs
was "The first time in 149 years
that students at the University
have taken some power and re-
Robinson said in his speech that
the "Office of Student Affairs was
organized to end in Loco Parentis.
But it is clear that that has not
Robinson urged that students b%
treated "as equals within the de-
cision-making process." He added
that students now have a chance
to. "change the University system
in light of your own values."
Brown told the teach-in that
he did not believe the "faculty
should play a voting role in ad-
ministration decisions." -
He told the students that he did
not believe the results of last
Wednesday's d r a f t referendum
should be binding on the Univer-
sity since "neither the faculty nor
the people of the state were in-
cluded (in the vote) and both
groups could be affected by the
Niehuss said: "The history of the,
Uniyersity is full of debate . .
and controversy.. . which has led
to progress and improvement.
"The University does change,
and has changed often, perhaps
not always for, the better, but it
changes-and it will change even
more often in the future."

Crowd Fills
To Capacity
Session Orderly as
Dissenting Views
On Strategy Given
Managing Editor
A near-capacity crowd of' stu-
dents at Hill Auditorium early ta..
day issued an ultimatum to the
University to withdraw the new
regulation banning sit-ins and to
accept last week's referendum op-
posing the compiling of class rank-
ings as binding by' noon nxt
If the administration fails to
accept the student demands, the
group overwhelmingly voted to
stage a sit in in the lobbies and
hallways of the Administration
Building during the Ilunch hour
next Tuesday. The sit-in would not
extend to the building's offices.
T'he cheering students also ap-
proved a rally to be held on the
Diag next Tuesday at noon, at
which time the administration's
response to the ultimatum could
be announced to the crowd.
Bathed in the floodlights of two
television networks which filmed
parts of the three-hour "teach-
in" for p resentation during sched-
ued newscasts tonight, students
debated the merits of various pro-
pesals designed to give students
an effective role in helping deter-
mine decisions which primarly af-
fect them at the University.
The atmosphere at the teach-in
was frequently hectic, but several
speakers commended the demo-
cratic operation of the session,
which was chaired by Student
Government Council President Ed
Robinson, '67.
Four major proposals were de-
bated during the meeting, which
allowed more than 100 students to
express their viewpoints. In order
to facilitate as wide an expression
of viewpoints as possible, each
speaker was limited to two min-
utes of discussion. Microphones
were placed strategically through-
out the auditorium and students
were recognized in turn.
"The University has indicated a
pathological inability to hear, stu-
dent demands for power," one
speaker declared to the cheers of
the audience. "We should serve as
a hearing aid for this University,
loud and clear."
A large number of viewpoints
advocating new attempts to nego-
tiate with the administration were
also heard, but the predominant
view of the 'audience seemed to
be that the time had come for
decisive action, since previous at-
tempts to communicate with the
administration had failed.
One of the major themes ex-
pressed by speakers with differ-
ent viewpoints was the need for
responsible action, although the
definition of "responsibility" var-
ied greatly.
"We are the UJniversity - the
students are the University and it
is absolutely necessary that we
make our will felt," Barry Blue-
stone, Grad, declared.
"The present action of SGC (in
breaking off relations with the
Offica of Student Affairs) is the
epitome of irresponsibility. I would
not respect an administration
which buckled to an ultimatum,"
a first-year law student argued.
There was a strong division
within the audience on the type of
strategy students should employ
in their 'bid for increased pow-
er. There were few dissenters to
the central theme that student
participation in University deci-
sions affecting them must be sub-

stantially increased.
But many students expressed
the belief that methods such as
rallies, picketing and sit-ins would
increase the antagonism of the ad-




the meeting as a "very pleasant"e
exchaaage of information." He A ntioch Meeting on Draft
noted that they had not decided
upon a future meeting.
Gretchen Groth, Grad, chair- Passes Resoluti on on CO
man of the student advisory com-
mittee, viewed the session as pro-
ductive, and felt that the Regents By The Associated Press The proposal asks that a man
expressed interest in the students' YELLOW SPRINGS, Ohio (') be exempted as a conscientious
ideas. A college-sponsored conference on objector if he has personal, phi-
The three acvisory committees, the Selective Service System losophic or moral objections to a
student, faculty, and alumni, sub- war.
mitted their primary lists of nom- calling for a more liberal defini- "In our society we just can't al-
inees Oct. 14. The student and ci n or a orenlibetr, low a person to decide which war
faculty lists were each submitted tion of a conscientious objector, he will serve in," Shaffer said.
after three students walked out in he colferein,a ddb
in ranked and grouped order of protest The conference, attended by
nreference. and were accomoanied _ 1 students, teachers and administra-

... . ....

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