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November 18, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-18

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(See Editorial Page)


Sir igzr


Showers or snowflurries;
clearing; colder tonight

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom



T ..i U












Rleaf firm
Cutler Says Rule
Still 'Necessary for
Orderly Operations'

- f

"'Dean Allen
1~Ii1~4an ~k(Views Civil

Cutler's Statement on Sit-In Ruling



The administration answered
student demands that the Uni-
versity cease compilation of class
*ankings and rescind a new sit-
in ban yesterday with a mimeo-
graphed "no."
In its statement the administra-
tion called the ranking issue "a
matter of controversy" but added
that "if the policy of compiling
lass ranks were to be changed
iow, the' University would have a
serious problem concerning its ob-
ligations to more than 6000 stu-
dents," who have asked ranks to
be sent in.
At the administrative officers
meeting yesterday afternoon, Vice-
*resident for Student' Affairs
Richard Cutler originally sought
a statement which would have,
backed away from an adamant
stand on class ranks. He favored
establishing a student-faculty ad-
visory unit to work with him on
revising the policy.
Advisory Unit
While the idea was rejected,
Cutler told Student Government
Council members yesterday that
the final statement on ranking still
commits the University to such
an advisory unit.
In a second statement yestfr-
ay Cutler called the sit-in ban
issued last Sunday to head off a
protest on the referendum "nec-
essary for the continued orderly;
operation of the University."
Cutler added that he is "ire-
pared to discuss with SGC and
graduate Student Council the ap-
plication of the policy formalized
last Sunday.
Open Meeting
At Tuesday night's meeting of
VOICE political party, plans for
a possible sit-in were discussed,
*nd after three hours of debate'
the sentiment of the members was
in favor of such action. A comple-
mentary action was passed calling
for an open meeting to take place
today at 4 p.m. in room 3-G of
the Union.
It is generally felt that the Stu-
tent Government Council break
with the Office of Student Affairs
last night will shift some of the
leadership on the issue to SGC.
Joint Effort Sought
No action was taken on the pos-
sible confrontation at the SGC
1peeting, but mention was made of
attempts to draw the two organ-
izations more closely together.
SGC President Ed Robinson said
he would speak at today's meet-
ing. Many members expressed the'
sentiment that last night's action
had laid the foundation for pop-,
;ar support and that more time

tion Tuesday saying, "The action taken Monday evening by the
Student Government Council is above all an indication of the
need for a serious reassessment of the role of students and fac-
ulty in the decision-making of this University. It should not be
dismissed as an irresponsible action by a group of dissidents, nor
should the University community sit back and wait for it to 'blow
over.' Such reactions completely overlook the seriousness and
significance of the situation, as would a defensive power play
by the executive officers of the University."
yesterday: "I hope to enjoy the privilege again" of serving in
He spoke during a meeting of the Washtenaw County Demo-
cratic Convention at which most delegates wore signs reading
"Wes? Yes! '68." However, not all delegates applauded when
Democratic National Committeeman Neil Staebler of Ann Arbor
urged the party to work on the assumption that Vivian "is on the
Vivian was defeated on Nov. 8 by Republican State Rep.
Marvin L. Esch of Ann Arbor. Vivian said last night, "We did win
a moral victory of sorts. The Midwest was particularly rough on
freshman Democrats. We lost by the smallest margin in this area."
THE 27TH ANNUAL PUTNAM Mathematical Competition
will be given this Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon and from 2 p.m.
to 5 p.m. in Room 2235 Angell Hall. Consisting of a total of six
questions, the contest is open to any undergraduate enrolled in
Canadian or United States universities.
A STUDENT PROTEST FORCED Columbia University to
curtail a series of student interviews with a personnel recruiter
from the Central Intelligence Agency Tuesday.
The recruiter was scheduled to interview about 25 students
this week to discuss employment opportunities in the CIA. But
a demonstration sponsored by Students for a Democratic Society
disrupted the interviewing.
Alexander Clark, director of Columbia's office of university
placement and career planning, said that the CIA recruiter
"couldn't hold interviews under the circumstances." He cri-
ticized the demonstrators for "blocking other students from the
opportunity to seek employment" in the interviews with the
recruiter, Harry Russell. He had arrived on campus Tuesday and
held some interviews in the morning.
The leaders of the student demonstration asserted in a
statement that the university "should do nothing to cooperate"
with CIA.
THE MICHIGAN CONFERENCE of the American Association
of University Professors held its annual meeting last Saturday
and received a report urging fullest cooperation with the State
Board of Education by college and university administration. The
Committee urged that institutions accept the authority of the
State Board on approval of new programs.
MADISON, WIS.-A UNIVERSITY professor, who made an
intensive study of the federal housing law, said recently the law
"is not changing landlord real estate discrimination very much."
Law School Prof. Robert Harris called for stricter measures
on the state level, including a program of "testing housing dis-
He said a white policeman and policewoman should be sent
house buying or apartment hunting with a Negro police officer
and policewoman close on their heels seeking the same facilities.
"And there should be a bite attached to testing, like re-
vocation of a real estate or broker's license," Harris told the

Says Americans See r
Any Violation of Lawj
As Threat to Security
CINCINNATI-A large and per-'
haps increasing number of Ameri-
cans see law violation, even forj
laudable ends, "not only as an
assault on the rule of law, but as
subversive of the democratic
Dean Francis A. Allen of the
Law School expressed this belief
yesterday in the second of threeE
Robert S. Marx Lectures he is de-
livering at the University of Cin-
cinnati. His subject is "Civil Dis-
obedience and the Legal Order."
In discussing the perils and per-
plexities of civil disobedience,
Allen questioned the reaction of
large segments of the population
to groups seeking social and po-
litical reform, j
"If one compares, for example,
the reactions of the middle class{
community to two forms of law
violation-violations of the build-
ing code by a slum landlord and a
breach of peace committed by
tenants in the landlord's building
' who conduct a demonstration to
protest their living conditions -I
the latter will often produce theI
greater fears and anxiety.
"This is true," he said, "even
though the demonstration may doj
less tangible harm and reflect
much more elevated motives." The
problem is that the demonstrator
violates the law under the claim;
of moral right, whereas the land-
lord seeks to evade rather than
to challenge the sovereignity of
the law.
For many, "Watts and the riots;
in the Negro communities ofk
northern cities are the natural and
the inevitable consequences of
protest movements that assert the
propriety of civil disobedience as
an instrument of social reform."
But, he countered, it is easier to
assert such a relationship than to
prove it. The concept "cause" is
a trap for the unwary. "The match
that ignites gas stored under pres-
sure may be said to cause the ex-
plosion that destroys a city. But
sparks, whether produced by a
match or by agitation, can create
explosions only when they are in-
troduced into anenvironment in
which potential explosions exist."
However, Allen continued, it can
safely be assumed that there is a
critical point beyond which civil"
disobedience will gravely disturb
public order and inflict serious in-
juries on the democratic pro-,,
But, he added, there are perils
o t h e r than the fundamental
breakdown of the public order.+
One of these is the loss of civility!
in the conduct of public con-
"These losses are clearly dis-
cernable, not only on the streets,+
but on the campuses of the col-

A statement from the vice-
president for student affairs:
I am prepared to discuss with
Student Government Council
and Graduate Student Council
the application of the policy
formalized last Sunday. I be-
lieve that the concern express-
ed by these groups grew not
out of the rule itself, but out
of questions relating to the
manner in which it was an-
This is the background:
1) The University of Michi-
gan has been and remains a
leader in the extension of stu-
dent freedoms and student par-
ticipation in University affairs.
Under the present vice-presi-
dent for student affairs, steady
progress has been made in these
2) The University recognizes
and accepts_ the right to legi-
timate protest..Nowhere in the

tradition of the University, how-
ever, is there a place for pro-
test activities which effective-
ly halt the continuing work of
the institution. The President
of the University reiterated this
position following the sit-in in
Mr. Pierpont's office. The an-
nouncement of the regulation
concerning such unacceptable
actions was a formalization of
this position, with clear guar-
antee of the right to legiti-
mate protest and the insuring
of due process.
3) The vice-president for stu-
dent affairs recognizes the de-
sirability of consultation with
students. He also recognizes
that the realities of his re-
sponsibilities do not allow him
to guarantee that such consul-
tation will take place in every
4) It is the judgment of the
vice-president for student af-

fairs that the regulation in
question is necessary for the
continued orderly operation, of
the University. The University
did without sucht a regulation
for many years, and this one
was only enacted when circum-
stances not of the University's
choice were forcer by the ac-
tions~of a few individuals. It
is fervently hoped that there
will be no need for the enforce-
ment of this regulation, and
that a time will come when the
regulation itself will no longer
be necessary.
5) The vice-president for stu-
dent affairs earnestly solicits
the cooperation of Student Gov-
ernment Council and other re-
sponsible members of the Uni-
versity community in further-
ing mutual goals through order-
ly development of an evolving
political process.

'U' Statement on SGC Referendum

The University has issued the
following statement on the SGC
Whenever nearly 10,000 Uni-
versity of Michigan students ex-
press their views, as they did
in the SGC referendum on the
compilation of class ranking,
serious consideration must be
Whether class ranking is a
meaningful index to be used in
student deferment decisions by
local draft boards is a matter
of controversy. Indeed the whole
issue of grading is under dis-
cussion at this University and
elsewhere in the academic
world. Such discussion is de-
sirable and will involve student,
f a c u 1t y and administrative
Selective Service regulations
and policies also are under dis-
cussion and examination. A

special commission named by
the President of the United
States currently is considering
revision of the system. Changes
may be forthcoming. It may
well develop in the months
ahead that Selective Service
regulations are so changed that
class rankings no longer are rel-
evant. In that event, the Uni-
versity would have nq reason to
compute them, and would not
do so. At that time, the Univer-
sity would expect to respond to
the new situation in a manner
appropriate to its obligations.
In so doing, reliance would be
placed on the consultative pro-
cedures that have been evolv-
At this time, however, the
University has on file requests
from -6,293 students who have
asked that their class ranks be
sent to their local draft boards.

Rankings for the current aca-
demic year will not be comput-
ed until May.
Class rating at present is one
criterion for student deferment.
The other criterion is a score
of 70 or better on the Selective
Service Qualification Test. The
University does not know how
many male students took the
qualification test./The Univer-
sity does not know how many
male students are relying on
class rank as the criterion for
supporting request for defer-
ment to continue education. The
University does know that an-
other qualification test is not
expected before spring 1967.
Therefore, if the policy of
compiling class ranks were to
be changed now, the University
would have a serious problem
concerning its obligations to
more than 6000 students.

Will Draft
Progra t
11-5 Vote Completes
Monday Resolution
While 250 Watch
Student Government Council
declared its independence from the
Office of Student Affairs last night
to the excited cheers of over 250
spectators packed into the council
In an 11 to 5 vote, Council
moved to "suspend its formal as-
sociation with the OSA in order
to best act as the representative
of the student body."
'No Fear'
SGC president Ed Robinson. '67,
declared after' the final vote that
he has "no fear" about the action
and that he is "completely con-
vinced that Council has done what
students want us to do."
Robinson emphasized that ef-
forts now must center around uni-
fying and educating the student
body to support the action.
The aim must be to work with
the faculty and administration "to
develop structures which let all
the members of the University co-
operate in making decisions," he
Four Hours of Debate
The nearly four hours of debate
centered around the significance
of the break and whether such
an act is the most desirable way
to attain the goal of more effec-
tive student participation in Uni-
versity decision-making in areas
of primary student concern.
Jay Zulagf, '67, one of the SGC
members who opposed the action,
questioned whether breaking with
the OSA might not further re-
move SGC from the mainstream
of communication with the admin-
Robinson asserted that the break
is a "positive move" and not a
break from the University com-
'Closer Contact'
"Rather, we are trying to move
into closer contact with that com-

Draft Referendum, Elections
Confusing to Some Students


' Students yesterday expressed
some bewilderment regarding the
issues involved on the draft refer-
endum and the candidates run-
ning for Student Government
Council offices.
"I didn't really know much
about it (the referendum)," said
one girl, "so I just voted like every-
one else did."
One of the problems in the basis
for decision was that "everyone
else" was not so well informed, as
a preliminary Daily poll conducted
yesterday answered.
The survey showed 84 per cent
of 'the men were "aware that the
University only sends a student's
class rank to his local draft board
if he so requests." The girls regis-
tered with 69 per cent on the
Of the students polled, 69 per

of the men said that their grade
point status affected their deci-
A question which mazy students
thought irrelevant, asked if they'
believed that "a college student
has a right to a better chance to
live than a non-deferred individ-
ual." 18 per cent felt he did.
One of those who did feel this
way said that the college student
is more beneficial to society. A
graduate student in business ad-
ministration remarked that al-
though his attitude might seem
discriminatory, he favored univer-

sal service with alternative service
in such groups as the Job Corps
which he points out is designed to
help the poor.
While one student felt that the
compliation of class rankings was
an example of unilateral decision-
making by the administration,
others felt that because of stu-
dent lack of knowledge about the
workings of the Selective Service
system and the implication of the
assumption of power by students,
the administration "possibly takes
more viewpoints into considera-
tion" when deciding upon an issue.


'Sit-in ContinuesThird Day
Of MSU, Dismissal Protests


the viail srninar if nppPenrv ltaccoxy I

was needed to draw disparate ele- Wisconsin Governor's Committee on Minority Groups. leges and universities," Allen said. cent said also that they felt the deparAvJr !Une vVg1A goig ent
ments together.- local boards discriminate against Students at Michigan State Uni- The MSU chapter of the AAUP
Wednesday students voted 6,389 , ,T ' ,1 those not sending. in their class versity continued a sit-in at Bes- had issued a statement eariler
to 3,508 that the University should CONF ERENCE SPEAKERS: rankings by requesting their sey Hall for the third consecutive "inviting" the AT to re-examine
cease the compilation of class schools to withhold the informa- day yesterday. . its' decision not to re-appoint the
rankings. Ss P red icts Gn . tion. The demonstration protests an three instructors to clear up
Cutler-SGC MeetingsO On the SGC elections the most American Thought and Language doubts surrounding the issue.
Cutler met with SG C membesP common response wasIdidnt(ATL) d e p a r t in en t decision Howard R. Neville, the provost
inatloed essioth SGCermornknow who to vote for." Most of against renewing the contracts of of MSU, said in a letter to Edward
in a closed session yesterday morn- n fthose questioned said they relied three instructors, Robert Fogarty, A. Carlin, dean of ,the university
ing .hsssnnDalyer reportedly a es o n a on"Daily endorsements,Interfra- Ken Lawless and Gary Groat. college which heads the ATL de-
told thesGssioC tebeorthatsternity Counci and Voice political The students issued a statement partment, it is a "strong ethical
could not ssen embersiti at he party recommendations. Few of early yesterday morning demand- tradition" of the MSU teaching
because of external pressures. The U.S. economy will make sure will be contained without ; it should cause little discomort ing "that valid reasons be given profession to refuse "to give pub-
Culer ropoen a her es substantial gains in both output higher taxes. and no significant interruption to with the candidates, and as one for the decision" on the three in- lic reasons for its decisions not to
and employment during 1967, but The Michigan Economic Fore- the growth of output or income: ' commented, They all seemed to structors. "If, and only if, valid recommend re-appointment of its
to SGC executive sessions on a inflationary pressures will be re- cast, prepared annually under a, At this time, Eckstein declared, be for the same thing. . . I liked reasons are not given, then we instructors. This tradition is in-
weekly basis to openly discusshig John Preston 'cause hes got cool
duced, according to University iNational Science Foundation grant "a real growth of about four per lookn ssdemand the rehiring of the three tended not to cloak unjust actions
plans. economist Daniel B. Suits. by Suits and a research team of cent, the normal, long-run growth k yinstructors. We suppoft and en- but to protect men seeking em-
Unable To Consult I a s Michigan graduate students, has trend of our potential, appears to The poll sought student opinion dorse the resolution of the execu- ployment at other universities."
He reportedly added that he In patc lar, Sut sad no ta successfully f o r e c a s t economic Ibe an attainable target. ' on a debate between the candi- tive committee of the MSU chap- Unaware of Letter '
would be unable to consult SGC .ncreaser are ca for fluctuations over the past 14 years. Investment authority Sidney dates before the election. Answers ter of the American Association of The students continued to sit-in
Scertain matters. He explained In a forecast presented yeste showed 86 per cent were in favor
ORcranmter.H xlie A year ago, the group accurately ;Homer predicted credit expansion86prcn University Professors (AAUP)'~ after the release of Neville's letter.

There. will be a general stu-
dent meeting today at 4 p.m.
in Room 3G of the Michigan
Union to discuss possible reac-
tions to the administration's po-
sition on the draft referendum
and student participation.
munity by utilizing the channels
of communication that already
exist and by crossing the artificial
barriers that may now exist be-
tween the segments of the Uni-
versity community," he said.
(A sampling of faculty opinion
was expressed in a SACUA state-
ment released yesterday which
stated that SACUA "would regret
the withdrawal of SGC." The
statement asserted SACUA's will-
ingness to work with SGC in
"seeking solutions to the vexing
procedural and substantive prob-
lems now before it.")
One focal point of discussion.
concerned the extent to which
SGC could rally campus support.
Several council members cited the
10,000 vote turnout' in Wednes-
day's election as positive, indica-
tions of support
New Committee
A r t h u r Collingsworth, '67,
spokesman for a newly formed ad-
hoc committee known as Students
for Responsibility and Rationality
on the Camnus, announced that



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